haven't been on here in a while, but just wanted to say to MrsPOP - yes, it does get better. or at least it has in my experience. i experienced a failed induction and a not exactly emergency c-section (neither of us were in danger, i just wouldn't go into labour, and they couldn't push it any more). i then failed to get hayden to latch. i tried for a week, until the pain was unbearable, and then started to pump. i was readmitted as i had terrible mastitis and a uterine infection, for which i needed iv antibiotics. this was my saviour, as when i was there i was seen by numerous bf specialists, none of which could get hayden to latch, but they did get me a loan of a brilliant pump, which i was able to use for 7 months. might sound like a success story, as hayden got ebm for all that time (and beyond - i was blessed with such a great supply i was able to freeze a lot), but it certainy didn't feel like it. i failed to give birth, i failed to breast feed, even when i healed i didn't try hard enough to get hayden to latch, and then i stopped expressing when i could easily have continued (i still leak at night, almost 8 months after i stopped pumping). so many reasons to feel guilty, so much failure.
BUT hayden is now almost 15 months old, he is thriving, and he is such a joy. i still feel the occasional twinge of guilt, and think 'what if i'd tried harder' (especially when he is suffering one of the many colds / viruses he seems to pick up from nursery), but really i hardly ever think about it. and when i do i know i did the best i realistically could in the situation i found myself in. and so did you. the real turning point for me was weaning. we opted for blw and i loved it. the main thing was that hayden wasn't so reliant on milk any more, which meant it didn't make so much of a difference what kind he was having, or how he was getting it. it got even easier when he stopped having formula altogether, as there was no reason to think about it.
i, too, worry about having another, in case we have the same problem - i really don't think i'd be able to express like that for the 2nd, with hayden to look after, too. but i refuse to let it put me off. it helps that we seem to have found a reason for hayden being unable to latch - it seems he has a lip tie - so i will be on the look out for it next time around. it also helps that i know it is not the end of the world if my baby has formula, and that actually the only person judging me for feeding my baby from a bottle whenever i went out was me.
be proud of what you have achieved - you grew a beautiful baby, and did the very best you could to make sure she got the best start. but if you are really struggling and think you may be suffering depression or ptsd, go see your gp - they may be able to help with counselling, or even just by listening to how you feel. i hope you can move past the guilt, because you really have nothing to feel guilty for x