Breastfeeding baby, not preventing another :-)

Luvy!!!!! I'm so happy to see this! Praying for Gods continued mercy on your pregnancy ❤️❤️❤️
Luvy, that's amazing news! I'll be praying that everything continues to go smoothly this pregnancy. :flower:
Absolutely perfect luvymom, so pleased for you xxxx
I'm prone to the bleeds as well, such a bore but as I have 3 babies, all can be well even when it's heavy blood loss, hope you are able to take it easy. Mine normally resolve around the middle, have you had a SCH before? Xx
Happy 21w TTC, did you get your scan as well this week? X
Thank you Dano! You're nearly 18 weeks! Almost half way! When is your next scan?

I had my anatomy scan at 18 weeks. So tomorrow I'll see my OB and hematologist and next week I go to the high risk MFM for a growth scan! I can't believe we made it this far but I won't take a really deep breath until after viability. I do finally feel him kicking lots which is nice! And I've gained 5lbs! So my OB will be pleased I'm putting on some weight finally! I'll probably continue to see my OB every 2 weeks and I know I'll see the MFM once a month until 3rd tri we'll go to twice a month.
Ahh excellent hun! Hope all goes ok with the high risk team etc. Good you have put on weight, I don't have that problem, I'm up 6kg already, don't ask me how lol!

My anatomy scan is at almost 21w, it ties in with my consultant appt. Not sure what we'll be discussing tho, my age, RMC, previous MROP, November induction date? The list goes on lol :haha:

Yes I'm also counting down the days, my V-day is mid August, seems sooo far away!
Just had my scan earlier. Bub is measuring 7 weeks spot on from LMP. HB is at 131 bpm. I asked if there are any cause of concern and the tech said that she could see a tiny SCH, but wouldn't worry about it (for now). She said she sees this size in around 35% of pregnancies, but given my recent mc, it would be best get seen if there is any spotting.
Awesome news lian!!! Just take it easy so it doesn't get any bigger and it should resolve on its own. I have had 2 successful SCH pregnancies. One was extreme but still sorted itself by 24w x
It's been a little quiet here. How is everyone doing? Luvy, I hope everything is still going well. Lian, do you know if the SCH has resolved itself?

As for me, I'm 3 weeks post-miscarriage now. I finished bleeding last week, but pregnancy tests are still showing up positive. The thing is, I swear I ovulated on Friday. My cervix was SHOW and my ovaries felt tender, and ever since then, I've had my normal post ovulation symptoms. But it seems so unlikely with how much hcg must still be in my system. Too bad I wasn't temping. My heart rate, however, went up like it normally does after ovulating. So for all of you've experienced losses, what was your first ovulation like, and how long did it take for the hcg to drop back to zero?
Oh hun, the wait for bfn is rough :hugs:
If it helps, I've ovulated with hcg in my system a few times but it's been low, under 50. When AF arrives my BFN either comes with it, or by the time it's finished. I've never caught on one of those ovulations, but the next cycle is always fairly normal and I have caught on that one on more than one occasion. Xx
Thanks, Dan-o. I kind of wish I was getting betas so I could see where I'm at. This was my test from today. I've got to be getting close, right? It looks like my tests from 13/14 dpo. Ugh, this wait sucks.


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I wish I was off some help. I honestly don't remember the time on mine and it seems they were all varied anyway. Most of them I kept getting my betas checked. You could request them to be done. I would still suggest you drink some red raspberry leaf tea.
Aww spiffy how frustrating. I know with my third loss I didn't get to zero until I started my next cycle. It was 4 weeks. With the other 2 miscarriages (not the chemical) I got to zero THEN ovulated.
Good news! (Sort of) My first AF started today, so hopefully that means I'll have a nice, normal cycle and will hopefully have a BFP by my birthday in August. :flower:
Spiffy that's great news! Come on Birthday bfp!!

I had an appointment on Thursday. All looks well, baby still measuring a few days behind. I know it's not a big deal and Dr emphasized it's not a big deal but I just can't help but still worry. I hate how MC's take all the enjoyment out of being pregnant. On the up side, I have been sick everyday. And tired. Most mornings I start off feeling good but it didn't take long before it sets in again. I am so thankful for feeling sick though.

I'll be ten weeks tomorrow (all my first trimester losses were 9 weeks or before) so now if I can make it to twenty weeks I can breathe a little easier.

Either way, God is good. I've learned so much through all these experiences and how much He loves me. I didn't use to could say this but I can honestly say now that I wouldn't change a thing because of all I have learned and my relationship with my Savior. It's all made me a better person.
Luvy, I'm so happy for you! Our Savior really does love us and He has the perfect plan for us, even if we don't always recognize it. I'm starting to see the positives of the miscarriage I had. I'm still sad that I lost that pregnancy, but I think having a bigger age gap this time might be what I really need.
Well, turns out I didn't get AF. I only bled for a few hours on Saturday, and then have had nothing since. I think it was just a leftover bit from the misscariage, because the test I took the day after the bleeding was WAY lighter then the test I took before the bleeding.
I'm sorry spiffy. I had a day of bleeding about a month after my last d&c. It wasn't AF and it took another few weeks to officially show up. But I am glad that your test was so much lighter. I hope levels go to zero soon and you get to ttc asap!

Luvy, I will continue to pray for your baby. I pray things will continue to go just fine ❤️ I also understand what you mean. Miscarriages are horrible, but God can still use them for good. I have become a better parent and more compassionate person as a result (though I still struggle with bitterness). I take nothing for granted.

Spiffy you know I would've loved another small gap this time, but I think it's for the best for me too how things have worked out.

Big hugs to everyone :hugs:
The conundrum continues! You know how I said my test yesterday was way lighter? Well, I took another today to see if it might be even closer to negative and instead it's way darker! Do you think that random bleeding I had two days ago could have been implantation and this is a new pregnancy? I would have been 8 dpo when I had that bleeding, and 10dpo today. Or am I just getting my hopes up? :wacko:

Top is yesterday, bottom is today:


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