Bottle refusers - help, tips and success stories

mimijumi bottle worked for us!!

Helen, can I ask at what age you introduced them?

We tried loads of different bottle brands from the age of 6 weeks (was told to wait until after 6 weeks so as not to cause nipple confusion) but she wouldn't take any of them! We tried Avent, Tommy Tippee, Playtex, Dr Browns, some non brand bottles... nothing.

Only just bought the Mimijumi yesterday at the baby show, I was skeptical if it would work as it looked a bit gimmicky (the teat looks like a boob :haha:) but I tried it last night and she drank a 4oz bottle in one go without any fuss at all! Wish I had found it sooner.
mimijumi bottle worked for us!!

We stopped trying bottles about a week ago. Got tired of it. However, after seeing your comment and hearing about these from another mom, I decided to purchase one and give it a try. If it works, my life is saved. If not, I'm only out $15. Fingers crossed!!!! It gets here in two days. I'll let you all know the results. :)

Good luck, I hope it works for you! They are quite pricey, but now that I know it worked it is the best £10 I ever spent! Fingers crossed, let us know how you get on!
Helen that's great!

Well ladies we are on day 4 of the NUk latex bottle....and today LO has taken 1 oz of ebm without any fuss or distress! She took it from daddy who propped her up in the corner of the sofa (we didn't vacuum or anything today..I just kept out of of sight)

I got my mimijumi bottle the other day. Just waiting to try it when dh and I go on a date and have my mom feed lo while I'm out of the house for awhile. Fingers crossed! It seems way too hard of a nipple, not soft like a real nipple so I don't have much faith he'll take it or any bottle for that matter. He just loves the boob, what can I say. So, trying not to get my hopes up or anything.
when I had to stop BF it took me a while to get LO to take a bottle. I finally managed to get her to do it by having my mom give it to her when i was outside taking a walk. then she started taking them from me too, the very next day.

She was only 7 weeks when we started bottles but she was very stubborn in not taking it from me. Wouldn't take it from her dad either.

She may have felt my stress because her doctor was telling me to put her on the RX formula ASAP and I couldnj't get her to take it.
good luck! i ordered the comotomo one and my mom gave it to him, she said that he took 2.5 oz without a fuss but im not sure i believe her lol. we had to be gone for a few hours because my husbands dad us ill and i juat don't think she wanted to stress me out anymore than i already was, however one way or another she did get it down him haha
Last night my mom gave ds the mimijumi bottle while dh and I went to the gym. She called and said it wasn't working out and I could hear him screaming in the background. Then when I got home, she told me she got him to drink the whole three ounces that I had pumped in there once she calmed him down and swaddled him up. I hope this isn't just a fluke and that he will drink from it again tonight! We are going to keep trying with this bottle, it seems to be a good sign as he wouldn't drink at all from the other bottles we have tried. :)
Well it looks like your baby's are making some progress with the bottles, even if it is slow, it's still better than flat out refusal! :)
We are still persevering with the NUK with latex teat. LO will take a couple of ounces of ebm from dh only. When I tried she just refused, licked the teat and pulled at my shirt...but then dh is going to be staying home with her so that's ok! It does take longer than BFing, but it seems like her feeding pattern is changing to less feeds anyway. I am going to continue expressing milk at work at least until she is 6 months if possible and will bf at night and before work too...if my supply continues!
Any news from anyone else??
Grrr my LO has become wise to my games and is now refusing the mimimuji too! I am considering dropping her off at my mums for a day with a bottle (any bottle) and see if she has any success.
Since I'm going to have to be away for surgery soon, I figured we needed to start introducing a bottle. My son took a bottle without a hitch and soon preferred that to me ( :cry: ) He also took a NUK paci and LOOOOVED it.

We just started introducing a Playtex drop-in at 6 weeks to our daughter. I chose this bottle because supposedly it's got the slowest flow and I figured it would have the best chance of NOT making her a lazy nurser (like the other bottles did with my son). I also like how it doesn't have a steady flow if it's tipped upside down.

She isn't much interested in a pacifer so I figured it'd be alil rough with a bottle. She clusterfeeds at night before bed (she usually sleeps 5-7 hours at night without waking up).
The first 2 nights there was more crying than drinking going on but by the 3rd, she actually took an ounce! :happydance:

Fast forward a week, last night she actually took almost 4oz!! And slept over 8 hours straight! :shock: \\:D/

Perseverance and routine seemed to help her the most. I would do our nightly routine of bath, oil and massage and then attempt the bottle before finally offering the boob. She still prefers the boob to the bottle but at least she drinking from it. :thumbup:

Good luck ladies :flower:
I have to admit we have abandoned the bottle!! LO was taking an ounce of but it was taking dh ages to get it in her, and I worried that he would have to spend all day trying to feed her when I go back to work (on April 2nd :cry:) anyway the last 3 days we've used a sippy cup instead! And baby is drinking beautifully, taking 3 or 4 ounces at a time with no issues and even laughing and trying to hold the cup herself! We had brought that at the start but didn't ever try it cos the health visitor was all about the blinking doidy cup and avoiding her getting used to a spout...but I'd rather she was drinking! So we are giving one or two cups each day and I feed the rest of the time, dh has my frozen stash to get started with, I'll try and express at work and feed before and after work myself, and we will supplement with formula if we need to! It's a huge relief!!

Good luck ladies x
well Carter took 2 ounces from the mimijumi bottle tonight and he drank it from me! he fussed for a bit, I gave it a break, tried later when he was more hungry and he still fussed so I swaddled him and then he drank 2 ounces and fell asleep.
Thanks for this thread :) My LO has only ever taken an oz of ebm before refusing! Currently waiting on my nuk to be delivered. Fingers crossed!! X
Thanks for this thread :) My LO has only ever taken an oz of ebm before refusing! Currently waiting on my nuk to be delivered. Fingers crossed!! X

Good luck with it! It did work for us to a point but it took our baby forever to take tiny amounts
Well, we tried the bottle again this morning and lo fussed a lot and only took one ounce before refusing and then I caved and breastfed him which put him to sleep after he drank a good meal. Uuugghhh, this battle is not over! I need my freedom! I love breastfeeding but I want to be able to go out without having to rush back in time to feed lo or be worried he'll be fussing for the breast when I'm gone. It gives me anxiety to leave him with anyone else knowing that he depends on me soooo much.
Sometimes I "fight" with Amy for an hour to get her to take a bottle. The day I posted my "success" story she just didn't want to take anything from her bottle and I could only get her to take 1oz. The formula canister says to dispose of leftover formula after an hour so I allow her an hour to try to drink it before I call it a night and let her nurse.

Is that what everyone is is doing with their formula?
EDIT: I don't have a pump and otherwise I'd attempt to get a stockpile up. I've got dr's visits and surgery coming up so I know she won't be able to nurse and I'll have to pump and dump. I thought I might just use formula as a crutch until everything (all the dr crap) is over with.

Kelly : Maybe try a routine and offer the bottle at the same time everyday? It's what I'm attempting. We're more successful some days than others. :shrug:
Some babies will never take to a bottle. I tried everything to get my stubborn LO to accept one and he never took one. We had to syringe and spoonfeed expressed milk until he started on a nuk sippy cup at 5 months. Just have to do what you have to do if they continue to refuse.
Thanks for this thread :) My LO has only ever taken an oz of ebm before refusing! Currently waiting on my nuk to be delivered. Fingers crossed!! X

Good luck with it! It did work for us to a point but it took our baby forever to take tiny amounts

Thank you. She entertained the NUK better than the other bottles - she even grabbed it back when OH took it out a couple of times, but she only drank an oz or so before she had had enough and yelled at him. Will keep trying and if not... Sippy cup

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