Breastfeeding - How to deal with negative reactions in public

My husband would be PISSED if other men saw my boobs, even if it was an accident while I was feeding, so I will be covering up! He can get very jealous over those things ;)

yeah and hows he going to feel if a male paediatrician has to put his hands up your noony to check your cervix or break your waters???!!!
Just to add, urine is only sterile when it comes out, left lying around it would become a health hazard. Breastfeeding wasn't a health hazard to anyone last time I checked.
Just to add, urine is only sterile when it comes out, left lying around it would become a health hazard. Breastfeeding wasn't a health hazard to anyone last time I checked.

You might want to check again- HIV and other diseases can be spread through breastmilk.
Just to add, urine is only sterile when it comes out, left lying around it would become a health hazard. Breastfeeding wasn't a health hazard to anyone last time I checked.

You might want to check again- HIV and other diseases can be spread through breastmilk.

Unless someone is going to run over to a bfing mother and latch on, I don't see how this could be an issue... no one is asking anyone else to drink their milk (unless you want an ice-cream in London), I might sit in someone's pee in the park though.
I can honestly say I've never had any negative comments wherever I've been. I lived in the UK until my daughter was 7 weeks old, then moved back here, we've travelled all over Europe and she fed during the day until she was 13 months.

I think tbh I'm probably so wrapped up in my babies I've not noticed anyone if they have said anything.

BFing is very very common where I live.. I notice ladies everywhere. Funnyily enough I never noticed anyone NIP until I had children myself, so they're only visible to the trained eye, lol.

A good example is my DH, he comes from somewhere where the don't really bf, and certainly not past a couple of months. He was thinking that once we had DD I should probably move into a corner if we were in a restaurant and needed to bf etc etc. One day he met my friend and I in a coffee shop with her 8 week old, he kissed her, sat and talked to her for an hour. Afterwards I said "see, bfing can be discreet" and he didn't understand - even when leaning in to kiss my friend he hadn't noticed she was bfing her baby.

Anyway, now he would fight for the right to bf anywhere.

I don't use covers as personally I feel they draw more attention to what you're doing. I did try with DD as she took a while to learn to latch (she was in NICU for 3 weeks so didn't bf until 3 weeks old) but she would go mad.

Even now with an inquisitive 6 month old who suddenly whips back his head I don't think I'm exposing myself, I just put up my hand and guide him back.

Today I'm wearing a button down shirt, I don't cover my DS head but I do drape a cotton scraf over the top half of my boob. Same could be done with a muslin but the scarf was part of my outfit anyhow.
Just to add, urine is only sterile when it comes out, left lying around it would become a health hazard. Breastfeeding wasn't a health hazard to anyone last time I checked.

You might want to check again- HIV and other diseases can be spread through breastmilk.

Unless someone is going to run over to a bfing mother and latch on, I don't see how this could be an issue... no one is asking anyone else to drink their milk (unless you want an ice-cream in London), I might sit in someone's pee in the park though.

Just wanted to clear up some misinformation, that's all.
FACT: In NYC it is perfectly legal to be topless in any public recreational area such as a beach or a park. I found this out one crazy night during college when some friends and I went to brighton beach and got naked down to our panties to swim. The police drove right onto the beach and told us to get out of the water. We tried to explain why we were topless and they said "it's not a problem that you're topless, it's legal. What's illegal is swimming at night without a lifeguard on duty, get out of the water."

FACT: Urinating is actually not unsanitary. Urine is completely sterile and one can drink urine if there is a lack of water under extreme circumstances. Did you know also that in the Court of Louis the XVI people commonly urinated and defacated in the hallways of Versailles? Yes, wherever they felt like!

Actually it is NOT legal to walk around topless in NYC apparently those cops just wanted to see you. 4 of our good friends are apart of NYPD 1 being a detective and it is far from legal if your a woman I should say.
Okay, re: the whole urine thing -- it's sterile while it's in the body, but often times it picks up bacteria in the urethra as it passes through or on the foreskin of uncircumcised men or the labia or women when it's coming out. And of course, the moment it touches the ground it begins teeming with lovely bacteria. You're most likely to have a more sterile specimen from a circumcised man (less skin in the way of the urethra opening = less bacterial contact with the urine), but again, it won't be sterile as soon as it hits the ground.

I find the urine/breastfeeding comparison ridiculous anyway; a breastfeeding mother isn't taking her breast out and spraying the ground with milk,:dohh: and unless that mother has HIV or another serious infectious disease, her milk is sterile. If someone was peeing into a container but had everything covered so you couldn't tell what they were doing... no, I wouldn't be offended, because I wouldn't know (though I hope they'd wash their hands afterwards)! That's the way it is with most women who breastfeed in public -- you can't tell and even if you can, they're totally covered!

And who are these mystery breastfeeding women who just "whip a tit out"? I rarely ever seen women breastfeeding, and I have NEVER come across this. :shrug: I can't help but imagine that people get worked up over the thought of someone exposing themselves just because the law supports them... but how often does it honestly happen, on purpose? As a woman who breastfed in public, I can say that my first thought was to get my son fed quickly, quietly, and without drawing attention to myself. I think that's how most breastfeeding women want it to go.

I never had a rude comment, thankfully. If someone tries to tell you not to breastfeed in public, tell them that it's none of their business where and how you feed your baby. Because it ISN'T.:hugs:
FACT: In NYC it is perfectly legal to be topless in any public recreational area such as a beach or a park. I found this out one crazy night during college when some friends and I went to brighton beach and got naked down to our panties to swim. The police drove right onto the beach and told us to get out of the water. We tried to explain why we were topless and they said "it's not a problem that you're topless, it's legal. What's illegal is swimming at night without a lifeguard on duty, get out of the water."

FACT: Urinating is actually not unsanitary. Urine is completely sterile and one can drink urine if there is a lack of water under extreme circumstances. Did you know also that in the Court of Louis the XVI people commonly urinated and defacated in the hallways of Versailles? Yes, wherever they felt like!

Actually it is NOT legal to walk around topless in NYC apparently those cops just wanted to see you. 4 of our good friends are apart of NYPD 1 being a detective and it is far from legal if your a woman I should say.

It is legal. I've heard it many times from police officers themselves. This is from

"In 1992 New York's highest state court ruled that women could be topfree in public. Since 1992 women in the highly populous State of New York have enjoyed the right to bare their chests whenever men could do so. As one New York Justice wrote in his concurring opinion, "One of the most important purposes to be served by the equal protection clause is to ensure that 'public sensibilities' grounded in prejudice and unexamined sterotypes do not become enshrined as part of the official policy of government."
In a curious loop of history, the female rights movement in the United States began in Rochester, New York, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as a principle pioneer. In her time Elizabeth Cady Stanton was ridiculed for wearing bloomers instead of a floor-length skirt. In 1986 seven Rochester women held topfree picnics, resulting in New York's highest court ruling female topfreedom legal in 1992 (see above). "
well i cant wait for my little one to arive just so i can see if my sil will have some thing to say to me ,dont get me wrong i love her to bits we get on realy well and she loves my kids to bits but the other week she realy anoyed me we went out for a meal for ohs birthday his mom and dad his sis and her boyf and our two daughters , there was a woman with a baby and myy kids were fasinated saying how our baby will be like that one then the woman started breast feeding (you couldnt see any part of her body !!!) nobody batted an eyelid apart from sil who then says thats discusting breast feeding at the dinner table , so i said well where should she feed the baby she replied the chaning room so i asked where do you eat your dinner at the table or on the loo? she said at the table i wouldnt eat my dinner on the loo i laughed and said well neither should the baby , i also said i cant wait for us to got out for a meal when baby lexi arrives coz im gonna make sure she needs feeding while were out and your eating and laughed at her she had nothing to say . lmao she will just have to get used to it its life !
How rude of her to say it's disgusting. You want to know what I think? I think people who think BF is "disgusting" have serious issues about their own bodies.
I will be a new mum in september. If I receive any negative reactions in public.. (e.g. staring), I will simply ignore it and carry on.

Lol to be honest I might get more negative reactions from family members than the public.

I am planning to wear a "breastfeeding scarf" to hide my bits whilst i'm expressing milk :)
How rude of her to say it's disgusting. You want to know what I think? I think people who think BF is "disgusting" have serious issues about their own bodies.


My sister is repulsed by bfing, but she is repulsed because of her own issues with her body image and her breasts, which she admits. It is the thought of HER bfing that she hates.

I should point out that she did bf both her children as she knew it was the right thing to do, even though it made her bloody miserable, she said she wouldn't do it again and I would very much support her. She also helped my DD latch on.

She really really cringes at the thought of older babies feeding (by older from about 9 months onwards) but again, I bf in front of her and she just deals with it, as she at least knows it's her issue not mine.
If they are looking close enough for it to bother them then they are staring too hard anyways, I breastfed my son for 2 1/2 years and people often stared and made remarks about not being covered enough but I would always reply, "If me nursing my son offends you please feel free to cover your head up!" :)
If they are looking close enough for it to bother them then they are staring too hard anyways, I breastfed my son for 2 1/2 years and people often stared and made remarks about not being covered enough but I would always reply, "If me nursing my son offends you please feel free to cover your head up!" :)

Haha nice comeback!

In essence it is we nursing women that have to go out and advocate for our rights to nurse. Nobody can change the stigma of BF but us. I think this is the reason why BF mommies get such a bad rap for being so militant. We're busy trying to do what's best for our babies against a society that is narrow minded to the extreme.

There used to be a time when women weren't allowed to vote either. Thank goodness for those crazy militant women who were brash and abrasive and earned our rights. Nobody bats an eye when women go to vote now.

We have to claim our rights to our breasts! They are NOT just a sexual object any more! I don't care how many boobies Snoop Dog exploits in his rap videos. Breasts are beautiful and they are functional, and they are not there for men to exploit and society to condemn anymore! They're just breasts anyway, more than half the population has them. Get over it!
My plan is to squirt booby juice right in their eyes! Horrid people!!!

My SIL brought this up with me yesterday.... I had to put her in her place!! Luckily, hubby manned up and helped!!

She works in a cafe, and appaently 2 women last week breastfed their children in said cafe (shock horror)...apparently one of them was kind enough to ask if there was a quite area she could sit in, but the other just 'lopped it out'!! I got so mad at her!!! She's such a moron!!
Honestly if anyone ever said anything to me I wouldn't even look at them, I'd just ignore them :flower:

Although I'll be doing lots of practice at discreet BF before venturing out!
I think comparing women's suffrage to women breastfeeding is just a little out there.
No one is trying to make it illegal to breast feed in public, breastfeeding women do have a lot of pressure put on them and that's to present a positive educated perspective to people who maybe aren't aware. Sorry but women who wap their entire tit out in the middle of a store are NOT going to provoke a positive response for the rest of us. There is no reason to be so in your face so to speak when it's perfectly possible to breast feed in public with a modicum of respect for others. If there were two women breastfeeding, one doing it discreetly and showing as little as needed, and the other with their entire tit out sitting on a display unit who do you think is provoking a more positive reaction to the cause?
who cares what anyone thinks in public really? i say sod them if they dont like it dont look!!!
Let me first just say that I'm not opposed to breast feeding in public, though I personally wouldn't want to be one of the women who just "whip a tit out" and give the world a good show before the baby latches on. A feeding baby = not offensive. Nipples = offensive. If you have exceptionally large breasts and the baby can't cover them adequately and you're in a public place, you should probably either use a cover or do the one-up-one-down method that other women have spoken about.

I'm not really sure why people got so hung up on the urination example. That poster could have said, "having sex", "taking a shower", "changing your clothes", or "giving birth" -- the idea is that there are things that involve exposing your private bits that are usually done in private. If you're one of the women who have to take out your entire breast to feed the baby (and are in the vast minority of breastfeeding mothers), why not do it in the most private place available? I'm not saying you shouldn't feed your baby, but when you're looking for a place to sit down and whip it all out, why not pick the quietest, most private place available?

Oh, and PS - Urine is sterile inside the body. Once it leaves the body it encounters bacteria present on the body and in the environment and is no longer sterile. Breast milk is not ever sterile. Once upon a time people thought it was, but it's not really. It makes no difference though... if you're feeding your baby in a restaurant, the milk is going into the baby. Nobody will have contact with it. If you're peeing in a restaurant, hopefully you're peeing into a container. If you express milk on the floor of a restaurant or if you pee on the floor of a restaurant, the breast milk is more dangerous as it can carry infectious diseases that the urine cannot.

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