Hello Lovelies!
Oh Steffy, I am so sorry to hear about your mc. We are here for you.
Brooke - 4 days late??
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am doing fine. Feeling much better and that helps a lot. I am having a much harder time parting with my girls than I am ttc.

I still have the compulsion to come on here several times a day.. I have been doing well with backing off of ttc though. I stopped temping and my trying not to think about it so much. I am sure that I am not going to be able to back off completely. I have checked my cm and cervix a few times and what not... This is hard. I still want it SO much, of course a part of me is hoping that the "don't try so hard" thing will work... The thing that has been nagging me the past couple days is the thought of all of you getting your bfps and leaving me behind. Not, that I am not happy for you preggos and wishing bfps for everyone. I guess I just feel alone and it would really hurt if that happened.