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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Oh Liz I don't blame you, it is hard enough settling back into work, especially when it is not even a role you want to be doing!

I hope you manage to get a role in another department. What hours are you doing?

I have started back on my slim fast shakes this morning, I was losing momentum with weight watchers! I am happy with the weight I am at now as I can fit in all my clothes, just need to tone up these wobbly thighs now!

I have found dieting so much easier now I am back at work, hows the house buying going? Have you decided when to ttc #2? Maybe we could be bump buddies! Intitially we said December...but now I am thinking November!!

Donna - so sorry to hear about the pox, really hope Deej doesnt get it!

Chelsie - thats great news things are on the up, long may it continue! xx
doing 830 to 430 with most wednesdays off for the rest of the year. For a second this afternoon i thought i'd be able to call in the rest of the week because I thought that Donna's bus lady had infected Dylan with chicken pox.... but unfortunately its just heat rash. we momentarily looking forward to not going in until a friend I ran into in the village set me straight :(

chopped my hair off, feels a lot better now, just need to get some highlights in at some point!! going to go back blonde once I start getting paid again! Highlights are expensive!!!

I can't really change departments and I really just want to go back and get preggers! lol but everytime I am able to compromise dh (we are not on bc) I back out like a chicken as I want to lose weight. I think part of the reason the downs testing came back unfavourable last time was my weight which plays a factor in the results and I would hate to have to go through that again!! So will probably be the end of this year. plus I've got a wedding to go to next year in the states in july for my best friend and I need to try to plan pregnancy around that. O get pregnant now and bring new baby lol...but we need to settle into the new house first and get used to having more bills.

well off to enjoy the rest of my afternoon!!
Hi girls,

Liz you look fine to me princess but I know what you mean about wanting to lose the baby weight first before TTC #2. I didn't realise your downs screening wasn't favourable last time? What was the risk if you don't mind me asking? I'm sorry that your work are being fuckwits but i hope that you find it ok and that they treat you well on your return. Fingers crossed for a move to a different department.

Olly is doing great at the moment - weight 10lb 5oz now! LOL - he has a bit of colic though which is a bit of a pain but we're getting through it with the help of colief. Poor baba! He's really forward in lots of ways - he holds his weight on his legs and much prefers to stand on my legs than sit - obviously he's no balance as he's so tiny but his strength amazes me! He also chats away and laughs at his toys and us. But in other ways he's behind - he's not realised that his hands are there yet. He grabs things but i believe thats more of an unconscious reaction than his consciously reaching for something.

Love to all of you xxxxxxxxx
Yeah Neen, it was 1 in 30 odds so opted for an amniocentesis which came back fine. But as weight plays a factor, want to have that under control to reduce the risk. (even if it is just a perceived risk)

so first day was okay, dylan loved nursery but mummy shed a few tears!! called 3 times and he was playing when i came back to pick him up he hadn't even seen me and was nice to watch him having fun. i'd rather stay at home all day, but what can you do? xxx
Glad Dylan enjoyed nursery Liz - nice that you managed to get in to see him play before he noticed you, I was always spotted by my DD when I went to collect her and she always saw me and then howled; it didn't matter how much the nursery said she enjoyed it - i can rememebr dropping her off crying and picking her up the same :(... and then I sobbed all the way to work lol.
How is Dylan when you drop him off? I have been looking at applying for a new job (dont like mine but the hours suit) but the new post is full time so I'd need to put him into nursery. M mmmmmmmm dunno what to do -the closing date is today!

current job -8 shifts per month, self rostering, no childcare issues -losing £600 per month wage but gaining £200 working tax credit and NO childcare costs; plus less diesel, work related costs etc but dont like it , am stuck in one room with no company for most of the shift and 1 ventilated / or trache patient who cant speak, other nurses hardly even draw breath at our breaks :( miserable cows lol; (used to hate it with a passion but now its more dislike -its boring and not what I want to do for the rest of my woking life)

new post -full time (37.5 per week) full wage but less night shift /weekend shift allowance so not quite gaining the extra £600 , NO working tax credit and full time childcare costs but its community based,get to see awhole range of different ppl and hopefully have a better mnore enjoyable work experience.

At the moment I count down the hours until I get out of that place on every shift lol - not how I want to spend the next 30 or 40 years lol

Do you know what, writing it down has made up my mind -I am going to stick it out where I am for another couple of years and wait til Deej is nursery bound and then I am outa there -may get the chance before then of leaving and getting something part time but I am not wanting to go full time quite yet!

Hope today went well too Liz and now its the weekend, so enjoy!! I am working tonight! T minus three shifts til my hols yipee -one week today til we fly out, and no chickenpox yet -fingers crossed lol xxxx

hey all other lovely ladies and tots xxxxx
well girls i deleted my account to focus on uni (gossipgirly) and had to come back on for support as we had a little suprise! In total shock and life has been turned upside down x
OMG.... congratulations!!!!!
How do you feel about it all???

P.S.... on thursday macie cut her first 2 teeth (topones) then on sunday started cutting her 3rd!!!! hehe. xxx
sick, shocked, scared, excited, disappointed in myself for not finishing uni and all the this wasted effort, worried about libby and sharing my love... but its a baby :) !
WOW Congrats Gemma -aww a wee baby, seems ages ago I had a wee baby, so happy for you hun -but wow you must've been shocked lol

THe two siblings will be so close and grow up together it will bw lovely.
If it wasn't for my spd then I'd have planned another really quickly after Dawson.

And the love just keeps growin, your heart has loads of room to share :)


Well done Macie on cutting her first teeth, Deej got a top one today so that is number 3 :)

love to all xxxxxxxx
Gem honestly you would not believe how unbelievebly jealous i am of you!!!
How's your hubby feel about the surprise lol?? My hubby WOULD be so suprised lol but only because it would practically have to be an immaculate conception lol

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh - holidays tonight. SO excited lol

Spk to you all when we return xxx

looks like the weather might just be gorgeous for most of you aswell - not so much here in Glasgow lol but hey that's W Scotland for you haha -and why we will be in Sunny Majorca
ttfn take care all, plenty suncream xxxxx
Hello ladies!!

How gorgeous is this weather?! Really hoping it sticks around for Ruby's birthday next week!

So is anyone else reeeeeeeeealy broody or is that just me?! I have a friends hen do in November and my sisters 30th on the 1st of December, then Jody can expect me to be on his case on a daily basis hahahaha I am sooooooooo excited! He is too which is very sweet!

I think Ruby is starting another little teething nightmare the poor thing :( she was so sad all day yesterday and Jody says she isn't fab today feel so sorry for her!

Donna hope you're having a fab holiday and everything is going well with you and hubby, you deserve a nice break as a family!

Neen I am off for a stalk of your journal after this but I loved your Skegvegas pics! How much did you win on the bingo?

Liz how is work? I hope you're feeling a bit happier now.

Chelsie how is Macie doing with her teething? Now she finally started!

Gemma I hope you're feeling ok hun!
Well hello ladies.
Hope all are well and enjoying this heat (even those stuck at work) grrrrr lol.
And hope bubbas/toddlers are not suffering too much!!!

Well Macie is just cutting her 4th tooth.... after her having no teeth for ages it seems really wierd seeing her with all these teeth now! lol.

Ruby is the next to turn 1 Nat??? Scary a??

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxx
firstly, congrats Gemma on the great news!! I am of course jealous as well!!

Donna, hope you are having a fab family holiday, I am jealous of this as well hahaaha

Chelsie & Nat, hope the teething gets better. seems like Dylan cut all his teeth close together too and has 6 now, when I think he was late to get teeth compared to Deej, Macie, and Ruby!! He seems to have calmed down with teething, i'm so thankful.

However, he had his 1 year jabs 2 weeks ago and with the MMR they can get sick between days 10-14... well Dylan has been ill since day 9 and now its day 16 and we've just finished changing his sheets yet again because he vomitted everywhere!! if its not vomit its runny poo!! and he's not been himself, took him to the dr's wednesday and they think he is still working off the injections, but it doesn't help dh & I were poorly at the weekend too so he has most likely had a couple bugs at the same time as the injections!! I hope he gets back to normal soon, if not, I definately need to go get another mattress protector for his bed so at least i dont have to wash everything straight away!!

works going well, it was secretly nice to get back to work, but I do miss my time with Dylan. Its nice to have wednesdays off! Its a great break in the week!!! and I really wasn't liking my new roles but today they said they are offering me a new job where i won't have to stay late and i still get paid the same!! so need to tell them I'm going to take that up tomorrow.

well must dash, going to watch a taped show then off to bed.

take care mummies & babies!!!
Hi ladies

Well back to reality lol but our holiday was so fab -perfect beach, swimming in the Med was so good and the hotel was gorgeous, food great, pools exceptional, everyone had so much fun, Deej took his first steps unaided (only 3 lol but still, it is a start). Reckon i must've put on at least a stone, I ate all day, yum yum yum, food always tastes better when its made for you, the sun is shining and its free and you know there are no dished to clear up after haha.

The first week was a bit strained with me and hubby but we had a few good heart to hearts and a few huge rows lol and eventually sorted everything out and so far so good, everything is back to the way it was pre Dawson. I just wish that I had forced the issues before we went and not waited until the holiday to face a lot of the probs we were having but hey ho, the second week was so great, was like our honeymoon again ( especially when Lou took Deej off us for a few hours lol)

Hope Ruby's party (ies lol) went well Nat- still finding it hard to believe that our lil babies are ONE haha but then my first baby, my little princess Loren was SEVENTEEN yday haha -that's really suprising where the time went lol. OMG I must be old !!! A seventeen year old daughter !

What you doing for Macies b'day Chelsea? And how are things with you and hubby? is your seperation permament or any chance or reconcilation?

Liz, glad work is going okay, I am sure the thought of going back for me was so much worse than the actual reality of it too, any chance you can conitnue with your wednesdays off?

Gemma -hope you and bump and libby are doing well- what are your thoughts about uni? are you going to have a year out or a few? Do you reckon you'll go back afterwards? Seen on fbook that you were working , good for you, hope you enjoyed it.

Makes me so jealous to think of all you ladies pg, wtt or ttc number 2 lol, but my baby making days are over. Oh well, another decade or so ( hopefully that long anyway haha) and I'll be granny haha. And I am all ready looking to book up for hols next year, so thats something to look forward too. Going to stop breast feeding Dawson completely after his first b'day -thats going to be tough on me, that really will be the end of my baby days but hell he is biting me frequently these days so he is making it easier on me haha

Neen, how's little Olly doing? You okay with moving from bf to ff? I am kind of dreading losing my boobies haha, bet I go down to a meagre AA lol or just end up with saggy flat sacks attached to my chestbone (yuk!)

Anyway, better go tend groucho, he's out of sorts since returning, he is probably wondering why he's not being taken swimming this morning, where his 3 course brekkie is and why its so cold lol

love to all xxxxx
Hi girls,

Olly is doing really well and now weighs almost 12lb! My teeny baby aint so teeny anymore! He's got a cold at the minute bless him. He's coming on so well.

Yes I decided to stop breastfeeding at 4 months. It was a combination of things all occurring at around the same time and then when the colic hit so bd and the only thing that helped was colief which was just a nightmare to administer when BFing. I ended up feeling like a prisoner at home. So I gradually made the switch. I'm proud that I breastfed him for 4 months and know I gave him a great start, especially when he couldn't feed at first in NICU.


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