Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Hello ladies! How are we all??
All is good in the Gornall household hehe.
Nearly done with all the Xmas shopping now thank god!
I'm still not weaning Macie properly yet. She's still on one meal aday at her 17.30 feed but she is soooo good with it!!! Nat I feed macie in her jumperoo at the moment with the tray on it as she's still abit too small for the high chair an slides sideways lol.
Macie is starting to sit on her own more and more. Can only manage a few seconds at a time lol. Where as my lil girly does love to stand all of a sudden!! Lol. And needs hardly any support! Until again she falls sidewards hahaha.
Her teething is awful!!! It's started keeping her up and waking her during the night!!! She's not awake long but it's a min of 4 times a night!!! Grrrrr
Having to get myself to docs soon aswell as the amount of hair I'm loosing is awful and am actuallly getting bald patches at the front properly now!!!! Oh dear!!! Lol.
Donna - I am sooooo jealous of cherryglitter too!!! Lol.
Belated happy 6 months to Dylan!!!!! Wow that's gone soo quick!!! Lol.

Well got to shoot as moo is wanting me haha.
Love to all mums babies and bumps xxxxx
Evening ladies!

Chelsie - sorry to hear about your hair Hun! I hope they can give you something to help. Sounds like Macie is doing well! Roo can sit on her own now but she's very hunched over when she does it, she loves standing too & hates tummy time so I'll be surprised if she bothers crawling for long & goes straight to walking.

Donna - you poor thing with all the snow!!!! I was going mad after 4 days indoors! I hope hubby gets home ok tonight, where can he go if he can't get up the hill? I know Jodys answer would be - pub!

Liz - I got accepted today & said I should expect my survey soon! Thanks Hun! I have a separate account for Roo so if I get £6 a month that's £72 a year more to pop in there, thank you! Well I've been on fine form with my Internet shopping this week, my poor postman, I'm expecting about 25 parcels this week! Also - I'm getting the new shopaholic book for Xmas so as soon as I'm done I'll send it your way.

Ruby is 5 months in 2 days, can't believe it! I went to see one of the girls from my nCT today & she's been diagnosed with post natal depression the poor thing, felt so sorry for her, I said to call or text me anytime, she's Swedish & got no family here, and her husband already has a 19 yr old and told her she can have a baby but it's on her own :( but even entering knowingthat I don't think anything can prepare you for how hard it is!

Ruby has become the napping devil which is filling me with more and more dread for next Friday :( any tips?!?!
Hi ladies

Sorry to hear about your hair probs too Chelsie, hope you get that sorted quickly :hugs: and hoping Macie cuts that first tooth soon - the first one is usually the worst one for them to deal with. Dawson was up screaming last night for some unknown reason, but I am guessing gum pain too. A rub of bonjela and me walking about bouncing him for about 20 mins and he settled over again but normally he awakens, gets fed and then sleeps again :wacko:

Nat - my daughter hated tummy time too, and she never crawled, she learned to sit then kind of bum shuffled about for a few months and was walking around the furniture at 9 months and independantly at 10 months haha. Both my other boys did crawl and none liked tummy time, but were early walkers too -all walked by 11 months.
Dawson hates tummy time, much prefers to be in his walker scooting about and getting into mischief :haha::haha:

Liz -I never got any response from the survey thingy :cry: -does that mean I am not being accepted :shrug:?

Well, we are still snowed in aaarrghhh - not had any snow in 36 hours but its well below freezing (minus 13 today ) and not thawing and what was snow is now compact ice. The joys!!! I am so glad that I have already gotten the majority of my xmas shopping; still waiting n mobile phone of my DD's to coem though oo-er!!!

Anyway hubby just back in cos he cant get out of our street - has been parking on the main road to get to work but we had to bring it closer last night as we had a car full of nappies and food shopping and now its stuck!! - so off to make him a cuppa xxx
Love to all xxxx:hugs:
Liz - yay!! got my pinecone thingy but had already subscribed to photobox :( -as soon as i tried to log in, it said you already have an account :( Is there a code for the book ?

Donna, your on bootsphoto righ? as its seperate from photobox, although it really is photobox.... yay for pinecone! they're fab, I get like 1 or 2 surveys a month. So jealous of cherryglitter! wouldn't it be nice to have another baby in the oven!! bet you're glad to get rid of the snow!!?? Getting stuck in the house is no fun!

Nat- thanks for thinking of me with the shopaholic book but I've already read it! got it from the library!! I try to reserve the new releases that I'm interested in at the library and then I only have to pay the 25p fee to reserve it! Its great!! I've started lady with a dragon tattoo at the moment (or whatever the title is..)
25 parcels!!! your crazy!! does that finish your xmas shopping? How did your nct xmas thing go on tuesday?

Chelsie, heard anything from the gp about your hair? fingers crossed it gets sorted asap!

well I'm loving having the xmas tree up! its so nice with the lights on, makes it all cozy in the living room. dylan asleep, we've got my works xmas party tomorrow and I'm going in tomorrow for another KIT day... booo... I think might go to work and back out of the xmas party last minute as dh parents up from epsom to babysit and visit for the weekend but I really really really don't want to leave dyls with them, esp at night.. he was difficult to go to sleep tonight and only really settles with some more milk...

well we will see how it goes, they prob won't make it in time for us to go anyways... his mum drives soooo slow! I think she does like 50 on the motorway, and if its cold and icey thats bound to make her go a bit slower!

and my paypal lady has not responded to me the stupid lady!! at least I can see it has been delivered and its been a day and she still hasn't closed the dispute!!

well i'm off now, going to enjoy the rest of my evening since dyls has gone to sleep!! and I'm cold so I have to go turn the heat up, AGAIN!!

Hi Liz -yep I entered via boots no problem but when I uploaded and went to enter my details to order it said already an account holder :( Seems all these photo places are linked these days.

I am the same about leaving Dawson at night, much to hubby's annoyance I think (he hasn't said but I know he'dlike us to have a night out) but he never settles for very long and usually needs milk to go back over. Last two nights have been hellish though, not sure if it is gum pain or not but screaming heeby jeebies through the night and several times too. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz No wanted fed, wont lie in bed with me for a cuddle, wants up walking about being bounced wth?????? thought I was over with this stage haha so tired zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Well I am going to go out today for the first time in ages -there is still too much hard compact snow to push a pram over and I have no car (as hubby using it the now, his MOT is up) s oits bussing for us with no pram, so bus and carrying the monster -FUN!!! NOT!!! Haha but I need to get out, going nuts here!!! And my sling is in my car whaaahh -could have doen with that tday. We are forecast for more severe weather next week though so I am definitely getting out today.
Goint to a soft play centre for lunch with my sis, her wee one can play, Dawson can go in a baby walker and we can eat yum yum yum, My big niece aged 15 is coming too, to help as she is on study leave. Then its my sons school fayre, so another bus up to school to buy some school made items, and some home made baking yummy, then another bus home (its only 5 min walk from my house but its up a steep hill and they haven't cleared the paths at all and I couldn't walk it carrying Deej, its far too treacherous for me without carrying a 4 month old lol - pelvis still not right and all lol)

Need to go munchkin grumbling xxxxx

Donna - you poorthing being so snowed in!!! We just have icy pavments now, not fun for buggy walking! I really hope it warms up for you this weekend as it is down here, supposedly!!

Liz - what's shopaholic like? Will I love it as much as the others? I've got a few books I can send off to you actually, I'll check the titles and see if you've read them. I am mad with my parcels but I love getting post!!! Haha! Sad I know but I do! I don't blame you for not wanting to leave Dyls, I'm dreading next week soooooooooo badly; it's just gona be horrid :( it's not even like I'm going to spend an evening with fun people ether; it's a load of old people, when I say old I mean 70/80's!! Sitting around chatting & eating a rubbish Xmas dinner! It means a lot to my dad though, he's 62 & very chuffed he's the youngest member!

Our Xmas lunch was lovEly we both really enjoyed it! Had 2 of my NCT friends over today & seeing Emma again on Friday as wE gt on so well. Her little girl is 2 days younger than Ruby; it's really nice as she's a 2 min walk from my house. Next week I'm manic! Hair on monday, coffee in the afternoon, going to Bracknell on Wednesday to visit my friends 5 week old (I might bring him home!) she's got 3 boys already; she doesn't need another one!! Then lunch on Thursday and dads do on Friday night, thenthe following week 2 Christmas parties for ruby, dinner with my girls on the Monday night, it's crazy how soon Xmas is!!!

I've booked my Tesco delivery so at least our Xmas lunch is sorted & I don't have to go & buy it.

Ruby is coming on leaps and bounds developmentally. Laughs, chats away to me all day now & can co-ordinate most toys etc once I've shown her what to do. I'm just lovingthis stage at the moment and can't bear the thought she 5'moths and in 7 I'll be back at work :(

Anyway, off to bed for me, hope everyone gets lots of sleep tonight xxxx
so... dh parents watched dyls friday night, and since then he hasn't slept on the schedule we had him on before with bed around 7pm, last night he didn't sleep til 9 and tonight he only just fell asleep. We went to my works do and then came home around midnight and dh parents were like, o he's just waking up a bit, and he was only moving around which you could hear on the monitor... anyways, we started chatting and then they started to tell us how much fun they had with him and I was like, WTF he was asleep when we left to go out.... so who knows how long or late dylan was actually up on Friday, I should have bought one of those teddy nanny cam things!!! so annoying that since then he's not slept well!! grrrr

Nat- shopaholic is great!! I thought it was a good read and a bit predictable but then I was surprised that it didn't end up how I thought it was going to so I really enjoyed it!!
how are the parcels coming along?? I ordered a new sling at 25% off and i've just got an email canceling it as they've no stock, i'm like, WHY WAS IT ONLINE!!?? and they didn't ask about waiting for them to arrive, they just canceled it!! grrrr. i'm not having very good luck lately!! its kind of put me in a bad mood really!!

and after being at work on Friday for the afternoon, i'm not sure I want to go back... I said i was planning to but it just didn't feel right! I'm not planning on going back til june next year but I'm so dreading it... i've thought about going back to work at the 9 month point but I can't bear it and dh has agreed in the beginning that I could do a year.... but the money would be nice to go back.... o well!!

well keeping this short, I've not had a lot of 'me' time today so taking a break now! xxx
Poor you Liz, and poor Dyls -his wee routine probably suit him lovely and now he is all confused.
My mum done that to me with son number 1 when he was the same age -he was a great sleeper and slept through the night from 9weeks (my only one that has been lol) and the one and only time she sat for us he was up several times when we were out. We left , he was in bed and we returned only about 4 hours later and she'd lifted him, taken him downstairs probably had great fun playing with him until he got really overtired and grumpy haha, then moaned at me cos she has a neck condition which means she cant carry heavy loads and ' she really cant be watching him if it means carrying him about for extended periods of time' wth????? I never asked her again! Then it took me the rest of the week to get him back into routine again grrrrrrrrrr.
Dawson is a bloody awful sleeper so although she has offered, I wouldn't ! Its not worth it. Funny woman my mother haha -she loves the baby stage and then its as though she falls off the face of the planet. My 8y.o sadly really doesn't know who she is at all - needs us to describe her when we mention her.
Last three nights I have had to put Deej to bed and let him cry :( - he just wont go to bed. He goes to sleep, wakes up 5 minutes in and then 5 mins later, then 2 mins later and again and again for hours and he screams blue murder -so tough love time! First few nights I was convinced he was poorly or something - but after more than a week of his shenanigans and calpol, bonjela, extra cuddles, bouncing him to sleep etc I was going mad. It was so awful the first night -I cried as much as he did I think, and then went to bed exhausted and convinced he was going to hate me :(, but tonight he settled really quickly and now sleeps in his cot!!!! We really struggled with the transition from moses basket to cot and he had been just sleeping with me for the past month or so.
SO good to get my own space in bed back and a few hours un-interrupted sleep :)

Well, nearly Christmas and I am so excited!! I just love xmas time, looked out all the xmas stockings at the weekend and my sis bought Deej a first Christmas stocking - still waiting on Lou's phone but otherwise everything else is here and we have thawed eventually so hopefully the delivery of her phone will be early this week before the next fall of snow is predicted lol

Spk soon ladies off now for a cuppa before going to bed xx
Just noticed Lori has a PREGNANCY ticker on her signature!!!

I was looking through older threads and thought it was an old one but then realised that the siggie changes on all posts once altered.
Says 9w+ Anyone heard anything????

So exciting if she is. I WANT another one too!!! lol ...

Maybe just an admin error.

Stuck in today STILL waiting on my parcel and looks like more snow heading this way so it better hurry up.

11 Days til Santa Woop woop!! Cant wait, I love to see all my babies face's on xmas morning. And my hubby too- I am sure he doesn't know I got him the snowboard he wanted , so that will be a treat too!! :) :)

well if Lori is she better get on here and tell us!! But I dont think Lori has updated her ticker in a while and maybe its just rolled over?? Like instead of saying 'baby should be here by now...' at a certain point it just starts over! which would be funny if it does!!

So tell us Lori!

Not much going on here, we went to a surestart xmas party yesterday and got a little gift from santa a book and some jingle bells, dylan LOVES the bells!!! he giggles whenever he has a hold of them!! we went to the health visitor today and got him weighed too, 20lb 10oz at nearly 28 weeks! at least we are moving down in the charts, I think he has moved down to the 91st percentile now from the 99th!

We have another 2 xmas parties on sunday, one for my work (childrens party) and then one for the club I'm in now for babies that were sick/early called kangaroo club (dont remember if I've mentioned it ) and that is going to be the funner one, I'm making some good friends from it... I prob won't go to the works one, but signed up to go to get the gift!! I know sneaky me!!

o, and I escalated my paypal 'case' and heard back today that I won (obviously) but the thing is you can't leave negative feedback for buyers.... soooo frustrating. And she's never wrote to me to say sorry or that she liked the sleepsuits or anything!!! grrr.

Well, off to do some relaxing, I think I've finally got dylan back on a schedule, he only woke up once last night as he had to poo... which are really hard at the minute but got a prescription to help with the poos so hopefully in a couple days they will be a lot softer. Isn't it funny the topics that we now find interesting... :)

Thats so annoying about that paypal lady -surely under the circumstances you should be able to leave criticism -I hope she leaves you positive feedback at the very least.

Wow Dylan is over 20lb -good going little man lol -are you and your hubby tall?
Dawson was weighed yday too and his growth has slowed down too- we were above 75th line and now just below the 75th percentile line, at 16lb 12 oz. I know it is still weight on and all, but I rather he stayed along the same percentile line, rather than drop iykwim? Cant help wonder if by giving him solids he is maybe taking less milk than he needs. Or maybe its just because he is so mobile now -he is on the go all the time lol, scooting about in his walker or rolling about the floor haha. Or maybe just time for his weight gain to slow, I'll get him checked next month so hopefully he'll have steadied out again ; even on the same percentile line, as long as he hasn't dropped again :(

Enjoy your Christmas parties, we are going to see Santa at the weekend and then off to Glasgow Green to see the Christmas lights, cant believe its only just over a week now til Santa comes -so excited!!! Lol!! I am worse than the kids haha


For some reason I didn't get any email updates so apologies for my absence!

Very exciting about Lori if it is true!!

Liz - I know what you mean about work, I need the money but not hanging out with this lovely smiley face each day, the thought is just awful!!

Have you got any snow? Bloody parents in law, mine are exactly the same!! Quite why people can't understand that a child goes to bed to sleep, not be around for their own entertainment, is beyond me!!

Donna - one week to go!!! I wrapped Jodys presents & it didn't loon much so I've now ordered another pair of jeans & 2 DVDs!! Fingers crossed they'll come in time as we've had loads of snow today & more forecast for Monday!!

Ruby is so close to rolling, she's done it a few times but I think it was a fluke & now she tries anytime she's lying down. Jodys sister babysat last night so I could go out with my family, it was so nice & really festive! Really got me in the mood!

Abby was a star with her & came for a practice on Thursday & followed everything to the letter & she slept perfectly, yay!! I could t resist a cuddle when I got home and I was worried it might disturb her but she slept til 7am!

Today I managed to get out and walk Buster with my mum and dad before te snow cane down! We drove to a local woods & took him around there, I got home at 9.30am and by 11am we had about 10cm of snow!!!

We popped roo in the baby bjorne & walked to the pub as we are bound to ve 'iced in' tomorrow so wanted to not be house bound both days. We ha lunch & walked home before family naptime!

Tomorrow I'm going to try & get to my mums but she lives up such a steep hill so will have to see what it's like.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xxx
MORE snow lol -always did love a white christmas and used to love sledging and snowball fights etc but this year it is such a drag with having a tiny baby - it is just so treacherous; for walking or driving!Although my pram is super in the snow I have discovered - its just me that slips n slides lol -you wouldn't even know the pram was going over ice n snow ! So at least we can still get out for some fresh air even if we cant get off the hill to visit anyone lol.

Spk later ladies - off to make dinner xx
no snow here... :( I miss it, all the snow we had before is gone...

Donna- my dh and I are both tall, 5 10 and 6 2, so Dylan is bound to be tall... yay xmas is right around the corner!!

well I didn't get to works party today as I was a bit miffed because they sent out confirmations of peep attending last week and no one sent it to me so not sure I was even on the list, even though I rsvp'd.. but the kangaroo party was good, we won 2 raffle prizes, a family day out at the seal sanctuary in skegness and 6 sessions of a buggy fitness class so yay me! (I hardly ever win anything)

I wasn't planning on having a big xmas this time with Dylan as he's sooo young and won't remember, but looking at the tree now I think I went a little overboard... didn't spend a lot as got good deals on everything... I couldn't resist buying a couple more toys on amazon, a walker thing, a leapfrog guitar, and a pop n play elephant thing... they were all really good deals and I only ordered them the other day and I've received them already!! yay for xmas, can't wait! I think it will take all day to unwrap presents though basis dylans pace but it will be well good.

Just need to decide on what we're going to have for xmas dinner... whats everyone else having?

hello, just popping in :) I read up a lot but cant be bothered to type much with 1 hand lol

we have snow :( hate it... going bk home hopefully to spend xmas with family, mm cant wait for my dinner.

Libby has colic or something, iv tried EVERYTHING and nothing works.. thinking I may have to switch from aptimil milk 1 (the comfort made her bad with painful wind) to another brand. She is upstairs in her moses basket now and have heard her stir on the moniter a few times so I know she will be up soon... oh there she is!
Gemma -have you tried colief? I never got around to getting it, as at first my pharmacist refused to give me it without prescription, then after my gp said okay I went to get some and they had none in stock ,and then all very quickly Dawson didn't suffer from it anymore and lo and behold I was in the chemist the other day and the pharmacist shouts over 'look what I got for you' haha. Too late!!!

Anyway - s'posed to work very well- my HV recommended it -I used infacol -with little relief, dentonox never worked for us but my sister swore by it, and neither did gripe water work for me but was fab for my other sis -so trial and error

yeh liz iv tried it all... she is even having colief now and nothing :shrug: oh well, and it was a false alarm x
bugger I know... I have her on my facebook and talk to her allllll the time wtf hahaha x

I seem to be obsessed with calling Donna Liz!

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