Breast feeding in front of family?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hi ladies :flower:

How comfortable are you breast feeding your LO in front of your family and your inlaws?

I failed at breast feeding my dd last time so I really want to make it work this time more than anything.

My inlaws are coming to stay with us for the birth to look after our dd so will be here when I get back from the hospital so I am worrying about how awkward it's going to be breast feeding infront of them! Do babies feed a lot at the start? Will it be rude to leave the room every time?

What do you ladies do?

I wasn't too keen on feeding in front of inlaws but my mil stayed for a week after LO was born so I didn't really have much choice. It was hard at first but I got used to it and I was quite discreet so often they wouldn't even notice I was breastfeeding. I don't breastfeed in front of some of my husband's family these days but that's only because they don't like the length of time I'm breastfeeding for and that makes me feel uncomfortable with bf in front of them.

It's up to you if you breastfeed in front of family or not. You certainly get used to it after a few times. But if you feel that you don't want to then I wouldn't think it was rude to leave the room at all. Good luck!
When she was little, I'd nurse her anywhere. My father-in-law always left the room when I was nursing, though. When she was very new-born, though, I'd nurse her in a separate room with all the pooping and everything ... Newborn babies poop while they eat, so it's easier to just take her in another room to take care of all those needs and come back out when she's done. Also, I liked to nurse her bare-bummed, over a container so I wouldn't have to deal with the mess of a poopy diaper. It was once she got past that stage that I'd nurse her anywhere.
When I breastfed my son, unless it was hubby, SIL, MIL or FIL, I would go into another room. When I breastfed my daughter, I just made sure my t-shirt covered most everything (I never wore any nursing shirts/outfits, just lifted my top up). I've found I careless who or what anyone else thinks while I feed my daughter :winkwink: I was more bashful with son :haha:
I don't think I'd have a problem bf infront of my mil, it's more my fil, I know he will feel uncomfortable about it and therefore I will too!
I usually leave the room. It's easier to feed not bring all covered up and I don't feel comfortable nursing with my boob out for all to see. It's not a big deal to me because that time is precious and it's nice to get away for a few minutes. Your baby will eat every 2 hours or even every hour! My first was a slow, lazy eater. It took him 45 minutes to eat. My second will feed 5-10 minutes and be done. So it just depends on the baby and how efficient they are.

Good luck!
I only openly bf in front of my mom and sister. I dont see anything wrong with being open about it, it just me being shy. I used to leave the room when others were around in the beginning. I needed extra time to help him latch and it was overall more difficult then. Tbh it was nice to get alone time with my lo. Now I usually stay in the room with a nursing cover with my mil and fil.
My son nursed constantly in the early weeks. It was tough. but I am so glad I stuck with it.
With my first son, I used to leave the room and feed him alone. However I have just had my second son and with this one I am feeding in front of whoever is in the room. For me it convenience, already having one child to keep an eye on when you keep leaving the room is tricky!! Plus no one can see what you are doing and I feel I shouldn't have to sit on my own in a different room. I'm definitely more confident this time around!
My in laws went out of the room to start with but when the dreaded MIL came round she always got funny about it. Personally I don't see why because it is the most natural thing going. Just play it kool see how you feel, try both in the room and out. You can easily cover yourself up so it should be ok :)
My mum stayed with us for 2 weeks when lo was born and I had no problem feeding in front of her. When any family visitors came over I just asked any men (my dad, fil etc) to leave the room while I got lo on the breast and then just covered up whislt he was feeding. In regards to the females I just said ok I'm about to get my boobs out if you don't wanna see leave the room if your not bothered stay. My house, my baby, my way! Just do what you feel comfortable with.
Newborns feed pretty much constantly in the beginning. I started out leaving the room whenever she needed to be nursed, but quickly got tired of it as I was missing everything! The first couple of times it was a bit awkward but we all got used to it.
From the beginning, my mom and mil were both very supportive and I felt comfortable feeding dd in front of them, with or without a cover. That was pretty much it, though. Fil, sisters, bil, aunts, etc. I would leave the room for, even in my own house. I got over that a few months ago with my sisters, and tbh, I think it took me so long with them because they both gave all of their babies formula. At first, I went to the other room to keep from making them feel uncomfortable for feeling like I was judging them, but eventually they started pushing formula, which made me mad so I guess that's what made me get over it with them.

In the early days, I did struggle with spending so much time in the other room and feeling excluded, but at the same time I also had baby cuddles and knew I was doing for her what nobody else could do. It's such a short time, really, that they need you for that so much. Now, it's 10 minutes every 4-5 hours. Sometimes it makes me miss those times!
First month I always went into another room. Then I stayed but covered. Then I just stayed and used 2 shirts. Then I just whipped it out in front of everyone. I got progressively less modest within 2 months , lol. Now I bf in front on anyone.

Actually I go to a separate room now again after around 5 months because baby is too easily distracted in a room with other people.
Pretty quickly I managed to master nursing in public using two tops so nobody could see anything. There's obviously a brief moment where my nipple is out but I bend slightly so it's difficult to see and LO is in front of it. Once he's latched you can't see a thing.

There's actually only one person in my life I don't feel comfortable to feed in front of, and that's my MIL! She's always had mental health issues, bipolar and suicide attempts, and for some reason I don't feel I can nurse in front of her. The rest of my inlaws I'm fine with, bizarrely.
The only person I'm not really comfortable with feeding in front of is MIL's partner.
When I fed DD at MIL's birthday he didn't like it apparently (said to MIL who told OH who told me) so I just feel uncomfortable now feeding DS. I still do it as I don't think I should have to go out the room for his sake though and I need to keep an eye on DD.
breastfed in front of all them and then they stopped visiting. Seems it made them uncomfortable. And apparently I was doing it fir badness only.
At first it took learning some "finess" so I would leave the room..but after awhile I got the hang of it and I'd nurse where I was...I'd throw a blanket over just to cover up. My dad would leave the room...hahaha. Fine by me.....but yeah, I really have no issues with it..with the blanket it covers everything anyways. You'll actually be surprised how often you use the nursing "excuse" just to have alone time with baby. THAT I did all the time. Lmao. If we were around family or whatever and I wanted an excuse to just have some baby time...then I'd purposely go to another room... Hahahaha.
I feed in front of my family under a blanket whilst she is only small its easy to cover up.

I have fed in front of MIL/FIL but it is awkward as I feel they are against it as they bottle fed & couldn't stand the thought of breastfeeding!! They also rock or cuddle her back to sleep when she cries for food so I can't get her back, I now just take her off them.

When there are other friends/family around I tend to go upstairs, this is only with it being Christmas though as we seem to have a family gathering every other day. Roll on normality in January and getting into a routine.
My MIL was with us until LO was 9 days old. Initially, when I was getting the hang of things and didnt want to faff with being discreet, I would just take her away to our bedroom and feed her there. I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet and bonding time being with her.

A few months later, when we were visiting them for a couple of weeks, I was happy to discreetly BF in front of my MIL but still went off to the other room when my FIL was around.

We were out to dinner a few times where I had no choice but to BF my LO in front of my FIL, but I used a cover and kind of found a quiet corner away from the hub of conversation etc.

Until LO was about 10 months old, I happily nursed in public with a cover. For some reason, nursing in front of strangers wasnt uncomfortable for me - it was nursing in front of people i knew that i didnt like.

When LO went on feeding beyond 12 months, I felt uncomfortable nursing in front of others even with a cover because of the comments I'd get, so it was always me and LO on our own in a room after that. I def did not nurse in public after that either, except to settle LO on flights!

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