BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

I wish I sounded a bit more "posh" on the phone.... I sound like a 10yr old little girl and it's quite hard to be taken seriously sometimes :nope:

Well I must look like one because a door-to-door salesman came round and asked me if my mum or dad were in. I'm 27! :growlmad:
yeah i get that all of the time too PS - i went on a Paedeatric First aid course last week and the week before and got on really well with all the others and at the end we were all saying how we enjoyed it and one of the girls said that she enjoyed it but thought she wasnt gonna at first cos i looked like a snob ?????WTF???? LOL (in my primark jeans:rofl:)

oh no hope Dex is ok,Huge huge :hugs:


.......................................................... LOL do i even need to say it ?:rofl:
Anyone tried natural goats yoghurt? I think it tastes rank, it actually reminds me of goats, lol, but Freya loves it!

We had pasta bake last night, which she stuggled with, think the pasta was too slippery for her, and it kind of stuck to her hand so she couldn't get it in her mouth. I put some of the tomato veggie sauce which I made it with on a spoon and she ate some of that. It was quite chunky, made with chopped tomatoes etc, so I think she did quite well. She ate about a quarter of a rice cake today too :D

Curry tonight - can't wait to see what she thinks! :D
I wish I sounded a bit more "posh" on the phone.... I sound like a 10yr old little girl and it's quite hard to be taken seriously sometimes :nope:

Well I must look like one because a door-to-door salesman came round and asked me if my mum or dad were in. I'm 27! :growlmad:

Argh I get that all the time as well!!
I refused to stop buying my OH's cigs in the end because the woman in the shop would always ask me for ID!

Hope the curry goes well tonight Kirsten! I know I shouldn't really give a bit to her because of the salt, but Violet loves poppadoms.. She only has a third of a whole one but won't even eat all of that so I don't feel as guilty lol

Mmm not sure what to do for dinner tonight..... Does anyone else tend to eat the same things every week? We do and I'm getting so bored of it
I wish I sounded a bit more "posh" on the phone.... I sound like a 10yr old little girl and it's quite hard to be taken seriously sometimes :nope:

Well I must look like one because a door-to-door salesman came round and asked me if my mum or dad were in. I'm 27! :growlmad:

:haha: my old house mate answered the door to someone who called HER sir and then asked if her mum or dad were home?!

apparently i sound really snooty on the phone...many moons ago i worked in a call centre and i quite often got told abt it (calls were randomly listened to and thenwe were given feed back and mine always had comments abt the way i spoke)

i also get really really posh sounding when i've been drinking! when i first met OHs family apparently they though i was "stuck up" (i had a strange convo with his coucin a while back where she said she though i was "a stuck up posh b*tch" but apparently "i'm really not and now she likes me"?!)...i have no idea where my poshness comes from tho! my mum talks in a strange way- she's posh when she wants to be but generally she talks like a sqwaky (sp?) old lady that mixes up her words all the time (like saying tellytwubbies and coldslaw!), i've never been to any kind of private school...infact i never even finished school! i got expelled!!!:blush:, i have been to uni but it wasn't a particularly posh one, i have lived in various foster homes in notoriously rough areas around past really doesn't suit my voice!

anyway i appear to have slightly moved the thread on from weaning! :blush: opps! sorry!

kirsten: i looked everywhere for soft play food (rather than wooden or that thin plastic that folds in on itself) and the best place i found was ebay...there r a few sellers on there that custom knit pieces. i got Kian some bananas, carrots and strawberries...thought i'd get a variety of shapes so he could practice picking them up the stuff on ebay is like these only loads cheaper! :p
They're cute! The ones I saw were these:
So tonight I gave Joshua soe sticks of carrot. Just put them on his high chair tray then tucked into my own dinner. A few minutes later I turned around to look at him and he was sucking the life out of the carrot :) We try to put something for him to play with but he's not usually interested... but he was loving the carrot.

Uhh but then we had a moment, he looked like he was gagging but he wasn't coughing. So i had a little panic thinking he was choking, but as I was about to jump up a piece of carrot popped out of his mouth and he carried on sucking! Hehe

Don't think he ate any but he got it everywhere ... it was floating around in his bath! Lol

At one point he had dropped all the pieces down onto his lap and cried to get it back, so he's definately interested. Hopefully soon we'll be able to drop the puree he is having at lunch and mvoe to this compeltely :D
That's great Lucy, it sounds like Joshua will do well with BLW! He probably just pushed the carrot too far into his mouth and gagged, Ruby does that with her own fist sometimes, doh!

Purple Socks - yes I speak to a lot of customers on the phone at work and have had some odd comments about the way I speak too, one (notoriously rude) customer once told me that my voice sounded like a recorded message!

Faille, yes we do eat the same selection of things every week. Because OH and I are both really bad for buying things we don't need in the supermarket we make a list of the week's dinners and go once a week and buy the stuff for them, the same old things! We have had a few different things recently though, I get Good Food magazine for inspiration as it has usually lots of nice easy recipes in it!

Ruby had a good couple of mouthfuls of bread and butter today, chewed and swallowed. She played with some spinach and rocket leaves. I made potato wedges but stupidly didn't par boil them and they were a bit hard, but Ruby seemed very interested in them nonetheless!

I'm offering her breakfast most days now, but I find cereal / porridge annoying because I want to make a big bowl and share it with her, but if I start having my porridge made with full fat milk I'll be the size of a house!
Poor Dex, hope he's feeling better soon :hugs:

People have always assumed I'm snotty just because I'm shy. DH used to call my posh bird too because he thought my Irish accent was really posh! He says that was before he knew me better :blush:

Aisling had stew tonight and is getting way better with her pincer grip, she very deliberately picks things up at the edges with her fingers now. She can also sometimes get the bit that's usually stuck in her fist into her mouth! :happydance:

I wish I could think of different things to cook too, just shows how boring our mealtimes have been without us noticing!

Anyone have any ideas of what to use with pitta bread?
I was thinking exactly the same about the pitta bread...
I picked a pack up on Sunday when we went shopping for something different but then I couldn't think what to use it with so put it back :lol:

Sounds like Aisling is doing really well!

I'm glad to hear that Ruby has started swallowing and showing interest in her food again - sometimes it can feel like we're going backwards not forwards!
Poor Dex, hope he's feeling better soon :hugs:

People have always assumed I'm snotty just because I'm shy. DH used to call my posh bird too because he thought my Irish accent was really posh! He says that was before he knew me better :blush:

Aisling had stew tonight and is getting way better with her pincer grip, she very deliberately picks things up at the edges with her fingers now. She can also sometimes get the bit that's usually stuck in her fist into her mouth! :happydance:

I wish I could think of different things to cook too, just shows how boring our mealtimes have been without us noticing!

Anyone have any ideas of what to use with pitta bread?

Mini Pizza - just use low salt tomato puree or mash up some tomatoes, and add cheese (and other things if you want but i like mine plain:) then grill till they are warmed through. you can put the topping on the top or in the inside too :thumbup:

alternative to soldiers for eggs

Little pasties - just add filling and pop into the oven :flower:
right girlies its getting close now and i'm getting scared !!!!:dohh: just worrying i'm not gonna be able to fit cooking for us both into the day and that i'm gonna give her the wrong foods and hurt her :cry: i'm sure this is all normal tho and once we get into the swing of things it will be ok:)

anyone got any ideas what to do with Polenta?? always wanted to try it and i'm figuring now is the time to try all the new foods at the same time as Daisy :D

went shopping and bought a few bits to get us going but i just realied how un babyfied our trolley usually is - tonight i bought loads of naughty things and i figure i gotta practice what i preach with the little one so i think the Ben and Jerrys is gonna have to be saved for the really special occasions - i couldnt possibly eat it infront of her and not let her have any :cry: Bye Bye B&J - well once this tub is gone :blush:

2 days :D :D :D .......well really one day and about an hour and a half to be precise :blush::happydance:


Thanks Sara, I did the pitta with tomato puree and dairylea and it went down really well :thumbup:

I still buy nice things for us, like Haagan Daaz every now and then and I just wait til she's gone to bed for the night to eat them! :D
right girlies its getting close now and i'm getting scared !!!!:dohh: just worrying i'm not gonna be able to fit cooking for us both into the day and that i'm gonna give her the wrong foods and hurt her :cry: i'm sure this is all normal tho and once we get into the swing of things it will be ok:)

anyone got any ideas what to do with Polenta?? always wanted to try it and i'm figuring now is the time to try all the new foods at the same time as Daisy :D

went shopping and bought a few bits to get us going but i just realied how un babyfied our trolley usually is - tonight i bought loads of naughty things and i figure i gotta practice what i preach with the little one so i think the Ben and Jerrys is gonna have to be saved for the really special occasions - i couldnt possibly eat it infront of her and not let her have any :cry: Bye Bye B&J - well once this tub is gone :blush:

2 days :D :D :D .......well really one day and about an hour and a half to be precise :blush::happydance:



Just give her what you're eating (assuming you're eating a well balanced diet!!). Salty foods are ok once or twice a week, just not every meal every day so try not to fret too much over it.

'Naughty' foods won't hurt her either, as long as they're given in moderation. Forbidding food will only make her crave and desire it as she gets older and starts understanding!!

I used BLW as the push I needed to sort my own diet out and I'm so glad I did. We now eat healthy meals as a family and I hope it's a lifetime thing that will stay with Violet :thumbup:

On another note..... I feel like a complete idiot!!! :dohh:
I've been giving Violet the ends of bananas since we started and only today did I think to actually cut them in half long ways so she can pick them up easier.

She can pick them up ok at the moment (had to take skin off, that was harder for her) but as soon as she dropped it, it'd take her several attempts to pick it up again and she wasn't very good at keeping hold of it whilst trying to eat it either.

So now, being cut in half, she can pick it up loads better, can get a better grip when trying to eat it and it doesn't take her god knows how many attempts to pick it up again if she drops it. Why didn't I think of doing that before?? :lol::blush:

And she ate 2 mini weetabix's at breakfast.. So cute, she was holding them in (not together lol!) with her hand whilst munching away on them. She had quite a lot of yogurt too. So proud of her :cloud9:
totally off topic, i havent seen asacia online for a while now, hope she is ok. anyone know?
She was banned a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why, and someone made a thread asking if anyone knew why, but nobody seemed to, and it was locked by an admin because it's against the rules to discuss banned members. I can't help but worry a bit, I hope she is ok.
Oh and pointless post but yaaaaaaay for the Stokke Tripp Trapp! Ruby LOVES sitting in it. (big relief that we hadn't wasted £160) She can now pick up food off the table, I feel like we've got more chance of making some progress now, as and when she's ready of course!
So thank you Kirsten for saying how good the Tripp Trapp is!
Hi there

well, Emma is now 25 weeks and we have been giving her food to play with for the last 10 days or so. I was unbelievably excited yesterday to find a small chunk of carrot in her nappy!!! Tonight she was just loving her veggies- just had to share my piccies!

Just a few questions? Where do we go from here? Feel a bit confused!:dohh: Still BF as the main food and know that is to keep going. have got the book but wanted to ask you girls what you did after the veggie playing stage was established.
-Know not to introduce wheat/ dairy etc for a few more weeks but did you start next?
-Did you go straight to 3 meals a day or step it up?
- What were your most successful 1st foods?

Thank You!

Glad Ruby is liking her new highchair! Hopefully she'll feel more comfortable and start showing some more interest

Hi Lesley, very cute pics!
I know not everybody done/does this, but we started off giving Violet pieces of our dinner, like you're doing and then we started giving her some lunch and any snacks we have as well. A little while later we added breakfast. So she literaly has food everytime that we/I do.

Most successful foods so far....? Apple, cucumber, parsnips, tomato and spring onions without a doubt (dinner), yogurt, toast and breadsticks (lunch) and rice krispies with yogurt (breakfast).

I like to give her things that I know she can handle as well as one or two "tricky" things at each meal.. 'Easy' things so she doesn't get frustrated at everything and 'tricky' things to challange her
OMG its TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am sooooo soooo excited :) well me n bug went shopping today and proved how ready she really is bless her - we were in a cafe (i was having a panini with side salad and she was sittin on my knee half feeding half not and she sat up, looked at me, smiled and swiped my slice of cucumber and started sucking on it making all sorts of slurpy noises :cloud9: bless her cottons :)

we are planning on just giving Daisy some food to play with everytime we eat and trying to nvolve her in every meal we have sooo excited :D

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