BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

Ooh, I'm loving the recipes, definitely going to give those a try :thumbup:

CD, sounds like Olivia might be having teething issues, Aisling seems to cut back too when her mouth is bothering her :hugs:

I've been having some issues with Aisling lately because she seems absolutely convinced that I'm eating something different to her :lol: She's not bothered about DH's food but keeps looking at hers and then craning her neck to look at mine - I tip my plate / bowl to show her it's the same but she has this little distrustful look on her face! I know I should probably let her have a mush with her hands in my food but :sick: - no chance!!

lol Kian was doing this to OH 2night...he kept leaning over to see OHs plate then looking at his own as if to see if they were the same.

He also holds out bits of his food to me as if he's offering a swap! or at least thats what i imagine he's doing...he might actually just be randomly holding his food filled hand in my direction :shrug:

is anyone elses LO obsessed with their drinks? Kian watches me drink and goes mad trying to reach for it etc. if its water in my glass then i'll give him abit and i always give him his own little cup of water but he's far more interested in mine (pos coz he can see its a different colour to water sometimes!)
Yes Ruby is obssessed with drinks! She's been like it since she was about 4 months, getting really worked up if I have a cup of tea, trying to grab it, not ideal! I don't have a drink while she's eating now because it totally distracts her!
I don't have a drink while she's eating now because it totally distracts her!

I am the same with Olivia, she wont touch food if she sees a drink around.

Well I definately think Olivia is teething, she still hasnt eaten much and decided to give me a good bite this morning during her bf.

I am going to give those recipes a try, sometimes I think Olivia get bored with the meals I offer because I am not the greatest cook :blush:
Ouch countingdown!

Ruby nearly always eats lots of her breakfast but today she had about 3 mouthfuls then wouldn't pick up the spoon. Then she pushed herself away from the table! (we have a tripp trapp chair and a wooden floor so she could do this easily if she wants but never has before) Everytime I pulled her back up to the table she pushed herself away again! I really wonder if this was deliberate - when I think she's done I obviously pull her away from the table and get her out of the maybe she was trying to tell me she didn't want any more.
Or maybe I'm a deluded mum!
He also holds out bits of his food to me as if he's offering a swap! or at least thats what i imagine he's doing...he might actually just be randomly holding his food filled hand in my direction :shrug: QUOTE]

Olivia does this with me, when she first started to do it I thought it was just random too. I dont think Olivia tries to swap though, she just tries to shove the piece of food at my mouth lol :haha: I do wonder were she has picked this up from though, I have held bits of food out to her before from my plate but I have never held anything to her mouth :shrug:
Then she pushed herself away from the table! (we have a tripp trapp chair and a wooden floor so she could do this easily if she wants but never has before) Everytime I pulled her back up to the table she pushed herself away again!

We have exactly the same, Freya is still not 100% since she was ill last week and every mealtime she is having one or two mouthfuls and pushing herself away. I don't know whether she is playing or whether she is saying she is finished? I tend to push her back a few times to check but she always pushes herself away again. I find it a bit annoying at times as obv I would like her to eat but I know it may take a while after being so sick. Still irritating though! Lol.
I dont think you are deluded Mum2b, if she had stopped eating I would take it as a sign she had finished too. Olivia rubs her eyes and the sides of her face when she has finished eating (I used to take this as a sign that she was tired and try and get her to sleep, though after unsucessfully trying to get her to sleep for the 100th time it finally clicked lol)
Need some advice girlies...

So far I've not been thinking too much abut what I give G or planning for him in particular but he's starting to get the hang of things and so I want to make sure I offer foods more.

In the morning I offer him whatever I am having for breakfast - crumpet, toast or yoghurt if I have cereal.

At lunch I tend to have nibbly bits - salad, fruit, cheese etc and so offer him that; I am trying to think of some easy proper meals for us though too.

In the evening if my DH is on an early shift G gets a proper meal with us but if DH is on a late shift I tend to give him nibbly bits again which obviously isn't ideal long term. I do steam/stir fry some things for him at this point and eat some fruit or veg with him. Today I gave him baby porridge coz I had a freebie sample... (I just loaded the spoon for him)

Anyway my questions:
*If I'm giving nibbly bits I tend to try and give 1-2 things I know he likes, 1 new thing and 1 thing he has previously rejected - does that seem sensible?
*If I manage 1 breakfast, 1 "proper" meal and 1 nibbly meal most days does that sound ok?

And finally my very stupid question - I'm tempted to buy proper porridge coz I llike it anyway. Is it easy to make? And do the packs have instructions on?
Then she pushed herself away from the table! (we have a tripp trapp chair and a wooden floor so she could do this easily if she wants but never has before) Everytime I pulled her back up to the table she pushed herself away again!

We have exactly the same, Freya is still not 100% since she was ill last week and every mealtime she is having one or two mouthfuls and pushing herself away. I don't know whether she is playing or whether she is saying she is finished? I tend to push her back a few times to check but she always pushes herself away again. I find it a bit annoying at times as obv I would like her to eat but I know it may take a while after being so sick. Still irritating though! Lol.

Glad it's not just us! When Ruby did it at lunchtime I just left her there because I didn't want it to become a game, she kept trying to reach to get food off the table, so very confused now. In the end I held her in place, which was a bit annoying to do but she kept eating, which I guess she wouldn't do if she didn't want to.
Then she pushed herself away from the table! (we have a tripp trapp chair and a wooden floor so she could do this easily if she wants but never has before) Everytime I pulled her back up to the table she pushed herself away again!

We have exactly the same, Freya is still not 100% since she was ill last week and every mealtime she is having one or two mouthfuls and pushing herself away. I don't know whether she is playing or whether she is saying she is finished? I tend to push her back a few times to check but she always pushes herself away again. I find it a bit annoying at times as obv I would like her to eat but I know it may take a while after being so sick. Still irritating though! Lol.

Glad it's not just us! When Ruby did it at lunchtime I just left her there because I didn't want it to become a game, she kept trying to reach to get food off the table, so very confused now. In the end I held her in place, which was a bit annoying to do but she kept eating, which I guess she wouldn't do if she didn't want to.

Freya does exactly the same!! She tries to reach food from too far away aswell. I have held her in place before but she is SO strong, she ends up pushing so hard the whole tables moves away. This evening I tried leaving her pushed away for a while then bringing her back a few mins later. This worked best I think. It is confusing isn't it. I think Freya has just realised she CAN do it, so is making the most of it.
I'm starting it 'properly' tomorrow, as in from tomorrow he will be sitting down to 3 meals a day with me instead of me putting it off or not finding time etc. But I'm not entirely sure what to give him for lunch. For breakfast I'm attempting a Muller little stars with Plum (as in the brand) muesli mixed into it. Am I ok to just give him the yoghurt pot and a spoon? His bowls are all so big!

For lunch though I have soup and wholemeal bread. I've generally given him cheese on toast for lunch but he doesn't seem that enthralled by it. I haven't really got anything appropriate in. Should I just give him a tapas type affair with like a stick of cheese and some organix sweetcorn rings and maybe a spelt rusk?

For tea I think I'm doing quorn escalope and homemade chips so I'll give him a few chips which usually go down well (if something can go down well without actually being swallowed, lol).

It's just with him not actually swallowing anything it seems a bit daft to be cracking open packs of stuff for it to just get thrown away. Like I have purees I got free that I could spread on toast but I'd rather save them for when I know he's going to eat them to save on money.
Joey, everything you're doing sounds about right. We have a good breakfast and dinner but she tends to just pick at her lunch so one nibbly meal a day would be about right for us too! Normal porridge is fine, there's good instructions on the pack. I just get whatever's cheapest, latest is Somerfield's own brand and I do 40g of it with 120ml milk.

Claire, Aisling pushes herself away from the table too and I wasn't sure if it meant she was finished so kept pushing her back. Now if I'm not sure she's finished and give her more food, she immediately picks it up and throws it on the ground! :lol:

Kitten, the muesli and yoghurt sounds fine. I personally load the spoon and hand it to Aisling, if I let her loose with the spoon herself she'd go nuts with it but I doubt any would end up in her mouth! :lol: Not sure about the bowl, it can just be a case of testing and seeing what works for you.

In the early days when she wasn't eating much, I did buffet type affairs too for lunch. Now I do homemade puree on toast (basically a savoury jam!), fruit spread on toast, pitta bread with tomato puree and dairylea triangles. Aisling wasn't a big fan of normal cheese on toast either. I found the cheese went a bit rubbery when it melted so it was a bit hard for her to break apart. So the dairylea works really well instead.

Good luck!
Only had time to have a quick skim of the last few pages but I'm glad everyone is doing well :thumbup:

Violet is doing great, cant imagine doing it any other way! She's even trying to dip her spoon in her breakfast but obviously cant pick any up lol

Re grapes and tomatoes - we cut grapes in half and they're a favourite of hers and tomatoes we just offer half, with seeds inc. When we first started offering them, I cut the seeds out until I felt comfortable enough to leave them.

And just to add, I hadn't tried peach until this week (tried necturines but not peach) and she loves them!
Glad Violet is doing well!

I must try peaches again, she didn't like them last time I tried but that was before she was eating properly.

This morning at breakfast Ruby just kept on pushing herself away from the table even though she seemed to be enjoying her porridge. This is highly annoying, I think I might try and put a piece of carpet under her highchair but that is going to be annoying to clean!
Joey, everything you're doing sounds about right. We have a good breakfast and dinner but she tends to just pick at her lunch so one nibbly meal a day would be about right for us too! Normal porridge is fine, there's good instructions on the pack. I just get whatever's cheapest, latest is Somerfield's own brand and I do 40g of it with 120ml milk.

Claire, Aisling pushes herself away from the table too and I wasn't sure if it meant she was finished so kept pushing her back. Now if I'm not sure she's finished and give her more food, she immediately picks it up and throws it on the ground! :lol:

Kitten, the muesli and yoghurt sounds fine. I personally load the spoon and hand it to Aisling, if I let her loose with the spoon herself she'd go nuts with it but I doubt any would end up in her mouth! :lol: Not sure about the bowl, it can just be a case of testing and seeing what works for you.

In the early days when she wasn't eating much, I did buffet type affairs too for lunch. Now I do homemade puree on toast (basically a savoury jam!), fruit spread on toast, pitta bread with tomato puree and dairylea triangles. Aisling wasn't a big fan of normal cheese on toast either. I found the cheese went a bit rubbery when it melted so it was a bit hard for her to break apart. So the dairylea works really well instead.

Good luck!

Cheers Lu, I gave him a bowl in the end and boy did he make a mess :haha: Going to get some philly in this weekend I think and do it on toast so he can lick it off.
ugh the last few days have been horrble for us.. Oh and i have both been really ill with a nasty tummy bug.. luckily ruby has escaped it so far, but feeding her has been seriously hard work.. mostly becasue the smell / sight of food is making us both throw up!
ive discovered she loves pineapple tho, like LOVES it!!!!

its interesting that you all have found this too.. but she really does switch between what she likes & dislikes... she always used to prefer fruit, and would take it over veg.. then it switched to be veg first, now its back to fruit again!

i havent tried her with meat yet, i know the book says its fine too, but i just feel more comfy waiting a bit lol... her daddy is a total carnivore.. he doesnt eat any fruit or veg at all, so i want to make sure shes got a good relationship with those things before i give her meat incase she ends up like him!!
Glad Violet is doing well!

I must try peaches again, she didn't like them last time I tried but that was before she was eating properly.

This morning at breakfast Ruby just kept on pushing herself away from the table even though she seemed to be enjoying her porridge. This is highly annoying, I think I might try and put a piece of carpet under her highchair but that is going to be annoying to clean!

Let me know if you find something that works, Freya is doing it constantly. Maybe putting something behind the bottom of the chair? Not sure what though!
I was hugely proud of Elliot at lunch time yesterday, he ate over 2/3 of an adult size yoghurt just using his spoon and not his hands :D He uses it as a dipper rather than loading it up.

I've started giving him things on a plate / in a bowl again and they don't just get picked up straight away and played with or thrown on the floor :D

Glad Violet is doing well!

I must try peaches again, she didn't like them last time I tried but that was before she was eating properly.

This morning at breakfast Ruby just kept on pushing herself away from the table even though she seemed to be enjoying her porridge. This is highly annoying, I think I might try and put a piece of carpet under her highchair but that is going to be annoying to clean!

Let me know if you find something that works, Freya is doing it constantly. Maybe putting something behind the bottom of the chair? Not sure what though!

Piece of carpet under the chair does not work! How can someone so small be so strong?

Luckily Ruby didn't do it at lunch until she'd eaten a lot, so I just got her down from the table.

Hmm I'll see if I can find anything to behind the bottom of the chair.
Elm, Elliot's doing great isn't he!! Can't imagine Aisling eating a yoghurt by herself but nice to see she'll get there! :D

Had a really frustrating lunch today. She was tired so maybe that was the problem but as soon as I put her lunch in front of her she very carefully picked each bit up and threw it on the floor. Kept putting it back (I'd just hoovered!) and offered her different things and sometimes she'd eat it after having previously thrown it on the floor but she didn't eat much at all. Anyone else doing this? She was having a good time too, when I bent over to pick up the food and our heads were at the same level, she was laughing away!

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