Hey don't be messing with my title! If you look closely in the fuzzy bunch underneath there is even one that is done into the light as instructed by the former Queen!!!
Here are my funny bunch of evaps. -It's hillarious, first time in the past year and a half of monitored cycles to hit 15DPO (28 days like clockwork normally according to the FF charts), some would say AF is 2 days late and that with no sperm and while researching donor IUI after my next IVF with ICSI and Egg Sharing is as close to allien abduction as possible
What's really funny in a pathetic kind of way is that I don't seem to stop starring at the evaps and accept my ovaries are slowly giving up or something and am still peeing on anything resembling thin paper despite knowing that if I were preggers it would show nice and clear by now!-
Before anyone says anything, I KNOW I am barking mad! No more POASing on anything, my
must be taking a month's vacation, I need a stiff drink.