Breastfeeding Mom's TTC

Just going for it today :) but won't see the Dr until Monday to discuss stuff
Well, my Dr wasn't very understanding. She said if I'm nursing of course my prolactin is high and it's not really worth testing. She did reluctantly sign to get prolactin tested and she decided she wanted to do HCG done to see if I'm pregnant. Which I'm sure I'm not.
She didn't think I needed the other hormones done. I just talked to her in the waiting room so I couldn't really defend my reasoning for each hormone really. I'll talk to her more on Monday and go from there I guess...
Ah bummer. I feel like my Dr would be the same tbh :/. My period came back at 11.5 months last time while still nursing and here I am 15 months pp and still nothing second time around though, so maybe based on my previous experience she might give me a little credit. I know I'm nursing way more this time around of course.

Temp plummet this morning. So I had 3 highs, 1 above coverline but lower, and today's was super low. Who knows. Highs were probably down to restless sleep! My oldest keeps asking when we get to have our next baby lol!
So I'm going to take a break from temping for march and maybe April. We'll reevaluate in April if there's any point with my cycle. nothing is happening with my cycle really so my temps don't really mean much. Although I could probably predict my period if I kept going but it's not really worth the effort for me. We always have sex 2 times a week, usually Tuesday and Saturday so hopefully that will be ok timing if anything does happen. This is the last month to get pregnant with a 2017 baby which is what I really wanted for school reasons, and if I'm having a 2018 baby I would love a mar-may baby so I'm out of winter.
Totally the same feeling here! I can imagine how frustrating and meaningless those temps must feel!
Do you check cm?

I also would like a Spring or summer baby so I don't feel too motivated to get pregnant in the next few months now. An October or November baby would have been great but now we've missed that...
How's it going Reiko?
We're currently getting back on track with night weaning, so I'm hoping I'll ovulate again, even if we aren't trying really. I would be fine if we do get pregnant though I just don't want to stress about it.
So, just noticed I'm spotting. Maybe I did ovulate again this month! I did note that I had ewcm on March 7th and 8th...But I don't remember if I took opks those days.
Ok that's super interesting! That would be a 9 or 10 day LP? Not bad for first ovulation! We are still just ntnp. I get creamy cm every few days but no ew or wet yet. LO is nursing a few times a night, and every few nights she sleeps 6-8 hrs straight. Of course my 3 year old wakes up on those nights because she knows mommy is getting a good rest grr!! Hope the night weaning goes well this time! If you're already ovulating that's a good sign :)
Oh silly kids not letting us sleep!!
I'm sorry you aren't getting your fertility back :( It might need more time :(
This has been such a long transition it feels like. I didn't start getting ewcm until we started night weaning, but I did notice before that my body seemed to go through phases of sticky to creamy and back. So that's a good sign. Creamy means your estrogen is rising which is good :)
I'm definitely cd2 now. This is a full on period. Cramps aren't too bad. I'm excited to see how this next cycle goes :)
I posted this back when DS was 18 months old. Some of the comments were really helpful :)
That is so great you actually got AF!! So excited for you! Will it change anything for you? Are you going to temp or opk or just go by cm still? I'm being patient, no biggie over here. We have 2.5 years in between our first 2 and it's a lovely gap I wouldn't mind again... so that would mean pregnant by September hopefully.
I'm not 100% sure lol

I'll keep checking cm and using opks but now I'm being picky what month I want to be having another baby.
If I get pregnant this cycle it might be a Christmas baby and a 3 year age gap. I'm excited for that age gap but not so excited by another winter baby....I know people don't always get pregnant first month trying so it's probably a slim chance.
I think ideally I'd really like a Spring baby (March, April, May or June)
How're things going? Having some weird cm today, feels really watery but it's creamy not clear in any way. Hm. I'll take an opk this afternoon and see if it's dark or not. And we're due to Dtd tomorrow night not tonight... but I doubt it's anything anyways as my dd's nursing habits haven't changed at all :)
It could be a subtle change but maybe not quite enough for ovulation.
You never know though.
I'm on CD10. I'll probably start taking opks tomorrow to pinpoint ovulation, but I'm not putting any pressure on DH to dtd with intention of conceiving. I just want to know when I ovulate to see how long my luteal phase is, not too rushed to get pregnant but if it happens it happens :)
My milk supply feels so low now. DH actually took DS to his mother's overnight two nights ago and I went 24 hours without even pumping and felt full but not painful when they got back. Only 5 months ago I had to pump every 8 hours minimum or I'd be in so much pain. (I went to help out my SIL with her new baby and was away from DS for 48 hours) DS still asks to nurse just as much during the day but he really doesn't get much so he eats more solids finally. Last night he slept 9pm-6am without asking to nurse and I slept the whole time beside him even. He then nursed from 6-8:30am straight until we got up.
I think I'd really like a Spring baby. Like one year from today lol. It's so gorgeous outside today! There's more daylight hours and much easier driving conditions ect.
How is your Lo's sleep? Have her molars come in now?
Wow that's good, that's awesome your fertility is in full swing sounds like! I'm the same... one year from today would be awesome lol. I know that if I'm not pregnant by the end of the summer I will be bummed for sure... so I hope that I am. Pregnant in June would be ideal. My friend who I was hoping to be pregnant with got her BFP, but that's great. She is spotting a bit so I'm feeling a bit nervous for her. But her due date is 4 days before my LO turns 2 :) I'm aiming to BF to 18 months and then I will be weaning if my LO is amenable :P
not breastfeeding anymore - DD is 2 on Saturday, we stopped 4 months ago. Having weird cycles after stopping though and I didn't have a period at all whilst BF
I'm giving all credit to night weaning for my cycles coming back, if you don't want to fully wean Reiko...but it was really tough finding the right timing. We are using a Gro clock which really helps too. So he knows he cant nurse until the sun comes up because nursies are sleeping. Last night he wanted some at 4:30 am and I said " I promise you can have some when the sun is up." I then reminded him of a book he has about making promises and he totally accepted it and went back to sleep and then I followed through with my promise. It's so much easier when they understand more and aren't going through sickness or teething, ect. I don't know what i'll do when ds's 2nd set of molars comes in.

Welcome Vickster! I remember you from when we were wtt and ttc#1!!
How have your cycles been weird? Just different lengths? Do you track ovulation? I hope you get your :bfp: soon!
Could I join you? :flower:

I am currently EBF my 7 month old DS and DH and I have been NTNP since he was born. My cycles haven't come back yet but I think they're trying to. Over the last few months, I've had almost fertile cm, then it went away, then almost fertile, then it went away and my opks kept cycling through faint to darkish lines back to faint - no positive OPKs, but something seemed to be trying to happen.

Earlier this week, I took an OPK and it was negative, the test line hardly showed up (I almost always have some sort of line thanks to PCOS). I took another OPK Thursday night because I had a ton of cm ( :blush: ). To my shock it was almost positive and definitely the darkest OPK I've had so far. I had some EWCM as well and cramping on my right side. I took another OPK Friday morning and it was positive :happydance: I didn't get to take any more OPKs because I ran out :haha: But after Thursday night, almost all of the cramping stopped and all the other weird random symptoms I had (like my face breaking out stopped to). That's the same kind of pattern I had while TTC last time, too, so I'm feeling pretty hopeful that I finally ovulated!

I think what did it was that DS has started nursing less and sleeping more. He was nursing 10+ times a day :wacko: and he woke up 3-4 times every night. But he's slowly started to go longer stretches without nursing and he's now up to going 3+ hours between feeds and sleeping 4+ hour stretches at night.
Nice to meet you Aiden's mommy. I'm interested to see what happens in roughly 2 weeks for you! My first ovulation I only have a lp length of 5 days! Next one I'm guessing was about 9 days.
I'm hoping things become more regular. Currently I'm still waiting to O and I'm on day 16. I had a near positive yesterday but no ewcm. It's all so confusing.

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