BLW - what did your LO eat today?

Today I've given Holly:

B - wholemeal toast
D - chips with roasted green beans and some cucumber. She didn't like roasted green beans but I discovered that I love them :haha:
D - toast again
b - Weetabix - used the spoon as a drumstick, none eaten
snack - raisins and cheese
L - cheese on toast and pear
D - veggie sausage, roasted butternut squash and carrot (loved it all.) stewed apple, but again, drumming was more fun than eating

Hi mum2bclaire
Any chance of the veggie sausage recipe please?! :)

Thank you x

hiya, I just bought them - quorn ones (garlic and parsley ones are the tastiest imo) we're not veggies, but veggie sausages are far lower in salt and general rubbish than meat ones so we have them.

Breakfast - blueberry pancakes, scrambled egg and pan fried mashed potatoes
Lunch - steamed broccoli and cauliflower and cucumber sticks
Dinner - cucumber sticks, bell pepper chunks, rotini pasta and tomato/meat/veg sauce

Breakfast - poached egg, english muffin spread with pureed prunes (too many bananas!!), jarred pear slices
Lunch - napped through lunch so not today
Dinner - will be leftover pasta and tomato/meat/veg sauce

On a side note, I decided to puree some spinach the other day to add it to our morning scrambled eggs. LO isn't too keen on eggs and doesn't really eat them (its the only thing she doesn't seem to like so far), but she loves green stuff so I thought I'd make "green eggs" :haha: What a PITA to make pureed food though, never doing that again! No wonder I'm doing BLW!

Breakfast - half a slice of wholemeal toast
Lunch - pasta and cauliflower
Dinner - more toast!

Breakfast : shreddies with milk and cream.
Lunch: cream cheese sandwich, avocado slices
Dinner: (she was hungry!) two fish fingers, two sweet potato and sweet corn rissoles, sticky rice and courgette, cheese triangle, slices of orange, Greek yoghurt. (She just want more all the time! This makes me happy as her weight gain has been rubbish until we started three proper meals)
Our LO has a cold and appears to be teething by the amount of drool pouring out of his mouth and all this hand sucking plus he skipped his afternoon nap.. so all in all he's not too into eating right now.. all he wants are boobies. But today was:

B- I knew he wasn't too hungry so I just offered some cheerios dampened with some breast milk )ate a handful) and a clementine (which he ate half of). He did discover finally that you can throw cheerios directly at the dog and he'll eat them.. he was quite proud of himself :haha:

skipped lunch

D- homemade macoroni and cheese with broccoli .. lazy cooking day so we did something simple that I thought he'd like, but nope he was too grumpy.
yesterday my lo ate

b - weetabix

l - ricecakes with jam, banana

d - chicken and spinach curry with basmati rice..he loved this!

also gave him some dried apple rings too
Quinn ate:

Porridge and apple.
Hummous and cucumber sandwich.
Sausage, a chip and another breadstick.

I say ate - most of it just gets licked... apart from the breadsticks. She'd live on them if she could!
I gave Holly
Breakfast - wholemeal toast and butter
Lunch - fusilli pasta with green beans
Dinner - more toast

She's not eaten much of it today though
B hm apple and raisin oat cake
L potato and pea paratha, spinach puri, melOn chunks
D pea soup and ciabatta, Greek yoghurt
Snack cucumber, raisins
weetabix and an apple

slept through lunch

fishpie with peas and brocolli
Yesterday I have Holly:

Breakfast - toast
Lunch - some strips of turkey with bread but she only wanted the bread and kept dropping the turkey and pulling a face, she wouldn't even try it
Dinner - toast again! Need some more variety but she won't try much new!
TODAY Holly has had...

B - wholemeal toast
L - a potato waffle and tangerine - yes a weird mix but she liked it :lol: she did great with the potato waffle
D - cheese on toast - she wasn't too keen on this and got upset
Astrid had:

(Hard) boiled egg and bread soldiers
Cheese triangle, rice cake and fruit pot
Macaroni cheese and courgette slices, yoghurt

She loved the macaroni!
So far today LO has had
Breakfast - oatmeal cereal (she hates real oatmeal so I feed her thickened organic baby oatmeal), toast fingers with marmalade (sugar free) and pears
Lunch - cucumber and avocado (neither of which she wanted today), mandarin orange and I picked a bunch of noodles, chicken and carrots out of my soup for her which she ate a ton of
Haven't had dinner yet but it will be lasagna and homemade bread
Yesterday Holly had:

Breakfast - toast
Lunch - potato waffle
Snack - some of cheese sandwich - snack was unintentional, she stole it off my plate! :rofl:
Dinner - pasta with cauliflower and carrot - she still won't touch carrots
TODAY Holly had:

Breakfast - wholemeal seeded toast and butter - half a slice
Lunch - we were eating out so she just ate off our plates - she tried some chips and tomato
Dinner - potato waffle, vegetables
Today Astrid had:

Bowl of porridge, poppy seed toast with butter and marmalade
Cheese pieces, avocado some homemade oatmeal and raison cookie
Fried rice (chicken, bacon, courgette, red pepper, onion, egg)

She found the rice pretty difficult but otherwise ate quite well today :)

Porridge with raspberriers

panini bread, guacamole and some banana

A meatball, onions, mushroooms and some spaghetti
b - cranberry wheats
L - toasted muffin and scrambled egg, and a few raisins
D - homemade pizza, fresh pineapple, yoghurt

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