Now I feel mean for my kids lists
One of my biggest regrets is buying huge piles if presents from them being tiny. It's so pointless, but once youve started doing it, it gets hard to reign in because they get to an age where theyre expecting that huge pile of pressies... and the older they get the more expensive they get! If i had my time as a first time mum again no way would i be starting out buying so much.
Anyways, I suppose that was a long winded way or saying not to worry, she will be so happy with whatever she gets but it's a brilliant list anyways, shes got lots to open!
It's not the money which bothers me, it's just thinking if she will have enough to do her almost a whole year u til her birthday in October. We got rid of almost all her toys except her dance mat, trampoline, scooter and till. We buy her literally nothing in between special occasions.
Although it's a lot of items her pile looks tiny, that's mainly what is annoying me. Last year we got her a new car seat and the year before it a jumperoo, so her piles looked huge, whereas this year it's footery little things. I might buy some nappies and wipes and wrap those, lol.
Also normally we buy her loads of clothes (again we don't really buy her clothes through the year unless she needs something) but she's just gone into a new size so I don't think she will need new things until summer and there's nothing in shops.
I picked a few small things up like a fleece onesie and a rain suit, she needed those anyway as we don't let her wear jackets in the c9ar.
It's not the money which bothers me, it's just thinking if she will have enough to do her almost a whole year u til her birthday in October. We got rid of almost all her toys except her dance mat, trampoline, scooter and till. We buy her literally nothing in between special occasions.
Although it's a lot of items her pile looks tiny, that's mainly what is annoying me. Last year we got her a new car seat and the year before it a jumperoo, so her piles looked huge, whereas this year it's footery little things. I might buy some nappies and wipes and wrap those, lol.
Also normally we buy her loads of clothes (again we don't really buy her clothes through the year unless she needs something) but she's just gone into a new size so I don't think she will need new things until summer and there's nothing in shops.
I picked a few small things up like a fleece onesie and a rain suit, she needed those anyway as we don't let her wear jackets in the c9ar.
But she won't remember last year, she has nothing to compare it to, shes 2. She will have a grand time opening them all and I'm sure if she needs anything extra mid year then you'll get her it x