I had a traumatic CS after 20 hrs of inducing. MW tried to force me to BF, my LO couldnt latch on. They left him to starve for 18 hrs! they sent me a BF consultant & kept trying with him for 2 hrs, but he just refused! His jaundice increased to 14.8. Whever I asked for milk they looked at me as if I'm asking for poison! I had to leave the hospital 1 day earlier because of all the stress.
I couldnt handle all the stress of BFing, so, I went for FF. I'm happy & my LO is happy with it..
Until now, when I take my LO for his routine checkups, they give me a disaproving look for FF..
It should be left for nature, & not for debating & argueing. I dont really knw which is better, my mom & all my family BF, and they think I'm odd for FFing.
I dont try to explain myself or find excuses, I just smile as I knw I did what's best for my LO