Blighted ovum stories?


3 with wings...
Sep 11, 2009
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Hi all, am currently waiting to mc third time, this one's a blighted ovum, just wanted to hear other's stories about BO. Mine started out well, hcg's doubled at first tho they were on the low side, then stopped doubling but always went up, at 6w5d they were finally 6820. But, starting at 5w5d the u/s showed no fetal pole or yolk sac, a week later there was a yolk sac, this week everything's grown but still no embryo. Doc said another u/s next tuesday with d&c after if it's the same. But last night I started lightly spotting and have some pressure, cramping going on. I'd like to pass naturally, and am hoping it won't take too long now that there's spotting.
Question- has anyone had testing done on a blighted ovum? It seems to me it would be difficult to test as there's no embryo, any experience with this, anyone??
Hiya my 1st m/c was a blighted ovum in Dec 10. I started with spotting at 5 1/2 weeks scan showed no pole etc just a sac. After many weeks of scans blood tests (HCG was very high - over 10,000) I showed no sign of passing it naturally so had medical management at 9 weeks. I was offered no testing because as you say I don't think there is anything to test. Sorry to here you are going through this. I am also m/cing for the 3rd time so if you want to chat get in touch at any time xxx
I am gussing my MC was a blighted ovum, my Dr. just called it an "abnormal pregnancy". I got my BFP at 10 dpo, nine days later I started spotting. I went in for a blood test and my HCG levels were at 1400 and my progesterone was at 6.8. I went on progesterone supplements. I went in 2 days later and my HCG only rose to 2100 (so increasing, but only about 50% every 2 days). I ended up spotting for about 6 days. I went in at 7 weeks for an U/S. They did both an abdominal and a vaginal U/S and only saw an empty gestational sac, no yolk sac, no fetal pole. I went in for repeat blood tests and my HCG was now over 20,000. I ended up having a D&C. I wasn't offered any testing other than the typical pathology tests they do. Good Luck.
Hi Guys,
Im new on here and am currently suffering my second consecutive miscarriage. I had one in May 2011 at 17 weeks but baby was on 12w4d and appears to have died after my perfect nuchal translucency scan. I conceived within 2 months and had it confirmed on 9th sept 11 that I have a blighted ovum am 9w2d pregnancy sac. Just wondering when I should expect to miscarry as I want to do it naturally? Any advice would be helpful. x
Thanx for responding and for your stories! Makeawishx, so sorry you're going thru this too...
Update on me- spotting for 3 days with cramps and finally at 4am I had terrible cramps and passed some clots/blood (sorry if tmi), now I have a low grade fever, diarrhea and just feel weak and icky. I can't imagine that the little bit I passed was everything, I'm 7 weeks so thought there'd be more. I hate to think I have to sit at home for days, waiting for it all to happen...the unknown is truly the worst thing...
You'll find the few clots was probably the majority of it and the rest will dissolve as blood.
I've had a Bo and it passed easily, just like a period
I got through it knowing no life was taken, just a tiny sac
I conceived again not long after and carried right through
Best of luck x:hugs:
i had a blightum ovum when i thought i was 8 weeks 5 days, but on the scan it was 5 weeks 1 day. i had a yolk sac, but no fetal pool. i went back a week later and i measured at 5 weeks 2 days which summed it up for me. i had a d&c the next day. that one week wait was torture for me, i was told i would miscarry but i never did. i still felt pregnant as ever with cravings and nausea knowing that my baby never developed and i couldnt stand the though of waiting to bleed at home. thats why i choose D&C.
You'll find the few clots was probably the majority of it and the rest will dissolve as blood.
I've had a Bo and it passed easily, just like a period
I got through it knowing no life was taken, just a tiny sac
I conceived again not long after and carried right through
Best of luck x:hugs:

Really?? That'd be super if that was all, thanks for this info! I'm going tomorrow for an u/s to check things out. :wacko:
I think the waiting for the unknown was the worst part for me. I just wanted it to be over. Still feeling pregnant with all those hormones was strange. I finally had to have a D&C three weeks later. It's been 5 days since the D&C and I just started to bleed and feel very nausious and dizzy. The doctor says this is normal. I'm tired of feeling crappy and just want to feel better again.
Hi Bellamamma, Its the waiting that drives me mad!! Had 4 weeks of scans before it was confirmed. No signs of anything happening yet. I'm back in 10 days (11 wks) to assess whats happened to date and may be given tablets to get things started as I dont want a D&C. Im feeling really tired, my breasts still hurt like mad, feel bit sick and totally bewildered. I had to deliver my dead baby boy in May this year (still miss him terribly) and now this, I've been pregnant most of the year and nothing to show for it. Luckily I already have kids or I would be a lot worse. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long, are you planning to try again soon?
Well today on the way to the ED for an u/s, I passed the sac, strange but good as now I can finally get it tested. Feel much better physically, have to take methergin for a few days and get a follow up u/s. Ready to move on...hugs to all going thru m/c's..
Makeawishx, how are you doing??
Hi Bellamamma, Hope you feeling better. Im fine and have told a few people cos I fell like Im in limbo and it probably shows in my behaviour. I think I'm gonna need medication to get things started. You keep strong x
Hi Bellamamma, Its the waiting that drives me mad!! Had 4 weeks of scans before it was confirmed. No signs of anything happening yet. I'm back in 10 days (11 wks) to assess whats happened to date and may be given tablets to get things started as I dont want a D&C. Im feeling really tired, my breasts still hurt like mad, feel bit sick and totally bewildered. I had to deliver my dead baby boy in May this year (still miss him terribly) and now this, I've been pregnant most of the year and nothing to show for it. Luckily I already have kids or I would be a lot worse. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long, are you planning to try again soon?

Hey, so sorry about your losses, and so close too :cry: i really hope they get you some help to start mc, I feel so much better now it's over. I, too, have been pregnant alot (3 times in 2 yrs), and with nothing to show for it but a flabby belly and lots of anger! I'm not "allowed" to try again til I've had some testing, to see if there's a reason or just bad luck. But can't wait too long at my age! Have to have a heart to heart with OH to just to make sure we're on the same page with this, sigh.....:shrug: big hugs...:hugs:
Hi Bellamamma, hopefully its just bad luck or something that can be fixed with you. I had a barage of tests in 2003 in recurrent miscarriage clinic and all tests came back fine Myself and partner have normal genotype so just bad luck to now. I personally think my present bad luck is down to age cos im nearly 40. I had a silent placental abruption and so didnt rest, was lifting, climbing stairs and running around cos I was unaware of the pending disaster, he was dead 4 wks before I spotted. I still feel so guilty but I seriously didnt know. At what stages did you have your other miscarriages? and how long did it take to concieve?
Oh that's awful, I'm so sorry! Why can't there be a red warning light or an alarm that goes off so we know something's wrong!? Not knowing's the worst! My first was feb. '10, at 11 weeks, missed mc, it was gone for 4 weeks but didn't know, had a d&c (that was after 14 months ttc, 9 months later got bfp and lost right away at 5-6 weeks, had some testing which came back normal (immune and clotting stuff, thyroid), 9 long months again, this one only to lose it at 7 wks!! Plus, am now 43 and a half so...I'm guessing it's an age thing, but would sure be nice if it were something fixable! Don't know if we'll go on at this point, our relationship really suffers as we handle our pain so differently and can't seem to understand the other's ways...iykwim! Kind of in limbo land now, just started a new job so that gives me something else to concentrate on at least part time! Where do you live, uk or us? I'm american but live in italy. Hugs
Hi, This is my first pregnancy and although my fiance and I do want children, we were terrified at the news. I have been off birth control for about two months and was waiting to see a new doctor to obtain a new prescription. I had an appointment with her on the 2nd of September, urine preg test was negative. A week ago, my guy and I had a whoops (we were not actively trying to have children) and I took Plan B. Since then, I began to experience lower abdominal cramping and light pink spotting. But the pains began to increase and we got nervous. Yesterday we took 2 tests that were positive. In my shock I went directly to the clinic and had another (I guess I needed someone else to tell me because I could not believe my eyes) Last night and this morning the pain increased and I feared etopic pregnancy. I just returned from the E.R. and was told that although my hcG levels are over 6500, there is no embryo. They said I was five weeks pregnant (which is strange because I had a normal cycle in August.) I was told to go home and wait for the miscarriage, but the stress of this is killing me. I just want this to end. I'm considering RU486 or something to end this. Emotionally, I think I'm okay (as long as I talk about it) because we weren't ready...and there is no baby. Whats strange is this slight feeling of inadequacy that I can't put my finger on...Its we are not ready, but I wanted things to be my choice? I'm confused....Anyone ever felt this way?
I can't stand the thought of waiting....I scheduled a D and C for Monday and I think this is the best decision. I feel so strange...I'm pregnant, but I'm not. Honestly, there is some relief because we were not ready for a child, but my fiance and I are both remorseful. We should have been ready for a child, we should be smarter than this....I don't know. We are managing and strangely enough bonding through this situation. I'm slightly worried about the D and C and how I will feel before, during, and after.
Okay, I'm VERY worried about how I'm going to feel.
Lets be honest.
Hi ladies.

I am so sorry you are al going through this. I found my experience was awful.

I found out at 7.5 weeks. I chose to wait naturally and wished i hadnt.

It took 8 weeks!!! I ended up taking anti sickness tablets as the nausea was awful until about 11 weeks.

At 15 weeks a D and C was scheduled but as i had started spotting i could pass it naturally. It took ten days of spotting before i passed any large clots. Then nothing for a few days then very large clots. Many of them the size of apples and larger.

I passed out and ended up in A and E with a blood transfusion.

It is always your decision but if i could have turned back time i would have had the D and C straight away.

I passed the sac 5th July and did not stop bleeding until i started a heavy dose of Norethisterne three times a day for ten days. So i spotted for 6 weeks and obviously my hormones were up the shoot. I also had hcg in my system for 8 weeks. So all i wanted to do was TTC but ended up being in limbo for nearly 4mths from start to finish.

I must add though, that despite teh massive bleeding i had no pain whatsoever!


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