Bright New Month, Bright New Cycle! Everyone's Welcome! :)

winter - I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandad 6 months ago and it is just such a terrible void for us all now that he is gone. It is great that you can feel some connection still.
Jchic - baby dust to you for cycle 6! I remember when DH and I got to cycle 6 and he was like ... gee, all these years I've worried about contraception and we've just gone half a year of ttc and we still aren't pregnant! He was so indignanat about it - very funny. Best of luck!
Waiting - we are entering the fertile window today so lots of Bding ahead for the next week. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I have had a heavy feeling over the last 2 weeks that there is something seriously wrong with us. Trying not to dwell on our infertility but it is hard. Generally I get over AF and feel positive entering the new cycle but that hasn't happened this time. We have booked in to see our doctor to finalise our referral for fertility treatment but due to a recently discovered issue with our insurance (we thought we had changed our package to include fertility treatment last year - but turns out that it was never finalised for some reason and never changed) we now have a 12 month wait before we are covered for fertilty treatment. As a result we are facing a big delay. The specialist will see us for some things but won't discuss significant interventions until the insurance wait time elapses. SO - looks like we have another 12 months of natural ttc ahead of us at least.
In the mean time I started to research adoption yesterday and turns out it is a rediculous process in Australia. There is virtually no local adoption (8 Australian children were adopted in the entire country last year and nearly all of those were kinship adoptions!!) and intercountry adoption is also not a given. You have to submit an expression of interest to the government and this expression lasts 2 years - the government will select expressions of interest as the need for adoptive parents becomes necessary as part of the intercountry adoption agreements - but it is the governments discretion as to whether or not your expression is EVER picked (so your whole application could stop there before it even begins!). IF your expression of interest is accepted then you make an application at a cost of $3500 and then another application to the country you wish to adopt from at another cost (anywhere from $2000 to $12000 plus donations to the orphanages - perhaps another $2000) with a further wait time of 2-8 years before you are allocated a child. Plus, as my husband is nearly 40 there are already countries which will not allow us to adopt a child that is below 5 years of age! My husband and I were quite discouraged. We are going to submit the expression of interest paperwork because that is free and then just see what happens from there.

Anyway - trying to keep that saying in mind "you have to let go of the life that you planned, so as to live the life that is waiting for you." DH and I are now at a cross roads where a decision will need to be made, do we ttc indefinately, do we go another 12 months then do the fertility treatment, do we keep ttc and go on the adoption registry (you can't adopt if you are or have been receiving fertility treatment in the last 12 months) or do we just set an end date and ttc until that time then accept that we were not meant to be parents and move on to the life that is waiting for us.

Anyway - sorry for the rant - I think I am still in shock that with a world where there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia alone, it is still SO HARD to adopt! Baby dust to everyone. I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle is our BFP.
hey - thanks prepping, you're right,it probably is unlikely id have a 19 day luteal phase. Which now makes me think we didnt really time it very well at all last month, after I "thought" i ov'd I pretty much didnt care about getting any - i know that sounds terrible but last month i just felt depressed and wasnt in the mood. Well I think Ive definatelt ovulated now. My CM has pretty much dried up and it was kinda sticky and lotiony yesterday, Im guessing i O'd on CD14 which would mean im possibly having a 28 day cycle this month. Hope youre getting on well! :flower:

jchic - it may be a good idea actually that next month I get a BBT chart going. I just want to know when I ovulate - dont think I could do it troughout the whole month - it would make me too anxious.

doopers - sorry to hear that hun. :hugs: You are doing the right thing going to the doctors even for peace of mind. I imagine it must be scary, I was thinking of booking an appointment to put my mind at rest also. I will wait a couple more months though. I really hope you get the all clear and can just go back to TTC with a weight taken off your shoulders and can start to relax more. Do you mind me asking how old you are? just curious as I know a lot of us of here were born in 82 which is pretty cool. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. :thumbup: x

thanks for your lovely message hun
yeah i just need peace of mind and least if there is something wrong i can start to sort it :)
im 23 this year partner 25.

Doopers - At least you are doing your investigations now while you are both still young - I am about to turn 30 and my husband is 39 and suddenly we feel very old to only just be realising that we have fertility problems.
winter - I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandad 6 months ago and it is just such a terrible void for us all now that he is gone. It is great that you can feel some connection still.
Jchic - baby dust to you for cycle 6! I remember when DH and I got to cycle 6 and he was like ... gee, all these years I've worried about contraception and we've just gone half a year of ttc and we still aren't pregnant! He was so indignanat about it - very funny. Best of luck!
Waiting - we are entering the fertile window today so lots of Bding ahead for the next week. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I have had a heavy feeling over the last 2 weeks that there is something seriously wrong with us. Trying not to dwell on our infertility but it is hard. Generally I get over AF and feel positive entering the new cycle but that hasn't happened this time. We have booked in to see our doctor to finalise our referral for fertility treatment but due to a recently discovered issue with our insurance (we thought we had changed our package to include fertility treatment last year - but turns out that it was never finalised for some reason and never changed) we now have a 12 month wait before we are covered for fertilty treatment. As a result we are facing a big delay. The specialist will see us for some things but won't discuss significant interventions until the insurance wait time elapses. SO - looks like we have another 12 months of natural ttc ahead of us at least.
In the mean time I started to research adoption yesterday and turns out it is a rediculous process in Australia. There is virtually no local adoption (8 Australian children were adopted in the entire country last year and nearly all of those were kinship adoptions!!) and intercountry adoption is also not a given. You have to submit an expression of interest to the government and this expression lasts 2 years - the government will select expressions of interest as the need for adoptive parents becomes necessary as part of the intercountry adoption agreements - but it is the governments discretion as to whether or not your expression is EVER picked (so your whole application could stop there before it even begins!). IF your expression of interest is accepted then you make an application at a cost of $3500 and then another application to the country you wish to adopt from at another cost (anywhere from $2000 to $12000 plus donations to the orphanages - perhaps another $2000) with a further wait time of 2-8 years before you are allocated a child. Plus, as my husband is nearly 40 there are already countries which will not allow us to adopt a child that is below 5 years of age! My husband and I were quite discouraged. We are going to submit the expression of interest paperwork because that is free and then just see what happens from there.

Anyway - trying to keep that saying in mind "you have to let go of the life that you planned, so as to live the life that is waiting for you." DH and I are now at a cross roads where a decision will need to be made, do we ttc indefinately, do we go another 12 months then do the fertility treatment, do we keep ttc and go on the adoption registry (you can't adopt if you are or have been receiving fertility treatment in the last 12 months) or do we just set an end date and ttc until that time then accept that we were not meant to be parents and move on to the life that is waiting for us.

Anyway - sorry for the rant - I think I am still in shock that with a world where there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia alone, it is still SO HARD to adopt! Baby dust to everyone. I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle is our BFP.

hey mmcquade
Im so sorry that you feel so deflated - I cant sit here and tell you not to feel down but the truth is I would feel equally down. I actually got quite angry reading your post! I cannot beleive it is so hard in a country like australia to adopt! I have no idea what it is like in england but 8 children in one year - that is rediculous.

Sorry that you also have to wait for your fertility treatment. Can I ask - do you actually know what the problems are or is it unexplained infertility? I just wondered if you had had the dye tests done, DH tested for his swimmers etc? I know you mentioned about putting on some weight to help.

It seems so unfair and sad that, like you said there are millions of orphans in ethiopa - not the mention all the orphans in countries like romania and all the unwanted baby girls in China etc. it makes me so sick - you and your DH would make great parents and be able to give a child a stable, loving environment and there are children out there dying without any food or medicine. It seems like unless you are angelina jolie or madonna its almost impossible.

In regards to your question about what to do - In my opinion (and this is only my opnion and what i would do) is Keep TTC for another year, if it still hasnt happened start your fertility treatment. I dont mean to sound negative but if trying to adopt at the odds that are given means that you are not allowed to have undertook fertility treatment in the past 12 months then it seems like a massive gamble. Whearas if you do the fertility treatment and STILL nothing happened then at least you know you can go back to the adoption route. a year later - If it takes that long to adopt then I think the odds of having a child through treatment seems a lot more likely. Adoption will always be there but I think it should be your last resort over treatment. Please please dont give up on the idea that you will have a child. You can't - whether its a natural pregnancy, an succesful IVF, an adopted child -YOU WILL be a mom someday - i hope you naturally fall pregnant in the next 12 months!

I dont know if these are options for you but have you ever considered going down the route of Sperm donor, surrogacy?

Hope you feel better soon. :hugs: Get stuck in with BD'ing - try not to think about it too much just have lots of :sex:

Im also 29 and I know what you mean about the age thing - but I find it encouraging when I see pregnant women walking round supermarkets who are at least 45. There is always hope - dont lose faith!
1mm - you are young! I am 30 :) People have children at ALL ages nowadays! My mom had my brother when she was 37...with 1 tube only and less than a 1% chance of getting prego at that point so trust me, God's will is always there.
I hear you on the adoption thing, its so sad that they make the process so hard. One of My Mothers friends adopted a gorgeous baby girl from China but it took her 3 years...but it was well worth the wait because she is a total blessing to that family.
I agree with Winter and just keep trying and get tests done so you know exactly what obstacle, if any, you are facing. Keep your chin up, remember, being negative breeds negativity! Be positive and it will happen. I know its easier said than done, but you will get there, I promise!
Thanks ladies - I know I am young and there is time for me. Our issue is that my husband is only willing to keep trying for the next couple of years as at 10 years my senior he is worried about being an old dad - he doesn't want an infant at 50!
I spent last night talking to a friend who adopted from china from Queensland, Australia and although it took 6 years she was super positive. She didn't think the risk of pregnancy during application was a probelm and suggested we just keep TTC and if it happens we can suspend our application and then activate it later if we wish. As for fertility treatment - we wouldn't be able to afford to adopt AND do fertility treatment so it will be a choice (one or the other). With adoption at least we know that we will have a child at some stage - unlike IVF where for the same money you could try forever and never end up with a baby. Fertility treatment is complicated by our current rural situation - it is an hour and a half to the closest hospital with fertility treatment options.
We do not know why we can not conceive - and we may not know for 12 months as the fertiility specialist may elect not to see us till our insurance is sorted. We are waiting to see what will happen there.
The government is sending us some info so we will see what we think when it arrives.
As I said - although I am only 30 we are definately on a time limit here with my DH so whatever we do we need to start sooner rather than later. Meanwhile we are both off all alcohol until we fall pregnant (so it could be a while!), have started an exercise program and I am still trying to gain some healthy weight.

Thanks for all your kind words. It is great to be able to come on and share. TTC is hard and this kind of forum really does help to keep me grounded throughout the process.

We decided not to use OPKs this month so as to reduce the stress of the process a bit but I expect to ovulate in the next 4 days so we are trying to just relax and have fun with it.
Baby dust to everyone!!! And thanks again for the support x
no results last months, and there won't be any action this months as my oh is away on business :(
mmquade - sorry I didnt really think of the financial aspects - being a little naive. It just seems so unfair that if you are having fertility problems the chances of you getting a child rests on how much money you have. :nope:

Maybe you are right in starting the whole adoption process now - its seems like a good thing to do whilst you have to wait 12 months for treatment anyway - and like you said if you did conceive in at the time you were applying you could always defer your application. But I so so hope for you that you DO conceive within the next 12 months. You deserve it. :thumbup: x

Waiting, prepping - how are things going? not heard from you in a while. :flower:

jchic - how are doing? have you ovulated yet?

morri - Im sorry that AF got you and that you OH is going to be away.:hugs: Just try and use that time to relax and chill out. Take a break from it all and get ready to go again for when he is back.

doopers - hope you're ok hun. Have you managed to sort out a doc appt yet? Where are you in your cycle at the moment?

afm - well im on CD27. Im praying that AF doesnt show but as usual im feeling doubtful - I always get like this. The 1st couple of weeks of my cycle I feel quite positive and enjoy the process, the week after OV I dont think about it too much but the last week of the 2ww is just TORTURE. I cant explain how much I hate it. anyway - I brought a BBT ready for my next cycle - think I will understand a bit more about when I ovulate that way. Im looking into getting some Pre-seed also. If I do ovulate after I see the EWCM then Im thinking i may need a bit more lube to help the little guys on their journey - just a thought.

Baby dust.....
hey ladies, im awaiting an appointment its a nightmare getting into my doctors plus my oh has got his hospital appointment beginning of feb.
i have just passed ovulation day so i keep praying its this month as so far this month ha been lucky for me as i jus passed my driving test so hopefully January i for me.

hope everyone else is ok :)
i also think 30 is not old :)
sorry to hear of your loss wintergirl :)
hey ladies, im awaiting an appointment its a nightmare getting into my doctors plus my oh has got his hospital appointment beginning of feb.
i have just passed ovulation day so i keep praying its this month as so far this month ha been lucky for me as i jus passed my driving test so hopefully January i for me.

hope everyone else is ok :)
i also think 30 is not old :)
sorry to hear of your loss wintergirl :)

well done on passing your driving test! Hopefully good things will come in 3's

Sending hopeful thoughts your way!! x
Hey Gals - sorry Ive been a bit absent lately, stuggling a bit with getting back into the routine of work etc after a nice summer holiday.

1macquade - im so sorry that things are hard for you guys at the moment. I do agree that 30 is not old in the scheme of things for having children, but understand where you are coming from to get the adoption process started. I really hope things work out for you.

Jchic - how are you doing, any updates?

Winter - Fingers are crossed for you, are you going to test or just wait it out and see if AF comes?

Doopers - I hope Feb is your lucky month, congrats on passing your test. Feb is my birthday month so I think it is pretty lucky!

Not much to report here - still 3 and bit weeks to go till next scan, feeling some flutters, not sure if they are baby as I am not sure what that should feel like but am going to let myself believe it is as it helps keep me reassured things are fine in there.

Baby dust to all, here is to a bfp filled few months! :)
Hey all! How is everyone?

Winter - did you get AF? I HOPE SHE STAYED AWAY!!!! BFP thoughts and baby dust for you!!!!

Morri, Waiting, Prep, 1mm - how are you all? updates?

AFM - I am on CD15 and I think I am ovulating today! Lets pray this is our cycle :)

AF came this morning in full flow! :cry: Gutted :(

I knew she was on her way as I had spotting a couple of days ago and I knew it was too late to be impantation bleeding. I am getting sick of her already. I'm so annoyed because I actually felt like it could have been the month for me. I had really really sore veiny boobs from about 4dpo until a few days ago and the pain subsided. WTF?? I usually get sore boobs around AF and sometimes for a couple of days around ovulation but what the hell could that have been? any ideas anyone? I really hate the 2ww because my body KEEPS on mimicking pregnancy symptoms. This cycle it was the sore breasts, last month I had pulling sensations in my uterus area and felt really sniffly. I dont know - maybe I'm imagining it.

anyway so this cycle has been 28 days long - which again is different than last month. Since coming off BC ive only had one 28 day cycle. They have ranged from 26 - 31 days. So thats why this month I am going to temp. I think its the only way in knowing for sure we are doing it at the right times. Im really curious to know when I ovulate so maybe this will help me - or make me even more anxious.

Its strange - when I first set out on this TTC it was full of excitement and positivity and now it just feels like a burden on my shoulders. I know it hasnt been that long still (we have had 7 cycles so far) but having AF at the end of the 2ww never stops being dissapointing. I get my hopes up EVERY time and then BAM...the witch shows. GRRRRR :growlmad: sorry for the rant

jchic - I hope this is the cycle for you hun. Hope you got lots of BD'ing in. I have a feeling this may be your lucky month

waiting - glad you're doing well! Your scan date will fly by, how exciting. :happydance:

doopers, morri, prepping, mmquade - hope you are all well?
Hi all! Sorry haven't been around. Been trying to keep up even so. Can't do a long response right now, but wanted to pop in at least.

Winter, big hugs. Darn that sadistic witch! But do try not to get too down this far into the game. It was when I was going into my 7th cycle that I threw in the towel and decided to just go with the flow. No baby plans in the slightest.... And well, that's when fate stepped in. So don't be putting huge pressure on yourself! I was average 28 days but was anywhere from 25-31.
Keep the spirits up. I'm convinced the mental aspect is key.
And enjoying the bding without the motive ;)

So I'm doing pretty good. Been pretty symptom free on the most part. To the point that I need DH's validation that I really am preggy. So I guess I shouldn't complain if my body isn't going all whacky. I'm 9-9.5 weeks now.

Gotta go! Much love and baby dust to all!
Hi all! Sorry haven't been around. Been trying to keep up even so. Can't do a long response right now, but wanted to pop in at least.

Winter, big hugs. Darn that sadistic witch! But do try not to get too down this far into the game. It was when I was going into my 7th cycle that I threw in the towel and decided to just go with the flow. No baby plans in the slightest.... And well, that's when fate stepped in. So don't be putting huge pressure on yourself! I was average 28 days but was anywhere from 25-31.
Keep the spirits up. I'm convinced the mental aspect is key.
And enjoying the bding without the motive ;)

So I'm doing pretty good. Been pretty symptom free on the most part. To the point that I need DH's validation that I really am preggy. So I guess I shouldn't complain if my body isn't going all whacky. I'm 9-9.5 weeks now.

Gotta go! Much love and baby dust to all!

thanks prepping. I know you're right about the positive mental attitude - I've always been a pessimist when it comes to my own life thats the thing. My OH was saying to me last night that me being stressed probably hasn't exactly helped (im still out of a job and totallly frikkin bored) I've got too much time on my hands to think about it all but I need to stay positive and just try not to think of it too much!

It must be weird not having many you haven't experienced any morning sickness? Don't worry, in about a months time you will start seeing that little bump forming and then it will kick in. :winkwink:

good to hear from you and take care of yourself :hugs:
Hey Girls! TGIF!

Awww Winter I am sorry honey....I know how awful it can feel to have such high hopes and then have that dumb witch come and ruin it. Your bfp is around the corner, God will bless us all with little ones :) How many cycles is his ttc for you? Have you thought of trying anything differently? Have you gone to the doc to get checked out? That may ease your mind a bit!

prep and waiting - look at you both all preggers! So happpyyyy that your little bebes are growing and growing! WOOHOO!

Welcome Pink Kitten!
Hey Girls! TGIF!

Awww Winter I am sorry honey....I know how awful it can feel to have such high hopes and then have that dumb witch come and ruin it. Your bfp is around the corner, God will bless us all with little ones :) How many cycles is his ttc for you? Have you thought of trying anything differently? Have you gone to the doc to get checked out? That may ease your mind a bit!

prep and waiting - look at you both all preggers! So happpyyyy that your little bebes are growing and growing! WOOHOO!

Welcome Pink Kitten!

Hey jchic.

That was cycle 7. we are now going onto cycle 8 - except the 1st few months were more NTNP and looking back in December I think I ovulated later than I though I did so im not entirely sure we did it at the right time. And going back before december i havent a clue. Im pretty sure we BD'd once or twice around Ov most cycles but like I said, I cant be sure as ive not really been keeping track of it and "trying trying" as in charting, temping etc. I'm obviously still going to count it as 7 cycles but this month I am temping. I did my temp this morning, it was 36.1 degrees celcius.

I haven't been to the docs, I think I'm a little scared to be honest. I dont like going to the docs anyway I know that sounds silly. Each time Ive had to have a pap smear ive been terrified. I will try and couple more months I think and then go for peace of mind. I know a lot of docs here wont see you until after 12 months of TTC if you are under 35.

Bloody TTC, whoever thought it could be so hard. :wacko:
Hey Girls! TGIF!

Awww Winter I am sorry honey....I know how awful it can feel to have such high hopes and then have that dumb witch come and ruin it. Your bfp is around the corner, God will bless us all with little ones :) How many cycles is his ttc for you? Have you thought of trying anything differently? Have you gone to the doc to get checked out? That may ease your mind a bit!

prep and waiting - look at you both all preggers! So happpyyyy that your little bebes are growing and growing! WOOHOO!

Welcome Pink Kitten!

Hey jchic.

That was cycle 7. we are now going onto cycle 8 - except the 1st few months were more NTNP and looking back in December I think I ovulated later than I though I did so im not entirely sure we did it at the right time. And going back before december i havent a clue. Im pretty sure we BD'd once or twice around Ov most cycles but like I said, I cant be sure as ive not really been keeping track of it and "trying trying" as in charting, temping etc. I'm obviously still going to count it as 7 cycles but this month I am temping. I did my temp this morning, it was 36.1 degrees celcius.

I haven't been to the docs, I think I'm a little scared to be honest. I dont like going to the docs anyway I know that sounds silly. Each time Ive had to have a pap smear ive been terrified. I will try and couple more months I think and then go for peace of mind. I know a lot of docs here wont see you until after 12 months of TTC if you are under 35.

Bloody TTC, whoever thought it could be so hard. :wacko:

It certainly is tough to TTC for a long period and I have found it just gets tougher not easier! It is hard to know if being more proactive is useful or just adds to the stress - I can't decide :winkwink: Stress is definately not good in the process though so do whatever you can to keep your spirits up. I also find the last week of the 2ww a trial - and there is definately a grieving process each BFN but I think I am building some resilience in that regard. I hope that cycle 8 is your month Winter.
As for everyone else - great to hear from you all. Here is to a BFP for us all this cycle!!!
Welcome to Pink Kitten - glad to see a new name on our little blog.

AFM I am 5 dpo - no symptoms to speak of. We have been less stressed about our BDing - no OPKs just following our normal patterns/dates for ovulation. I think that we timed things ok despite the more relaxed approach - generally feeling optimistic. I have just started a new job so it is good to have a new challenge and distraction from TTC.
Again, baby dust to you all!!! Here is to 2012 BFPs!!
Hey Gals!! Hope you are all well!!

Winter - sorry that AF got you, I agree with prepping about tryng to take a more relaxed approach, I know how hard it is, my OH and I had a big arguement about it all the very month I got pregnant as I was so wound up about it, I was doing OPKs etc and I thought I had ovulated and he was too tired that night so I was hurt and angry and depressed. We had a big fight that ended up with me agreeing to not use another OPK and to stop temping at the end of that cycle. Turns out I ovulated two days later, and got my BFP that month. TTC is really hard and it is really stressful.

1Macquade - great on the new job!! That must be nice. Glad to hear you have taken a more relaxed approach to things too, stress definitely wont help things, we wind ourselves up so much over things sometimes. Here is hoping you get your BFP this month!! I have my fingers crossed for you.

Where are things at with you Jchic?? Are you dpo status?

Doopers - how are you doing??

AFM - Im doing okay, having a big of muscle pain at the moment, turns out my lower pelvic muscles are a bit weak and now that there is pressure on them they are hurting when I stand up and walk around. NOthing a bit of work at the gym wont fix long term. 2.5 weeks till anatomy scan!!!

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