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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Liz I love your new carrier! You will have to let me know what it is like! We are still using the baby bjorn at the moment but will need an upgrade soon!

Glad to hear mine isn't the only monkey that doesn't take breakfast! And my hubby does the same, he just cant resist laughing etc with her, I am like PLEEEEASE shut it!!

They dont mind cos its us that gets up all night!!

Hope you had a better night last night Donna xxxx
no kidding Nat!! and I got a telling off tonight from dh too as I left the kitchen 'a complete tip' (which I know & admit) but I'm like this is the first time I didn't have time to tidy up as i went along as its been a very busy day. I had to wait for my carrier.... which I love!!! bit disappointed ours doesn't have a zebra on it but a fawn & hot pink dove....but I knew that it wasn't exactly as the pic when I saw it and I still love it... its so comfy too, tried Dylan in it and on back and realised I can never wear my hair down while he's in it. He loves to pull my hair!

I made 2 nappy wreaths today too, my first commission work!!! I'll have to post pics, I was giving them as gifts to friends but someone who got one as a present wanted 2 made for a baby shower she is going to tomorrow.

well dylan hasn't woken up yet but he SCREAMED at 7pm bedtime... didnt want to be in cot at all!! I dont know what to do, I am just leaving him to cry it out and keep going in to move him back to middle of the cot as he keeps going to the corner closest the door and banging his head on the cot poor thing!! might be the clingy stage starting.

I sooo want to ttc no 2 like now!! some days I want to wait and some days I'm like, theres no day like today to start trying!! you never know how long the 'trying' is going to take!! constant dilemma!!

well off to sleep, hoping all babies sleep through tonight!! xx
Liz I have left Deej to CIO too, hate it and it makes me so sad to hear him but its been neccessary for us. He wouldnt settle in his cot or in our bed and got more tired and more tired and grumpier and grumpier lol, whereas now he screams initially, I need to keep going in and lying him down again (over and over), but quickly he falls asleep.

Hope everyone had a nice mothers day.

EEkk!! Back to work in less than 2 weeks i COULD CRY!

so I was leaving Dylan to cry it out last night after he'd had his milk he was asleep on boob, transfer him to cot and omg screams!! so I walk away, give him like 15 minutes go back in readjust him to starting position, do this like twice, screams not stopping.. its awful. So I pick him up and he starts to try to calm himself down as I know he's instantly happy, but he throws up all over me and him!!!! and it stank!! sorry tmi... so I yell for dh (as we decided to go to sleep at 7pm too) and strip us off and Dylan gets his first shower with mummy lol.

I was worried he was unwell so convinced hubby dylan belonged beside me in bed. well off to sleep now, hoping Dylan sleeps through but knowing he prob won't. :/

:hugs::hugs: to Donna, just think of the extra money you'll get coming in from going back to work. Deej is soo cute in his piccies on fbook! going to go look properly as only saw the highlighted ones yesterday xx
Oh gd Liz you poor thing!! Hope he slept well for you!

Donna - what Liz said, I'm desperate for the cash but equally cannot believe how fast this has gone! Start a countdown to you hol!

When I go back on May 1st I go away on the 27th of May and sO it's not too many working days, but the other side of that I have no holidays!!! But actually, Ruby's birthday to look forward to!

Off to visit a friend in Kent today & her little 1mo! See if I do think it's a good idea to have another! Ha!

Lovely day to all xxxxxx
oh no liz poor thing :( did he like his shower?

we tried it with libby too but I just couldnt do it and she ended up in my bed, we are doing the BW pick up/put down method now which seems to be working, Iv found she is rebelling a bit now and getting me up loads through the night but because she is under 6 months (just) im using the shush pat to get her off, doing exact this for daytime naps too.. im just not taking no for an answer as she is so overtired come bed time she isnt wanting a feed after her last one either even when i fed her this morning at 5.30 as I thought she was hungry she wouldnt take it! Nat anymore tips?, im a bit more comfortable doing it now as she can roll over herself, which she does and goes on her tummy herself! I cant get rid of her dummy :( and its a prop iv tried I think its just pereveiriance and a very long night, she can cry for hours! I gave in after an hour an 45 mins and she went straight off

sorry, rambled on a bit there

Donna - I love the new photo's of deej on fb, he is such a cutie! x
Well whenever we have a bad day I basically go back to basics, so I make sure I write everything down & I check the BW site for roughly what her awake time should be, remind me how many months is she now? If you type into google 'chronological easy samples' for however old she is it'll give you an idea of a routine.

So then as soon as she's awake I fOllow her sleep cues etc and try & have a chilled day at home & basically start the whole nap time routine a out 5 mins before i normally would, sometimes Roo plays in her for for 5 mins or so before she goes off, if she doesn't want a feed then it sounds like she doesn't know how to Put herself to sleep, does that make sense?x
yeh she doesnt, thats our problem.. trying to sort it now. Tonight I did bottle, bath, half an hour chill out time then bed and just held her hand and covered her eyes, when she cried I picked her up, settled her and put her back down saying "its only time for sleep" and only took 15 mins and she drifted off herself, no patting! and on her side not her front :D major acheivement! she can stay aake for 2 hours usually before she starts to get crabby so iv ben taking her up and doing same things ect,but i think im gonna use the "chill out cushion" before every nap for 15 mins x
Hi ladies sorry i haven't replied in ages... Got sooo much going on at home and also havent had a chance to catch up on all the replies.
Well me and hubby's arguments are just getting worse and worse and more and more often its so tiring, and we dont actually like being in each others company.
Well he got laid off before Xmas and since then has been on and off with shitty little jobs the I/ME have found for him but he hasnt been able to keep. I wrote him up some CV's and he lied to me about handing them out and actually hid them under the bed!!!! I'm now in abit of det due to bills that i havent been able to pay as im paying for EVERYTHING! I refuse to take Macie out of full time nursery as that will give him even less insentive to go get a job and i know that he will just sit there all day playing playstation even if she was there.
Anyway... he went down home (croydon where the parents are) a week ago last monday for abit of work that once again i got him and we were still arguing then yesterday he tells me he's lost that job too and i just lost it with him!
Its now at a stage where he's going to stay at his parents and we will see him on weekends. I still love him and were still together but i need him to prove to me that he can provide for his child!!!
Am i in the wrong??
Sorry for the rant ladies, just really needed to get that off my chest. :blush:

Love to all babies and yummy mummy's xxxx
I dont think your wrong at all I cannot believe he hid his cv's! Its a bit immature.. you would think he would want to get a job and provide for his family espcially in this day and age u dont sniff u nose at any job u can get. Plus he wont get any benifits or anything so you are basically sole provider? I would go mental! I think your right to not take her out of nursery as it will upheave her world, she will be used to the routine of going and will be loving being around all the children, why should macie suffer. I mean what is better than having a bit of self worth and going out to work, I think its better for your mental health, it drives u mad not having anything to get up for or get dressed for, I dont understand why he keeps losing the jobs :shrug:
Chelsie I would be livid too hun but maybe he is depressed or something? If this is abnormal behaviour for him?

If he is depressed get him to talk to his GP - if he is not (and there is nothing else wrong of course ) then give him a kick up the backside. Maybe seeing how much it upsets you and seeing tht your serious about being at your mums with Macie will frighten him into action.
sending you hugs hun <<>>. Its not easy!!

I had a huge reality check yday when I sat down and worked out our finances lol (been burying my head in the sand whilst still on mat and being on full holiday pay, plus having my mortgage holiday ) and have realised that not only cant we not afford a holiday but cant afford to live if I go back the planned 2 shifts a week lol. I knew this!!! AND planned to get some extra shifts lined up before I went back, but the head burying has been much more fun lol -sprung into action this morning , phoned for shifts and found out my payroll number for bank shifts had been deactivated as I was absent so long. Oops!!!

So they are sending me out the paper work and I need to get it signed by my line manager again and then can start getting extra hours. The thought of doing 2 shifts a week only was lovely!! But hell no! Oh well, at least I had a few months of denial and make believe haha!!! Hope it doesn't take too long to get organised! I need to get into the swing of it as soon as possible before I get too used to only doing 8 shifts a month lol.

Hubby says yday -"tell me again why you are NOT going back fulltime"
I really had to think too lol, I mean we cant really afford it, he hates his work more than me (or just as much lol) I earn more than him(or have the capability to, when I work full time) and we still have a few years on our mortgage etc to pay!!!

So came up with: full time child care costs going back full time versus none doing it my way, the opportunity to save diesel going part-time as I can get shifts in a closer hospital for extras; can pick exactly when I do the extras as opposed to HAVING to be out 14 shifts a month all hours. Hmmmmmmmm he said, was only asking!! I feel kind of bad now, as I worked 30hrs per week when the others were little as its not as if they suffered lol and tbh I want part time as I want to spend it with Dawson!!! Bit selfish really eh?

I'll need to make sure I get plenty extras I s'pose!!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day in the sun, its showery and grey here lol

You're not wrong AT ALL!! My hubby has a job & I earn almost double him...he contributes £200 a month to our bills & does a weekly food shop!!! I buy everything for Roo really! And that drives me mad that he doesn't want to earn more & try & support her, so I totally see where you're coming from.

I think you've made the right choice & hopefully his parents will give him a good kick up the backside as well. Have you had a good weekend?

Donna I'm sorry to hear about work; but also glad you've got your head around it all now. Fingers crossed the transition is easy!

Morning ladies... well i had an absolutely wonderful weekend with my family, hubby and Macie! We didnt argue once haha...:thumbup:
He's really trying hard and working hard to get a job and looking at everything and anything! lol. (good lad hehe)
Well his parents (who have never made any effort with Macie at all not even to see Macie. They've only been up to us twice since she was born and we only live an hour away!!!!!!!!!!)
Anyway they didnt make any effort to see her this weekend (so thats about a month they aint seen her now) so they rung DH last night and started moaning and shouting at him and kicked him out!!!!!!!!!! they put all his stuff in there back garden!!!!!!!!! How wrong is that? I cant believe that at a time when he needs his parents most they've just gone and turnt there back on him!!!!! Well my parents have taken him in... so he's now staying with them and i think it could be a blessing in disguise as my mum will kick him up the but haha

Sorry for the rant ladies...

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well done hub! Glad you had such a good wknd. That really is poop, how can u kick you own baby out? could never envisage doing that. I dont understand grandparents not wanting to see your beauty! there loss :hugs: Hows work going? xx
awww chelsie!! hope your mum sorts your hubby out!! Thing is, men like to do everything on their own timescales which most always don't fit with ours!! can't believe his parents kicked him out when he needs help the most, glad your parents were able to take him in. Glad you had a good weekend together :)

Donna, it makes me sad just reading about sorting out your work. Why do any of us have to go back??? esp if we don't want to!!

I wish dh would give me a choice whether I want to go back to work or not. I'm only half okay with going back and going back full time as I'll have enough days to take most wednesdays off with Dylan for the rest of the year and then hopefully ttc no2 soon so fingers crossed won't be back at work long. Dh looking to move too down to oxford with work at some point too and he has said if he gets posted there I can stay at home with the kiddies.... but who knows!! I plan to take next mat leave though as soon as possible!! what is it, like at 25 weeks??

we had a nice weekend, went to skegness on saturday and dh worked in the garden yesterday. It was lovely this moring so nipped into the 3 for 2 baby sale at boots and have just made it back and its all grey in the skies and getting a bit cold.

Loving this sunshine though!!! went to belton house with a friend on Friday which is a national trust property and played in the playpark and gardens, it was sooo lovely!! got a NT membership now so going to go as often as I can :)

Liz I am still hoping for that lottery win lol- then I'll not be going back haha, well not until Deej is 3 or 4y.o. then part time haha Oh well I can dream. I think cos i am back for EVER now too lol, makes it worse somehow; before there was always the chance of some more maternity leave down the line somewhere, now it seems so final! :( Work work work work work retire then die :(
Oops a bit glum there sorry

On better subjects, Liz well done on reaching 10 months bfeeding -any plans to stop, or keep going and even possibly tandem feed with number 2? I am now thinking I'll stop when Dawson is 1, but we'll see haha- liking keeping at least one bit of him still a baby haha. Will be so much easier to still be bfeeding when we are on holiday with not needing sterilising equip, bottles etc but means I cant drink :( - Only have had a drink once whilst feeding and Dawson took an allergic reaction and came out in hives :( (and I only had 2 small drinks over several hours) And I miss my nice wee tops too, anything I put on just now makes me feel like I am all boobs and I hate it; and they aren't even that big lol -just big for me -normally only tiny 32C and that suits me fine ;) sitting with an E cup just now yuk!! (prob be a AA cup afterwards Omg!! I'll bet, for all my moaning now )
And well done on your Bliss fundraising events! Good for you both, you must be so proud of your achievements!

Chelsie -hope you and hubby get everything sorted out hun, and glad to see you both had a lovely weekend xx

Nat and Gemma -enjoy your last few weeks before going back to work / uni -my last few weeks went so fast, can hardly believe that this time next week I'll have been back and completed my first 13hr shift away from my wee guy! I am going to miss him so much! But will probably be glad of some adult conversation too, and a bit of piece from him running me ragged lol!! He never stops! And has become so clingy to me past few weeks especially.
Well done Libby on sitting up, and I bet Roo is crawling now - Our babies are growing up ladies! Be school next lol!

Neen -your wee man is looking smashing, coming along great isn't he? Loving all the pics on fbook xx

Night night all, sweet dreams (for all those that get long enough sleep to dream haha) and just hope everyone else gets a few hours xxx

Chelsie I'm so glad you had a good weekend, that's fab news!

Your in laws sound as wonderful as mine, you can check out my journal for the latest mil rant! She called me today and said 'what are you doing? Shopping?' so I said 'no I'm in new Malden having lunch with my sister.' so she said 'and is my girl with you?' so I actually so 'no, my girl is!' hahaha I've never done that before, stupid bloody cow!

Donna - Roo is the same and has become so clingy to me, sometimes won't even go to Jody! She's not crawling yet but I'm not hugely encouraging it either! She's never been a lover of tummy tine so she doesn't do it an awful lot.

Liz well done on 10 months! That's fab!!!

We've had a busy week cramming everything in and seeing everyone before I'm back at work, and then we are off for our family holiday to Brighton this weekend, I can't wait!

Gemma I hope Libby has been settling ok since your ******* neighbours!xxx
Thanks guys, 10 months has just flown by!!! No plans to stop... I try not to think about it :) In the beginning my goal was to try to do it, then get to 6 months, and now it is to a year. It seems like a lot of my mummy friends are doing it too (to a year) which is surprising as last night on bbc3 cherry healey did a show on breastfeeding and I think it said something like only 5% of brit pop bfeed after 3 months I think it said. Knowing other people are carrying on to the year definitely has kept me inspired & motivated. It was a really good show too... watched it today while dylan had a nap on me, had a few tears too. I get soo emotional now!!

Nat, brighton sounds fun!! We need to plan a family holiday asap... I've been putting it off as dh is a bit of a ..... fill in the blank when it comes to actually booking leave. Its always so up in the air so by the time we want to book it either the place is all full that we were looking at or the kennels is full or something. and of course I'm doing all the leg work.... sorry, got a bit carried away there!! Have a lovely time!! Bit jealous of yours and Donnas hols coming up soon :)

Well dylan has a tooth coming through and he has had a temp today, given him a bit of paracetamol and seems to have come down before bed. he's been sleeping & feeding loads today poor boy :(

Oh Liz -wish I'd seen that, I wonder if it's on demand or if I can download it! You are lucky that you have support and espec others in the same position-I find more and more I am getting 'Are you STILL feeding? and Dont you think its time you put him on a bottle??' NO!! -At least at the moment I tell them that I want to continue for ease when on hols and that shuts them up a for a while. I am supposed to get extra breaks at work for pumping but my manager knows I am still bfeeding and has not mentioned it (in fact she looked shocked when I said I was still feeding him! ), and I feel that I cant mention it after all the time off I have had etc -It might mean pumping in my dinner /tea breaks etc!

I have to do ALL the legwork where our hols are concerned too Liz lol - dave is terrified of flying and would rather not plan or think about it at all - so I have to co-ordinate the dogs kennels, up ot date vaccinations, flights, transfers, hotel, do all the research to make sure the resort is nice, etc with NO help from him -then I spend the next few months worrying that it'll be crap and it will be my blame haha, and also sympathise with hubby not booking annual leave -Dave forgot to put in for Easter off and the October school week, never remembers any occasions unless I send him multiple texts and emails to his work lol

Hope Dylan is feeling better and that that tooth comes in quick, we have a first top one (has 2 bottoms now) coming in soon -wee hard white gum, rosy cheeks and drooling, grumbling and a bit of a high temp here too.

Nat enjoy Brighton, hope your weather brightens up again. Dawson hated tummy time too, even now when he crawls it is just until he can pull himself up against something and walk. Does Jody get a bit miffed when Roo only wants you? Dave does! but then I am there all day every day so its only natural I s'pose -nice to hear that other babies are being clingy just now too tho' Am sure that when I return to work Deej will suddenly find daddy so much more intriguing and I'll be in here moaning about losing my wee mummy's boy to him haha fingers crossed anyway!! I am so worried about him being upset when I am not there :(

Anyway, Dawson was weighed today -19lb 10oz - I have not seen my HV since he was 3 months and that was only in the passing to say 'sorry she'd missed my 6 weeks post natal check and she'd catch up with me at 4mnths for weaning advice!!!!' Still never seen her today but just out of interest -Do you ladies have any reviews with the health visitor ever??? With my other 3 kids we had 8month reviews with both HV and GP.
I am not concerned about him at all, but still!!

Anyhoo -night ladies, hope everyone gets some sleep, I am gonna be up mega early lol - Dawson was in bed before 7pm tonight


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