Oooo best of luck MrsKC!!! Don't give up yet!! Little boy must be coming soon!!!
Thanks JRC for sharing your feelings

I am true believer in intuition....
Juniper sounds like you have it all in hand... Now just to get it happening!
BWilliams best of luck with your decisions... it can't be easy that's for sure...
Well AFM I had my second beta and my HCG is 4690!!! (at 21DPO) I think that is good but the nurses at the clinic are shocking they don't say it's bad or good or high or low they just say it's "ok" so I'm doing lots of Googling and I think it is ok (I thought it was high for 4w6d preg but who knows).....
Next Monday another blood test for my 3rd beta and then hopefully a scan... I have not gotten this far last time and yesterday I was a nutcase thinking everything was going wrong... but it wasn't it is all ok... Phew I'll have a big party when I get to 12 weeks xo