I found the thread Magic!!!
What do you mean hubby wouldnt put up with it- phft!! No such choice in this house. Im even holding a mini soiree tomorrow with my fbest friend an her man...drinkies, nibbles..score cards- oh, yes!!

LOL!! And i made OH out put 15/5 in his diary 2 months ago so he could make sure he was off, ha, ha!!
Anyway- to business...hm...the obvious choices have gone..i personally quite liked moldova (hey, im half slavic so that stuff appeals to me..and nice sprangly mini dress, lol) also thought the albanian girl was a little cutie... (god, i sound all gay (no offence like..but still

...like im perving..yikes, LOL) I also like the German entry (not a sentence you hear often, ha, ha) and deeta von tease will 'dance' on stage live w/them!!
Eff it, im not gonna win so im gonna go with

its more dancy and i dont think anyone will be singing along in moldovan anytime soon- although towards the end i always do (blame alchol and bbc red button subtitles!! LOL))
Let the Games begin!!!
ps, the 'norwegian' entry...i have it from good, trustworthy sources that he is not quite right..in several ways.. id stick with the mono brow as the simple explanation..just easier that way