Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

my baby is growing too fast :cry: i dont want her to have teeth yet :cry:
my baby is growing too fast :cry: i dont want her to have teeth yet :cry:

Totaly agree!
In one sense I am so pleased Dawson is developing well and meeting milestones and deeloping his own wee personality but on the other hand I am missing my wee baby lol :wacko::wacko:

I fed him yday and he fell asleep on my chest and I fell asleep too -it was so nice, all cuddled up on the couch with my boy for a wee siesta :cloud9: been a long time since he done this (and only cos hes been poorly with a cold lol so dont wish that on him every day)

Nat - with you on the hating early mornings grrrrrrrr -Dawson has started waking up every morning at 6am -BIG difference for us lol, we were used to getting up at 8-9 am. He must know I am back to work soon lol -getting me used to ealy starts again :haha::haha:

Stuck in today waiting on a parcel, so was out with the dog early early lol and now hoping and praying it comes soon so we can get to the park.

Have a fab day ladies n babies
Just thought, Liz NOT FAIR lol :haha::haha: - you had Dylan first and are still getting longer off work than the rest of us haha -when are you back? Is it June? I am next month, as is Gemma to Uni, Nat the following month and Chelsie back already :shrug::shrug: Where did the time go????

Oh well. onwards and upwards - we may be losing the baby stages but roll on toddlers and not too many tantrums lol

Hey Neen and Olly :flower::flower: 1 week already - how are things? hope you are getting better, and Olly looks more gorgeous every day :) Any estimation on getting him inot maternity ward with you, or even both of you home? :flower:

ttfn xxxx
Morning all!

How are we all today? Well Ruby is still waking early, in fact today was 6am!! I am not enjoying this new schedule of hers!! I am doing her dream feed later, at 11pm, in the hope she sleeps longer so it is just making me shattered!!

I am out tonight with my NCT ladies for cocktails and dinner so I am going to be one tired lady!!

We have a second tooth! It hasn't quite popped through yet but it is on it's way, so we have a grizzly Ruby again, poor thing, between teething powder and nurofen and calpol it is just about keeping her happy.

I am back to work on the 1st of May, we have so much stuff booked in between now and then that I know the time is just going to fly by :( in a way I am looking forward to it as I have some things in place already that I want to pursue and get moving on, but obviosuly the thought of not being with Ruby everyday is awful!

***Exciting news!!***

We have officially decided to TTC at the end of this year for #2!! So technically that means that I could only be back at work until August next year, I think I can handle just over a year back in the office! Seems mad to think about it, but the other morning I was lying in bed thinking how it would feel to be pregnant again, so I guess I am over the thought of dreading it! I am basing this on us being lucky and catching a BFP very early on, if it doesn't work in Nov/Dec/Jan we would stop trying for a few months. My sister turns 30 on the 1st of December and is having a big party so I am hoping that to be my last drinking event!! That way it will throw people off the scent for a while if I am drinking then!

haha look at me planning it all out and it hasnt even happened yet!

Well the sun is attempting to shine today, so we might pop to the swings, have a lovely day and a good weekend everyone xxxx
oooo ttc 2 wow!! :D

we also have tooth 2, nxt to first so she has 2 front bottom teeth :grr:
no teeth here, but still breastfeeding so I'm not in any hurry for Dylan to get them!! not crawling but anyday now!! Donna, you mentioning that Dawson followed you into your room makes me put getting a babygate a priority this weekend as it is any day now until he goes faster on the crawling front, he rocks back and forth and lobs himself in different directions but still learning! We have a stairgate at the bottom of the stairs already but need to get one for the top now.

Sorry ladies about being the last to get back to work! I just can't bear the thought of going back but my official return to work date is June 6th but I'm going to put some holiday onto that too. I've just stopped getting smp now :( I would love to stay at home full time but dh says no :(

I'm still looking to book our hols... need to get on that!! going to have a week in cornwall in may I think and then abroad somewhere in april.

So much going on lately. I went back to the local NICU where Dylan was in the beginning for the first time this week for a meeting and got a bit emotional being back. heart goes out to Neen too knowing what its like, but sooo soo soo glad Olly George and Mummy have been reunited, going home is right around the corner!!

Dylan has not been sleeping well, he is all over the place now with his waking up times I can't predict it anymore, he falls asleep at 7 practically on the dot every night but some nights he wakes and is inconsolable until he is in our bed with us but some nights he'll have a feed and settle back in the cot. I spent 2 hours the other night trying to get him to sleep in the cot with me just sitting in the chair and reading a book so he knew I was there and that didnt work either, its sooo hard as he just looks at me with his arms out like why are you not picking me up??? I have no idea how he is going to handle nursery when we finally have to start going... I'm dreading that too!!!

well off to sleep now, have not felt well today and have already had 2 kips but I'm still exhausted!!

getting my hair done tomorrow morning, think i'm going to go brown again....

xxxx he just looks at me with his arms out like why are you not picking me up??? xxxx

Not fun is it?? Dawson gets himself up to sit now with his wee arms through the bars, nose pressed up against them like a wee prisoner. He will be standing up in there soon too. He looks so sad :cry: and it is so hard trying to get him to lie down again.

We are all booked up for Majorca, leaving 24th June for 2 weeks -I cant wait!! We were looking at going to Bulgaria and I originally booked that holiday online and then had a massive panic when I realised that the hotel we were going too was a big hit for the 18-30 age group !! AArrghhhh, was envisaging a fortnight of drunken teens and loud loutish behaviour but the sale of holiday never went through as there were not enough flights left Omg I was / am so pleased.
Horrid night flights but other than that, yay holiday!!!! :happydance:

Liz -thoroughly enjoy your time of and never mind me and my little green eyed monster lol :blush::blush:, I have had longer off than anyone ... just wish it had all been after Dawson was born lol :haha:

Nat -Wow exciting baby number 2 :happydance::happydance:
And enjoy the sunshine -we have more SNOW lol -c'mon spring !!

Gemma - two teeth now, good girl Libby and she doesn't seem to have been too bothered with them has she? Clever girl.

xxx ttfn- enjoy the rest of the weekend xxxx
Dawson cut his first tooth yday yay!!!

Hasn't managed to bite me yet lol

It was my 9y.o birthday yday too, so a date to remember.

Two terible nights we have just had from him, up every hour or so last night and climbing onto his knees and leaning over the cot - time to go to bottom rung of cot :) -hoping it was tooth related and that he'll be better tonight. I am exhausted, physically and mentally.

Nice to hear from everyone and sorry if I disappeared on you the other night Chels on Fb -Dawson woke up and then I ended up taking him into my bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

off to get dressed and go to the park, the snow has gone thank god!!!

love to all, hugs n kisses for all the bonfire babies and especially Neen and Olly -loving your updates on fb and all the gorgeous pics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies. Hope your all well.
Just a quick post as im in work! hehe.
Well Macie definately has some form of Asthema but there not sure on wether or not its a long term thing but it seems one of her worst triggers is the cats! :(
Sad times as we now have to get rid of our 2 beautiful cats!
Also me and DH have given up smoking... day 2 today with not a puff since sunday night!!!! :thumbup:
All is good for the health of our bubba :happydance:
Hope everyone is well... will have a proper read and catch up soon.
Love to all babies and mummies xxxx
well done chelsie on deciding to quit!! thats a big step!!

we are just having a day in as its awful foggy and horrible, after several days in a row of sunshine it was too good to be true! Dylan came down with the sniffles a couple days ago and today I've got them too :( Dh says dylan must take after me as I pick up every bug going...

I found a pair of jeans pre baby in my closet yesterday and yay they fit!! Still need to loose more weight but I've been going to zumba the last couple of weeks and we walked to our baby class yesterday in the next town over. Going to make best use of these last couple months off. Totally in denial that I have to go back. Sorry you guys are all back first but you can all give me tips on how to do it most effectively!!

Neen, glad to hear your home now, hope you manage to lock yourselves in for a few days to get what you should have had post birth. Turn off the doorbell and phones and hibernate and get to know lil olly better!! I bet Bead is excited to have you all home, when do you hear about his new job??

well going to start making lunch now...nom nom homeade pizza! xx
Well done Chelsie with the stopping smoking -its really hard isn't it? I have smoked on and off since my teens - stopped preconception with each baby, never smoked during pregnancy and breastfeeding then started again D'oh!!! - Normally about the same time I went back to work, but along with drinking nights out etc, determined NOT to do it this time, but we'll see!!! I hate the money i spent as well as anything else health wise.
Hope you grt homes ofr your cats too :(

Nom nom home made pizza mmmmmmmm Liz, that would be nice now :)And yay for fitting pre-preg jeans, I am now almost at prepreg weight (varies1-2lb), but not the same shape :( - Need to get toning!! Especially for my bikinis on my hols lol -bought two new ones last week -had to get size 14 tops, size 8 bottoms -as long as we keep breastfeeding until then(which I plan doing) then should be okay!

Found Deej standing in his cot this morning, he is in at everything now!!! Cannot take my eyes off him for a second lol as he pulls him self up to stand at everything, tries to climb onto everything, fascinated with plugs and sockets haha And the poor dog is getting terrorised lol - he will not stay still ever now he is mobile, thankgoodness for stairgates and socket protectors, need to put on my drawer locks too. Suddenly you realise how un-child friendly your house is lol!!

He wants to walk all the time too, my poor back aches with stooping over holding his hands and letting him walk.

need to go he's up and climbing lol xxxx

Well today was the longest I've left Ruby for! I had to leave for Stratford at 8am and I didn't get back until near 3, the meeting went well but it was so hard leaving her! In some respects it felt like I was just me, doing my usual job & I settled back into it nicely, but in other ways I just ached to see he'd, there's no lying to myself, work is going to be tough!

Especially if she carries on this erratic sleeping, we stayed at my mums due to the early start so I'm hoping it was just due to her not being in her own bed but she had me up at 12, 2, 3 & 5 and then did her usual to start the day around 6!!! We are working on pushing bedtime slightly later each day in the vain hope she goes back to sleeping til 7am, anything that does it!!

Liz - well done you! I got a size 10 suit out the wardrobe for the meeting & couldn't believe it fit! How co-ordinated do you need to be for rumba? Cos I'm not in the least!

Donna - I have to say I'm not envious of Deej moving about already, I'm quite enjoying our mornings snuggled on the sofa together, and they would become a thing of the past! Although, I bet it's still exciting to see them grow into little people.

Chelsie - well done!!! Thats great news! Have you found somewhere for the cats? If it weren't for Buster I 100% would as Ruby just adores my mums cats.

Well that's me off to dream feed. Have a good night all & let's hope we all get a nice 8 hour sleep from the little monkeys! Xxxxxx
Girls thank you for all your well wishes! We are doing really well at home. Olly is a good boy for his mum and it appears he read the breastfeeding manual before being born which has meant mummy has taken to it like a duck to water! :)

Here is a pic of mr long legs having a cuddle with his daddy xxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh he makes me want to squeeze him until it hurts, in a lovely way!!!

So glad all is going well for you, saw on fbook earlier you were out on a pub crawl. Very impressed!

Ruby has hardly napped today, if this means she sleeps til 7am then I am never allowing her to nap again!!!xxx
Love the pic, adored it on fb too. He is just sooo cute! Glad the bfeeding is coming easily for you, its such a great feeling especially in the beginning to feed up your little preemie with the 'good stuff' ;)

Nat- zumba is quite fun, its like dancing on a night out without the alcohol. You have to be slightly coordinated for some of the moves but its so much fun we have a good laugh and I can walk to it from the house. I'm slightly coordinated as used to cheer growing up in school in the us ;)

Dylan is sort of crawling now, he can go a little ways but he isn't moving anywhere too quickly. I set him down in the hall though today and went into my room to blow dry my hair and when I turned on the hair dryer he did a 180 in like 3 secs to see what I was doing making so much noise! we went to look at another nursery today... such a big decision. I deffo like the one we saw today but it might be full ....eek... they're going to call me to let me know tomorrow. Its a bit more of an effort as its like 5 mins down the road the opposite way but I think its worth it compared to the one on our doorstep. We do have a place at the one on our doorstep though if this one doesn't work out but i'm so nervous about it!!! It was soo nice today, they took us to the baby room and the staff were a lot friendlier and they were like ooo set him down and see if he likes it and he started banging some trucks together and smiling at all the ladies!!

O, and he is a total ladies man!! we were at music on monday and he had a girl either side, so he was facing one of them and the other one got 'jealous ;) ' and practically rolled on top of him and put her face right in his it was sooo funny!! They had a snog under the muslin that they were supposed to be lying under listening to music!! lol. And the best part is dh loved the story when I told him and this evening at dinner dh said to dylan, 'dont you want a little sister' and I was like (omg omg we're going to ttc!!) and then he went on to say thats how he can pick up all the ladies (as he has 4 sisters and obv. so good at picking up ladies lol)...

well I best be off now, just got back from bingo and I won....£13.75, hardly enough to retire on!! But we broke even so it was a fun night out!

hope all you lovely ladies have well behaving children this evening that sleep through the night (or in Olly's case- close to it!) xxxx
Wow Neen he is SO gorgeous!! Happy 2weeks old Olly -that sure went quick!! Probably not for you though Neen.
And isn't he doing so well for a preemie ?
So glad the bfeeding is going well too xxxx
Enjoy your lil man :)

Nat -I so know what you mean about missing my snuggle time now Deej is getting more independant :(
He wants to be crawling or walking all the time now. Thankfully we are still bfeeding LOTS lol so I get my cuddles then but soon that will be gone too. Where did my wee baby go? lol Was hoping as he is my last that I could get to appreciate the baby years more but he is in such a rush to grow up and play with his siblings

Goodluck with the nursery placement Liz

Hey everyone else -sorry need to go bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Deej is getting up early every morning and aswell as still waking up at night, it is taking its toll zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Awww Neen he is just tooooo adorable... and i am totally with Nat on the wanting to just squeeze him in a good way hehe.
I would love to go to a Zumba class but am still having major issues with my feet (old injury from being in the RAF) lol
Is it bad that i am jealous of your little ones crawling and moving about?? Macie just doesnt want to move haha. Bless her and STILL NO TEETH!!!!!!!!!

We have someone coming to see the cats on saturday and hopefully taking them (depending on if we are both happy). She lives in a little cul-de-sac with her own garden and a 3 year old son who loves cats so fingers crossed as she sounds lovely and is looking to house them together which is what we wanted.
Well its day 4 of no smoking for me and hubby and neither of us have touched a ciggy since sunday night!!!! woop woop. So proud of us hehe.

Macie was back at docs this morning for a check up and referral to the pediatrics after being in hospital last friday. They suspect asthema but dont really want to brand her with it at such a young age :cry:
Shes now got a blue inhaler and a brown one :cry:
I cant complain about her tho as she is just soooooooooo good with it all. she still smiles away and laughs even when your giving her the inhaler hehe.

Well hope all babies and mummys are good and well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Omg Chelsie do not be jealous of these boys moving around lol...

I dont get a seconds peace just now haha

Dawson is now pulling himself up to stand at every opportunity and then tring to walk across the room unaided, or walking around the furniture - he is still a bit too unsteady tho so i need to catch him when he falls -WHICH IS ALL THE TIME! Stressful!

Just finished feeding the lil monkey, so hes off again ttfn love to all xxx
Hey ladies... Well Treacle (my female cat) has found a new home :)/:(. But my gorgeous boy Pumpkin hasnt yet :(/:). lol
Macie is doing well and started on a kamikazee mission of throwing herself off the sofa!!! haha.
I have my official exit date from the RAF :happydance: 15th January 2012 :happydance:
Sooooooo excited and sooooo cant wait.
Also after talking about wanting to do it for 2 years, i believe now is the perfect oppotunity to start looking into my next chosen career.... A Midwife!!!
Would love to do it and been talking about it for years, but because i was in the military never followed it through~! Now i can yay.
Hope all mums and babies are doing well xx
How exciting!!! a midwife!!! thats a fantastic career. I've thought of it very recently too but I think you must be a stronger person than me though as, although I would love most parts of it, I would find it hard to deal with some people. And I'm not the best listener, which is something you have to be... You'll be able to give me tips on number 2 as you do your training ;)!! Have you started your program yet or anything as you get loads of days off don't you while you're coming out of the RAF? and did you ever notice on fb that we have a real life person in common lol? He used to work with my dh not too long ago :) Glad you got one of your cats rehomed too, what a hard decision (one we are constantly debating with) thouht they were going to get rehomed together, assuming that didn't work out?


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