BFN's Add Yours!!!

So this month I have been good and did no more than these ones:

Oh fine, who am I kidding? Maybe these ones too:

WHAT?!?! They cost pennies, right? Besides I'm infertile, these are my anti-depressants!

Oh and this was the most BFPy evap:

Tonight's I lost in this sea as I was lining them for photos :rofl: but I will post tomorrow's blank or an exciting evap taken with FMU.

Happy ladies? :) Btw, I only have some 9 OPKs and under 20 HPTs left... what am I gonna do?!?
I crown thee "Princess Pee-On-A-Stick"!!!

You go girl!!!

I must say the evap is pretty nice too.... just gotta practice your camera work (a little fuzzy!)
*Takes a bow* Thank you Our Former Queen!!! I shall practice and practice and then practice some more. :) Sadly.

I must dash now for 29 practice photos have been taken this morning and await download. I promise all an exciting evap! - I shall start using a real digital camera soon, these phones don't capture the true nature of a beautiful evap!-.
So here goes ladies, the story of the 10 DPO infertile evap :)

Meet your evap:

Just as soon as it appears -politely within the time frame, of course- I notice it climbes on a tile to give itself a better photographic background:

Then against the battered door of the spare bathroom where I happened to be conducting experiments:

Against yesterday's evap just to show it's better, the cheeky bugger!

And against the cabinet as it thought it got better light.

Have I had nothing to do with its actions? Of course not, I am but a mere photographic reporter!

P.S. I've learned how "To Invert" - looky Obsessed much? LOL


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If you had enough time to do all those shots, it may be a BFP... all my evaps disappeared after like a minute. I had to time it perfectly.
Yeah we have a new Princess to take over but I must say you can be queen very quickly on here you just need a few more evaps. I hope you don't get a chance to be queen though, I hope one of them is a :bfp: good luck.
Umm it's still here. It kinda disappoints me evap wise as well since it's now darker in colour... just like old before-O day positive OPKs look like a few days later, you know... Oh you don't? You're normal and throw your pee sticks, not like me, eh?!?
I still have my opk's from October 28!!! My DH wants to keep them!

I know websites say not to do this, but it worked for me...

Do a test with 2MU, wait the 3 minutes or whatever you are supposed to to wait for it to be legit and then hold it up to a window to bring out the line and make it more clearer. If you have a line then.... I would say that you will be testing pos on a digi in 2-3 days.
I found that my dollar store tests showed a little better than my IC's but I wouldn't waste my $ on a FRER until AFTER AF is due.
Gosh I really do hope it's your BFP MissAma, it would be brilliant news! xx
Good morning ladies. This morning settles it. I now am surely going to stay and reign this thread for many many months so get used to me. :D

ICs had nothing but thin evaps -nothing like yesterday!!!- and even those appeared on minute 12 and respectively 13:40 (yeah I timed them, so?!? :rofl:) and the CB had a thin half of a plus. Very strong and visible from arm's (and leg's) length but I read on here -I think-and elsewhere that CBs give positive results galore so we'll discount that one as silliness.

The FRER I won't do as they are so hard to come by if you're on the wrong side of the pond.

It's 11DPO today and AF is due Wednesday or Thursday so I can vouch to bring you at least 3 more installments of BFNs till then!:happydance:


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that first one sure i see a line !! well wheres af then !!

awww well hun,look forward to ur ivf etc,best of luck (still know i saw lines yday!)
wishin u all the best in the future hun xxxxx
This is getting really exciting MissAma, are you sure the middle one is just an evap?? And previously you said they dried like an old neg OPH (yes I know what you mean) surely evaps stay grey or disappear all together?? Confusing.

Looking forward to tomorrows evap installment.
So here goes ladies, the story of the 10 DPO infertile evap :)

Meet your evap:

Just as soon as it appears -politely within the time frame, of course- I notice it climbes on a tile to give itself a better photographic background:

Then against the battered door of the spare bathroom where I happened to be conducting experiments:

Against yesterday's evap just to show it's better, the cheeky bugger!

And against the cabinet as it thought it got better light.

Have I had nothing to do with its actions? Of course not, I am but a mere photographic reporter!

P.S. I've learned how "To Invert" - looky Obsessed much? LOL

:rofl: MrBum followed this with some interest and asked, which is better; bathroom tiles or battered door? :lol:

On a more serious note, I most definitely see a line there... and I read on your other thread about your OPK with smu getting a nice dark line... Will you be testing again or are you sticking to your no-testing rule? I personally wouldn't be able to resist but I understand why you want to refrain. Still... No harm in testing is there - you don't have to get your hopes up, right? ;) Just conduct a few more "experiments" lol

Best of luck xx
Ok if those pics from today are evap (though they look too clear and dark to be evap but thats just my oppinion) then I crown you new evap queen. If they are not evaps (like I would like to think) then you must forfeit your crown and be banished from this thread for falsifying yourself as an evap queen.
You ladies are awful, awful enablers! - Thank God!-

Tasha - you and Mr.Bum are an inspiration to me, read back through most of your exciting journey and can't wait to read and see the next installment of your story ;)

SRM - Evaps without doubt. You mean the CB? Even that one is IMO. I'm starting to believe that I am one of the "1 in 59076 trillion women get positives for no reason" rather than "1 in all of women who gets CPs every month even in the absence of sperm" LOL. Since it's most likely the former, I will be able to provide you ladies with them every month till we do our next IVF round, so pass me that crown! I always thought Princesses are supposed to be young and girlish and fresh.... I've changed prefix this year, do I still qualify?!?

When do you start testing?

I can't well leave you with no pic, right? Here are the requested OPKs Pux. (In order over the past few days, I know it's blurry but I will correct it, I've ordered a proper camera LOL)


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Yes the crown is yours, I sadly pass it to you with a time limit, the next time you get your IVF you can not produce any evaps. I do not know when i will be testing, my LP is 11 days and I am 10 today, do not applaud me for my will power, it is only because I did not believe I Oed because my temps seemed too low, so until today I refused to believe I Oed, even though i had EWCM and O pains from Supposed O day and still weirdly have them off and on, oh and because I can not get away and sneak to get tests, The last one is probably the real reason because if I had tests i would have already been taking them, Should start tues but that is only if I really did O and if my LP stayed the same after I had my son.
right thought would add to this thread keep meaning to but then i get side tracked and forget. i'm 3dpo or around that and poas'd a) to produce bfns for you lovely ladies and b) to stop me testing when i'm closer to af and meaning i have to wait til af is due til i test. i used my last internet cheapy up today and theres another from last week (i thought i had already ov'd and got a + opk so decided to do a hpt just incase,turns out i did ov with that + opk lol)

hoping i can get the pics on through my new laptop.


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Wow those are a beaut! Stark white! I've missed that. :rofl: and a good camera you have.

What do you mean the last one though?!?! How are we gonna get more evaps out of you meanwhile?!?
lol i'm sure i'll buy some more. i'm no good at waitting til af due and if i dont i might get a bfp on the frers i have upstairs (though secretly hoping i dont and get a nice shiny bfp closer to the time!).

i'm sure i'll be adding again in a few days time x

p.s i did have a really good pick of one looking like an evap but for some reason it didnt save to my laptop and there was only those 2 pics darn it!

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