Bright New Month, Bright New Cycle! Everyone's Welcome! :)

Glad I caught the end of your thread. I posted a while ago, but dropped off as I really only have access through my phone. Sorry no bfps, but glad to see you ladies staying positive. I'll try to stay caught up this time. It's difficult/ annoying to punch out anything meaningful on my silly phone, but I miss this conversation!

To catch up on me, I am about 16 dpo on cycle 11(eek!). My ticker is wrong btw. Af should have come on Monday, but still no sign. No sign whatsoever. Not even sore boobs which I usually get around 4 dpo. Having lots of ewcm oddly enough and a terrible cold. But af has tricked me for almost a year now, so, I'm not testing until Sunday. Wondering if I had an anovulatory cycle. I donno. Trying to be positive while not getting my hopes up.

Good luck to those starting bright new cycles! And Hena, I hope you get some answers soon.
waiting, I told DH about the wine, lube and chocolate, and he says that it sounds like I'm getting prepped for one hell of a night. :haha:
I do love my shoes too.... we built a special closet for them. LoL And I am partial to Guess handbags specifically. But I'll only buy them when they're on sale. DH has learned quite well that I will never have enough shoes. Because with the cost of them, the more I have the better -- that way I'll never overuse them and they'll last that much longer. Good boy. :D I do love my 4" heels (even though I'm 5'11" as it is).

aquaria, yay! You found us! There are times that I'll painstakingly type everything out on my blackberry torch. Feel free to pop in even if it's just to update us on what's going on with you :D. I hope that this time AF isn't messing with you! fx that you have something good to report on Sunday!
5'11"! cool.... im such a shortie... Im 5'4" lol and my OH is over 6 feet!!

Aquaria! hey there! Glad you came over and joined us again! It is hard work typing on phones aye!
It certianly makes for some interesting typos typing these long messages on the phone. You all will hopefully forgive me in advance if I don't catch them. I think earlier my message to Hena said "I hope you hat some answers soon." Oh well. I'll hopefully get the hang of it.

Prepping--that is a lot of shoes to dedicate a whole closet to them!! I envy your ability with the heels. My feet only manage them on special occasions for rather short periods of time. I'm with you on the purses though. I allow myself one very nice one every couple of years. I think it's about time for a new one.

I'm a shortie too Waiting!! 5'5" here!
hi ladies I love to join this goup (I joined another but I like to be apart of this one too)

We are TTC for the 4 time I have a one and half year old daughter and I have miscarried two times but now we are trying again. I am excited but scared to miscarry again. I did bed on my ovulation day leading up and on it so my chances are good. I do have cbfm but i didn't use it this cycle but I plan to next cycle.

MY weekend plans are working I was sch off but I was needed for the evening shift :)
Hey everyone, sounds like some of you have some excellent weekends planned, enjoy!!! We're going to my in-laws' which should at least provide some distraction for me while waiting for answers.

I love all the shoe talk, I used to be an addict, but in the past few years I've turned to one or two pairs of good heels (not as high as prepping!!) and trainers :haha: I'm short like you other ladies, 5'4.5 (that .5 is very important) but can't balance on those spikes.

Fingers crossed for you, aquaria, and everyone else in the 2ww!!! Let's see some autumn BFPs!!!!!!
oh, and to answer the question two of you asked, I had some stress at the beginning of August while I was still on holiday, but the rest of the holiday was totally relaxing and all told I've had more stressful times without such a drastic lengthening of my cycle. Who knows though, right? The female body is a confusing thing, lol.
sorry for the multiple posts, ladies! I guess I'm making up for two months of radio silence :haha:

Welcome Duffy!! I hope you enjoy this group, the ladies here are amazing. I'm getting to know most of them myself because many joined after I disappeared for a time this summer. gl to you!!
I'M BACK!!! Lol. Sorry it's been so long since my last post but I've been out of town for a bit. Haven't gotten a chance to read all the posts yet, but will try to catch up soon. Af got me once again... So now looking onward to month 7!!
hi all! im back too! :thumbup:

where do I start - you ladies have been busy.

waiting - your date night sounds fun, bless your OH for doing that, wonder what he has in store! its so nice when you have been with someone for a long time and then they make lovely romantic gestures like that! :hugs: good to hear that you are possitive also about the forthcoming month, enjoy yourself with some wine, take your mind off things for at least another week! Ovulation will be around before you know it! :)

prepping - wow. 5"11 - I would LOVE to be your height, im such a short arse - almost 5"4, same as you waiting, My OH is 6"3. haha, ive always gone for tall men for some reason. it does help though that my OH has always gone for short girls lol. wine, chocolate and lube! hahahahaha, that did crack me up! what is the lube called? is it a special lube, cos I know that some lubes kills the sperm. I will have to try it, I also need to check out this tv programme about the sperm race you guys have been talking about - sounds interesting. Also sorry to hear you got a BFN! but you sound super positive so thats all good. I admire your outlook on TTC! :winkwink: have a fun weekend, sounds like your gonna be a busy gal!

doopers - I often get strange dreams but that is normal for me, my OH says I must have a sick mind, lol. If they are new for you then that could be a good sign! where are you in your cycle now? am i right in thinking it is not long until your holiday now? bet you are excited! :thumbup:

jchic - dont even get me started on the "Oops babys"! grrrr.
when I think about all the people I know that have fell pregnant without even thinking I beging to wonder if they are different species and perhaps have different body parts, cos here were are on this group, about 8 lovely ladies all ready for motherhood, having sex like we're having sex for the olympics, timing, analyzing out bodily fluids, temping, charting, etc.... and there has not been a BFP announcement yet! but in a strange way it does make you realise that you are surely not alone, we hear about pregancys all the time, what we dont realise is that there may be al hell of a lot of people you know that are secretly TTC. Its just that no one mentions it. It is frustrating tho, I know a girl who had a baby, then she got married so went back on the pill, she told me they were going to start tryign to baby no2 after their honeymoon, guess what - 4 months after being mr and mrs, she announces she is 3 months pregnant! :shrug: what is that all about! you have to giggle at it, otherwise it would drive you insane, i have my fingers crossed for you to get a BFP this month! :)

Hena - so sorry to hear you got a BFN, I hope that your cycles become better for you and you have more luck next time! big hugs! :hugs: i know what you mean, the female body can be awfully confusing.

aquaria - welcome, I hope you get the BFP you have been waiting for! you never know, if AF hasnt turned up, Fingers crossed, it may be good news!

1mmquade - try not to get down hun, I hope you get the BFP in October, and welcome to our new little group!

summer - damn AF - Hope cycle 7 works out for you! :winkwink:

duffy - sorry to hear about your miscarriages. It must be awful to go through, wish you the best of luck with you TTC journey

well, with my work contacts I have been invited to all sorts of parties for London fashion week and London design week, so I have been living the high life, lol. seen some amazing design, art and fashion. I did a test on Thursday and as expected it was a BFN, I was totally not dissapointed cos I knew I wasnt anyway with the OH away during peak BD time. I mainly did it so I knew it was safe for me to have a drink. I had a big work night out on Thurday and the hangover from hell yesterday, everyone did! I cant to it though, Im a home girl really, i like to be in bed at a reasonable hour. anyway, I had a little bit of brownish CM yesterday which is usally a sign :witch: is on her way! I feel a bit crampy today so Im hoping she does show either today or tomorrow. If it happens today, it will have been a 27 day cycle, and 28 if its tomorrow. Last month it was 30 days so I just have to wait it out!

phew, that was an essay! I need to log in on my phone so I can write messages during the day! Have a great weekend everyone
dear god my spelling is appauling! I can spell btw everyone, just so you know. lol - Think I just type to quick and hit the reply button.
hey everyone im good thanks :)
my holiday is in 3 weeks yey :)
nice to get feedback about you all dreaming strange stuff too (im not alone yey)
how are all of you???
anything good happening with you??
oh and btw i believe i am 8dpo :S wouldnt put money on it tho i have totally lost it this month lol
I officially Hate Facebook! been feeling positive and not sad and then I log on only to see a huge photo of the cutest baby possible....a friend that I haven't seen for years who used to live opposite me when I was a little girl! we used to climb trees and go to school together. oh and 2 more pregnancy announcements! :growlmad:
I am soo with you on that one Winter. Yesterday I "liked" a pregnancy announcement, commented on another friend on finding out the sex, saw some ultrasound pics, ignored a couple of lilypie tickers, and updated the events page for a baby shower I am hosting for my two best friends who are due a day apart where aside from the mothers of the moms to be and my cohost, will I be the only nonpregnant person there. Yea. Has really made me think about how I will approach fb when I have good news.

As to my testing tomorrow, will have to wait till I can get out to get a test. Went to Wallgreens forgetting they keep them in that rediculous "family planning locker.". Geez. Considering jarring my FMU, after endlessly searching the web on my little phone for "boobs don't hurt" and similar such phrases. Sillyness.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Hope you are all having lovely weekends. Looking forward to having DH home (he is a musician. Thank goodness the festival season is wrapping up.)
aquaria - don't worry hun, the venting is good, you need somewhere to be able to vent! I always vent on here - not many people know I am TTC and i certainly cant moan to my pregnant friends on FB, or friends that are already mommies! lol. dont get me wrong, I am happy for my friends when they announce they're pregnant it just secretly annoys me when I find out....."oh I just got pregnant on my 1st try" ....

wow, your DH is a musician hey? thats cool! I love musicians, something very sexy about a man with a guitar in his hands! mmm! my OH is a graphic designer, not quite the same, he is a bit of a apple mac geek! haha. its nice that you get him back though, ready in time for ovulation lol!

as for me, I came on yesterday! so that made it a 27 day cycle this month... so, so far after coming off BC in June my cycles have gone: 28, 27, 26, 30 & 27.

Im not complaining as they are very avergae length cycles i am just still trying to figure out if my body has returned to normal since coming off the pill! my sister keeps telling me it can take a year for your hormones to return to normal. My period is extremely painful this month! i was in a foul mood yesterday, feel sorry for the OH - think I bit his head off at every opportunity! dont know why they call it "Pre menstrual tension" cos I have always had "tension" when I hit CD1.

prepping - hope your having a great weekend!

waiting - what did you do for date night?

doopers - if you're going on hols in 3 weeks, that will roughly work out to be when you are ovulating right? (unless you get the BFP this month of course!) that should be fun!

My DH also does a bit of graphic design. Mostly for other bands/musicians in the area to pick up a bit of extra income. And yeah, he looks pretty good with his guitar ;)

It seems like your cycles are pretty normal after coming off the pill. That is good from what I have learned on bnb. Tried the pill once when I was sixteen, it made me a wreck, so, never tried it again. It's good you haven't had a horrendously long cycle. That seems like a positive sign. Sorry you are having a difficult period, I definitely know how that feels.

I've had some phantom cramping this evening/early morning (hard to sleep without DH and with a dog who is very much like a toddler). These are the only signs of af who is now 3-6 days late. My cycles run from 29-35 days with the exception of two 45+ cycles over the past two years at stressful times.

Anyway rambling again. That's what happens I guess after a month long bnb break.
Hey Hey everyone!! Hope you all have had fantastic weekends!

My date night was going out to the movies, we went and saw friends with benefits, which was quite amusing. Havent been to the movies in ages so it was really nice.

Just got back tonight from Rotorua, had a great weekend away!

Winter - sorry to hear about your facebook debacle, its always hard when you have to see pics and updates from pregnant friends! Sorry AF got you too, but your cycles seem to be regulating nicely :) Not good that it is a really painful one, hope it has settled down now

Aquaria - how are you getting on, was that AF? Have you tested being so late (sorry if you said that already, I read the messages on my phone and probably missed some stuff as the screen is so small!)

Prepping - How was your weekend? I enjoyed the freedom to cut lose and have a few wines, was nice and relaxing doing that.

Hena - any news, AF or otherwise??

Summer - how are you doing??

Now just to wait for O day.... I think my new OPKs have arrived at work, so will get to pick them up tomorrow, can start using them from next weekend onwards :)
Hey ladies!!!!

How was everyones weekend? Prep - how was your girls wknd? Did you have fun?
Well Im on CD11 and last month I got a high reading on the CBFM this day and this cycle a low reading...I guess I have to come to the conclusion that ovulation is not guaranteed at the same days every cycle? LOL


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