Beach Bumps - July Rainbows

That's awful Amjon... To have go through that after everything else.

I'll give it a couple of days and if it's still bad I'll go the docs.
Mine was awful fj-- I was sometimes changing pads every couple of hours (wearing two at a time overnight) and still leaking at times!! Was worst period ever!! Try not to worry too much.. But of course if it doesnt ease off it best to get checked out xxx
Fj mine was super heavy, like nothing I'd ever had before.... just waiting for my second af now :wacko:
Have those who are bfing had periods? I haven't-I know this is the norm tho. Also have any of you had episiotomies? I'm going to see Dr tomorrow (my 6 week check found everything to be normal) however I feel im getting repeated thrush despite taking 2 capsules and the area where scar is hurts when standing for more than 20 minutes, like a heavy weighty pressure. Im hoping it's an internal pile as im also suffering from those too-the joys labour has given my poor body! But I think it's the scar tissue/place where my haematoma pain was.

Dolly/anyone on nhs maternity pay-am I right in thinking that smp starts from week 9 for 39 weeks, as the first 8 weeks are full pay with no smp?
I am still bfing and no period. yay. and I had a c section, but still hadissues with my girl parts. so unfair! I had a uti right after, then I had to do 2 rounds of antibiotics for bacterial infection and 2 rounds of cream for yeast infection. I'm finally better this week. my ob said my hormones could cause a ph balance issue and it took awhile to get back to normal. we even dtd last night. my poor dh was ready to get things back on at 6 weeks and had to wait 9.
Think so a! But I find it all very confusing! But yes the first 8 weeks is full pay.. Think the nhs claim the smp for those weeks though (it makes up the full pay) it's strange actually cause my first two months pay were pretty high.. Higher than normal.. But this months is crap. So I dunno how they work it out xxx
How long are u planning on staying off work A? Xxx
Im still bleeding on and off its sooooo annoying! It stopped for 3 days but then lo started getting good at bfing and it all kicked off again! Its tailing off now but my bits feel chaffed!. Had epic 7hrs sleep last night! Shes been gripey so on the water drops she likes it! And happier now phew! Shes nearly six wks nowL
We are on holiday I. Cornwall and shes been super really, loving the baby wrap its easier than pram! Going to lost gardens on helegan tomorrow I cant wait!
Oh boo-I didn't think the smp was included in the first 8 weeks :-( I was thinking id have an extra 2 months of smp...well in that case think ill be returning around March, you?

I love my wrap sling too-hardly use the pram!
Btw-how much do your babies weigh? Nia is a big girl :-/ im exclusively breastfeeding (oh uses expressed in bottle) and she was 55cm at birth, 8lb 6oz and was 13lb at 7.5 weeks! It's ok for a boy-OH jokes she's going to be a shot putter!

She has been sleeping well recently, 8-4am then 4:30-8/9. But today she has been fussy-coming off the breast at every let down (she should be used to it so doubt it's the flow) and it's so sad to see :-( OH has been giving her my milk in the morning the last two days as well as the usual night feed when she first wakes, so I can only think she's starting to prefer the bottle. ..even though she's been having one a day since birth. I've got a sore throat today so maybe she has too-although that doesn't explain the bottle preference.
I had Archie weighed last week (12 weeks) and he's a whopping 15lb2 He loves his milk and is on five 8oz bottles a day! I don't think we will make it to 6months before weaning, we'll be lucky if we make it to 4 :wacko: that being said, my pregnant friend was told by her mw that they are changing the age of weaning back to 3 months.... Thats what it was when i had Martine.

I'm not sure hun.... If you're feeling un well maybe its making your milk taste different? I know when you get AF it can make it turn funny which can cause unusual fussyness :shrug:

I got AF yesterday, its started light so i'm hoping its not a repeat of last month... the period pain would suggest otherwise though :(
BOO for af!
A1 do you read the wonder weeks maybe shes having her 9wk leap? I think mayla just ended her first leap she much brighter and looking at things more deffinately, crying slightly less!
Can I ask you how often and when you express? I can never find time but I know I need to so I can stop formula feeding in evenings. Also have you sussed feeding Nia in the wrap? What do you wear to make it easier?
Yesterday a lady congratulated me for bfing in a cafe!:blush: I was like oh thanks I didnt really hAve a choice it was this or screaming! It was nice of her to comment though.
Off to visit in laws tomorrow, its going to be hectic, jay has sooo many relatives who all want to see us/ Mahayla!
A - I had an episiotomy. Haven't had any problems though, hope your check up went well.

Martha is 12 weeks and weighs 10lbs 13oz now!

I wish you girls lived near me! Feeling like I need baby mama friends! Have to look into baby groups near me. Anyone else do this? How did you find it?

I can't help there hun... baby groups, toddler groups and playgrounds are my worst nightmare! X
Yeah I went to play and weigh and tried to chat to a few girls, but they were quite rude. In my area they seem to be either really rough or really posh! But generally rude!

Its the same here but they're mostly posh and stuck right up their backsides.... I can't stand that I like down to earth people with character. Then if you go to the next town they're quite rough.... sigh I could rant about this forages lol xxx
oh fj i know what you mean i would love it if we all knew each other IRL :( i hope you find some yummy mummys to hang with. i have three mummy friends but we never find the time to talk let alone meet up!!
I'm going to try a baby group on Thursday - wish me luck!

I ended up talking to the cleaning lady more at play and weigh than other mums! Siiigh!

Hi ladies, gosh I've missed this board! Sorry I haven't been on I don't know where the days go and I found being a new mummy completely overwhelming I was worrying about anything and everything!! Plus Erin had colic/silent reflux it was so hard but she seems to be much better now...except I think she is starting to teeth already :-/ but I think I've finally found my feet...ish! Still no routine really but I stick to a bedtime routine which so far is going well! I ended up having to FF which I was really down about for first few weeks & still feel guilty now but decided there's no point beating myself up and she is thriving that's the main thing!

How are all your lo's doing? Have any of you tried baby groups, I'm on waiting list for baby sensory and my baby massage starts this week! Xx
Merri I pump in the morning once Nia has had a feed and settled/asleep and the other boob is full for pumping x

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