Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Lol Gemma -told you about the baby brain haha , and it doesn't seem to get any better for months haha -I still have it bad lol

Lol thanks defo got a baby brain I didn't realise that was tru!

Libby is so much better tonight, slept from half 7 after her bath till half 11 and then woke for a feed and had a really explosive poo all up her back and was covered so we just had to rebath her she was minging! X
It does get easier with time Gemma -dont get me wrong, Deej is still not a fab sleeper and has never slept through the night but its much easier than the early months.
He tends to go down about 8 -8:30pm in his cot, wakes up about 11-12 for a feed and goes back in his cot then too; then from about 2 or 3am he is in wih us in our bed lol -I really should persevere and put him back in his own bed, but I LOVE my snuggles lol espec when he wakens up in the morning and he is just so smile and chatty and just lies there in my arms for about 15 mins cooing and gaa-ing and giggling :):)

Hope you had a good night last night.

Still snowed in lol -well kids are off to school on foot and I'll manage a short walk with the pooch but dangerous to get the cars up the hill again :( oh well- mostly finished my chrimbo shopping and with a couple of things still to wrap, I could do that I s'pose!

Woohoo Santa come this week :happydance::happydance:
Hoping that the roads clear by Wed as I need to go food shopping, and get a HUGE turkey -totally has to be turkey for us Liz, wouldn't be Christmas without turkey lol -I would be gutted if there was no turkey for chrimbo dinner haha and last wk with the snow our ASDA was half empty due to non delivery of things :( and with ppl going mad and buying 12 loaves etc haha. :shrug:

So looking forward to xmas morning, Deej is going to be so excited just having everyone in the house here at the same time lol:haha::haha:- with everyone always coming n going out at different times its a bit mad here usually.

Then off to my sister's for dinner, drinks (well one for me :() and great company :happydance:My lil sis was s'posed to be coming too, with her 2 children but looks like she's had a better offer:growlmad::growlmad: -so she is letting her ex hubby have the kids for xmas day :shrug::shrug::shrug: Idont know how she can do this if i am honest, xmas is all about spending it with your kids in my opinion.:cry: -all those lovely chrimbo memories she is missing out on :shrug::shrug:And her LO's are only 3 and 7.

Christmas eve, mum, and all sisters and children are all meeting up for lunch and prezzie exchange :happydance: which i was so looking forwards to aswell but now i am sure that my mum will have a few choice words for my younger sis re: not having the kis on xmas.( she let her ex have them last year too) the joys:dohh::dohh:

ttfn ladies have a good day xx
3 more sleeps lol

have a fabbie first Christmas Dylan, Ruby, Grace, Macie and Libby, and mummies and daddies too

xxx love Donna Deej et al xxx:hugs:
Merry Christmas mummys and babies!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Christmas Eve!!

Well I have to admit I am a little narked as my hubby spent the afternoon in the pub & is plastered and sparked out on the sofa now, so a thrilling evening in store for me!!

This is my first Christmas not with my family in 26 years and this is how we spend it!!

So now I either ruin my own Christmas Day by making a big deal out of it tomorrow or just forget it, I am wasting my energy moaning to you guys cos I know I won't say anything!

Anyway, I am excited for Ruby to open all her presents, she has so many the lucky girl!! And excited to visit all our nephews and see what they think of their presents too.

Poor Roo is coming down with a cold, just in time! So I am just hoping that I don't get it as well!

Have a fabulous day, drink, be merry & bright and have a wonderful day xxxxxxxxxxx

p.s sorry for the moan! xx
don't be silly about the moan!! I know what you mean about picking and choosing arguments, esp. when you feel so strongly that he was in the wrong. Not worth ruining christmas, but if he knows he's messed up I think sometimes its fun to just be super extra nice like giving him a lie in and breakfast etc, then my dh goes bonkers and I get further with him being extra nice than starting arguments... but I do speak up quite often...

well happy xmas everyone!!! I'm just enjoying some apple crumble fresh out the oven...nomnom, diet starts boxing day!! lol

Hey ladies, hope you all had a lovely Christmas -we did, it was just so fab; i got loads of prezzies -my DD even made me a stocking from 'santa' lol filled with lots of lovely wee treats

My sis done all the cooking so no hassles there either so it was just a wonderful day and evening -Hogmanay party next woop woop!! And Dave's sister and family are coming up from London for it and I am so looking forward to seeing them all. They only booked up a few days ago as they had decided it was far too expensive a trip for one night lol - they arrive evening of 31st, and have to leave again on the 2nd Jan as my bro-in-law has to be back for work the next day.

Anyway just a quick pop in as need to get ready for my pops n family coming for drinks tonight xx
Happy New Year all ladies and bubbas (including bumps ;) espec aubergines lol)

Anti-climax or what?? I had been so excited about xmas and the new year etc, that now its all over I have been so down - probably quadrupled with severe sleep deprivation - DJ has not been sleeping at all sob sob -12 times he woke the other night 12 bloody times Omg!!!!!

Anyway, I am in a constant state of hatefulness -hate my useless arse of a husband -he's been on hols for the past week and has done bugger all grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Stupid man!!!

Sorry for the moan lol espec so early in the year; if this is how it starts...????

Had my sis in law up for new year, so sad though as her OH's mum was found dead on the floor on the morning before they were due up -they still came but it was more solemn as you can imagine :( and hubby's grandpa was hospitalized on NYE with pneumonia, flu and an UTI and has been intubated in ITU since! sigh -not such as good start to the year :(

But you know what irks me more than anyhting? and he has apologized and we cant go back in time, so there is nothing else he can do but it bothers me so much and makes me so sad... -
At the bells Hubby missed me out, with all the new year kisses and handshakes and everything. Should I not have been first on his mind?? I think he cant think much of me or us if he can omit me like that. He was obviously very drunk by then, and me totally sober as designated driver again!!!! (cos I am still bfeeding, hardly seemed worth it to drink even a small amount and then pay for 3 taxis home). HE NEVER EVEN REALISED UNTIL I PULLED HIM UP FOR IT!! I cant help wonder why we are even bothering being together.

My dad (not quite as important I s'pose) missed me out too- and that really hurts too- all my other sisters fell out with him 6 years ago and they hadn't spoken since, until a few months ago; infact one sis made up with him only on NYE and of course with all them newly talking to him I was forgotten :( Considering I am the only one who visits him, buys b'day cards, fathers day cards etc too ...
Oh well life sucks!!! And so close to me having to return to work too. Feel sick at the thought and arsehole hubby says 'well I am back on Wed -think yourself lucky.' Dickhead!!!!

Hope everyone else is well and love to all, sorry again for the whinge, really just needed to get it off my chest I think

aww Donna u sound like ur having a right time with OH! Men can be such arses sometimes :(

But happy new yr all, Iv been stalking but never have the time to reply and short sentances sometimes come accross a bit ermm... I dunno the word?? Brash perhaps? or maybe just a bit me me me when I dont have time to reply to others the way in which I would like xxx

Donna- I'm glad you shared, I've been having loads of arguments lately with my oh... maybe something is in the water?? or maybe its the time of year... little things set me off, so I totally understand what your saying... so sad for your sis-in-laws mil!

about the nye kisses, I'd be well angry too, you should be first on his mind... but on the other hand I think when you're sober driver you tend to be 'forgotten' in the fun thats associated with getting pissed. I have found when you're dd everyone is nice to you, but not 'too nice' as you'll be the eyewitness for anything that happens on nights out..

well chin up hun, hoping things get better for you soon, have you taken you're tree down or is that still to be done too? my oh made me take it down like a couple days after xmas grrr.... but he did help so I guess I can't get to upset about it.

Well, oh is still off this week, but it feels like we're not really getting any quality time together as its more like, I'll lie in this morning while oh watches dylan, then we'll switch and one of us will do something else... like now oh watching tv and i'm on computer and about to go read a book.

Well anyways, no plans tomorrow yay!! but swimming starts back up on thursday yay!! Love to you all xxxx
I think it must def be something in the water as we have been exactly the same! And I don't blame you, I would be really upset if hubby did that to me! We went to a wedding 2 years ago & they played the song that was our first dance & he danced with some other woman, I was fuming!!! He kept smiling at me too knowing full well what he was doing!!

Due to the snow he had been home 3 weeks today and finally went back to work, it's been really hard!! We bite at each other and bit pick over stupid things as we are both bored, tired and skint, but it's no excuse, it took 2 weeks of me saying he was wearing me down, making me feel crap & finally I said if he wasn't here all the time I'd be sure he was off having an affair and we made a new years pact to be nicer & so far so good.

I get the exact same comments about my mat leave, I'm having to go back to work early in April as our family business is not doing so well and I need to go and smoochthe clients more than is here toy happening so only now have the annoying jibes abot how he has to work have stopped!

I wish I had a quick fix, all I keep beingtold by my baby friends is 'it gets better' so here's hoping for all of us, sending you lots of hugs & kisses, if only we all lived closer!xxx
Thanks ladies -I had a great sleep last night and things seem much better all over lol; and that was ONLY me getting 4 hrs lol, Dawson was in bed by 8pm, fed at 11:30pm then I went to bed shortly after and he never woke until 5am Omg!!!!!!! I woke at 4am, was sure he'd died in his cot, rushed in and there he was all cuddled in snoozing still -I checked on him 3 times before I believed he was okay though haha -was probably me that woke him haha. Sure it was a once off but fingers crossed for tonight!!!

Main difference being that when I put him down at half eleven, he rolled onto his belly! I was almost moving him back, but thought that would be a shame to waken him again so left him on his front. Nearly had a heart attack when I woke upat 4am and HE hadn't!!

Only other change was Dave bathed him and put him down at 8pm, but am sure that was coincidence lol - but have made sure we done exactly the same tonight so far. If it works then darling hubby is bathing and putting him down every night lol:haha::haha:

We have MORE snow tonight aarrgghhh!! We are off sledging tomorrow if we can get the car out lol. Reckon if we cant beat it, then we have to join in lol.

Hope it shifts quickly though, I have plans for next week involving taking Dawson swimming and to the park :wacko::wacko:

He had his first shot on a swing this week and was totally bemused! Was awake all around the park too, whereas he used to sleep when I walked the dog, now he is all attentive and looking out at the world -cant wait for spring and especially summer to really appreciate going to the parks.

Hope all are well, love to all mums babies and bump.

Gemma -seen your thread about your velcro baby not sleeping without you- Dawson still spends a lot of time sleeping on me hun, but he is awake and independently playing more and more, so much so that its really nice when he does want picked up and cuddled. Whereas I carried him around all the time whether awake or asleep, now he plays in his ball tent, in his baby walker or just sitting on the floor with his toys and therefore I definitely feel as though I appreciate his cuddly moments much more; hope things are okay -it will get easier :hugs::hugs:
I bought a light and sound cot toy, plays a choice of either music or water running/bubbles with a light show projected onto the ceiling -we play the bubbles when he goes into his cot and he is asleep within a couple of mins, with minimal fuss too. If he fusses after a feed through the night too, within seconds he is asleep when I switch it on.

Nat -how'd work go? I need to contact my work this week and arrange a definite back to work plan, and I am burying my head in the sand -I dont wanna go!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry: I have 7 weeks hols and I want to use 4 weeks parental leave too, but with that I am due back in around 13 weeks now! AND I forgot my lottery ticket tonight haha -need to be in it, to win it lol. I am hoping to get the first two weeks of April off as parental leave at least, as my older kids are off school then.

Chelsie - Hope you are well hun, got your child care sorted yet? Hubby anything in the pipeline yet? How did Macie's first night in her own room go? I still feel strange not having Dawson in beside me at the start of a night. I had a look at her nursery pics, her room is gorgeous!

Liz - 'quality time ' haha what's that???? :shrug::shrug:
TBH I think thats a lot of the problem, we become so desperate for quality couple and /or family time that when things dont pan out exactly it causes more friction and tension than it is actually worth lol. And with tiredness and being skint being huge issues too, it is inevitable that we dont get on some times lol... and men can be arses sometimes of course haha:haha::haha: Nat has it right -we should all make resolutions to be nicer to each other :thumbup:

Woohoo 26weeks Neen :happydance::happydance::happydance: you'll be contemplating maternity leave and holding you precious little bundle for the first time; and we are all dreading leaving ours behind and going back to work. You are looking gorgeous hun, so bump envious :flower::flower:

Lori - hope all is well, Grace is uber cute in the new pics, hope you had a nice chrimbo and new year.

Hmm I just seem to have an aweward madam at every point lol.. she will only sleep on her tummy, her stupid infuriating dummy keeps falling out her mouht and waking her up and she searches for it putting her head downwards, HATES swaddeling and kicks and screams till she is out, does not like being put down in her basket at all when awake and light shows do not amuse her, johnsons baby bath does not work nor does baby massage... she has been asleep for last 10 minutes upstairs with a 2 oz dream feed... five more mins and im going to chance going upstairs but arsehole neighbour has decided to come back off holiday, try his car and its dead so rang RAC and now is shouthing outside our bedroom window and reviing his car with the RAC man! grrr! we live in 2 up 2 down new build townhouse semi walls are paper thin and u can hear a pin drop! stupid man! Im sure he is a drug dealer going out all hours of the night defo thinks he is a delboy!
Gemma sorry bout your neighbour and his car!! its so annoying when you've got thin walls, we're in a semi too, but luckily have a family with a 2 year old next door so we get the occasional crying coming through but I can deal with that, I wake up as can hear the crying in the monitor and then I'm like 'yay, its next door!' and go back to sleep!

Yes I agree, going to try to be nicer to hubby for new year!

well since xmas eve I was ill for like 4/5 days and lost 10 lbs! 6 from illness and then kept watching what I ate and brought it to 10! not sure if its still 10 as too scared to get on the scale, made homeade pizza last night and strawberries dipped in choc so we'll see!!

sorry not on much now, feel well stressed! think I over committed myself as now find myself on 2 baby related committees, and then between the playgroups we have I don't know if I'll have enough time to ourselves. I like to at least have one day a week where we don't HAVE to go anywhere!!

well my fav group starts up again tomorrow, I'm so excited! and hubby back to work tomorrow from 3 weeks off, he's sleeping in now..... I got to sleep til 11am yesterday!! We've been taking turns for the 3 weeks and now I think I'm quite upset he's back to work :(

well, off to encourage dylan to roll over, he's just not into it, he can do a 360 on his front but isn't inclined to roll!

i feel a bit better today after reading the baby whisperer last night and seeing where I was going wrong, today has been better!
i feel a bit better today after reading the baby whisperer last night and seeing where I was going wrong, today has been better!

The baby whisperer is my hero!!! If you ever have any questions just ask xxx
ok i might have to as last night was shit :( what am i doin wrong, well i know what now as i have given in with exhaustion and she has had her dummy, been in my bed and is now asleep on me... sqaure 1 springs to mind x

Donna i really hope things are better for you? We def have an improvement this end & hubby got rained off twice in the week & I didn't kill him, result!!

Ruby is teething :( she was up til 10pm on Friday night, which she hasn't done in I don't even know how long, and sat night wasn't much better, I baby whispered to the max on Sunday & today & mixed in with teething granules, bonjela & Nurofen we have a sleeping baby! I can feel the little tooth at the top and it must be so sore for her poor thing!

I cannot believe she is 6 months, it's all going too fast!! I went into work on Friday & spoke to dad and I'm going back Mon-Wed starting in April :( Jody will be home Mon and Tues and I had wanted my mum to have her every Wednesday. Jody has however asked his mum to do alternate weeks with my mum...this was vaguely mentioned when I was about 4 or 5 months pregnant but since having her it's not been said again & also she's taken every opportunity to make a jibe about that fact I follow a routine & get her into bed at 7pm each night as Jody's sister was a single mum and had his mum there every night and pretty much still does, Jake is 6 and doesn't go to bed til 11pm & can't fall asleep on his own & gets into his mums bed at 11pm every night, she's fine with it, so that's cool, I have a husband and that's not what I want and she needs to respect that!! So I feel now I just have to go along with this or have a probably marriage ending row with hubbyto say 'your mum can't do it' so my mum says I should somehow muster the courage to say to her if she wants to do it she has to respect how we raise our child...I'm shit and I never say how I feel!!!!

Anyway, sorry to rant and moan, but you ladies are fab for it!!

Liz I hope the new years resolution is working well for you! And that Is fab news about the weight loss, well done you!!xxx

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