Im gonna be brave and be the first person in this thread to admit to not wanting to breast feed
*shields self from people preparing to throw rocks & insults*
I know that my experience is nowhere near as far reaching as a proper scientific study, but i am going to base my decision depending on what i have witnessed, and not what i am told!
Of all the babies i know and have known (obviously this is just my experience) the breast fed babies seemed constantly hungry and grumpy, and the breast feeding mummies knackered and stressed. This is why i will formula feed: i do not want my babies to be constantly hungry and grumpy, and i do not want myself to be constantly knackered and stressed.
As for the health side of it, from what i have experienced the breast fed babies have all been less healthy than the bottle fed babies! Asthma, general sickness, and pneumonia no less! As such, I believe there are far too many factors that make a sick child, than to be able to pin it on one thing. I think that you either have a child who is prone to sickness, or you dont!
I also think that you learn a lot from ur parents, and my mum bottle fed her 3 babies- none of us have ever been actually admitted to hospital for anything other than a broken arm: which even breastfed children would have got if they fell off a shed roof.. that was my naughty sister- not me!!!
:\ That's extremely ignorant. Breastfeeding benefits are scientifically proven, it's not an opinion so basing YOUR opinion on the complete oposite is kind of ludicrious.
Once upon a time scientists proved that the world was flat.
Once upon another time they also proved that cigarettes were good for you.
Yes they've been right about more things than theyve been wrong, but they're not 100% right bout everything! So, im basing my opinion of breastfeeding on my experience of breastfeeding!
OMG this has to be a joke - i have not had a RANT about this thus far but this is stuupid.
do you thing that spontainusly we produce milk after giving birth for fun !!!!!!
FACT we are designed to breast feed babies - we have a choice weather to or not (most of us do) the scientist arent wrong thats just daft. get a grip -
This thread is about choice and we all have a chioce but to suggest that it is potentially not the way it is intended or indeed that it could be bad is just out of this world !!
Yes we do have a choice, but it seems (from this thread at least) that there is only one acceptable choice, and that it is not the choice i have made! I never said that we shouldnt breast feed- just that i dont want to, because i personally have not seen great health differences due to breastfeeding!
The scientist thing was just me being cocky, and trying to add more reasons to my reasons! When actually, the fact that its my choice (plain and simple) should have been enough.
Why? Why are you bothered or interested? Not having a pop just curiousI'm very interested in formula feeding and would love to know more about those who chose to formula feed. Most people say 'it was right' for us, but I'd love to know more. Exactly why chose to formula feed? KateM you seem very open, can you pinpoint exactly why you want to FF?
Why? Why are you bothered or interested? Not having a pop just curiousI'm very interested in formula feeding and would love to know more about those who chose to formula feed. Most people say 'it was right' for us, but I'd love to know more. Exactly why chose to formula feed? KateM you seem very open, can you pinpoint exactly why you want to FF?Why does there have to be an explanation for either way ...thats just what YOU wanted nobody else even matters.x
I'm very interested in formula feeding and would love to know more about those who chose to formula feed. Most people say 'it was right' for us, but I'd love to know more. Exactly why chose to formula feed? KateM you seem very open, can you pinpoint exactly why you want to FF?
I FF my daughter because I got nil help with her latching on. she latched on for an hour after birth, and twice for about 5 minutes the next day and then i had difficulties. The only help i recieved was a mw/nurse on the ward pinching my nipple and forcing it into my screaming baby's mouth! After three days of me and the baby getting worked up, me constantly asking for help and not receiving it, they gave me a bottle, which in hindsight was thw worst thing as it made it even harder for me to get her latched on. I expressed for two weeks but i couldnt keep up with the people do not get the choice.
I will be intending to breastfeed this baby and i have set it up already with my MW that i will be getting help with BF.
Can i add, my daughter is as healthy as can be and hasnt even had a cold.....she is nearly 11 months old!
TBH there are pros and cons to everything, I do not believe that breastmilk is any more healthier than formula (as there are plenty FF babies in great health and it depends on the diet of the mother as to the quality of the breastmilk) to me, it is just the most natural way f feeding your baby as thats what our breasts are designed for. However, forumla is there for mothers who cant or wont breastfeed. If someone doesnt want to breatsfeed, that is their choice and we should respect that. Just as its a parents choice to co-sleep, use cloth nappies etc.
Why? Why are you bothered or interested? Not having a pop just curiousI'm very interested in formula feeding and would love to know more about those who chose to formula feed. Most people say 'it was right' for us, but I'd love to know more. Exactly why chose to formula feed? KateM you seem very open, can you pinpoint exactly why you want to FF?Why does there have to be an explanation for either way ...thats just what YOU wanted nobody else even matters.x
I'm just generally interested in the choices people make. All the Mummy friends I have, and relatives, all tried to breastfeed and went to formula when it didn't work for them (for various reasons). I don't know anyone who made a concious choice to use Formula, and I'm interested in it. I like to compare/discuss parenting things, I'm interested in why people do things differently to me. Hard to explain really - the feeding issue is one that is really important to me, and I'm interested to understand those who are equally passionate about formula, and why. Hope that makes sense!
TBH there are pros and cons to everything, I do not believe that breastmilk is any more healthier than formula (as there are plenty FF babies in great health and it depends on the diet of the mother as to the quality of the breastmilk) to me, it is just the most natural way f feeding your baby as thats what our breasts are designed for. However, forumla is there for mothers who cant or wont breastfeed. If someone doesnt want to breatsfeed, that is their choice and we should respect that. Just as its a parents choice to co-sleep, use cloth nappies etc.