Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

o and I meant to say, does anyone use boots photo?? If I recommend you you get 50 free prints and I get 50 free prints, anyone interested?

And is anyone interested in doing paid surveys?? I've been doing Pinecone Research for a while now and you get £3 per survey into your paypal account... they don't open to new members very often so if anyone wants the link to join pm me... They are known as the 'holy grail' of paid surveys... and they're only 20/30 mins each.. just thought I'd put it out there!

o and I meant to say, does anyone use boots photo?? If I recommend you you get 50 free prints and I get 50 free prints, anyone interested?

And is anyone interested in doing paid surveys?? I've been doing Pinecone Research for a while now and you get £3 per survey into your paypal account... they don't open to new members very often so if anyone wants the link to join pm me... They are known as the 'holy grail' of paid surveys... and they're only 20/30 mins each.. just thought I'd put it out there!


I'll be in for the photos one- although chances are I have already subscribed to them at some point over the years so that might not make me eligible :shrug: Let me know if you need any details /email etc

With the pinecone thing - do they use your info for cold calling purposes? Do they pass on your info to energy suppliers / cable suppliers etc cos I am just so fed up off all the phone calls I get from these type of folks as it is. If not then I am interested in that too - not quite enough for me to quit my full time job lol but every little helps haha:haha:

SO fed up of th snow now - had Deej outside in it this morning and got some pics but it can go now lol... come back on Christmas Eve to make sure santa gets here okay lol and go again on boxing day haha :haha: And Ben (DS2) is off school now, bigger ones still expected to trudge in haha.
Fed up 8y.o driving me mad, wet clothes getting changed every 30 mins and wet floor, but Deej loves having his big bro home so thats good.

Dave's car needs MOT tomorrow and is still buried in the carpark haha -we'll need to try and dig it out tonight :wacko: FUN FUN FUN Trying to encourage Ben and his pals to look at it as fun and start it now haha - not very successfully I must add lol

Gemma sure the snow will be gone for when you are travelling North. Hope so anyway.

Nat - wouldn't worry too much about weaning - she is still learning , its a big step going from only milk to having a totally different texture in your mouth. Deej loves using a munchkin fresh food feeder (bought in ASDA) - I pop banana or apple in it and he chews away on it going yumm yumm yumm- makes a total mess lol especially with the banana but he enjoys it so much and with him teething and constantly needing to chew; this kills two birds with one stone :haha: Sent Dave out to buy some more jars of food yday and told him no puddings - what did he bring??? Banana cheesecake, choc and strawberry dessert???? I never gave any of my kids sweet foods as babies as I have heard it can cause fussy eaters etc and they are all and always have been fab eaters. So sorry Deej NO desserts for you haha -maybe a taste on Xmas.

As for I'm a Celeb - Stacey to win!!!:happydance::happydance:
I think that Gillian song is different from the Brett Domino song that I mentioned lol Listen to this if you can -its number 29 in the charts haha SO funny

Enjoy the snow if you can ladies, take care and woop woop its December -Santa is coming soon yay:happydance::happydance::happydance:
ahh bless with the snow, poor Ben off to school!! Its been snowing on off all day and whenver I've listened to bbc they keep saying lincolnshire has been hardest hit! and I'm like, thats us!! its so surreal having like a foot of snow!!

Donna- pinecone is quite exclusive as you can't always sign up to join. I don't get any phonecalls from gas/cable people??? I do get random automated messages but no more than usual...1 or 2 a day once or twice a week? This is what moneysavingsexpert says about pinecone : Pinecone.
'Secret but generous but secret survey site paying £3 per survey

The holy grail of survey sites, Pinecone pays megabucks: £3 for every survey (it used to be £4, but now it's £3 for new members). Sadly, the recruitment process is more secretive than MI6; you have to wait until you're invited or spot a web banner advert on another site to sign up.

If you are lucky enough to be recruited, you get paid cash via PayPal or by Luncheon Vouchers, which aren't just for food; they can be used at Boots, Starbucks, Tesco and Sainsbury's.

Yet it's tough to join, as the first rule of Pinecone is you do not talk about Pinecone.

Quick Stats. Payment method: Cash via PayPal or Luncheon Vouchers. Typical ££ per survey: £3. Payout threshold: £3. Typical time to complete: 15 to 20 minutes. How to sign up: Look for banner adverts on websites (often mums & baby sites).'

just pm me your email and I'll fwd the pinecone thing and you can decide and recommend you for boots photos... they've got really lovely photos and I always get the ones with borders (white), they look so luxe!
I do the PC research surveys! They are fab! Donna they do not sell or use your details at all. The surveys are quite long and normally about exclusive soon to be released products. They always pay quickly too xxx
Dawson 4 months sitting alone  (10).jpg

Dawson 4 months sitting alone  (7).jpg

Look at my clever boy -sitting all by himself :happydance::happydance:

Can only manage a minute lol until his toes become too interesting and he falls over in trying to eat them haha:haha:

Thanks for th surrey link Liz!! I hope I get picked!!

Also, I just ordered some photos from but I'm def up for the boots offer! Email that to me as well & I'll order some more soon, is there an expiration date on the offer? As it may be a few weeks before I order anything.

Well hubby is still off due to the snow :( so a very poor & boring weekend ahead of us! I am meant to be out for my sisters birthday tomorrow night but I guess it depends on if we get more snow tonight or not.

I am shattered, ruby keeps waking about 5am and chatting to her mobile, I don't have to go into her but it's doing me in hearing her on the monitor for half an hour before she goes off again. Asked hubby to do dream feed tonight so I could sleep & he claims that cos he gets up at 7 as well & walks the dog he was too tired!!!!! Angry isn't the word!!!! I said 'I'll walk the dog, please I'm shattered' and he said 'it's too icy for you, sorry' and is now snoring next to me, ARSE!!!!

I'm having a nap tomorrow and he can sod off!!!!

Haha this is what happens when we are locked in the house together for 3 days!

Donna thanks for the weaning advice, I def don't think she is ready, I agent tried her on any food yesterday or today, I think I might leave it til end of next week until I do and see how she does then.

Liz do you think Dylan being early has made a difference? With some things I really feel Ruby is def at least a week behind and she was 9 days before her EDD.

Well tomorrow we are walking to a friend around the corner for coffee, cannot wait to be outside & speak to someone! Then hopefully I can get out tomorrow night.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend?xxx
Nat - remember they say that 6 months is still preferable for weaning. Deej was showing signs of being ready for about 3-4 weeks before I tried any food as he was too young. Wait for her to show you she is ready, age is irrelevant really.

Chewing on her fists
Becoming more and more interested in you eating
Putting everything in her mouth
Waking more frequently at night or not sleeping as well / needing fed more during the day. With Deej we went back to hourly feeds for the weeks prior to me feeding him solids, whereas now we are 3 hrs agin.

And when you first try her, put the tip of the spoon at the front of her mouth and let her lick the contents from the spoon rather than putting it right in her mouth, means she can take or leave it as she wants and doesn't feel pressured in the first few days, once she is hungry she'll soon let you know she wants more lol -Deej grabs the spoon from me when I dont go quick enough haha; and screams at me

There is no rush though, cos baby milk has everything she needs still xx
Happy 6 MONTHS My Baby DYLAN!!! :happydance::happydance::yipee::yipee: where has the time gone? but the stage he is at now is soo much fun!!

Nat- tried to send you the invite from boots photo but you're already signed up!! another thing I told donna is that if you're a boots parenting club member you can go to this link below and get an offer code for a free photobook (Rrp £30) for only the p&p of £3.99 which is why I signed up, I made a wedding photobook!! We got married 5 years ago and never made a book, but had a cd full of photos, and it came out really really nice, worth every pence!!

about development, sometimes Dylan is advanced and some times I can really see things happening at his adjusted age. With feeding Dylan has always been really good which I attribute to his regulated feedings with the tube the first couple weeks... and I knew he was hungry when he started waking earlier and watching us eat... but then he only just sat up unaided for the first time last week (he was staring at a girl baby at a group and stared sitting up for probably 2 minutes), and in the beginning it took him ages to 'follow objects' and i think it took him longer to really smile...but I'm not worried, I'm just trying to have fun with him and we'll get there. I'm really enjoying the weaning at the minute, Dylan loves it all! But you need to wean when you and Ruby are both ready.

I know what you mean about dh driving you crazy. With still bfeeding it makes it hard for dh to get too involved and I've got to be there for the feeding but he's been really good in the mornings lately bringing dylan into me and we (dyls & I) get to feed and then go back to sleep for a bit longer! I find crying always works to get your point across... (sorry dh) but he hates when I cry and listens really well...dh is still adjusting to our new life as a family. I'm going stir crazy!! Not been out since Monday!!

Donna- Love the photo of little deej!! he's so clever sitting up already!!! and about feeding, I gave Dylan cucumber sticks yesterday and put in his hand and I let go and he kept throwing them!! and dyls lets me know he wants more to, he leans over his bowl and tries to stick his face in it to get it quicker than the spoon!! We do bananas too and I just hold it for him and he munches on it whole. We're kind of doing a mixed approach to feeding! he has purees and solids as he's now 6 months! (but we're still waiting til 6 months adjusted age until giving him grain products)

well I'm going to make a coffee and watch yet more tv!! I'm so bored and Im starting to hate being on the computer.... but not you girls! and it doesn't help I sold some stuff on ebay and I got an accusing message yesterday asking 'Where is my parcel that I won? ebay says it should have been here by now' well sorry love, have you seen the snow!! I just think thank goodness I got tracking on that one!!

well have a lovely day! I was meant to go to hospital to have an ultrasound on the cyst but i've called to reschedule (I think its still there anyways as I've not had aunt flo yet)... my car still buried under snow. At least the sky is blue so I dont think anymore snow coming today! might venture out later when dh gets home. xxxx
omg, just logged onto ebay and this person opened a 'case' about their item having not received it. for ducks sake! auction ended thur night last week, they couldn't be bothered to pay til fri afternoon so I posted this monday...and they opened a case on WEDNESDAY!! I think this is the most impatient ebayer ever!
Stupid bloody people - you'd expect delays at this time of year, with xmas being 3weeks away nevermind having these extreme weather conditions too - Ebay have always come across as sensible to me in the past when i have dealt with them so i'd expect them to not take this idiot seriously. Make sure they dont leave you unneccessary negative feedback, report it if they do, as its totally unjustified.

Happy half a year Dylan :)Hope you and mummy re having a good day xx

I go onto SMP next week- where the hell did the last 26 weeks go???lol

C'mon lottery win, time is running out :(
Donna, I've been on smp for a while now! it sucks!! thanks for the sympathy about this stupid ebay lady... i'm deffo going to be saying something... ridiculous... I just keep thinking thank duck I got tracking on that parcel!! as when I look at her feedback she has a couple other transactions in the past month she's got refunded for not receiving the parcels... but i did put a link in buy/swop... hope shes not from bnb!! No response to my messages today, maybe she's thinking she can't fleece me now as I have tracking!

speaking of other forums/threads, what are people up to now a days? I've started poking into wtt, otherwise I keep my eye on buy/swop, freebies, shopping.... sometimes I go in baby club / breastfeeding but not so much.. and I check into Beadettes Journal!!! what do you do?

Thank you for checking into my journal Hun! X

as for me, I tend to hang around the journals - ttc, preggo and parenting ones to stalk my friends on here. I also dip in and out of second tri, pregnancy after a loss and of course here following you guys.

Bead promises me he will start looking at baby names tomorrow. We are really struggling with girls names. The only ones on the list I did that we both like are Lucie and Faye. Boys are not so hard. Faves are still Olly & George but we've got a few more boys ones too so not as difficult! I have to be careful because of my accent with girls names! Because I'm broad Lancashire some can sound chavvy!! Lol xxxx
Hey all!

Liz thanks for the info on Dylan, I think Roo is the same & some things she's totally fine with & others take a bit longer. She's been a lazy feeder since the start, she sleeps through the night on 20oz!!

So I think until she shows she's hungrier we will hold off on the weaning as well. She stayed at Mums last night as I was out for my sisters birthday, she's not doing very well with someone else doing her bedtime. In two weeks time I've got to go to this very important family dinner in London which my Dad is chairman of his Livery Club so we're all on the top table. I have to leave here at 5.15pm!!! I'm dreading it!! Jodys sister babysat on Wednesday & even though I did bedtime when she stirred & a
Abby tried to settle her it all goes wrong! I just feel so sorry for her that when I go out she's so sad :( for some reason my whole message just deleted itself!! I'll type it again later!xxx
isn't that annoying when messages delete!

and when people on ebay are stupid! I had to add money to paypal to cover my current negative balance as what she did froze the funds on paypal... and I had to pay for something I won on ebay so had to add money back in...

Grrr so annoying! I had typed so much on my iphone and it all deleted! On the laptop now so hopefully will be safe!

Liz - I don't really get on the laptop very often now so I hardly go into other forums. We have decided to try in Dec 2011 for baby number 2 so I guess I will start lurking in wtt around Oct/Nov time next year, I also dip into Baby Club sometimes!

I cannot believe that ebay person!!! And that they froze your account! I have a lady I sent a bottle set too and forgot one of the bottles and it took ages cos of the weather but she's been fab about it!

Thanks for trying with the Boots thing, nevermind! I didnt know I had used them before! Also, I have been accepted as a survery person, yay!

Donna - Hows you? Still snowing? We had rain and it's a lot warmer so there isn't much on the ground now apart from some slush, looking forward to DH being back at work tomorrow!!

Thanks for the weaning info as well, she def has not got the hang of moving the food to the back of her mouth! I haven't really bothered these last couple of days, I am going to leave her a bit longer, just that I have to have her weighed again this week to see how she is gaining and the midwife said to persevere, whoops!

I am just worried that as it makes her cry, I don't want her to make a negative association with the highchair, bowl, spoon etc for when she is ready!

We went to my Mum's today and helped decorate her tree, it looks so festive at her house! I was out Friday for my sister's birthday, had such a good time but I had 3 glasses of wine, spritzers too and I was smashed! So you can all have a good laugh when my sister puts the photos on facebook, I'm dreading it!!

I have asked her to be kind but I am sure she won't be!

We have our first Christmas lunch on Tuesday at the place I go for the NCT coffee morning so I am looking forward to that. On Friday Jody and I went to lunch with one of the girls I met through it and her husband which was really nice, they live just over the road from us and the girls are only 2 days apart in age! That's about it for this week so I am going to try and keep it chilled and majorly work on a routine for Ruby so this evening nap works better than it currently does, in the hope that means she is ok with Abby next week, I am winding myself up about it I know but I can't bear the thought of me being in London, and there is no way I can leave early, and Roo just being devastated :(

Does anyone else find the morning naps are fine and the more the day wears on it's so hard? I just put her down now as she's been up for almost 2 hours now and she is just fussing away, in the morning I put her down and she's fast asleep within 2 minutes!

Hi ladies

Snow snow snow -OMG woke up to MORE snow - and it is blizzardous just now haha -all the schools are closed again and the road up the hill to where I live is closed too. Poor Dave got out earlier to get to work but looks like he may get snowed in at work and/ or not get back up the hill now :( I was going to brave it and go out today since the last fall of snow was beginning to thaw;was getting Deej wrapped up in his snowsuit and going to bus it to my sister's for lunch as we are both going mad with cabin fever lol but hell no way now!!! :(
Oh well!!
Can't even wrap prezzies or anyhthing as the older kids are all here, and I have my little brother too -he's 10 and his school closed too. And Lou's phone is due to be delivered tomorrow :(

We put up our decorations and tree yday -looks so festive, espec with the snow out the window. Dawson loves lying on his back looking at all the garlands hanging above, and attempting to get to tree haha.

Nat -when you do start weaning, you could start by sitting Roo on your knee and feeding her there - we started that way, and have only just progressed to the highchair past few days.

Liz -I have been perusing baby forum mainly, and Neen and Gemma's journal aswell as here -dont often post elsewhere though, except this week with being snowed in and so bored. Have also looked in at wtt (wishful thinking), breastfeeding and that's it I think lol In baby forum last week there was a post from cherryglitter, to say she is pregnant with number 2, her first LO Jake was born around the same time as Deej -we spent many a day moaning together about both of us being overdue haha -she reckoned she is about 6-7 weeks pg. And even with the sleepless nights, painful spd etc I am jealous haha -would really have loved to have two babies close together :(

Nina - hope you are well and that wriggly baby is uber bouncy today :)

ttfn ladies ,love to all mums babies n Neens banana bump xxx

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