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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Only 9 days til mine Donna! Can't wait!

Sorry for being AWOL, work is manic an ld taking over my life! I'm shattered when I get home & have no energy to do anything except cuddle with Ruby Roo! So glad im off from tmrw. This week has been really hard!

Chelsie I hole things have gotten better for you?

Liz how's you and Dylan?

Donna is Dawson walking now?

Neen hope you're ok lovely lady

hey ladies

what a day yday :(
i was at work and DD looking after Dawson, spoke to her about 9am - everything ok, then again at 12:30, when i reminded her that asides from my break times she'd need to call my ward if there was an emergency as my phone is off when in the ITU.Ha - theres not gonna be an emergency says she....

Well literally 5mins later, my mobile goes, i am still at lunch, and she is screaming down the phone, actually screaming and sobbing'oh mum tell mewhat to do aaaarrrrgghhhhhh' In the background Deej screaming too. OMG my heart was thumping i felt sick, trying to calm her down to tell me what had happened.
Dawson, crawled into the kitchen and tipped up the mop bucket; which Lou had just filled with really hot water and scalded himself. Luckily, her instinct had kicked in and the first thing she done was pick him up and put him inthe bath with the cold shower over him. My boss couldn't let me go grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:( but daddy got him (he would have been quicker than me anyway)and took him to GP where they advised A&E, its not too bad thank god, 2 blistered bits and some redness but he wass so lucky not to have gotten his face or that Lou hadn't put bleach in the water or anything.
I was a wreck the rest of the day, could still cry thinking about the what ifs and thnking about how sore it looks; my poor little monkey. Just back from the hospital now where they redressed it, and we have an appt at the burns unit at the childrens hospital on Friday too.

Had to really bite my tongue to not go off on one with DD - it was an accident, could have happened to anyone I s'pose and she had been so distraught already,was still sobbing when her dad got home; but still lol, my poor wee baby, stupid big sis.

And stupid bloody daddy too - he texted me in the morning to ask how my day was, I said fine -was a bit slow as my patient was sedated and he replies 'oh didn't remember you were at work'!!!!!!'Dawson was crying this morning when I was about to leave for work but I thought you had him so I just left' BLOODY IDIOT!!!! I left an hour and a half before he did. I tell you, I need to quit working, for the safety of my boy!!! I was just receiving this stupid bloody text when Lou phoned too.

My daughter has learned a very good lesson about babies and how quick they can be and I am sure she'd never do anything so daft again - my sis is watching Deej from now regardless though; but Dave grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, stupid man -he was supposedly keeping an eye on Dawson and left the stairgate open the day before. I was doing dishes, I came in lounge and said 'where is he??' got blank stares from DH and other sons, Dawson was up on the top landing (13 stairs up). Aaarrghhh!!!! These are the ppl I have to leave my baby with to go to work. :(:(

And all I get when I moan or complain or say how worried I am/ was is ' he's fine babe' ''could've been worse' or something equally as stupid and thoughtless.

Nat how exciting single figures to your hols yipee!!!!!!
Dawson not walking independantly yet -think it could be a while too lol, he walks around the furniture /walls etc but as soon as there is a gap he is down and crawling; he wont even attempt two steps and hates being left to stand without holding on - he screams and sits down straight away lol. I was hoping that he'd be walking by our holiday too, as his wee knees get all sore when he crawls wearing shorts. Maybe sore knees will encourage him to get up and walk lol

Hope everyone else is well, not long til Dyls first birthday Liz! Are you having a party or anything?

gonna go do some callenetics while monster napping -try and get rid of some flab b4 my hols lol haha its not shifting at all big jelly belly

take care all, kisses for babies xxxx
oh no donna thats aweful poor baby, very distressing for all involved and like you said she learned a lesson about babies today and she obviously feels terrible... im thinking about nursery as I HATE leaving her with oh's parents but thats another story!

exciting Nat, where are you going again? You did say but mush brain!

Iv been AWOL too not posting much as so much work but cant seem to get motivated :( and feeling like iv made the wrong decision as im too tired for my brain to work! x
Dropping in to say hi - promise i'll catch-up properly soon xxxx

mwah x
Hi ladies... OMG Donna you must have been terrified! Glad he's ok tho.
Nat - i bet you cant wait till your hols??
Hope everyone else is ok?

Im just plodding along and hoping Stuart sorts his life out. He started a new job 2 weeks ago (only took him 6 months and a marriage seperation... but yea lets all be so proud of him :dohh:) Still haven't seen any money but he gets paid Friday so lets see what happens!
I'm just so annoyed as everyone (except my family) are saying how great it is he got a job and blah blah blah - but hello???? am i like the only one that thinks he should of done it ages ago???? and still think he's a lazy sod???
His mum has been making him say stuff to cause arguments but my mum got involved and things seem to have become more amicable now which is what i've been trying to do for ages. His mum likes drama and is trying to make the whole situation about them and Stuart where as me and my family are trying to make everything about Macie and make sure she is ok and happy :blush:

He's mum has recently uploaded all of hmmmm 3 photos to FB and started making really sly comments which were blatent digs at me and if she's not careful im going to end up telling her some home truths!!!!!!! lol.

But other than all that, im doing suprisingly ok... i find life in the house flows better and is always clean (was going to say tidy but im a clutter person hehe). I'm just trying to focus on getting housing sorted for me and Moo when i leave the RAF in Jan

Sorry ladies... wasnt planning on going off on a rant then haha.

Hope all ladies are well.....

P.s - Macie started crawling last week.... and is now trying to walk?? No breaking mum in gently no??? lol. BUT she still has NOOOOOO teeth haha.

Well the burn is healing nicely, hoping there is no scarring - looks like there wont be!!

Back up at yorkhill burns clinic today - we have been discharged, so yay

Well done Macie on crawling - lol oh oh Chelsie, she'll be getting everywhere now, haha now the fun really starts lol
Sounds like you are doing great Chelsie with the Hubby situation, good for you - hope everything works out as YOU want it xxxx

Enjoy Portugal Nat, catch up with you when ur back - want lots of nice sunny pictures xxx

Liz hope you are okay, been AWOL lol - Dylans birthday soon, how exciting and a bit sad too lol our babies are soon to be all grown up xxx When are you back at work?, that must be soon ish too, are you returning part time or fulltime? (sorry I know that's been asked before probably but my memory is shot to pieces)

Neen -keeping up with all your gorg pics on fb -Olly is doing so well isn't he? and he is so cute! Are you into 0-3 mnth stuff yet? I am a tad jealous as Dawson was already into 3-6 months by the time he was 6weeks , so we kind of missed the tiny baby stage lol haha

Gemma -hope Uni is okay hun -it is so hard with study and babies (so worth it in the end) but made 100 times worse when your LO does not sleep well

Well Deej is doing fab, wakening up once normally at night and daddy is giving him formula then and he is taking it really well, still boob fed through the day and I am still enjoying it and so is he, so continuing along. Really helped his healing when he was burned,so glad for it then. I still wake up though as i normally hear him first so still no good night sleep for me.
He is still not walking unaided, but we have found him standing alone on a couple of occassions, ready for the off but not quite going lol; and he learned to crawl backwards down the stairs last week - not that we let him lol, stairgates are still up but good to teach them to do it so they dont just walk or crawl off the top landing.

Anyways, take care all, love and kisses for all mums and babies xxx
Hi Donna, he's not yet in 0-3! He's in either newborn or 'up to one month' in Next. Bless him. He'll be 13 weeks on wed! X
well hello again lovely's!!!

You will not believe what happened to me Monday!! it was my mothers birthday and she loves to shop and it was raining so off we all trekked to Meadowhall, we knew it was going to be packed but she's not here for long and figured why not! So off we trek the hour journey to Meadowhall, took ages to find a parking spot and finally got inside a little bit after noon. Dylan pooped out of his pants for the first time in like forever which required unprepared mummy to go buy Dylan some new trousers and to acquire a shopping bag to put his undersuit, trousers, and socks which were all covered in poo!! as unprepared mummy also did not have any nappy bags or anything. so drama over, peruse the mall, feet starting to hurt, checking out the people as coming out of BHS and who do I see, Neen's Hubby, who I recognise from photos and Neen and baby Olly!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Of course I'm not one to shy away from introducing myself and startle poor Neen!! So lovely to meet in person, too bad we couldn't have chatted longer, but anyways, how random is that folks!! :saywhat: Still think its totally random as I am usually one on a mission when it comes to shopping and tend not to pay attention to other people, plus the place is huge, what are the odds!

Besides from my Neen encounter, things are going well here, Dylan is ONE on Friday, good thing I'm sitting down typing that as I'm close to hyperventilating, where did all the time go?? I'm back to work 16th of June and totally dreading it... and we are buying a house so have been quite busy trying to get that all organised, plus trying to organise a little party for Dylan on saturday, and I'm organising a party for our local preemie support group the week after, and my mother is here now for another week, so needless to say its a bit crazy at the moment!!

Donna, I'm back full time but have 34 hols to take before jan so have most Wednesdays off so we only have to put Dylan in Nursery 4 days and save some pennies. I'm glad to hear you've been discharged from the burns unit, how scary was that!! well done on controlling your emotions with your daughter, must have been such an emotional time and I think you handled it really well from what you said on here!! Poor Deej!!

well off to do some cleaning and hopefully early bed, I'm exhausted, Dylan still doesn't sleep through the night!! we're letting him control cry at night hoping he will learn to settle himself in the night. Its been three nights now and he isn't waking at 10-midnight like he usually does but is still waking anywhere between 2am-5am to come into our bed for a feed. yes it is debate-able whether he needs the feed or whether I should let him come in with us but I am usually so exhausted its the only option I can even consider at the moment.

Hey Liz! Yea it was completely mental to bump into you on Monday! I couldn't believe it when you came over. I was all of a to do and went all shy/lost for words which is not like me! I also went in and gave a hug but afterwards thought that I may have completely invaded your space! Ha ha! It was ace seeing you and we really must meet up again but properly next time! Xx

That day we had also just had a poonami incident where Olly had leaked through his nappy and onto his clothes - but luckily I had packed spares.

I thought it was an absolute nightmare there on Monday! Far too busy for me. I much prefer going on a weekday morning or something.

Olly is doing fab! Really coming on with his development now! Love him xxx
Wow thats so fab - you two meeting like that. Amazing!! Did you just know each other right away ? or was it more 'mmmmm excuse me.. dont think I am mad but ...are you.....? lol I see ppl I 'think' I know all the time haha and say hi or wave etc and then 10 mins later think oh shit that wasn't who I thought haha or worse still think omg was that a previous patient or something (and anonymity can be crucial sometimes :0 - partners dont know they were in hospital or something )

If I wasn't so far away it would be so nice to meet some of you lovely ladies and babies in person :(

AArrghhh!!! Liz - Dylan one on Friday OMG!!! Time for number 2 lol???
Well done on getting the house, when do you move?

Anyway monkey just awake and we are off out for lunch so ttfn xxxx
I can't believe Dylan is 1 on Friday! That is mental! x

Yes Donna, I knew Liz straight away. I was stomping over to New Look and heard someone say "Nina", so I spun round and there was Liz - with lovely Dylan asleep in his wrap. I was like "Hiya, OMG, how weird is this!"

After I was wondering if you knew it was me straight away!! glad to know you did and that I wasn't just some 'crazy' lol

Dylan is 1, omg... its the weirdest feeling. The time has gone so fast, looking back at pictures he has changed so much in the last year. We had a party for him and had a good time, it was surreal to see kids just 6 months older than him at his party who were running around and I know that time is coming too! He is cruising all over the place and is very quick at crawling where he wants to go. It was a bit emotional on the day thinking, 1 year ago exactly.... and it didn't help that dh went out with his family drinking the night of Dylans bday (I know it is DH's too) but when he left I was in tears thinking there is no way I'm going out too, we HAD to leave him a year ago but now way I'm leaving him today... but Dh just said something like, you'll have to get over it. Which makes me mad but o well.

I also saw a consultant last thursday who agreed it was ok to leave my cyst 'as is' as I didn't want to have surgery for something that wasn't giving me any pain. I said we were prob going to try for another one before too long and he mentioned that if I had a section for any reason they'll take it out then. so might as well wait and see. plus he confirmed that I'll be consultant led pregnancy next time with the cyst and preemie, dont know whether that is a good thing or bad. But we will see when the time comes I guess... think we might have put off pregnancy for a while though with buying a new house.

well I'm supposed to be doing my taxes and I'm not and I'm going to get caught out soon so must be off... I'm supposed to send them back to the states with my mother who leaves on Tuesday morning.....

Hope you are all well and prepping for the first birthdays of your little ones!! xxx
I do the 'this time last year' thing too Liz, with me it will be this time last year Deej was due ,this time last year we were a week over due lol, this time last year we were 2 weeks overdue lol, this time last year getting waters broken and subsequent birthing trauma (still upsets me when I think how badly the birth went and how totally opposite from my planned home birth it was and how frightened we both were when we could have lost him ), this time last year taking my gorgeous little bundle home from the hospital and how much he changed our lives for the better. Men just dont get it!!! It IS a very emotional time, gets less emotional over the coming years and any trauma or upset gets replaced by all the joyous memories :)

Glad they are happy to leave your cyst alone ( I think! lol - unless they are contributing Dylan been prem to that )

Enjoy your last few weeks off before work xxxx

Love to everyone else too - your holiday sounded lovely Nat, and hope Ruby is feeling better - Deej was terrible past few days too- really screaming and unconsolable at times, bloody teeth - should not be that hard for them, poor wee tykes! Giving him nurofen calpol teething gel and he was still screaming and looking at me like help me mummy!!!! Omg hope he isn't like that on holidays, or worse still on aeroplane haha screaming and unconsolable with no escape for a breather away from it for any of us

Hi guys!

Sorry for being absent for so long, I have not even posted in my own journal!

Liz - I cannot believe Dylan is 1! I remember all your posts and how exciting it was that the first one of our litttle group actually HAD A BABY! It's not even my DH's bday and I am sure he will get sozzled at her party, and yes that will seriously annoy me too. What did you get him for his birthday? I also remember all your posts and updates on what you guys were up to and your fab help with feeding etc, oh the memories, I love it! This time last year I was on a countdown to finishing work, thats mental!

Donna - really hope Deej's teething lets up for you, I won't lie, that this week has been HELL. She was up for hours and hours sometimes and then just so tired to the point of no return! I rocked her off to sleep too many times to count, would try and put her down and we would just start again. But! After 3 days it has gone, and today she is back to her happy cheery self so I know its impossible at the time, but if he is grumpy at least it wont be for long!

How many of you are going on holiday? I really hope DH makes it a great time for you, you deserve it!

Chelsie - how are things? I saw your fbook about getting stuck on the M25 you poor thing! Hows Macie? We got her a ride on thing like yours in Mothercare yesterday, as her Nanny is not here for her birthday she bought it and said she can have it now, so once I finish work today I'll be getting it out for her!

Neen - How mad you bumped into liz! Thats crazy! I caught up on 10 pages of your journal last night, will pop over and say hello in a min.

Gemma - Hope Uni and mummy life is going ok for you, Libby looks so cute in that pic of her in her cot!

We had a great holiday apart from the teething, Ruby loved being surrounded by people all the time and we went for nice walks on the golf course in the evenings etc and she loved the sand on the beach, was wiggling her toes in it and running it through her fingers, so sweet! A friend of ours parents has a beach hut in Bournemouth so we are going down there for the day on the 30th of July and staying over in a B&B, can't wait to get her on the sand again!

We have a top tooth and just waiting for the other to break in which is almost there, we bought her some first shoes from Clarks yesterday! She wants to be on her feet at all times now, she is planting her feet wide rather than one on top of the other and if I move one she steps to meet it, so I am sticking to my original thoughts that she wont crawl and will just walk! Her socks or feet were black at all times, and she seems to like the shoes!

So, what are you getting your LO's as 1st birthday presents? I need some inspriation!

I'm still in shock that Dylan is 1!!! lol.
I'm good thankyou... plodding along really and just counting down till i can move back to my family... me and hubby are keeping things amicable at the moment but his parents once again are being wankers!!!! lol. There making it so difficult for him and i do feel for him.

For Macies bday - i have got her some clothes and a smarttrike.(like the one Roo got for easter). The ride on was ment to be for her birthday but she saw it so i gave in hehe. I am thinking of getting her a dancing Mickey Mouse clubhouse that sings the hotdog dance as she dances to it when its on haha (inspiration from Gem and Libby Thanx!!!)
I know my mum has got her some toys/clothes and my dad has got her a bounce zone (ELC - it looks wicked but is from 2 years oh well hehe) And Stuart is going to get her a pop up princess wendy house (thats more for me indoors so that i can put her toys in it to make it look tidy haha). Hope that might help a lil Nat!!!! lol.

Well Macie is progressing soooooo fast all of a sudden.... it seemed like she sat up and just never done anything. Now she is crawling at the speed of lighting. :haha:
She started crawling all of a sudden, then a week later started climbing up the furniture, then 2 days later started cruising, the day after that if you hold her hands she suddenly started walking (one foot infront of the other and everything) and now throws a paddy if you try sit her down. Then yesterday she was stood against the sofa and just let go and balanced there for ages????
BUT she still has NNNNOOOO teeth haha. xxxx
Chelsie thats great to hear things are amicable, do you think you could put it back together? In laws - why do we have to have them?! :cry:

Thank you, I updated her amazon wish list last night and we are going to get her a water table for the garden, she loves standing and doing things, and water, so fingers crossed it goes down well!

I cant believe how quickly Macies gone from crawling to walking! I think we are still a way off, and lets hope she is delaying teething cos it wont bother her!

How much longer until you can move? x
I know... talk about breaking me in slowly a??? lol. Monster child...hehe.

I will be looking to move once i leave the RAF hun, i cant do anything untill then! I cant afford to rent and definately dont have the means to buy so am going to try for a council propety but they wont help me untill i am technically homeless. But all will be ok in the end...
But i cant look for a new job till i'm back down our neck of the woods either which is a pain but obviously got to be done lol.
Well hello ladies.... Hope all is well with everyone and all bubba's or should i start saying toddlers??? OMG haha.

Hope everyone is doing good. Things my end are going really well actually! lol. Feeling so much happier now :thumbup:

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good to hear Chelsie xx
Glad things are looking up

Well, STUPID SELFISH bitch on the bus with her child with chickenpox the other day grrrrr - just be like the thing if Dawson comes down with cpox before our holiday and they wont let him fly! Hoping that her LO was past the infectious stage but my DD (who had Deej on the bus) says she was saying to the wee lad 'stay away from the baby so he doesn't catch your chickenpox' Selfish or what?
My holiday being minor really, but what if immunosupressed person or pregnant person was on the bus. Makes me so mad! I would have had something to say had I seen her!
Chickenpox has a 10-20 day incubation period too, and we are due away in 11 days (13 since bus incident) boohoo, he has been grumpy tonight too, bit of a temp too :(

S'pose best case scenario is he takes them NOW and then has time for it to run its course and for the pox to scab over before we go-worst case he develops it over there and is miserable and then we get stuck for taking him home :(

Time will tell, nothing we can do but wait and see now

Hope everyone else is well

Last few days Liz - hugs to you - it will be fine :) - remember how much I was dreading the transiiton back to work? and it was fine !

Love to all the toddlers - loving it and hating it that our babies are no longer babies lol xxx
start back work tomorrow... totally dreading it!! know you have all gone through it already but I really have no interest in going back. I went in on Monday for my boss to tell me I'm going to be doing different tasks now. Someone with the same job title has got a different job within the company so has left the department and guess what, i get to take over his jobs!! which one is alright and comparable to what I was doing but another is about credit risk with our customers, and I have NO Interest in credit!!!!! i think its pretty crap that they only told me this on monday, and everyone else knew what I was going to be doing before I did... plus at christmas time i was told i'd come back doing the same thing. AND it sounds like my boss is just going to leave me to it without any formal training on these 2 things that I do not know ANYTHING about!!!! i'm not having it, plus i am not going to be sitting at my old desk (I know how petty of me to complain about a desk) but they're sticking me where the guy that left sat and its practically out in the middle of the hall. ok moan over. i'm sure it will be better once i get into the swing of things. poor dylan doesn't know whats coming... i am however, really really pleased with his nursery and feel quite confident that he will have loads of fun there! the only thing i've got going for me is i'm still bfeeding so i can't stay late at work... i think that is quite an incentive to keep feeding for a few more months!! I'm going to write a letter (during works time) about how unpleased I was with how they dealt with my maternity leave. i know my boss knows i dont want to do what he has given me to do!, so i asked if there was any jobs going at the company next door (our joint venture) ....so anyways i just need to breath and take it one day at a time.

dylan is almost walking, just holds my fingers to walk now and cruises everywhere along the sofas. 54 weeks old... going to get my haircut today so I can get rid of some of my split ends before starting work. I need to crack on with a diet of some sort as want to loose some weight before ttc no 2. guess i shouldn't have had that reese cup this morning, think it was stress induced eating though lol

hope all is well with you and chelsie, glad things are looking up for you!
talk soon

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