winter - I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandad 6 months ago and it is just such a terrible void for us all now that he is gone. It is great that you can feel some connection still.
Jchic - baby dust to you for cycle 6! I remember when DH and I got to cycle 6 and he was like ... gee, all these years I've worried about contraception and we've just gone half a year of ttc and we still aren't pregnant! He was so indignanat about it - very funny. Best of luck!
Waiting - we are entering the fertile window today so lots of Bding ahead for the next week. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I have had a heavy feeling over the last 2 weeks that there is something seriously wrong with us. Trying not to dwell on our infertility but it is hard. Generally I get over AF and feel positive entering the new cycle but that hasn't happened this time. We have booked in to see our doctor to finalise our referral for fertility treatment but due to a recently discovered issue with our insurance (we thought we had changed our package to include fertility treatment last year - but turns out that it was never finalised for some reason and never changed) we now have a 12 month wait before we are covered for fertilty treatment. As a result we are facing a big delay. The specialist will see us for some things but won't discuss significant interventions until the insurance wait time elapses. SO - looks like we have another 12 months of natural ttc ahead of us at least.
In the mean time I started to research adoption yesterday and turns out it is a rediculous process in Australia. There is virtually no local adoption (8 Australian children were adopted in the entire country last year and nearly all of those were kinship adoptions!!) and intercountry adoption is also not a given. You have to submit an expression of interest to the government and this expression lasts 2 years - the government will select expressions of interest as the need for adoptive parents becomes necessary as part of the intercountry adoption agreements - but it is the governments discretion as to whether or not your expression is EVER picked (so your whole application could stop there before it even begins!). IF your expression of interest is accepted then you make an application at a cost of $3500 and then another application to the country you wish to adopt from at another cost (anywhere from $2000 to $12000 plus donations to the orphanages - perhaps another $2000) with a further wait time of 2-8 years before you are allocated a child. Plus, as my husband is nearly 40 there are already countries which will not allow us to adopt a child that is below 5 years of age! My husband and I were quite discouraged. We are going to submit the expression of interest paperwork because that is free and then just see what happens from there.
Anyway - trying to keep that saying in mind "you have to let go of the life that you planned, so as to live the life that is waiting for you." DH and I are now at a cross roads where a decision will need to be made, do we ttc indefinately, do we go another 12 months then do the fertility treatment, do we keep ttc and go on the adoption registry (you can't adopt if you are or have been receiving fertility treatment in the last 12 months) or do we just set an end date and ttc until that time then accept that we were not meant to be parents and move on to the life that is waiting for us.
Anyway - sorry for the rant - I think I am still in shock that with a world where there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia alone, it is still SO HARD to adopt! Baby dust to everyone. I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle is our BFP.
Jchic - baby dust to you for cycle 6! I remember when DH and I got to cycle 6 and he was like ... gee, all these years I've worried about contraception and we've just gone half a year of ttc and we still aren't pregnant! He was so indignanat about it - very funny. Best of luck!
Waiting - we are entering the fertile window today so lots of Bding ahead for the next week. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I have had a heavy feeling over the last 2 weeks that there is something seriously wrong with us. Trying not to dwell on our infertility but it is hard. Generally I get over AF and feel positive entering the new cycle but that hasn't happened this time. We have booked in to see our doctor to finalise our referral for fertility treatment but due to a recently discovered issue with our insurance (we thought we had changed our package to include fertility treatment last year - but turns out that it was never finalised for some reason and never changed) we now have a 12 month wait before we are covered for fertilty treatment. As a result we are facing a big delay. The specialist will see us for some things but won't discuss significant interventions until the insurance wait time elapses. SO - looks like we have another 12 months of natural ttc ahead of us at least.
In the mean time I started to research adoption yesterday and turns out it is a rediculous process in Australia. There is virtually no local adoption (8 Australian children were adopted in the entire country last year and nearly all of those were kinship adoptions!!) and intercountry adoption is also not a given. You have to submit an expression of interest to the government and this expression lasts 2 years - the government will select expressions of interest as the need for adoptive parents becomes necessary as part of the intercountry adoption agreements - but it is the governments discretion as to whether or not your expression is EVER picked (so your whole application could stop there before it even begins!). IF your expression of interest is accepted then you make an application at a cost of $3500 and then another application to the country you wish to adopt from at another cost (anywhere from $2000 to $12000 plus donations to the orphanages - perhaps another $2000) with a further wait time of 2-8 years before you are allocated a child. Plus, as my husband is nearly 40 there are already countries which will not allow us to adopt a child that is below 5 years of age! My husband and I were quite discouraged. We are going to submit the expression of interest paperwork because that is free and then just see what happens from there.
Anyway - trying to keep that saying in mind "you have to let go of the life that you planned, so as to live the life that is waiting for you." DH and I are now at a cross roads where a decision will need to be made, do we ttc indefinately, do we go another 12 months then do the fertility treatment, do we keep ttc and go on the adoption registry (you can't adopt if you are or have been receiving fertility treatment in the last 12 months) or do we just set an end date and ttc until that time then accept that we were not meant to be parents and move on to the life that is waiting for us.
Anyway - sorry for the rant - I think I am still in shock that with a world where there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia alone, it is still SO HARD to adopt! Baby dust to everyone. I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle is our BFP.