Bottle refusers - help, tips and success stories

good luck Jess!
another thing to try (and it sounds a bit strange but worked for us initially - to get things started) is to have dh offer a bottle whilst your vacuum. the white noise of he vacuum
cleaner seemed to soothe our LO (its true!)

if you still struggle, maybe try a sippy cup?? our LO wasnt keen on taking anything that she needed to actually suck from (although after about 5-6 weeks of sippy cup she will now take a NUK bottle)

Seaweed eater is right...pick one and stick with it. dh kept switching just to try and see if she'd prefer this one or that and I think she got confused.
hi ladies..

I just wanted to say to anyone struggling - there is hope!
you can see from previous posts that my little girl was firmly a boob only girl, and having brought every type of bottle on the market/online plus various doidy cups/sippy cups etc - I was despairing, especially as I has to return to work.
well Ive been back at work a couple of months now, and she stays home with her daddy and she will take her milk in any of the bottles/cups that we have :) she also BFs from me before and after work and during the night and doesnt seem fussed at all.

just thought I would offer a success story
Carter is now taking bottles too. He just randomly decided he would take them again about a month and a half ago when we were on a road trip. It was perfect timing as I headed back to work that week. There is hope for those with bottle refusers!
Carter is now taking bottles too. He just randomly decided he would take them again about a month and a half ago when we were on a road trip. It was perfect timing as I headed back to work that week. There is hope for those with bottle refusers!

weird how they will do that huh!?
I remember how worried I was that my baby would starve because I was at work and worried she wouldnt drink - now she guzzles all the EBM i leave quite happily!
I've given mine a couple bottles this week while out and about (because he's too distracted to nurse in public), and my goodness, did he guzzle them! Also, he tries to drink from all bottle-like objects now. You wouldn't believe this was a baby who once had any trouble with bottles.
Yep it's crazy. I was convinced he'd never take a bottle again. Many people told me it was a phase but I didn't believe them. So happy I can leave him and not have to stress if he'll be hungry. Yay to all our successful babies and good luck to those still on strike.
Thanks for this thread.

I introduced a bottle at 6 weeks old so I could pop out and see my horse and my LO took it reluctantly but did take it.

He was having one bottle feed (EBM) per day and suddenly started refusing at almost 3 months old.

I've been feeling really anxious as I can't get out for long enough to exercise my horse and I've been worrying about the future too.

I don't have to rush back to work just yet but I do have to go back.

At least I now have some tips to try x
Yay on the success stories! So happy for you!

Starlight, there is hope! Hopefully some of our tips and tricks will help you!

Lily's now down to one bottle of cows milk a day and drinking loads a water from her doidy/ straw cup, which is great cos she never used to drink much water!
LO just changed classrooms at daycare and is refusing bottles from his new teachers. A girl who changed classrooms right before him did the same thing. I was with him today and he literally refused the bottle from his teacher but guzzled the same one from me a moment later.

So with a baby who's old enough to have stranger anxiety, that could be the issue, not the bottle itself!

Here's my success story which I posted elsewhere :thumbup:
Ironically timed bump...mine seems to have decided he only wants bottles :cry:

Congrats on your pregnancy, Mrs T! :cloud9:
Thanks for bumping this thread. Started to try bottle feeding EBM at about 5 wks, she refused any bottles, tried about 6 diff brands. She is now 9 wks. We have to do one bottle every day, and I use Lansinoh momma nipple in an Avent bottle and she has been drinking about 3 oz from it the past few days. She has to sit in her bouncer, won't be held and fed, and it takes about 20-30 minutes for her to empty the bottle, but at least she is getting some milk. I have a wedding soon that I will be gone all day pumping, and have been so stressed that she won't eat all day without me. If she takes 3 oz here and there at least I know she won't be screaming the whole day, it should be enough to tide her over at least. And I'm praying it will continue to get even better as we will keep offering a bottle feed each day. Thanks for everyone's input. It's super stressful to feel like your baby won't get milk if you have to be away.
Thanks ladies! :cloud9:

I try to bump the thread every month or so cos its gathered so many tips now. I remember feeling so hopeless and alone when i was having problems and.don't want others to have to feel like that!
Really struggling to get lo to take milk from anything apart from the boob. We have tried many many different bottles and teats and he screams blue murder whenever we try give give him one (we've tried for months). We are now trying to give milk in a sippy cup. We are trying to replace the bed time breastfeed with a sippy cup if formula (Lookin likely that i'll have to stop breastfeeding for medical reasons)
For the the 3 days he took about 50mls each time bit for the last 3 days he won't take it at all. It's not that he won't take the cup as he drinks water out of it during the day.

I'm starting to get stressed about it as i have a job interview next week which require me to leave lo with DH all day and if I get the job i'll need to attend traing days. In addition to this If I need to start medication for my thyoid I need to stop breastfeeding (which really sucks as I don't want to :(. )

It's so hard even if I don't need the medication it would be so nice to have a but of freedom. DH is starting to get frustrated with me as lo won't take the milk from me . DH can't do it as he's my home from work until lo goes to bed.

I'm just frustrated :/
Sneaking back in here :haha:

So although my LO now drinks from a sippy cup, I can never get her to take more than about 2oz a day, and that's not even in one go but from little sips throughout the day! Arrgghh!! We are trying to wean onto cows milk during the day and keeping the BF at night but so far LO drinks her 2oz during the day and then of course stockpiles all through the night.

Any suggestions?
Helen, was she taking a bottle before? Have you tried both holding it for her and letting her hold it independently?

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