bf twins


Mommy to twin boys & NTNP
Oct 13, 2010
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So I had my boys at 37 weeks on september 14th :D I've been breastfeeding but one of the boys, Connor, was not gaining weight back and the pediatrician has me supplementing with formula. I feel like I'm not producing enough milk for them bc everytime i nurse them (even if they stay latched on for 45 minutes) they are still hungry and crying for more. I started pumping too 2 days (during the time when I give them formula so it doesnt effect supply) and i'm getting only about an ounce and a half over the whole day. And its only really coming from one side....

does this sound normal or is there something I can do to increase supply more? Its getting kinda depressing because I feel like i'm not able to provide for them and I hate to hear them cry. I'm getting to the point where i'm about ready to give up breastfeeding even though I really dont want was very important to me that I was able to breast feed them.
Hmmm it does sound like you're not producing much. Even with one baby I could easily pump 4oz that early on. After 4 months it decreased, but there was alot at first.

Fenugreek capsules worked great for me later when I had supply issues. They're a pretty cheap supplement too. I used to take 2 capsules 3 times/day and noticed an increase in milk 48 hrs later. Also pumping marathons helped (I would pump even after empty for at least an hour while watching tv each night), but that would be hard to find time to do with 2 week old twins!

I believe there is also a medication you can get from your doctor to increase milk supply.

:hugs: but if it still doesn't work out, please don't feel bad. Formula feeding or combo feeding isn't the end of the world. I was able to exclusively bf my son, but am going into it this time knowing that combo feeding might end up being necessary. Maybe not, but I'm ok if that's how things end up.
I'll have to try those supplements....did you get them at a special store or were you able to get them anywhere?

I do mix the milk I pump with formula...i have 2 oz from over the last 2 days that will be mixed tonight (i give them formula at night before bed) I am taking Connor to the pediatrician tomorrow for another weighing and I plan on asking them for advice too. I just really wanted to exclusively breast feed, the benefit for them is most important but I also wanted to prove people wrong who said I wouldnt be able to with twins....

Thanks for the advice on the supplements, I'll definitely take a look at them!
Oh and how did you find out about the supplement? Was it recommended by your doctor?
I took fenugreek, ate tons of oatmeal, drank TONS of water, ate lots of nutritious foods, pumped between feedings and pumped even after nothing was coming out. All of those things helped. The most helpful thing is to keep breast feeding, the babies sucking on you will call for the milk. I won't lie, it was a terrible time and I had lots of tears, but I kept at it and we got to where we needed to be. Now it is a joy to feed them.

Oh, and what you can pump is NOT an indicator of what you are producing. I sometimes cant pump anything out, even with the hospital grade pump, but I can simply squeeze my breast and see there is milk there. The babies are much more efficient at getting the milk out.

You can do it! Eye of the tiger!!!! :happydance: :hugs:
Doctors are not apt to suggest herbs, but fenugreek is widely known to help. I think I first heard about it from NICU nurses and the breast feeding consultants there. There is also "Mothers tea" which has some fenugreek in it, I drank that lots. You can get these things at health food stores and maybe even regular grocery stores...
One last thing, I would call the doctor and say that you would rather "top off" instead of supplementing the feed, because supplementing is detrimental to building your supply. Ask if you can breast feed for 45 minutes, then top off with some formula- not give an entire feed of formula. This way, the babies get the extra that the doctor wants, but you are still being hounded by the babies to supply what they need. xo
Im having a really hard time drinking water...for some reason it is making me sick, and im never hungry. Im worried that some of this is indicative of post partum depression...ive had a lot of crying today :cry: ill have to.swing by the health food store tomorrow and look for the tea, that would help with my water intake oh was the oatmeal for a specific reason or just for nutritional reasons?
One last thing, I would call the doctor and say that you would rather "top off" instead of supplementing the feed, because supplementing is detrimental to building your supply. Ask if you can breast feed for 45 minutes, then top off with some formula- not give an entire feed of formula. This way, the babies get the extra that the doctor wants, but you are still being hounded by the babies to supply what they need. xo

Thats what they told me to do...i guess i should have said that rather than supplementing...they told me to breast feed and then offer an ounce or 2 of formula after feeding to get some extra in him. But bc he usually falls asleep during BF and its very hard to wake him up sometimes that formula replaces the next time I would nurse so that I can give it to him without him fall asleep. Thats when I pump...the only time we give a full feed of formula is right before they go to bed.
Im writing back, but with one hand (Im nursing onr right now), so hang on...
Im having a really hard time drinking water...for some reason it is making me sick, and im never hungry. Im worried that some of this is indicative of post partum depression...ive had a lot of crying today :cry: ill have to.swing by the health food store tomorrow and look for the tea, that would help with my water intake oh was the oatmeal for a specific reason or just for nutritional reasons?

This is a VERY stressful time. First: Think of a song that makes you feel happy and relaxes your body. The cheesier the better. Mine was a song from the seventies "Let your love flow". I would sing it out loud or in my head throughout the day when the anxiety was building to the unbearable place. I would especially sing it when they were at my breast and I would try to relax as much as possible and feel the "love flow" out of me..... feel like I was ALLOWING the milk to come.........

The oatmeal helps with milk supply, even oatmeal cookies :) And it really works. Water is very important, too. Try relaxing/singing/any other trick before you chug a lug. Tell yourself it is going to freshen you and fix everything, literally say those words out loud before you sip, make your body want it. You need to drink LOTS.

I have one more trick up my sleeve for you, but try the other things first. You ARE going to get there. I have been where you are. It is a dark time and it SHOULD be a bright time. Sweet, beautiful, new mama... it WILL be bright- I PROMISE!!!!!!!
Hee hee. :haha:
Thank you so much! i'll start eating oatmeal for breakfast everyday and i'm going to look for that tea tomorrow! do you mind if i PM you if i have other questions? you've been really helpful and made me smile with how nice you have been! and i'll try the singing, i'm sure the boys will like it too! :D
one of my boys had started fussing and i started that video....he fell back asleep lol
PM me any time. I'll even give you my phone number if you want. I'm in your corner and there are lots of other women here who will chime in over the next few days... really great women here and great support.
PS- the audience in that video cracks me up!!!! They are like zombies. :haha:
I just wanted to pipe in and say that the Fenugreek worked wonders for me as well.

My son was 5 weeks early which may have caused my milk not to come in right. Anyway after 10 days my milk still had come even with BF and pumping and everything LL told me to do. Fenugreek was my last hope and in the middle of the night after I took my first supplement it finally came in. Within two days of taking it I was able to pump 4 oz!

Most people will try to talk you out of BF but don't give up hope.

You can do it!! :hugs:
I just wanted to pipe in and say that the Fenugreek worked wonders for me as well.

My son was 5 weeks early which may have caused my milk not to come in right. Anyway after 10 days my milk still had come even with BF and pumping and everything LL told me to do. Fenugreek was my last hope and in the middle of the night after I took my first supplement it finally came in. Within two days of taking it I was able to pump 4 oz!

Most people will try to talk you out of BF but don't give up hope.

You can do it!! :hugs:

Than ks! Im excited to try it and see if it works first me. Just the possibility of having something that could help makes me feel a lot better, because I know everything could be going much more smooth in just a few days. Did up take it in pill form or tea?

Hubbys grandmother who wasnt positive about me breastfeeding from the beginning has made comments about me giving it up without even knowing im having a problem. His whole famiky didnt like that everyday is based around me bf them and that it was an on demand thing with no schedule. His aunt also felt that I should automatically feel comfortable bf in. front of everyone and that bc I wasnt I was denying them access to the boys! Im sure that stress didnt help when it was all I heard the whole first 2 weeks. But we have moved on from that and I dont want to.give into them and quit!

Ok rant over lol

thanks for "piping in" :D

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