BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

Ruby threw up after most milk feeds when she first started actually eating food. I think she was drinking too much milk so I just offered less and the throwing up stopped. But I don't know how you would do that with breastfeeding! Maybe have a chat to your HV about it, although I must admit mine just shrugged and said she didn't know...
Well I'm an awfully proud mum and I put it all down to BLW. As much as I'd like to say it was down to my incredible parenting but I think I'd be pushing it slightly!

Today, for her dinner, N had salmon, mashed tattie and peas using her newly discovered .... Pincer Grip :) I'm so proud of her. I really do put it down to how much practise she gets etc with BLW
Sorry if this has been asked before. We started BLW with a few fruits and veggies about 10 days before 6 months. Alex isn't massively interested yet, I generally only offer him real food once a day (sometimes twice). In the last 4 days he has started being sick after his meals (both food and some breast feeds), very unusual for him, is it a normal weaning phase that they all go through as their tummies adjust or sign of an allergy? I suppose it could be a bug, but he seems perfectly OK otherwise.

Something similar happened to Sini once she started swallowing some of the offered solid food. Afterwards, I would offer her the boob and she would drink probably too much milk and puke afterwards. I thought that this may be her learning process for differentiating when she has milk feeds only and combined with solids.

Currently, we have been BLW for almost 2 months now (she'll be 7 months this weekend) and on very few occasions she still binges on mom's milk after having some solid food and have a mini-puke.
today has been slightly fun. i had to par boil a bunch of veggies and freeze them :/ i thought she eat them before they went bad lol is it ok to do this? it has to be better then buying already frooze right? and i thought it be awahile before she started swallowing food but all her diapers have been filled with what ever she has had.
Sorry if this has been asked before. We started BLW with a few fruits and veggies about 10 days before 6 months. Alex isn't massively interested yet, I generally only offer him real food once a day (sometimes twice). In the last 4 days he has started being sick after his meals (both food and some breast feeds), very unusual for him, is it a normal weaning phase that they all go through as their tummies adjust or sign of an allergy? I suppose it could be a bug, but he seems perfectly OK otherwise.

Something similar happened to Sini once she started swallowing some of the offered solid food. Afterwards, I would offer her the boob and she would drink probably too much milk and puke afterwards. I thought that this may be her learning process for differentiating when she has milk feeds only and combined with solids.

Currently, we have been BLW for almost 2 months now (she'll be 7 months this weekend) and on very few occasions she still binges on mom's milk after having some solid food and have a mini-puke.

I'm reluctant to cut down on the milk as LO is still such a teeny tiny slow growing variety :rofl: He is right on the bottom line in those blooming growth charts and I strongly believe nothing can offer the same calories and nutrition as milk in the same quantities, so I'd rather he has lots of milk and plays with food a bit. It is nice to hear that it is probably just too much for his tummy, I'm sure he will drop a milk feed once he realises food fills him up, for now though it is just tasty and fun. It's a good job I have a washing machine, today he was in his third outfit in the first hour of the day and tonight his third vest to sleep in at bedtime, (not too mention the number of muslin cloths, sheets and play blankets/mats, sick everywhere :dohh:
Thus week has been quite tough. LO is teething quite badly and it has affected his eating quite a lot. He will eat yoghurt and suck on bits of fruit but won't eat anything except for breadsticks. Lots and lots of breadsticks! Is this ok?

He has been screaming at every meal, but if I produce a breadstick he will stop. Even better if dipped in cheese, humous or the juices from dinner. I just worry that too many are bad for him!
Nothing wrong with breadsticks. I make them and they're just flour, yeast, butter and olive oil. Don't know about bought ones but I'd imagine they're similar.

As he is dipping them into other stuff I see no problem, as you say, it's prob a short phase.
We've only recently started, but the gagging and puking a bit while eating is normal right?

My other is making me doubt myself :dohh: xx
We've only recently started, but the gagging and puking a bit while eating is normal right?

My other is making me doubt myself :dohh: xx

Yes it is very normal, lost count of how many people have posted about this in this thread.
Harry had his first Nandos today :)

(pointless post but it was so nice being in a restaurant & him chowing down on the same food as us & loving every second of it)
Mmmm, nandos!

Sorry Claire, thread is too long to read all back posts though.
Mmmm, nandos!

Sorry Claire, thread is too long to read all back posts though.

I didn't mean you should, I was just trying to say it's normal, a lot of people go through it, not that you should have looked back! :)
Bun just jumped right into some elk burger, avocado, grilled courgette with lemon, and chutney!!! woo Bun! :happydance:
Sorry Claire, think I was a wee bit touchy last night :blush:

He definitely ate some of his dinner offered last night, just been greeted by it in his nappy so he's now actually swallowed his first food :D xx
Hi, we're still plodding along slowly, some days he eats quite a lot in one sitting and other days he just chucks it all at the floor!

On saturday he wolfed a nectarine and a whole yoghurt for brekkie then at the pub he had a whole load of salad, green beans, half a chicken leg and some chips and then started eyeing up my chocolate muffin lol. Then sunday and today he's not been bothered at all. He can do it, he's just laid back about when he does it. Should be interesting when he goes to nursery in 3 weeks. :D
sun - I love the sound of elk burger! Is that a common thing where you come from?

I'm having a minor wobbly and need a bit of advice. I usually go with whatever she wants to eat, but for the past 3 days or so she's been wolfing down fruit and it's making her poo very runny (at least I think that's because of the increased fruit). She'll still eat a bit of everything, but she doesn't seem to ever stop eating fruit. I'm not sure if I should start to limit it. What do you think?
G has had fruity days but they've tended to coincide with teething or currently a cold. I'm putting the resulting poops primarily down to that (although fruit won't be helping). He's currently eating very little besides fruit & yoghurt so I daren't limit either although I make sure other stuff is offered too.
Thanks joeyjo! I'm kicking myself now, as it would make sense if she's teething. She's more cuddly than usual, but is starting to bite me all the time. I hadn't connected it all - I must be tired! Hopefully normal service will resume soon. Hope George is feeling better soon!
I think Sophia might have Prada willy - she just doesn't seem to know to stop eating! i am still going along with letting her eat what she wants but boy she is eating a LOT and is piling on weight! i think the HV might have something to say at her 12 month check!
When you first start BLW can you offer apple? or is it best to wait a little until eating has been established?. I went to a weaning workshop today and the HV is quite receptive to BLW in some ways and she said not to give apple though, unless cooked is this correct?.

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