Bright New Month, Bright New Cycle! Everyone's Welcome! :)

hey girls!

What is new?

How is everyone getting on?

Jchic, doopers, havent heard from you in while!

Waiting - when is your scan?
Heyyy Winter!!! (And summer... I see you down the bottom there... )

How are you both!! This thread has been so quiet lately!!

I have a scan on Friday 10th at 8.30 am.... that will be my 20 week one to find out the gender..... so excited!
Hey ladies! How are you all? Onto CD1 for me of Cycle 7. Yikes. Feeling better today as I had a complete meltdown yesterday over all this ttc. Refreshed today and ready to try again!

Hello ladies,
I hope everyone is travelling ok.
JCHIC - sorry to hear you are starting a new cycle. I have those meltdowns every few cycles so I know how you feel. Can be cathartic though to have a good cry!

Exciting to hear about your scan coming up Waiting. Hopefully we will all be in your shoes in the near future.

AFM I am on CD 8 (I think.... need to check my calendar) of cycle 16!!!!!! Crazy. We are giving the soy isoflavones a try this month. I could definitely feel the effect physically - 5 days of headaches and hot flushes, but I have been told this is a normal side effect of the soy iso (and clomid!) so I have just dealt with that as best I could. We are heading into our fertile zone soon so getting exciting to get this cycle going.
Also, I had the full pelvic ultra sound done last Friday (not really very fun!) and I have the doctor's appointment tomorrow to find out the results.
One of my friends (also 29) is having her second round of IVF this month, and another friend (also 30) is having her first - so even though it feels like we have been trying forever, we still haven't been trying for as long as them. And I'm glad to still be hopeful of a natural pregnancy.

Baby dust to everyone!
Hey ladies.
Just got some results back from the pelvic scan and its not looking good. Lots of cysts on right and left ovaries. A fibroid in my uterus. Left ovary enlarger (four times bigger than the right) and they aren't sure why...and they are concerned. More scans to come to monitor growth of enlarging ovary - they think one of the cysts might be haemorrhaging but they don't know for sure. If it shrinks or stays the same when scanned again - ok (but may still be causing infertility) If growth occurs then risking ovarian abruption - or a cancerous tumour - or both.
GP can't say for sure about the impact of all on our fertility - may not be effecting at all, may be hampering, may be the root cause of our infertility - hard to believe that I can have 15 cysts, one huge growth in my ovary and another in my uterus and its NOT effecting things - but thumbs up to a GP who tries to remain positive. We've been referred to a specialists for more tests and advice on where to from here.

We are gutted.

So..... yeah. It sucks.
Omg 1macquade I'm so sorry to read about your news. I have everything crossed for you that it has shrunk by the next scan. I hope that bow that they know about all this they can take steps to fix it all so you can get your bfp!!! Here for you if you ever need a rant! :hugs: :hugs:
Hey ladies.
Just got some results back from the pelvic scan and its not looking good. Lots of cysts on right and left ovaries. A fibroid in my uterus. Left ovary enlarger (four times bigger than the right) and they aren't sure why...and they are concerned. More scans to come to monitor growth of enlarging ovary - they think one of the cysts might be haemorrhaging but they don't know for sure. If it shrinks or stays the same when scanned again - ok (but may still be causing infertility) If growth occurs then risking ovarian abruption - or a cancerous tumour - or both.
GP can't say for sure about the impact of all on our fertility - may not be effecting at all, may be hampering, may be the root cause of our infertility - hard to believe that I can have 15 cysts, one huge growth in my ovary and another in my uterus and its NOT effecting things - but thumbs up to a GP who tries to remain positive. We've been referred to a specialists for more tests and advice on where to from here.

We are gutted.

So..... yeah. It sucks.

hey mcquade - im so sorry to hear about your news! It really does not seem at all fair. :hugs: You must have been devastated hearing all this but at least your doctor remains positive...that says something. Doctors can be very brutal with the truth so if he believes than this can be fixed then you have you go with it.

Have you been experiencing any pain or sensations in your uterus area due to this prior to getting the results? anything that made you feel concerned?

I hope that the cysts has shruk by next scan for you...cysts can be removed, so I hope the doctors can do all they medically know how to help you get your BFP!!! we are here though whenever you need to let out your frustration. x
Waiting - Noticed you are having a little BOY! yay. congrats. Its so weird - i forgot to tell you, I had a dream a few weeks ago that I met you. You were ready to give birth by the size of your bump and you were telling me you were having a boy! I havent been on here in ages properly so I forgot to mention it to you. :winkwink:

jchic - sorry the witch got you hun. Maybe it will be lucky number 7!

AFM, well we didnt try this month and we have decided in fact to have a break from TTC! not becuase we dont want to try but because Ive been out of work for a while and I just cannot handle the stress of having to find work and worry about having sex on fertile days and then worrying why I didnt get my BFP. Also - there is the financial aspect of it. with only 1 income we have really started to struggle and we just thought we should wait until I at least have a stable job again. I dont want it to be too long before we can start up again so Im determined to get work. I currently have a temp job that Ive been in for 2 weeks - It got extended to 2 months on friday so Im hoping I get made permanent there. I must say - since the pressure has been off its been quite nice.

My sister went to see a clairvoyant the other day. She told her a lot of things that were true but she said there was also some bits that she thought she made up. anyway one of them was - one of her sisters that lived away (me) was going to either be pregnant in 10-11 months time or give birth in 10-11 months time. She also told her my dad was going to be in hospital- nothing serious but he would be in for a few days. I dunno - my OH thinks its all BS, he doesn't beleive in things like that but I always have.

prepping, doopers, how are you all??
Hey ladies.
Just got some results back from the pelvic scan and its not looking good. Lots of cysts on right and left ovaries. A fibroid in my uterus. Left ovary enlarger (four times bigger than the right) and they aren't sure why...and they are concerned. More scans to come to monitor growth of enlarging ovary - they think one of the cysts might be haemorrhaging but they don't know for sure. If it shrinks or stays the same when scanned again - ok (but may still be causing infertility) If growth occurs then risking ovarian abruption - or a cancerous tumour - or both.
GP can't say for sure about the impact of all on our fertility - may not be effecting at all, may be hampering, may be the root cause of our infertility - hard to believe that I can have 15 cysts, one huge growth in my ovary and another in my uterus and its NOT effecting things - but thumbs up to a GP who tries to remain positive. We've been referred to a specialists for more tests and advice on where to from here.

We are gutted.

So..... yeah. It sucks.

MM - honey I am sorry :hugs: When do you go for more scans/tests? What is the game plan? What are your options for the enlarged ovary? Can they remove it?
Hey everyone,

Waiting - congrats on the news. A BOY - SUPER EXCITING!
Winter - I will keep my fingers crossed for a permanent position for you. There is nothing worse than being out of work. Keep strong.
JCHIC - how are you going this cycle?
Prepping - how are things, I haven't heard from you in ages!!
To all of you - baby dust!

Thanks so much for your support. To answer some questions - I do get pain throughout the month which I have now been told is most likely linked to the cysts or the fibroid - (TMI alert) pinching pain, bloated feeling, terrible menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, lower back pain etc I hand been told previously that cystitis, kidney infections, muscle spasms, ovulation pain etc was the explanation but now we have a more concrete answer.
The next scan is in 10 weeks. Depending on the outcome we will discuss possible surgery. I believe that this can be done without removing the whole ovary, but I will find out that info if we cross that bridge.
We have booked in to see a fertility specialist on May 16th (earliest appointment possible!). Our insurance still isn't sorted by we are going to proceed for as long as we can afford the treatment and see what happens.

In the mean time we were already trialling the soy isoflavones this month so we will see if that makes any difference (although I am not feeling so optimistic about it post pelvic results). My husband thinks that we should just keep trying like normal until we are told for sure that something is definitely wrong. There is nothing to be gained from giving up so I have taken his optimism on board and we made sure to catch our fertile window during this week. Also we are both still off the alcohol, I am on whole milk/diary, green tea, plant proteins, vitamins and we have both started regular exercise in the last month. Even if the exercise doesn't help with fertility, I am enjoying my Zumba classes!

So - today I am 3DPO and looking forward to a much more peaceful end to this cycle. Its my 30th birthday on Friday so we are heading to Cairns for the weekend to enjoy some good food, massage and some diving at the great barrier reef - woo hoo!!

I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for everyone to get their BFP this month.
Best wishes x
mmquade - can I just say how much I admire your positive attitude! I know it must be hard sometimes but you seem to be taking it all in your stride! I have my fingers crossed for you that your cyst has shrunk by the time of your next scan. :hugs: I hope you had a great birthday and holiday. You deserve it - after all there is more to life than just TTC - I forget that a lot of the time but it is true.

how is everyone else?

jchic - you must be in the 2ww now? have you done anything differently this cycle? fingers crossed for you.

doopers, prepping - havent heard from you in ages! how are things?

waiting - hope all is ok with the ever growing bump

afm - Im on CD4 right now but again - we are still firmly on out TTC break - but of course I still want to hear all about everyone elses news - looking forward to the day when I can start trying again. Ive been doing my temp just to get an idea - it looks like i have an average 30 day cycle where I ovuate on CD15 or 16 and have either a 14 or 15 day luteal phase.
1macquade - I too have my fingers crossed that things have shrunk by the time of your scan. How was your holiday?

Our wee thread seems to have gone very quiet these days huh. Havent heard from prepping or doopers or summer for ages and ages.

Jchic - update please!! How is the TWW going?

Winter - getting to know your cycle is a big help for when you do go back to TTC, how long are you not trying for? Are you actively preventing or just NTNP?

I am going well, my bump is starting to grow a bit an I am getting used to being kicked from the inside lol. Time seems to have stopped a bit at the moment and the finish line still seems so far away but I know it will come.
Hey everyone - glad to hear from a couple of you ladies. Looks like I am out for this month - some brown spotting this arvo so I expect AF to come tomorrow or Tuesday. Its not a surprise but still sad.
Meanwhile the reef was completely amazing. I've never been scub diving before and it was a surreal experience. The whole breathing under water thing took a while to get used to but the view was amazing. We did three dives on different parts of the reef and just had the best time.
WE are going to try the soy again this cycle - but I will up the dosage a little bit to see if that helps at all. Certainly can't hurt considering what our odds of conception seem to be atm.
Baby dust to you all
Hi all!

How is everyone?
waiting - a BOY! woohoo! So excited and happy for you :) yayyyy!
1mm, how are you feeling?
Winter - how are you doing?
AFM - AF showed up today so onto cycle 8...yikes! Going natural this cycle then heading to the RE on March 7th to talk about doing 1 more IUI, then possible IVF
Hi all!

How is everyone?
waiting - a BOY! woohoo! So excited and happy for you :) yayyyy!
1mm, how are you feeling?
Winter - how are you doing?
AFM - AF showed up today so onto cycle 8...yikes! Going natural this cycle then heading to the RE on March 7th to talk about doing 1 more IUI, then possible IVF
Glad to hear the reef was amazing 1macquade! Not to good to hear you are spotting and af is arriving. I wish there was something could do to help. I feel so mean sitting here being pregnant when there are people out there I wish so much would fall pregnant but are having problems. I hope you are doing okay and that soy helps out!

Jchic - sorry you got af again. Have my fingers crossed for you this cycle :)

Winter - how are you doing??

Hope everyone is well :)
JCHIC - sorry to hear you are out this month. I didn't realise you were already having intervention from a fertility specialist (I'm sure you have said it previously) - how many IUIs have you already had? Do you know what is causing your infertility? Fingers crossed that your natural cycle works as I know how much all the other treatment can cost. Baby dust to you.

I am actually glad you are still with us in this group Waiting as it give me hope that our members do get their BFP eventually!

AFM my period is now at an end so this cycle is really on its way. I decided not to take the soy in the end so that my upcoming scan shows ovaries without any medication - so it is a natural cycle for us too. I have pretty much resigned myself to NOT falling pregnant without intervention but we are still going to ensure we BD during the 'fertile' window (although it hasn't been very fertile so far!) So it is cycle 17 for us now I think and there is not much we can do but keep trying and wait for our appointments in April and May.

Baby dust to all you lovely ladies!!
wow- thought I'd check in on everyone - but there hasn't been anything here for ages!
I really hope all you ladies are travelling well and the reason you aren't chatting on here is because you have your BFP and you are happily pregnant and doing more exciting things.
I wish you all the best.
hey everyone! wow it really has been quiet on here!

mcquade - I wish that was the reason but unfortunately no BFP. How are you doing hun? any more news from the docs? Hope you are feeling ok and keeping as positive as possible.

waiting - how are you doing? cant believe how far along you are already!

jchic - havent heard from you in ages. Hope you dont mind me asking but how come you have decided to go down the route of ivf, iui already? Have you been told that you will have issues conceiving naturally? It must be expensive? Well whatever you are doing I hope you get your bfp soon x

afm - well we did decide to go on a break and the last couple of months and we properly avoided BDing around the "window". however we have decided to start trying again. Im about a week away from ovulation. Been go a bit crazy with trying new things to help fertility. Im taking evening primrose oil (up til ovulation) flax seed oil, folic acid, Chia seeds, Maca powder (tastes so rank) all because ive read somewhere these have helped promote fertility in some women. Im also cutting way way down on my alcohol, eating even healthier than normal, trying to avoid soy products, cutting way back on caffeine and eating lots and lots of dark greens.The OH is on a lot of vitamins too. God knows if any of it will actually work! But i figure its worth a try.

anyway - baby dust to all
Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well :)

Hey Winter! DH's SA came back with low morphology and I have been diagnosed with endometriosis, so IUI and IVF are our best options. I am doing 1 cycle (this cycle, I am on CD1) of IUI with injectables and then on to IVF. Our insurance covers the IUI's unlimited at 100% and also covers all the drugs and 4 IVF's at 100% so we are lucky that it wont be expensive for now. How are you?

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