Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

ok i might have to as last night was shit :( what am i doin wrong, well i know what now as i have given in with exhaustion and she has had her dummy, been in my bed and is now asleep on me... sqaure 1 springs to mind x

Sorry hun -i have no real tips as to baby whisperer or anything but would just like to say that Dawson was exactly the same minus the dummy, and (better not jinx myself lol) now 5 months old, plays independantly for hours, and sleeps in his own cot -full night last night :sleep::sleep::sleep: yay!! for the first time ever; he never woke til 6am from his 11pm feed. And then went back to sleep for another 2 hours lol. I did have to resort to CC though, although Libby is too young for that probably, First night it took us an hour to settle him, lifting him, putting him bck in, liftng him again over and over and it was horrible, second night he cried for 10-15 mins total, third night 2-5 mins total and now he goes in without a fuss (usually lol) :hugs::hugs: If the cosleeping lets you both get a sleep then id go with that for the time being -I only stopped cos Deej was waking up 6-12 times every night and latching on every time to be fed :cry:

In other news, I was so mad at Dave yday, still am when I think what could have happened - we went to the park with the dog (luckily the boys decided not to come sledging) and the loch was frozen over. Stupid mutt falls through the ice about 100 metres out, and even stupider hubby goes in after her to save her.Omg I was screaming at him not to go in -I could cope with losing my pooch, but not my hubby. Sorry pooch but that's how it goes!! He broke the ice all the way into get her, cutting and bruising his legs so he was pretty sure he was safe, but bloody hell!!! Stupid man, doen't realise yet how bloody dangerous it was,there could have been a shelf or a hole and he would have been a-goner. A huge audience gathered, everyone shouting for him not to go in but he says he couldn't leave her. Thing is, dogs have strong survival instincts so I am sure she'd have gotten out once she realised the direness of her situation Grrrrrrrr!! So so scary, I could still cry thinking about it.

hope everyone is well xxx
wow thats must have been so scary! u hear lots of stories of people getting in to trouble going after their pets, as you say they have a strong survival instinct, im sure ur hubby just went into automatic pilot as a dog is like part of the family without rationally thinking "hang on a minute, its a dog, il leave behind 4 children and a wife"xx
God that must have been scary!!! I don't blame you for being mad!!!

Glad everyone is ok though, including your doggy!

Fab news that DJ slept through, yay!!!!!! Will keep my fingers crossed he does the same tonight for you!xxx

Donna i really hope things are better for you? We def have an improvement this end & hubby got rained off twice in the week & I didn't kill him, result!!

Ruby is teething :( she was up til 10pm on Friday night, which she hasn't done in I don't even know how long, and sat night wasn't much better, I baby whispered to the max on Sunday & today & mixed in with teething granules, bonjela & Nurofen we have a sleeping baby! I can feel the little tooth at the top and it must be so sore for her poor thing!

I cannot believe she is 6 months, it's all going too fast!! I went into work on Friday & spoke to dad and I'm going back Mon-Wed starting in April :( Jody will be home Mon and Tues and I had wanted my mum to have her every Wednesday. Jody has however asked his mum to do alternate weeks with my mum...this was vaguely mentioned when I was about 4 or 5 months pregnant but since having her it's not been said again & also she's taken every opportunity to make a jibe about that fact I follow a routine & get her into bed at 7pm each night as Jody's sister was a single mum and had his mum there every night and pretty much still does, Jake is 6 and doesn't go to bed til 11pm & can't fall asleep on his own & gets into his mums bed at 11pm every night, she's fine with it, so that's cool, I have a husband and that's not what I want and she needs to respect that!! So I feel now I just have to go along with this or have a probably marriage ending row with hubbyto say 'your mum can't do it' so my mum says I should somehow muster the courage to say to her if she wants to do it she has to respect how we raise our child...I'm shit and I never say how I feel!!!!

Anyway, sorry to rant and moan, but you ladies are fab for it!!

Liz I hope the new years resolution is working well for you! And that Is fab news about the weight loss, well done you!!xxx

Hi Nat - we must've posted around the same time lol cos I missed this earlier.
Thanks yes things have been much better, with hubby even bathing DJ and putting him down without needing coerced by me lol :haha::haha:

I'd set ground rules with your mil right from the off, and if she doesn't like it tough, Ruby will only get really confused if someone comes in and undoes all your hard work getting her into a routine and you'll end up being the one stressing over it - get your hubby to set her straight!!!!

Dawson is teething badly too, although no sign of an actual tooth yet here! Big old red cheeks now though and he cried for nearly 5 hours yday only shushing when we carried him around and bounced him -murder on our backs, he's a big lump lol. Really feeling sorry for himself and not even a hint of a tooth yet to show for it. Typical man!! So its calpol, ibuprofen and calgel here too at the moment -maybe that helped him sleep through ! Its miserable when you see them suffering and cant take it away, isn't it?

And yep, I never mentioned earlier but well done Liz, sorry you were ill but yay for the weight loss xxx

Hope everyone has a good night tonight xxxx
hi!! I've not been getting email updates again!!

Donna I can't imagine what you must have been feeling watching your dh going after the dog, omg. Glad everybody is ok though. pooch on a lead now around the loch?

Nat, agree with Donna... set you're mil straight. If it is going to be a regular occurrence, she needs to understand her not following the routine that is in place 13 of the 14 other days she will be undermining you and your parenting and confusing Ruby. And if you find out she hasn't, tell your dh she is fired! ;) But if you set out the conditions at least if she doesn't follow your routine you have reason to stop the arrangement... which is always nice to have a 'get out clause'.

not much new here... maintaining the weight loss yay! Dylan sleeping through from 10-6 again last couple of days (or mummy and daddy haven't been waking up) so not sure what we went through the last couple of months but we don't have any teeth yet, but he's ready for them! Also he's not rolled over yet properly, can get up on his side but not the rest of the way, but when he is on his tummy he can do a 360, so who knows, maybe he doesn't want to go on his back lol.

Weaning going good, 3 meals a day. we have been co-sleeping but with him going back to sleeping through that can stop. Miss my cuddles, but don't miss waking up! Dylan doesn't mind his cot but he's been going in there I think from about 3 months. Well I think it is nap time so going to go put him down and get some stuff done around the house... weather is shit so planning another pj day!! xxxxx
Hi girlies...........

I'm in 3rd Tri! Oh My Life!

How fast has that happened???

Hope you are all well - would love to respond to you all individualy but my bed is calling me! Lots of love x x x
Woop woop Neen -3rd tri xxxxx

off to bed too zzzzzzzzzzzzz -2 nights of the screaming demon in my house and only about an hour of sleep for us both last night and 2 if we were lucky the night before zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

teeth? colic? reflux? any ideas lol -if tonight the same then it will be docs tomorrow :(
Hi ladies

Well I have decided to pull my head out of the sand, realise I am probably not going to get my lottery win and phoned my work to resume today! Feel physically sick at the thought. Eeeeuuurrghhhh!!! I have all last years hols still to take yet so still not due back until 4th April but it seems so close now, I could cry!

I know I am lucky to have all this time off and should be grateful but Oh to be a SAHM!!!

I enquired about part time hours and have been told either fulltime or down to 23 hrs per week. :( I cant really afford to drop that much :( Was hoping to drop to 28.75hrs per week which would be 2 x 2 days and 2 x 3 days and really didn't expect it to be a problem. Still to be confirmed but doesn't look likely that I'll get it. If Dave is happy with it then I dont really mind, more time with my wee guy lol but think Dave might be thinking why does he need to work fulltime AND overtime lol and I get to do 2 shifts per week. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

At 28.75hours, i can work out the childcare with both of us as sharing care, and my sis helping out one day per week but fulltime isn't so easy. So with childcare costs maybe it wont be too bad only doing 23 hrs per wk (i am kidding myself i know, and i can forsee many rows with DH over it :()

Hope everyone else is well xxx
Hey girls,

Hope everyone is well?

We had a huge breakthrough with weaning today so I'm keeping everything crossed that tomorrow is the same and she does as well with the spoon A's up until now she's refused it!

Donna - I totally feel your pain, I have said I'll go back in April, and that was 2 weeks ago & January is running out fast...I always had in my head I'd have until July, which seems an eternity away but April is not, it makes me cry just the thought of it :( it totally sucks & my hubby is exactly the same with the whole 'I have to work too you know' which is not in the least bit helpful.

I think the only thing I can offer is that we will get used to it! Fingers crossed you can get part time hours as that should help! How is he sleeping now? Did you have to go to the doctors?

Liz - I hope you're ok, thinking of you xxxx

We are off to Wisley gardens tomorrow with some Mummyfriends to see the butterflies in the green house, I can't wait! Then Wednesday we are going swimming with my friend & her little boy. Lovely to have plans but it makes my weeks go too fast! Hubby was rained off today & we've had a really lovely day toether, we've both been making a huge effort and things are loads better which makes life lots better!

Now I just need to get motivated to lose some more weight!!!!x
Sounds like a fabbie week planned Nat - even if it does seem to make time go quicker lol, and glad to hear the weaning is working, Dawson never ate for a few days there and it is worrying isn't it? Think he may have had a tummy bug, poor wee guy. My 8y.o. Ben was sick all day Sun and Mon, and after 3 nights of Deej screaming and not sleeping he suddenly went back to normal :) -still not a great sleeper lol but in his cot and not screaming lol

So I have spoken to my boss again today and she has allowed me one week parental leave and one week annual leave beginning April so I am now due back 18th April lol - every little helps lol. But I have to radically drop my hours or stay fulltime :( Hubby says 'if we can afford it, then go for it' Damn man lol , making me actually sit down and work it out haha -was hoping he'd either just say yes and we'd worry about it later or just say no and i'd fight with him over it and cry haha and then together we'd sit down and work out how to make it possible lol. Now its on my head to do what is right/ and/or make the financial adjustments to make it work lol -cant see him being too happy if I say okay it is do-able, but you need to work every other saturday or Sunday and give up on your snowboarding lol.

I went to Zumba last night for the first time lol, what a laugh!! My DD, her friend and one of my niece's came too, it was so much fun. When I got home Dawson was so happy to see me, bless him -he was so excited, jumping up and down on his daddy's knee and giggling and putting his arms out for me and then wouldn't stop hugging me haha -was so cute. I have left him before but think that last night must have been the first time that he actually realised lol.

Haha - dont know whether to laugh or be mad at my hubby sometimes - just received a text
' glad you got a long lie this morning babe, you'll be nice and refreshed 'wth?????? He gets up at 8am and isn't up half a dozen time through the night lol; I got the benefit of not needing to get up until 8;45 today haha and then
'glad you got you start date sorted for work, bet you are MUCH happier with that' lol NO !!!

Have tried several times to reply but am actually lost for words haha -i'll just remind him on Sat when I wake HIM up at 8:45 and say 'morning darling, i let you have a nice long lie, bet you feel SO refreshed now ' haha

Stupid man!!!
He's also texted me to ask me to pick up mayo in ASDA, have already reminded him that I have an 8y/o with sickness and diarrhoea at home :( silly man
lol oh well, gotta love them!!!!

Thinking of you Liz xxx<<hugs>>>

Hey 'waves' to everyone else xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey ladies!

Hope everyone is well, and Liz I hope your trip is going ok.

Donna - what did you do with the husband in the end?! I would have been so mad about that stupid text as well!!!

Lets hope the 6 months mark is the change point as mine seems to have turned over a new leaf, he is washing & sterilising bottles, cooking dinner and generally just being SO much happier and pleasant, and now he knows I am back to work in a few months doesnt make stupid digs about it all the time!

Hope your LO is feeling better, how is Deej?

We are doing fab on the solids now, she is even eating my cooking!!

I am loving this stage of smiles, fun times, 2-3 hours awake, swimming, playing, laughing, its all so lovely!! xxx
HI! sorry I've been awol, but I guess you all realised where I went. I'm still in the states now, heading back on Tuesday and kind of excited to get back into our routine, but have really enjoyed our unexpected visit, Minus the purpose of the visit. I am so thankful we came to visit in october for my gran to meet Dylan then (as she was on the decline then) that is what really helped me through..

Since we've been here Dylan has made so many developments, rolling over, going up on his knees in crawling position (but not moving) and reaching out for people to hold him. He's been such a good lad letting all sorts of 'strangers' hold him and full of smiles. He's a bit under the weather at the minute though. Think he has a cold which is just awful to see as not much we can do. Using the nasal thinging to get snot out but he doesn't like that at all and giving calpol (thankfully I planned ahead and bot some at the airport, even though dh didn't know why I was doing it, I've since rubbed it in) Also got a vicks plug in here which is sort of helping, but he has been waking up and breathing heavy during the night and unconsolibly crying.... but then give him some milk and calms down, but during the day he's fine, laughing playing etc so don't know whats wrong at night!

donna, zumba sounds so fun!! I got some jillian michaels dvds while here to take home, I've gained some weight here...oops, they have fried pickles which are suprisingly AMAZING... (getting some now too :) )

nat- I agree this stage is very rewarding! we took enough ellas kitchen pouches for the trip so looking forward to getting back and doing some more home cooking!

chelsie- sorry your going back to work soon, the time just flies by, its so crazy...

O and I'm deffo ready to have no 2 now, I am sooo broody for a big family... just need to convince dh now, and it shouldn't be too hard as not on bc at moment, so watch this space!

take care everyone xxxxx
ps... Neen, how's the bump?? all ready or do you have a lot to do?? xxx
Hi Liz, I'm doing well thank you and seem to be pretty organised at the moment! Mum and dad have been this weekend and decorated the babys room for us! We are getting carpet fitted next Friday and furnature will be coming on the sat! Will take pictures when it is done xxx
Omg Neen - a squash lol!! Need to update my siggy
Liz -wow !! number 2 on your mind, I am more than a liitle jealous lol -even though I have number 2, 3 and 4 haha, just as well my spd was practically unbearable this time around or maybe I'd never want to stop having babies.

My gorg fab wee guy slept through last night. Bliss!! Not getting my hopes up, as the last time he slept well one night, we had several bad nights later to pay for it but here's hoping haha - I got a full night sleep tho' so I am a happy bunny.

Deej has started bum shuffling lol - he generally just moves in large circles lol but wont be too long until he realises he can get anywhere doing it - and when he is at the sofa he keeps trying to pull up to stand too. All our babies will be toddlers soon!!... and getting into everything haha.

Liz -you still bfeeding? How often? I am back at work in 11 weeks or so and cannot get Dawson to take milk (EBM or formula) from a bottle or cup. Worrying! He still feeds a lot! For hunger and comfort too, i am really going to miss feeding him :(

Seen on fbook you are planning centreparcs Nat. We (well me more than hubby really) are looking at hols just now, I am desperate to get away somewhere this yr since we missed out last year; but not going to be easy with me on reduced pay... and persuading hubby we can afford it (when actually we probably cant haha) isn't easy. We need to get away from playstation3 facebook,ebay etc. When did these things take over our lives?????????
Am making a wee bit of money on ebay just now right enough lol - seling maternity stuff and baby stuff -made £40 this week so far, so its off to the sealife centre with my sis and the boys this week :)

Zumba tomorrow night again -missed last week as I was ill - I have menieres disease -nausea, tinnitus and vertigo and was having an acute episode -the nausea is gone but I am still dizzy so zumba should be interesting :) Mad doctor gave me meds, but I have since looked them up in my national drug formulary and they should not be taken by breastfeeding mums grrrrrrrrrrrrr -I specifically asked the doc about bfeeding too, as I know i couldn't take them when preggers!

Anyways ladies, have a good flight Liz, wayhey for squash Neen, GL back at work Chels, hope you and hubby are still being kind to one another Nat (my hubby is still less than desirable some days but he is trying ), hope Libby is sleeping better Gemz and Lori -hey!!!

Lotta love spk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am so so sorry I advent been on for so long ladies!
Hope all mums and babies and bumps are good!!
Well I started ba k at work yesterday but as if lunch today am back at home with a very poorly lil girl!!!
She got a really bad temperature last thursday which has since turnt into a cough.
Went to the docs with her today and she has conjunctivitis and a respiratory infection and is still up and down with her temperature!!
She's just not herself at all and it's sooo horrible to see!
And onto of all that the teething has got soooo much worse and she wakes loads in the night at the moment too !!
Well best go give her lots of mummy cuddles.
Love to all xxxxx
flight canceled, stuck in maine, my mum is over the moon though... not too much of a bother for me since on mat leave but hubby doesnt have any leave left!! oops! will see what work says but what can you do, we are going to try to fly out again on Friday as flights tomorrow are already cancelled so might as well tuck in and enjoy the snowstorm... I'll make sure to take pics so you can see them on fb at some point!

Donna- still bfeeding, morning, 230, and evening... but more so during the day now but sporadic... kind of for comfort before a nap like after lunch or after breakfast if he hasnt eaten loads... o and any time he wakes up at night... which seems to be ALL THE TIME now!! he's spent more and more time on our bed lately, it is sooo easy to just bring him into bed, pop him on the boob, and fall back to sleep :)

nat- what centre parcs you looking at?

Chelsie- hope macie feels better soon, its so awful to have poorly babies!

Neen, how exciting your furniture is coming soon! can't wait to see pics!!

well off to sleep!
Hello ladies how is everyone?
Well this is my 3rd week back at work and i absolutely HATE it!!!
Leaving Macie is easier than i thought as she absolutely loves nursery but i hate my job with a passion and have made the decision to leave the RAF and move back home closer to my family... at the moment i have no idea how long its going to take to get out but i just cannot wait now... hoping to move to Morden so will be really close to family :)
Macie is still suffering with her chest and teething so badly now but still no sign of any teeth lol.
She sits sooooo well on her own now, but when it comes to crawling or rolling she is just so lazy haha. Not interested in any of it?
How are all the other lovely babies doing??

I keep meaning to post so I am glad you gave deactivated the thread again!

Sorry to hear you aren't enjoying your job, but moving to Morden sounds good! Can hubby move easily too? That's only about 20 mins from me!!

I'm back at work in 10 weeks, ita flying by!!!

Ruby can pretty much sit up on her own & she is doing exactly the same with all the signs of teething but still nothing! It's been about 4 months now but these last 2 weeks she's really stepped it up a gear so fingers crossed they're ontheir way very soon!

We have been swimming each Wednesday, I just go with a friend and her 11 month old, and she's loving it! I'm happy she's water confident without paying for lessons.

Hubby and I have booked a holiday to Brighton, just a one night stay but wanted a first family holiday just the 3 of us!

Anyway, that's about all I gave to report, hope everyone is well xxxx

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