Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Quick Q:

Do any of you give cow/goat's milk?

I've got mixed feelings about it, but I'm just really tired and worn out at the moment.

I give full fat (blue top) milk with cereal for Evie about twice a week but once she gets to 1 year I'll probably give her a glass to drink in the afternoon with a snack or something

I LOVE milk and drank loads when pregnant so maybe thats why I have a booby monster lol
my two boys :)
Alexander & William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
Alexander & William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
Alexander by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
Do you give her teething gel before a feed when she wakes? I've heard giving gel before a feed can result in improper feeding due to the numbing agents that numb their gums and Tongue. Ive started giving teething powder before feeds or if she wakes at night so that might be worth a try Hun?

Thanks, I hadn't thought about that. I do have some teething powder but I haven't used it yet, it's difficult enough getting her mouth open to put gel on let alone put powder in her mouth! Might give it a go though.

She seems in a bit better mood today anyway which is good. I, on the other hand, am shattered!
Wow it feels like just yesterday I was waiting for my due date, and now here I am 'extended(?)' breastfeeding!

I am lucky and never really had much trouble breastfeeding, although I used to really worry about amounts and timings etc :dohh:

I'm so happy that I breastfeed now as it's just so easy and so good for her. She's such a lovely and sweet baby, and I know it's not from the breastfeeding, but I'm really proud of her and proud of the start I've given her. :cloud9:

I have a question for other 6 months + mummies. I'm currently feeding Lily 5 times during the day, plus 1/2 at night, and now three solid meals a day.

If and when will she drop a feed?

Do you think I should try feeding her 4 times a day?

It's just that I can't express and I'm not very comfortable feeding her in certain public place. If she went longer between feeds it would be handy.
DF, those are stunning photos. You have gorgeous boys :cloud9:

Alyssa sort of dropped her feeds naturally during the day. I guess the fact that I had to go back to work when she was 6 months old contributed to it. She just nursed more in the mornings/nights to compensate.

I still nurse on demand when I'm home with her, and she's almost 23 months old :thumbup:
Hi ladies. I keep on lurking and thought it was a bit rude to continue doing so and not introduce myself.

I am Mummy to Elliott who is 14 months old (I must update my ticker). Elliott is exclusively BF but has cows milk with breakfast and also enjoys a bottle of it if I can't be around.

I am a qualified breastfeeding peer supporter. I work voluntarily at my local latch on group every Thursday. On Thursday evenings I also work voluntarily on our hospital maternity ward and transitional care ward with new breastfeeding Mums. I love being able to help people who are breastfeeding (also getting to cuddle newborn babies is a big bonus!).

I intend on continuing BFing Elliott until he self weans.

There, that's me! I won't feel so rude stalking now :haha: !!
:hi: Poppy7 and Welcome! :)

I would love to hold newborn babies every week hehe!
DF- Your boys are gorgeous!

I have a question and I thought you ladies would be able to help me out.
Right now I pump twice a day at work. When Connor was first born, by boss wasn't too happy with me needing to pump, but I told him too bad I'm breastfeeding till Connor is at least one. Well the 1 year mark is quickly approaching, and my boss has started making comments like so glad your almost done with that ect. so I am going to have to stop pumping in two months.
So my question is- If I stop pumping at work and only breastfeed twice a day, will I dry up or will I continue to make enough milk for morning and evening feeds?
I don't want to stop breastfeeding but I fear the one year mark might be the end for us.
Your body would adjust itself and you can easily keep feeding those 2 feeds a day. Tigerlady on here only does an evening feed for otter and they are still holding strong with it. (not trying to call you out Tiger, but you're the first one I thought of. :haha:) I'm sorry your boss is giving you a hard time. :hugs:
DF - Gorgeous pics of your boys!

Poppy - Welcome! :D

Kel - Do you actually want to stop when you reach 12 months? If you don't, then it may be worth putting up the fight now. Unfortunately I don't think FL has any law regulating that they have to allow you to pump at work, but since they're already allowing it, I think you've got a precedent set if they suddenly try to make you stop. :shrug:
While it's Mass-based, this site has a ton of really helpful information that you might find useful if you decide you still want to keep going (linking specifically to workplace resources):

Like cleckner said though, if you do stop, your body will adjust to the change in demand.
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!

Kel, I echo what the other ladies have said. If you do cut down on the amount of feeds you are giving your body will adjust to the new demand. If you do decide to do this just cut down the feeds slowly. Otherwise you could find it quite painful. The link HC gave looks really helpful. Good luck :)
Morning girls :flower:

Its freeeeezing this morning but Evie slept 10 hours without a peep!

Couldnt believe it and even went in a 3am to make sure she was ok :cloud9:

Teething seems to have calmed down and we are going swimming later this morning when she wakes from her nap.
We have only taken her once and she loved it so looking forward to going again altho i dont like being in a swimsuit :(

I do have a plan tho, towel round be and quickly into the pool with noone watching while DH has evie ;)

Poppy - Welcome!!!

DF - Hows the water damage? Hope youve managed to get some of it sorted

Hope you all have a nice Sunday
Morning! :hi:
I got a whole 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night! :dance:

I went back to work full time when Alyssa was 6 months old, and was never a successful pumper so expressing wasn't an option. I went from nursing on demand 24/7 to nursing on demand on weekends and morning/night. My supply regulated itself, and here we are at almost 23 months still going strong :)

I would speak with your boss - I don't know what the law is in Florida, but I know that in the UK you MUST by law be given time to express at work if you wish to do so. Is there someone else at work you can speak with, like Personnel or Human Resources? Hope whatever you decide it works out well for you :flower:

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