Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

I've been meaning to post too.... another good intention that's not been followed through!
But here I am!!

Sorry chelsie about work... my dh in raf so know where you're coming from (kind of ;) ) He flip flops all the time, its a love / hate job atm!

Nat, now that's a countdown I won't be looking forward to!! I'm officially going back 6th June, but will have 34 holiday days to take in the rest of the year so going to take 1 day a week hols. Love the pic you have on facebook with buster waiting for food, too funny!!

I won tix to the baby show this weekend but now I dont know if we are going to go, dh is on a course now until the 26th near hemel hempstead so was thinking about coming down for the weekend but now don't know if I can be bothered to 1. travel, 2. spend money ... I did a lot of both recently and can do with a good rest now. I've not even unpacked from our travels yet!! oops! we got a new baby jogger city mini while in the states too, its red, and I love it, folds right in half and takes up a lot less room in the car than our current one.

We still swim too once a week but have lessons atm, dont know if we're going to sign up again after this though, instead might just go in on own with friends.

well thats it from me at the minute, going to try to get some sleep!!! sleep when baby sleeps right!!?? well he sleeps the best in our bed but i am trying my hardest to keep settling him during the night in his cot!

O and our new trick is Dylan can clap!! just happened yesterday, I was soo excited!

Donna & Lori hope your doing well, Neen you must be absolutely blooming now!! That's a countdown I'll happily look forward to!! :)

Hi Ladies
Nice to hear from you, I too have been meaning to post but life keeps getting in the way.

I am back at work so soon too :(; officially I am back now but on annual leave, and I am dreading it. Sorry to hear you are hating your work too Chelsie. I am going part time, cant really afford it but hey ho, worry about that later -i'll get the odd bank shift at my own hospital to make ends meet. What date are you back Nat, I am 18th April :(

We are really struggling with Deej just now, he awakens every 1-2 hrs at night, refuses milk from either bottle or cup grrrrrrrrrrr -it is so strssful, made worse by the countdown to work tick tick ticking away in my head. Dave has Fri off work and the weekend to try and make Dawson go cold turkey to force the issue (well Thurs and Fri was the plan but he is now going snowboarding Thurs but that's another story grrrr) -I am not to feed him again after Wed night and then hopefully by this time next week we'll have a happy formula fed baby.
I am so not looking forward to it, I could cry at the thought but he needs to be on formula for me going back to work.

Other than the sleep and milk issues though he is doing grand. Pulling himself up to stand now. Still bum shuffles about, so I dont know if he will crawl -he hates being on his tummy (unless he is asleep) A few scary moments lately when he has tried to throw himself off the bed or couch and climbing out the bath lol -he is so quick haha.

No teeth here yet either lol ,glad with breast feeding still tho'

We are planning our first holiday with Dawson too, I am looking at Turkey - has anyone been?, can recommend anywhere? -I want all exclusive, on the beach, kids clubs, animation team and evening entertainment; other than that sun, sea and no dishes lol. My DD was planning a girly trip with her pals; but they are only going to be 16 -17 this year so have been told they cant book unless they have an 18y.o (what a shame, NOT!! lol) - anyway they are going to come with us, so I am glad. Plus it will be nice to have the whole family, youngest to oldest for a holiday ... even if it is the only one time!

Anyway that's all for us -wish me luck with the boob to bottle / cup transition -I am going to need it. xxxxxx

Edited to say Hi Liz -posted at the same time lol xx Well done Dylan witht the clapping ,Deej has almost managed the wave bye bye lol. I have 8 weeks hols and 4 weeks parental leave due for 2011/12 so I am taking a week of every month lol -cant really complain at that can I? xx
Aww well done Dylan!!
And good luck with the milk swap Donna... hopefully Dawson wont be too difficult!!! :)
And nat i cant wait to move back down that way as thats where all our family are!! And well done Roo for sitting.. Macies sitting unaided now but no sign of crawling, shuffling, rolling or teeth yet haha. But the teething is getting very bad now lol.

Well i've been in the RAF for 8 1/2 years now and am only 24!!! (25 soon :) )
I've loved every minute of it but now Macie has changed everything! I just couldn't imagine leaving her for 4/6 months!!! No way! What if i miss things that she does?? I would be devistated you know?
I may have to finish a year but at least there will be a light at the end of the tunnel! And yes hubby can move about pretty easily and cannot wait to get back down to friends and family either!

Tough decision Chelsie, can't imagine how hard it was to take the step to come out. you've been in about as long as my dh :) I wouldn't risk it either being sent away from baby as a mother especially!

Donna, wow all that leave to take, do you get paid for parental leave or are you just using the leave everyone is entitled to unpaid?

feeling poorly today so just hanging out in pjs, dylan I think has a chest infection but was at gp yesterday and she says he's fine and just need to let him get over it in his own time. have dylans 8 month review tomorrow with the hv, can't wait to see what % he's on as I've not taken him to be weighed or anything in a couple months.

We don't have any teeth here either although I have a feeling a lot is in store for me just around the corner (ie teeth, crawling, shuffling, etc)

Hows the feeding going with everyone? I like to let dylan feed himself but i'm not finding that there is no point even to wear a bib anymore as every meal time results in some sort of outfit change. he is adamant that his hand must be in his bowl at all times feeling the food...... today we had pasta and I found some later on his ear... at least it wasn't like when we have chicken puree and he smoothers it on as hair wax lol. well off to clean said highchair while he's asleep so ready to go for dinner :)

Lol @ Dylan and his self service feeding haha -seen the pics too, they were great! Dawson loves to feed himself too and gets it everywhere!!! Bibs are such a waste of time here too cos he puts his fists in the plate, food up to his elbows lol and even on the occassions I dont let him participate he still puts his finges in his mouth and ends up with food all over his trousers and sleeves lol.

Dreading the next few days :( , sat breastfeeding my wee guy earlier thinking Omg this is the last time I breastfeed him before bed -he is always so cuddly and contented at his bedtime feed. Going to miss it so much and its going to be hell not feeding him and knowing he's hungry - So sad!! Are you planning to still feed when you return to work Liz or what??

We get 4 weeks paid parental leave for every child under the age of 14 (then another 9 unpaid); but as my previous work never EVER authorised any I am now sitting with full entitlement for all three boys (less a day I took last year). As my eldest son is 14 in Aug I have to take his full entitlement before then or I lose it (already missed out on any for DD Lou) so 1 week planned for April, May June and July lol then still full years holiday entitlement after that too. I plan to work a couple of shifts elsewhere on the majority of the weeks off though, holiday to pay for hopefully!!

Saying hopefully as my damn car failed its MOT and we've been quoted nearly £1000 to get it fixed :( Hubby is planning on fixing the bits he can himself (with my dad as advisor lol -was a car mechanic but his eyesight fails him now lol and cars are much more technical nowadays) so will need to see how much it all costs :( Am seriously thinking of just putting it on the credit card though, to hell with it lol - I NEED a holiday!! -And want to have at least this one with my daughter and all the boys together before she is all grown up. Then I'll have no choice but to do extra shifts etc to get it paid off haha

Hope you and Dylan are feeling better Liz
Night night all

Its definately a tough decision Liz and was thinking about it whilst on Maternity leave but thought i would still come back to work and try it! But got back and cant do it! At the end of the day im nearly 25 so still a good age to go and find something new to do? I definately think it would be easier if my DH was in although still difficult to see him go away and always moving about as and when he got posted but i could deal with that you know??
Aww messy babies hehe.. Macie gets to try and feed herself at nursery and loves it lol. But her dinner time at home i must admit i dont let her as by the time we get home its all a rush lol.
Aww hope you get your car sorted soon Donna! Why are cars soooo expensive?? lol.
will come back later to talk feeding Donna

but just wanted to say we've just had our 8month reveiw at 8 1/2 months and Dylan weighs....23 lbs!!! I am deffo getting my workout with my arms lol!! xxxx
:hi: nice to hear all about your baby's, they sound like they are all thriving

Libby is growing well, doesnt sleep still but :shrug: I have a fight all the time and iv tried everything but she is a very spirited baby and very headstrong and knows what she wants.. im just gonna ride it out i suppose. Back to uni end of april now tho so hope she is sleeping better. Moving in with my mam with libby and dan is gonna travel every weekend. Makes sense going back in April as I will finish next year rather than having to redo second and thirs year and finishing in 2014 I will now finish 2012 starting in the middle of my 2nd yr, will have to make up some placement hrs at the end but nothing like how long it would take if i left it till september.

Sorry ur hating work chelsea, great news u will be moving closer to family x
Good for you Gemma - I done my nurse training when Ben was tiny too and although hard work with all the studying and working on placements etc it was definitely the best thing I done. There was a girl on my course who had not one, but two babies before qualifying lol -she started the year before me come back in my second year in my course, and then ended up finishing 6 months only after us :) She spent a lot of placement time pregnant lol, lucky for her she had fab pregnancies with no spd or anything lol.
Going to be hard being away from Dan but it will be so worth it in the end and time will fly past :)
Your avatar pic is SO cute, Libby is beautiful!

Deej still terrible sleeper too :( Feel your pain there - but still all worth while when they look at you and smile, isn't it? lol Or babble a full length story , no matter what the time haha :)

My boob to formula plan is not working at all, he just wont drink enough milk from anything, done really well yday with not crying for milk, taking sips from a cup and eating well so we managed to miss out two breastfeeds but ended up with multiple major screaming sessions through the night - and ended up being fed twice by me :( Now DH grumpy cos I gave in and mollycoddled Dawson, me annoyed that I gave in too, but I kept thinking what if he was really hungry cos I missed two day time feeds ??:( sob sob lots of tears in my house today and not only from the baby :(

Liz well done on Dyls weight gain WOW he really is doing well is't he? but oh your poor back lol, Deej is only 19lbs (well at 6 mnths weigh in) and kills me haha But then Dylan was that weight at only 19 weeks lol

Hope everyone is well today xxx
Hi ladies n babies

Deej is 7 months and started to say Mum a couple of days ago, so cute lol -Mum mum mum mum ahhhh!! He said mum first haha - much to daddy's annoyance lol. All the others said dada first haha.
He is also saying hiyah, but mum is his favourite sound today and he is mum mum mumming all the time haha

I am so proud, but it makes it even harder to leave him in his cot at night, now he shouts mum mum mum lol.

Still breastfeeding, hoping to go back to work and muddle through feeding him normally when I can and hoping he is okay on working days times with just taking real food juice and the small amounts of milk he does take by cup :( - makes going on holiday so much easier if we dont need to worry about bottles, sterilising tablets and formula milk etc but we'll see how that goes soon enough when I am back at work.

Hope all is well with everyone, much love to beadette and baby beadlet, hope you are both still doing okay xxxx
Hello ladies how are we all???
Well i 've finally been aloud to put my PVR (Personal Voluntry Release) Form in today!! YAY. So as long as my leave date gets accepted i will be out the military in 10 months so next January!!!
Its such a scary thought as i have been in since i was 16! Its like leaving a whole chapter of my life behind! Mental haha.

Well on other notes... Macie is well but now on an inhalor for a really horrible cough she has had since Xmas and we find out soon if she needs to be on a more permenant one :(

Hope all ladies are well xxx
Hello all!

YAY FOR NEEN AND BABY OLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really hoping that they both get big and strong very soon!

Chelsie - that is mad that you have to wait 10 months to quit your job!! Have you any idea what you would like to do?

Donna - Yay for Deej saying Mum!! We have not had any over here, Jodes spends a lot of time saying Da Da to her but nothing so far! Rubes has a really deep voice, most of the girlies sing in high pitched tones but hers is all ra ra ra in a deep husky voice, love it!!

Liz - Hows you and Dylan? x

We have had some bad news, our biggest client, which is worth about 2 mil to us is going under :( so looks like we are going to have to reduce from 30 staff to about 8 to be able to keep going. Dad came over last night and we discussed all our options, its terrifying.

So it has been a hard week, I don't officially start back at work until May 1st but I will have to be going in a lot more frequently than I am at the moment.

In the land of Ruby everything is fab, I feel like things are back on track with hubby, only thing is (sorry for TMI) I dont really have the urges I used to!! I feel REALLY dry and its painful for us to DTD, he is reasonably sympathetic but also a man with needs!!!

Ruby is a superstar, she can sit up on her own now and is on the whole sleeping well, we had a few mornings of her waking at 6am which hasnt been fun but she slept til 7 today. I got a new video monitor which makes me feel more comfortable that she is ok, and stops me going in at the teeniest cry as I can see that she is settling herself which has made life better too.

The unit I carry looks like an ipod I love it!!

SHe loves sitting on her bum and wiggling her legs so I think we may bum shuffle and not crawl as she still isnt as fan of tummy time and has no arm strength at all!

She is an eating machine, breakfast is always minimal but lunch and dinner are pretty big now. She has dropped both her day time feeds now, I just wish she would drop the 10.30pm!

We are having a new bathroom fitted soon so more plumbers over today to quote, oh joy!

Lots of love to all xxxxxxxxxx
Morning!! I just have to say I'm sooo excited for Neen and baby Olly, that he is here and that they are doing well... Yay for Beadette!!!

Donna, hope you've got some sort of feeding routine now in place for Deej, poor little boob man doesn't like the cup or bottle. I constantly debate what to do with Dylan, but for the last couple days he's not has his afternoon milk so might keep that up and then get some formula for when he is at nursery but breastfeed morning and night. Don't know when we're going to stop, I think about it and then its like, well we're doing so well, why stop now!!?? Plus I enjoy it and it works for us. So I really dont want to go back to work! eek!

Nat, sorry to hear about your client going bust... what a shame. Hopefully it is only a short time for your dad's company to be in limbo with job losses and that you find a few new clients to get the workload & revenue back up:)

well we are doing great, dylan is borderline crawling, anyday now I'm waiting for him to take off across the room. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth and the other day he actually got to his feet from this position with still his hands on the floor before he fell over...oops! 9 months yesterday and I'm convinced he started dancing yesterday to my rendition of the hokey cokey :) he waved bye this week and he is deffo saying mum now and holding out his arms to be picked up. mum mum mum mum...its driving his dad insane and he is actually in denial that he has said 'mum'and keeps telling me dylan is saying ''um'' ... for a long time dylan did the 'rara ra ra ra's too. He's doing great with feeding, I don't know why I even put a bib on him these days... he gets food everywhere, wipes it in his hair, in his ear, all over everywhere!! I can't wait till it gets warmer so I can just strip him down to his nappy and let him go for it!

We looked at a nursery and put our deposit down for tues-friday as the rest of this year dh and i are booking holidays to cover mondays, then maybe in the new year he will go on monday too. hoping to book a holiday soon, I need one, need the sun!!

I went to a zumba class last night and it was soo much fun, going to try to loose some weight now as want to start ttc #2, dh actually said at the weekend that he was ready.... and then that made me re-evaluate my position and be like, eek am I ready again?? but I want to get back to pre preg weight before getting preg again which is about a stone, so hopefully that won't take long!! but then part of me is like, well we're not sure how long it will take so might as well have fun trying... but anyways...

the cyst on my left ovary shouldnt give us any problems but the gynae wants to get in there and drain it... but my normal consultant said it didn't matter either way so I said I was going to hold off and have another scan (in a couple weeks) as since the last scan my period has come back and I'm hoping my ovaries have woken up and drained the cyst themselves.... so fingers crossed it went naturally as I really dont like the idea of them going in there to drain it....

well thats it for now, making the most of the morning nap time!! I shouldn't leave it so long to post and then it wouldn't have to be so long! xxxx
Yay for Neen and Olly -so happy for her too

Happy 9 months to Dylan -LOL @ your hubby denying Dyls saying mum, my hubby didn't believe me when I told him, so I taped it haha -but he still says he is saying yum yum -his other fave thing to say, as he eats all the time lol

Sorry to hear about your work probs too Nat, must be hard to let ppl go, espec when you work in a close knit company :(

Poor Deej has the cold :( - he is so sad and doesn't understand what is happening to him -poor tyke. Wee runny nose and eyes and all puffy. So after 3 nights of him actually sleeping, we were almost back to square one lst night as he was wakening up often all snuffily and then getting all upset. AND THEN had me up from 5am zzzzzzzzzzzz...

so on that note, I am off to bed zzzzzzzzzzz exciting Fri for me lol

p.s I still dont have the inclination either Nat! Too tired and NEED a haircut, time to pamper myself put on some slap, and maybe feel like a woman and not just Deej's mum lol- not that I am complaining about that haha -LOVE being the wee tykes mummy, he is a right wee mummys boy getting tho'. Has taken to wanting to walk around the house with getting his hands held now - oh my poor back haha, all day stooped over.

10 months wont be long Chelsie -think it was about 16 months ago we all got our BFP's and hardly seems any time ago :)

Night night ladies, hugs to all mummies and babies. Yay ALL bonfire babies are here Woop woop !!!!

mrs bb u havnt got libby as a bonfire baby in your siggy :cry: I was an original lol!

hi everyone hope nice to hear your all doing so well, we are doing well here :) libby is thriving and growing so fast albeit still a monster with her sleeping but i keep telling myself its not forever, tried her on a little baby rice this morning (smack my hand!) but she is draining 7oz bottles and there is nothing in the rice :shrugg: well off to bed to hopefully steal an hours sleep b4 munchkin wakes up, visiting parents atm minus dan so no help with night feeds or lie in's! boohoo x
Gemma I started Deej on baby rice at 16weeks -he was so hungry by then lol - I tried to not start until 17 weeks as thats is THE earliest recommended by my health visitor, but we went from 3 hrly feeds to 1 hrly feeds and thats just not on haha -its Dawson's favourite thing to do lol -eat!!!

Back to work next month ladies :( So close now, that its next month :(
I know your back already Chelsie - sorry!

I still haven't booked a holiday lol -keep making the final FINAL decision on where we are going; get happy with a price and then think Nah! there's this, that or the other wrong with it and start looking again lol -I am driving everyone batty I think!!!
So far we have definitely been going to Calas de Mallorca in Majorca; Calbo Blanco also Majorca; Sunny Beach Bulgaria; Kusadasi Turkey, Alanya Turkey, Marmaris Turkey,Tholos Rhodes, haha
Have promised them all that I will make a final decision by the end of the week, and oops thats today so better get to it haha.
Looks like its going to be Bulgaria now;) no euro, not too hot, lots of stuff for the kids and teens, on the black sea for me - love swimming in the sea :)

well off to the park for our morning pooch walk/ Deej play on the swings - will miss this when i am back at work lol

Morning all!!

Well Ruby has decided that 6.15am is the new 7...not all of us I'm awake but shattered!! I was so glad she didn't wake until 7 as it would have been perfect with me going back to work in that I'd have time to get everything ready etc before she woke up!

I'm watching her on the video monitor now and she's very still, hardly moves really just sucks her thumb so I'm hoping she might go back off, not that she has any other day!!!

We are off to Hampton Court Palace for a walk today, can't wait if we have another gorgeous day like yesterday!

Rubys little tooth is poking through her gums now, she still has this aversion to the pushchair which makes walks fun, she's fine is she's going off to sleep but if it's just for a walk she goes mental, real serious screams so I've been trying to use the baby carrier sometimes so she's not in the pushchair all the tome but it's not helping!!! Any suggestions?!

We start work on a new driveway next week, really pleased but dreading nap times!!!

Anyway, hope everyone is well, Donna good luck with the holiday and I hole this month goes verrrrrry sloooooowly for you!xxx
:hi: libby has a tooth too!! its through now and hasnt bothered her too much she just goes a bit mental trying to eat things :(
STILL no teeth here lol -but then still bfeeding so probably a good thing lol

No advice on the pushchair thing Nat -my eldest hated her pram/ buggy/pushchair and i hated going out with her in it cos I knew she'd scream blue murder; but fortunately she was early on her feet and loved to walk as soon as she could.

Dawson is crawling now ,so cute !! And he is so pleased with himself lol, Omg he is gonna be in at everything lol - I left him on his bedroom floor whilst I nipped into my bedroom to get something and he crawled along to get me.
He has stared shaking his head no too -cute just now but can see that novelty wearing thin lol

Went to work today and got my off duty -so official now back to work on 18th dayshift
:( C'mon lottery lol In saying that, I am only back for 2 weeks then have 1 weeks parental leave lol, and I have counted my shifts til we go to Bulgaria and its only 14 with 2 study days haha. Sure I can just about cope with that ! - mentally only tho' NOT financially - oops need to get my finger out an get some bank shifts lined up too or we'll be eating beans on toast in the cold :(

AND Yay!! Booked for 2 weeks Bulgaria Sunny Beach!! Sunshine here we come!!!

Isn't Olly so cute? , all you ladies must be so broody; or is it just me ? haha Nina hope you ar ewell hunny, what a week you've had, sending you hugs n love xxxxx

Anyway love to all, well done Gemma on going back to Uni, love to all babies xxxxxxx
Hey Donna... Dont worry there is not a single tooth here either... Macies still a little Gummy Bear hehe.
She also doesnt seem interested in standing, rolling or crawling!!!
Loves to just sit up and watch the world go by! Definately got myself a lazy baby here lol. xx

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