Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

OMG - i just looked Will..... Where did your husband work with him? I worked with him on TCW. lol. How strange... what a small world a??? lol.
Yea we have had to home them seperately as its just too difficult to find someone that will take both so at the moment we only have Pumpkin now :(.
No i havent started my course yet, need to speak to my resettlement advisor on thursday and then they will talk me through everything that i am entitled to and all that jazz hehe.
I would sooooo love to do midwifery and really cant wait to start :happydance:
Hope there is a course that starts this year woop woop xxx
you wont get onto midwifery this year hun as you have to apply through ucas the year before and I think the deadlines are sept to jan to apply, there is only clearning in the summer and to be honest, midwifery is so tough to get onto that I doubt there would be any places through clearing this summer so u would need to apply end of this year. I strongly suggest trying to get a little taster session in at the uni to put on your application and if you can try and get a little work experience in the care sector (even if just voloutary) to put down as it really is tough and you need to stand out. (sorry I dont know your work history) I think about 24 places and you can imagine the magnitude that apply. It really is all about your personal statement and if you dont get in the first time then keep applying as they look to see if people are serious. You have an excellent work background that makes you very faveourable :) and of course you have been through the whole experience so can empathise. I know quite a lot about it as I was originally going to do it and enquired at quite a few uni's but in the end decided on child branch which is equally as tough to get onto.

Hope your little cat gets a good home xx
Chelsie, my dh worked with him in in waddo! but now he is somewhere else. Before dylan was born we started going to quiz nights together at the local pub. lol. small world... and he brought dh works gift over and was one of the first people to meet dylan once we had him home. I dont think he speaks to him as much anymore since he's left here though.

I hope you can get started on this midwifery stuff asap, how exciting to have a career change! I'm jealous!

and dylan is crawling everywhere now! (but still no teeth!) xxx
Well done Dylan on crawling... and isn't it so stressful Liz lol?? Well maybe not so much the crawling, but the climbing and standing up is!!! Dawson climbs onto/ over everything, stands up against everything that doesn't move ( and even if it does sometimes lol) - he was using his highchair like a zimmer frame earlier to walk across the kitchen haha. Tries to climb over the stairgate! Glad to say that although Deej has 1 tooth he hasn't bitten or nipped me at all yet when feeding - think that problem may occur when there are top and bottom teeth lol.

Hope you get lucky with your chosen career Chelsie, but as Gemma says it is SO difficult to get onto, there are so few places; which is a travisty as within the field of midwifery the nurses are so shortstaffed generally. Hope pumpkin gets homed soon and then hopefully little Macie wont need her inhalers.

Have a happy birthday Nat tomorrow and glad to hear on fb that things are going well, apart rfom the hubby man flu haha.

Lovely to hear from everyone :) xxxxxxxxx
just had to have a tidy up around here to have a more baby friendly living room now. Mind you my living room is already covered in toys but I've moved some stuff around so he should be okay in here. He is climbing and standing up with support too, likes to get onto his knees and has worked his way up to standing with help from stationary things... he's tried to crawl on his feet too but not so good at that!

Happy Birthday Nat, hope you are having a lovely day!! xx

I had a fab birthday, thank you! And i was very spoiled, my parents are in Vegas so I'm hoping my wish for a guess handbag has been fulfilled!!

How are we all? Ruby is STILL working on this 2nd tooth, it's not broken yet and she's been fussy with it for 3 weeks now! In addition to her cold & cough poor thing.

She's taken to waking at 6am and sometimes more like 5.30/5.40 so I am in two minds if this time change is going to help! At the mo although she wakes I leave her in her cot & I think she kinda drifts in and out of sleep as she is not that tired when I do get her up at 7, and she's happy to stay there, my worry is by getting her up tmrw when she thinks it's 6, but it's 7, then the following morning she might expect the same!!!

And I'm very happy that althogh she wakes at 6 mummy can sleep til 7!!

In other news she keeps hurling herself onto her tummy so I don't thunk too long until she's crawling. She's full of laughs & smiles and I just love everyday with her! Dreading my return to work as I really feel I enjoy it all so much more now :( but it has to be done as we have some massive bills to pay & debts to clear.

I just feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, I have 2 credit cards with around 3k each on & can't see how I'll ever be rid of them, hence why we are thinking 'sod it' and going to try for another at the end of the year!

Is anyone else thinking about no 2?

Hope everyone is well & enjoyed the amazing sunshine this week, let's hope there is lots more of it to come xxxxxxxxx love to all xx
thinking about no 2 all the time........ can't decide on a time to ttc. Never know how long trying is going to take, If only I had a crystal ball!! Then I still have my cyst and the gynae mentioned I should get that taken care of first but I've been told its a simple cyst and had bloods done and those are fine... and it doesn't cause any pain so thinking I'll just let it hang out for a while and hope at some point it will go away. I was reading somewhere bc pills might shrink it naturally so might give that a go, but I dont want to as I'd like to ttc asap! and I'd have to do like 3-4 months on the pill probably to try to shrink the cyst. Anyways, so I dont know when to ttc, and whether I should hang out now in wtt or ttc or what to do!

well dh has gone out tonight and I'm home with Dylan. He went to bed at 620 tonight instead of 7 bless him he was soooo tired. and then Nat you mentioned daylight savings so I think it will all work out if tomorrow it is 720. You are very lucky Nat though if Ruby sleeps through to 6!! Dylan is waking up constantly!! he still doesn't have any teeth! but his hand is constantly in his mouth now so I think it is imminent!!

well I'm off to have some lovely time to myself!!! v. rare! and now I can't decide what I want to do! bath, read book, catch up on recorded tv... the choices lol!!

Hi Ladies

Lucky you indeed Nat, Roo sleeping through and playing happily in her cot in the morning. Deej still wakens up about 3-4 times a night too and when he wakens in the morning he wants up right then. Wee grumpster in the morning til hes had his milk and brekkie lol

Look at both of you planning number 2, may be bump buddies again lol

Off to the park ladies ttfn xxxx
Dylans waking 3-4 times a night too Donna!!! I don't know what to do... and I am starting to get worried about nursery too and his feeds, when we are home he gets a feed when he wakes up and before his morning and afternoon nap and at night, but when we are out and about he will fall asleep without it. And I know feeds should be cut back about now but I dont know how to do it!! I've got 2 and a bit months to figure it out...

on the poo side, I bought a fake baby carrier on ebay... so have to deal with returning that, thanks to the bnb ladies on here who gave me a heads up!

Im thinking about starting a wtt/parenting journal but unsure where I should locate it.... in wtt or in parenting.... decisions decisions! Don't know if I can be dedicated enough to do it though but thinking I might give it a whirl.

Dylan fell asleep tonight at 7 like clockwork with the new time and everything.... now lets just see how many times he wakes up!! xxxx
Dylans waking 3-4 times a night too Donna!!! I don't know what to do... and I am starting to get worried about nursery too and his feeds, when we are home he gets a feed when he wakes up and before his morning and afternoon nap and at night, but when we are out and about he will fall asleep without it. And I know feeds should be cut back about now but I dont know how to do it!! I've got 2 and a bit months to figure it out...

on the poo side, I bought a fake baby carrier on ebay... so have to deal with returning that, thanks to the bnb ladies on here who gave me a heads up!

Im thinking about starting a wtt/parenting journal but unsure where I should locate it.... in wtt or in parenting.... decisions decisions! Don't know if I can be dedicated enough to do it though but thinking I might give it a whirl.

Dylan fell asleep tonight at 7 like clockwork with the new time and everything.... now lets just see how many times he wakes up!! xxxx

I think you should do a parenting journal! You can then talk about WTT in that and after number 2 arrives you will just continue the parenting journal! Defo - I actually think you all should as I would be an avid stalker of all of them!

Neen - I keep thinking of starting a journal as each week that goes by I think I don't want to forget any of it!! Might start it tomorrow!

Liz - Ruby dropped her feeds by herself, she used to have them at 7, 10, 3 &
7 but she was never hungry for lunch and her 11 feed was becoming
More like 11.45/12 so I changed it to 7am and breakfast & then lunch at 12 and a feed slmewhere between 2 and 3. Then dinner is around 5.30/6 with milk at bed around 7, I am still dreamfeeding as she takes 4 or 5oz so I'm convinced she still needs it rather than it's habit.

Do you have a copy of the baby whisp? I found that really helpful with tellingmme the signs to look for as to when and how to increase solids & reduce milk, maybe worth a read.

Well Rubys 2nd tooth is finally broken in! Only took about a month! She's just been amazing today, I could squeeze her so hard sometimes ;)

Hole everyone has had as nice A sunny weekend as we have, and let's hope this time change works for all of us xxxxx
Nat if you start one make sure you post the link so I can stalk xxx
Hi all!

How are we all doing?

Chelsie - have you managed to go any further with your midwifery course?

Donna & Liz - how are those little men sleeping for you? better i hope! i have actually resorted to sellotaping Ruby's blind to her window frame and it's much darker in there now and she's sleeping better!

Gemma - how's it all going?

Hey Nat,
At the minute were still looking into things as obviously im still employed by the military! lol. and Working boooooo haha.
I have to do a years access course before going onto actual midwifery course but its all good. Will keep you all updated about it all lol
Well Macie is now rolling but she can only roll over her right arm doesnt matter what way she rolls weather it be front to back or vise versa she goes the same way haha. Shes still not crawling or anything and STILL has no teeth???? Where are they? lol.
The time change hasnt affected Macie at all and neither has the fact that its lighter in her room... so i count my lucky stars for that! lol.
How is everyone????
Hey everyone
Deej been terrible past few nights, up about 6 times grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -but has had a cough, continuing to be snuffly and has had a bit of a high temp and now has tooth number 2 too yay - hopefully that was the cause of some of the bother :(
I am going to be dead on my feet when I go back to work lol... or maybe it'll be a break haha!!!

Great idea with the cellotape Nat, I really need to get Dawsons up too but at the moment it isn't daylight that wakens him, its just everything else!! Loving your journal, popped in for a read yday but never got a chance to post as Deej was up and about and getting into everything he is now, so gotta go

love to all xxx
:hi: im ok just the usual libby is growing so fast! I cant keep up! have posted in your jounal so il get notifications and will have a proper read when I can xx
we are good, did you notice there are now more posts in Neens NEW parenting journal than there are in here lol

I've started using our gro company blind with sticky suction cups and it works wonders (we actually bot 2 so we could use it in our room too & to travel with ) can't recommend it enough

Nat, i'm starting to drop dylans feeds. Going to get him down to just morning & night (and all the wakeups at night). He is far less needy for a feed when we are out and about. If we are at home he puts up quite the fight before going down for a nap.

and he hates his cot... will go down at 7pm on the dot into his cot, but when wakes up after its harder to get him to settle into his cot (dh doesn't help by interacting with him when he is helping out, which I keep telling him not to do but he doesn't listen!!!)

well, I am soooo excited, I'm getting a new carrier tomorrow by special delivery. get ready to drool.... the eden print.

we are good, did you notice there are now more posts in Neens NEW parenting journal than there are in here lol

I've started using our gro company blind with sticky suction cups and it works wonders (we actually bot 2 so we could use it in our room too & to travel with ) can't recommend it enough

Nat, i'm starting to drop dylans feeds. Going to get him down to just morning & night (and all the wakeups at night). He is far less needy for a feed when we are out and about. If we are at home he puts up quite the fight before going down for a nap.

and he hates his cot... will go down at 7pm on the dot into his cot, but when wakes up after its harder to get him to settle into his cot (dh doesn't help by interacting with him when he is helping out, which I keep telling him not to do but he doesn't listen!!!)

well, I am soooo excited, I'm getting a new carrier tomorrow by special delivery. get ready to drool.... the eden print.


Ha ha! That's because I talk so much bollocks Liz xxx:haha:
still waiting in for my new carrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its supposed to be 20 degrees here today but it looks well dreary outside. I want to use my carrier when it comes so sun sun come out and play!!!

Dylan down for a nap now, meant to tell you Nat not to worry too much about brekkie, Dylan hardly eats it either!

our Nct nearly new sale is tomorrow and its my first one... and i'm volunteering the whole time so will be a new experience! Just marking up some of the stuff I'm going to bring to sell (the stuff we either didn't really need or the stuff I wouldn't use again because I dont like it :) )

well off to go wait by the door like an eager little kid, waiting for the postman! xxx

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