Ok lets bust those myths ultimately only 5% of the population cant breast feed. I know of people who have breast fed cleft lip and palate babies. Its natural health benefits are loads and regardless of how ill i was i would still feed baba.
As for feeding in public you are protected in the UK up until the age of 2, and there is a penalty on £2500 aprox for people trying to stop you.
as people have said no screaming or waiting 10min for bottle to heat.
you roll over and away you go
to me there is no other choice and i would quite happily feed other kids my liquid gold milk.
wet nurses in America earn up to $1000 per week for there services and I would fully support this.
also premature babies benifit from breast milk as mumma milk is adapted to there needs.
Who in there right mind would give a baby cows milk and yet formula is powdered cows milk with additives e.g iron and vitamins.
to me any one should get money to breast feed and support to buy bras to ensure good support.
there is also limited research that breast milk helps cancer patients and others with immune diseases , this is in its infancy however but results look encouraging![]()
Some people can not BF. Full stop.
Hopefully I can extend on this in a bit more of a sympathetic and friendly way!
What Sapphireg is saying is quite correct, there are very, very few 'biological' (I can't think of a better word) reasons that prevent breastfeeding. Almost everyone has the ability to breastfed. I think I read that only 1% of women don't produce enough milk, and they are able to partially breastfeed.
The problem is, is there is not nearly enough support and education on breastfeeding. Doctors are not experts and more often than not, they will tell mothers to give up breastfeeding to take medication.
For almost every condition, there is medication that is suitable for a breastfeeding mother, enabling her to continue feeding.
I've experienced being told I need to stop breastfeeding and take medication. Luckily I knew this wasn't the case, and printed off information for my Doctor, who then sought specialist advice and came back to me with a medication I can safely take while still feeding my son.
It is terrible when a Mother has to take something that means she cannot breastfeed, but most of the time it is just terrible advice. I think if anyone is told she cannot breastfeed due to medication, she needs to seek real specialist advice. Asking on the Forum here, the Kellymom forum, or the LLL of BFN are good starting places. The local library often has a copy of Medications and Mothers' Milk in the reference section - this is the ultimate guide to breastfeeding and medication. Sadly I've never met a GP who has heard of it!
Morgan1983, if you were taking something that meant you could not breastfeed, I'm really sorry for that situation, it must have been so hard for you. I'm also very sorry if you were given incorrect advice.
I hope this isn't seen as an aggressive or rude post, I just wanted to put this 'out there' to help people reading see that almost always, there is a way to breastfeed.