I'm still up and down about this one. For years as a teen and young adult I was convinced I wouldn't - I'm really flat chested and figured I would not only be daft to try but unable lol!!! Anyway, I've since come to learn and realise this is most likely utter nonsense and therefore I'm pretty keen to try.
However, I have nothing against people who FF and if I have to I will. I do hope to BF tho
- Dinah
Of all the babies i know and have known (obviously this is just my experience) the breast fed babies seemed constantly hungry and grumpy, and the breast feeding mummies knackered and stressed. This is why i will formula feed: i do not want my babies to be constantly hungry and grumpy, and i do not want myself to be constantly knackered and stressed.
I am planning on BFing my next LO (Ruby wouldn't stay on for more than 2 secs so I had to FF, no one could help me) but I worry about this too, I am absolutely rubbish at managing on not much sleep and my friends' BF babies do seem to be clingier and poorer sleepers than Ruby. However this could also be due to lack of routine.
I would like the BF, yeah. But I worry not because my boobs are small, but maybe that they are too big! I think I would suffocate a baby with a boob the size of its head (maybe bigger!)
I'll give it a try but if I have to FF then so be it!
I would like the BF, yeah. But I worry not because my boobs are small, but maybe that they are too big! I think I would suffocate a baby with a boob the size of its head (maybe bigger!)
I'll give it a try but if I have to FF then so be it!
boobs are made for feeding babies - mine were bigger than my newborns head to start with but they settle !!
I would like the BF, yeah. But I worry not because my boobs are small, but maybe that they are too big! I think I would suffocate a baby with a boob the size of its head (maybe bigger!)
I'll give it a try but if I have to FF then so be it!
This is one thing that bugs me, if im an f now, how big are they going to get?
Wont mind if it purks them up a bit![]()
I would like the BF, yeah. But I worry not because my boobs are small, but maybe that they are too big! I think I would suffocate a baby with a boob the size of its head (maybe bigger!)
I'll give it a try but if I have to FF then so be it!
This is one thing that bugs me, if im an f now, how big are they going to get?
Wont mind if it purks them up a bit![]()
Sadly after the feeding they go the opposite direction!
Mine are pretty big and with Byron I had to hold them out of the way f his nose so he could breath. BF was a three-handed affair! lol
Im gonna be brave and be the first person in this thread to admit to not wanting to breast feed
*shields self from people preparing to throw rocks & insults*
I know that my experience is nowhere near as far reaching as a proper scientific study, but i am going to base my decision depending on what i have witnessed, and not what i am told!
Of all the babies i know and have known (obviously this is just my experience) the breast fed babies seemed constantly hungry and grumpy, and the breast feeding mummies knackered and stressed. This is why i will formula feed: i do not want my babies to be constantly hungry and grumpy, and i do not want myself to be constantly knackered and stressed.
As for the health side of it, from what i have experienced the breast fed babies have all been less healthy than the bottle fed babies! Asthma, general sickness, and pneumonia no less! As such, I believe there are far too many factors that make a sick child, than to be able to pin it on one thing. I think that you either have a child who is prone to sickness, or you dont!
I also think that you learn a lot from ur parents, and my mum bottle fed her 3 babies- none of us have ever been actually admitted to hospital for anything other than a broken arm: which even breastfed children would have got if they fell off a shed roof.. that was my naughty sister- not me!!!
:\ That's extremely ignorant. Breastfeeding benefits are scientifically proven, it's not an opinion so basing YOUR opinion on the complete oposite is kind of ludicrious.
Im gonna be brave and be the first person in this thread to admit to not wanting to breast feed
*shields self from people preparing to throw rocks & insults*
I know that my experience is nowhere near as far reaching as a proper scientific study, but i am going to base my decision depending on what i have witnessed, and not what i am told!
Of all the babies i know and have known (obviously this is just my experience) the breast fed babies seemed constantly hungry and grumpy, and the breast feeding mummies knackered and stressed. This is why i will formula feed: i do not want my babies to be constantly hungry and grumpy, and i do not want myself to be constantly knackered and stressed.
As for the health side of it, from what i have experienced the breast fed babies have all been less healthy than the bottle fed babies! Asthma, general sickness, and pneumonia no less! As such, I believe there are far too many factors that make a sick child, than to be able to pin it on one thing. I think that you either have a child who is prone to sickness, or you dont!
I also think that you learn a lot from ur parents, and my mum bottle fed her 3 babies- none of us have ever been actually admitted to hospital for anything other than a broken arm: which even breastfed children would have got if they fell off a shed roof.. that was my naughty sister- not me!!!
:\ That's extremely ignorant. Breastfeeding benefits are scientifically proven, it's not an opinion so basing YOUR opinion on the complete oposite is kind of ludicrious.
Once upon a time scientists proved that the world was flat.
Once upon another time they also proved that cigarettes were good for you.
Yes they've been right about more things than theyve been wrong, but they're not 100% right bout everything! So, im basing my opinion of breastfeeding on my experience of breastfeeding!
Once upon a time scientists proved that the world was flat.
Once upon another time they also proved that cigarettes were good for you.
Once upon a time scientists proved that the world was flat.
Once upon another time they also proved that cigarettes were good for you.