Bright New Month, Bright New Cycle! Everyone's Welcome! :)

Hi all!!!!! So sorry I haven't been around -- the holidays have been super busy and life has been interesting!
So... still preggers... LoL. I've been feeling pretty good, things have been a little odd here and there. I am exhausted and need a nap at 4:30pm every day, I haven't been feeling nausea but have had a few food aversions where i'll just suddenly think that something is gross. So far that includes thai food (which I love) and gum. I also will bite DH's head off if he has the audacity of saying anything at all when it's coming up to a meal time. Poor guy :p. I also drink water like i've been living in a desert for a year and have at least 2 times a day where i need to pee so badly it hurts -- just for a sprinkle most of the time. Hardly worth undoing my jeans really. LoL Oh! and I have to wear a sports bra to bed as my boobs have hurt for the last 4 weeks and they'll wake me up every time I move otherwise.

I have my dating scan on wednesday when I'm 7 weeks! That'll be pretty crazy seeing the so called "sluglien" (thanks waiting!). haha On another note, as for feeling anything leading up to the BFP, I have to say that there was nothing that created the "ah-ha" moment for me. I only tested because I was 3 days late and it felt like AF was coming for a good week and a half. I tested first thing in the morning with one test that came up with a patchy line. I dismissed it thinking that it was an evap line or that it was faulty -- because of course there was no way I could possibly have been pregnant. I tested again an hour later because I couldn't get it out of my head and the + came up in about 2 or 3 seconds. Can imagine my shock because we certainly were not trying last month! There was only maybe one time that I could remember where there was a chance of it working... and even then it wasn't exactly ideal... but that's all it took. All those BD marathons for the 6 months prior were nothing compared to that one time. LoL

So anywho, I just wanted to pop in with a bit of an update. I hope everyone is doing well! :D Heart you all and hope to see more updates soon.
:hug: :D:D:D
Hey girls :) hope everyone had a fantastic new years :) glad to hear all is going well prepping :) excited for you having your scan soon it's so incredible seeing this thing growing inside of you!

1macquade - sorry that your friend got knocked up first try I know how hard it must be for you to be happy for her! I really hope early 2012 is it for you :)

How is everyone else? Summer, winter, doopers, jchic - any updates?

As for me I'm just trucking along now enjoying my time off work. Still a few more weeks till get to find out gender - can't wait for that to happen now!!
Hey All!

How was everyones holiday? Prep! How are you feeling??!! SOOO excited for you!
Waiting - cant believe your little slugien is already a navel orange size! WOW!

AFM - AF just got me today....ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH onto Cycle 6!

prepping - glad to hear you are getting on well! Wearing a bra in bed must be uncomfortable but at least it is for something amazing! :) Its strange to think that all those 6 months when you were BDing around the clock didnt work but then you stop trying at voila! I wish it could be that easy for me, even when I have taken a NTNP approach in the past 6 months I have still gotten all stressy and "hopeful" in the 2ww. I just cant help it. I need to relax. lol. anyway - it just goes to show there is some truth in the whole "it will happen when you stop tryin" method :thumbup:

waiting - 15 weeks preg, wow! seems like only yesterday when we were all starting out doesnt it! Have you told everyone now, people at work etc? :flower:

mcquade - sorry to hear about your friend. :hugs: It is so hard to be happy for people when they just seem to get pregnant by just looking at their partners! One of my closest friends got pregnant on her 1st try. about 75% of my schoolfriends have kids, and some of them are pregnant with their 3rd or 4th!!! Then again, some of those did start at age 16! It seems so unfair and I cant figure out why life is easier on some than others but I guess there is some kind of plan for us all! We just have to stay positive and hopeful that it will happen for us. Ive been reading about a lot of success stories lately, some women who try for years and then fall pregnant naturally, some women who are told their only hope is IVF and then go on to have perfectly healthy natural pregnancies. I know its hard to believe it yourself but you have to. You are doing things that will hopefully help you and if it still doesnt work then you go back to the doctor again. things will happen for you. :winkwink:

jchic - Im so sorry AF got you hun! :hugs: CHin up! You will get there too! ps I love the picture dog. he (or she?) is so cute! Have a few drinks and wait for the next O in a couple of weeks! :thumbup:

AFM - Im on CD15 now, I think I ovulated on Monday but it could have been yesterday, its confusing - Im basing this all on CM. Ive been keeping little notes in my Blacberry calendar and last months cycle really confused me, according to my CM I ovulated around CD10 or 11. I had a 29 day cycle which would have meant i had a 19 day luteal phase. I dont get it, is that even possible? I think I either ovulated a few days earlier than normal or I ovulated later than I thought even though my CM dried up and went sticky and globby (sorry tmi) anyway im confused :shrug: any ideas?
Hey Winter! hmmm, 19 day LP is really rare, I wonder if you ovulated around cd 12 or 13? Sometimes we O right after we see the Fertile CM....are you using OPKS this cycle?

Awww, thanks! Thats Lexi, shes my baby girl. I absolutely LOVE her!
Im really not sure, I didnt know that about the Fertile CM - I thought when it was thin and stretchy that was ovulation day. Ive tried looking on websites about long LP and there isnt much info, but after thinking about it, it really doesnt seem all that likely. Maybe I did ovulate a couple of days or a few days later - which would mean I wasnt even having :sex: at the right time, I dont know. But it does seem weird that I would ovulate on CD10 or 11. I remember it clearly becuase it was the day I found out Id lost my job. I came home in tears and I had lots of EWCM that day and the day after which was a saturday. me and the OH just thought "f**K it" lets try and make a baby anyway, LOL.

No im not doing the OPK this month - cant really afford them as they are sooo expensive in the UK, may do so next month though if Im still confused about Ov. :wacko:
Have you thought about tracking your BBT? It really helps and the program online is free :)
All you need is a BBT thermometer
Thanks everyone for your kind words. :)

Winter, I found that CM drove me batty when analyzing it. All I figured is that if it was stretchy, good sign. BUT, you can still ovulate a couple days after what you notice to be a peak. Sometimes it's hard to catch! In general though, keep at it for the fertile window. It's highly unlikely that you would have such a long LP -- as far as I've read, that's something that doesn't really change I think.
As for us NTNP, I was able to get around the stressing over timing because I genuinely had every intention of partying for the holidays. So I was in complete denial of anything working. Any time we DTD it was just for fun with no baby undertones. Maybe that is what the mind needs sometimes.

Jchic, sorry about AF. It'll happen for you soon enough!

AFM, saw the peanut yesterday! It's about 1cm long and has a heartbeat of 150. Has no more than buds for arms/legs and I thought it's bottom was it's head so it really isn't much more than a peanut.... But it was neat. Right on track for being 7 weeks.
One big annoying thing going on -- it doesn't look good for my chances of getting a midwife. I've been put on a waiting list. So I instead will be seeing an OBGYN until I may get a midwife. If I don't, then I'm at the whim of whoever is available to deliver at the hospital when the time comes. Bugger. I didn't even want to be in the hospital. Maybe I'll have to hire a doula or something.
Ah well, still early. Fingers crossed.
hey ladies hope ur all ok. Sorry i not been on here in ages. Well im not pregnant. So i gonna make a trip to doctors as its been a year now. So not to good. Been working alot to so that kept my mind off the year mark for a while. Hope u all had a good xmas and new year x
hey - thanks prepping, you're right,it probably is unlikely id have a 19 day luteal phase. Which now makes me think we didnt really time it very well at all last month, after I "thought" i ov'd I pretty much didnt care about getting any - i know that sounds terrible but last month i just felt depressed and wasnt in the mood. Well I think Ive definatelt ovulated now. My CM has pretty much dried up and it was kinda sticky and lotiony yesterday, Im guessing i O'd on CD14 which would mean im possibly having a 28 day cycle this month. Hope youre getting on well! :flower:

jchic - it may be a good idea actually that next month I get a BBT chart going. I just want to know when I ovulate - dont think I could do it troughout the whole month - it would make me too anxious.

doopers - sorry to hear that hun. :hugs: You are doing the right thing going to the doctors even for peace of mind. I imagine it must be scary, I was thinking of booking an appointment to put my mind at rest also. I will wait a couple more months though. I really hope you get the all clear and can just go back to TTC with a weight taken off your shoulders and can start to relax more. Do you mind me asking how old you are? just curious as I know a lot of us of here were born in 82 which is pretty cool. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. :thumbup: x

prepping - glad to hear you are getting on well! Wearing a bra in bed must be uncomfortable but at least it is for something amazing! :) Its strange to think that all those 6 months when you were BDing around the clock didnt work but then you stop trying at voila! I wish it could be that easy for me, even when I have taken a NTNP approach in the past 6 months I have still gotten all stressy and "hopeful" in the 2ww. I just cant help it. I need to relax. lol. anyway - it just goes to show there is some truth in the whole "it will happen when you stop tryin" method :thumbup:

waiting - 15 weeks preg, wow! seems like only yesterday when we were all starting out doesnt it! Have you told everyone now, people at work etc? :flower:

mcquade - sorry to hear about your friend. :hugs: It is so hard to be happy for people when they just seem to get pregnant by just looking at their partners! One of my closest friends got pregnant on her 1st try. about 75% of my schoolfriends have kids, and some of them are pregnant with their 3rd or 4th!!! Then again, some of those did start at age 16! It seems so unfair and I cant figure out why life is easier on some than others but I guess there is some kind of plan for us all! We just have to stay positive and hopeful that it will happen for us. Ive been reading about a lot of success stories lately, some women who try for years and then fall pregnant naturally, some women who are told their only hope is IVF and then go on to have perfectly healthy natural pregnancies. I know its hard to believe it yourself but you have to. You are doing things that will hopefully help you and if it still doesnt work then you go back to the doctor again. things will happen for you. :winkwink:

jchic - Im so sorry AF got you hun! :hugs: CHin up! You will get there too! ps I love the picture dog. he (or she?) is so cute! Have a few drinks and wait for the next O in a couple of weeks! :thumbup:

AFM - Im on CD15 now, I think I ovulated on Monday but it could have been yesterday, its confusing - Im basing this all on CM. Ive been keeping little notes in my Blacberry calendar and last months cycle really confused me, according to my CM I ovulated around CD10 or 11. I had a 29 day cycle which would have meant i had a 19 day luteal phase. I dont get it, is that even possible? I think I either ovulated a few days earlier than normal or I ovulated later than I thought even though my CM dried up and went sticky and globby (sorry tmi) anyway im confused :shrug: any ideas?

Thanks for your kind words Winter. As for the CM tracking - I can not track using CM at all! The pattern of my CM is completely at odds with when I actually ovulate according to iP predictor and opk tests. According to CM I ovulate 2 days after AF ends which would give me a HUGE lutial phase too - that is why I started using the OPKs and realised that my ovulation is not for another week after the egg white CM appears. If I were you I would opk test to verify that your CM is on track with your ovulation. Gook luck!
hey ladies hope ur all ok. Sorry i not been on here in ages. Well im not pregnant. So i gonna make a trip to doctors as its been a year now. So not to good. Been working alot to so that kept my mind off the year mark for a while. Hope u all had a good xmas and new year x

I am so sorry to hear you have reached the 12 month mark doopers. I remember how depressed I was when we reached that mark and all the 'it will happen for you' comments did little to help the fact that it had not, in fact, happened for me for a whole year. What I can say though, is that I kind of feel releaved now that we have passed the 12 month mark and have kept moving forward. It was like I was dreading cycle 12 so much that now I've passed it, it seems easier. We are now in cycle 15 and although it breaks my heart every month when AF arrives, I don't feel so stressed now. Things are how they are and no amount of stress or worry will change it. We just have to try to stay positive and keep moving forward.

I wish you all the very best for your doctor's appointment. Baby dust xxx
hey - thanks prepping, you're right,it probably is unlikely id have a 19 day luteal phase. Which now makes me think we didnt really time it very well at all last month, after I "thought" i ov'd I pretty much didnt care about getting any - i know that sounds terrible but last month i just felt depressed and wasnt in the mood. Well I think Ive definatelt ovulated now. My CM has pretty much dried up and it was kinda sticky and lotiony yesterday, Im guessing i O'd on CD14 which would mean im possibly having a 28 day cycle this month. Hope youre getting on well! :flower:

jchic - it may be a good idea actually that next month I get a BBT chart going. I just want to know when I ovulate - dont think I could do it troughout the whole month - it would make me too anxious.

doopers - sorry to hear that hun. :hugs: You are doing the right thing going to the doctors even for peace of mind. I imagine it must be scary, I was thinking of booking an appointment to put my mind at rest also. I will wait a couple more months though. I really hope you get the all clear and can just go back to TTC with a weight taken off your shoulders and can start to relax more. Do you mind me asking how old you are? just curious as I know a lot of us of here were born in 82 which is pretty cool. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. :thumbup: x

thanks for your lovely message hun
yeah i just need peace of mind and least if there is something wrong i can start to sort it :)
im 23 this year partner 25.
hey ladies hope ur all ok. Sorry i not been on here in ages. Well im not pregnant. So i gonna make a trip to doctors as its been a year now. So not to good. Been working alot to so that kept my mind off the year mark for a while. Hope u all had a good xmas and new year x

I am so sorry to hear you have reached the 12 month mark doopers. I remember how depressed I was when we reached that mark and all the 'it will happen for you' comments did little to help the fact that it had not, in fact, happened for me for a whole year. What I can say though, is that I kind of feel releaved now that we have passed the 12 month mark and have kept moving forward. It was like I was dreading cycle 12 so much that now I've passed it, it seems easier. We are now in cycle 15 and although it breaks my heart every month when AF arrives, I don't feel so stressed now. Things are how they are and no amount of stress or worry will change it. We just have to try to stay positive and keep moving forward.

I wish you all the very best for your doctor's appointment. Baby dust xxx

thanks hun its nice to know im not totally on my own :)
it is very scary and its really getting to me and my partner now cos he really wants a baby with me more than anything and he is doubting himself to. so by us going to the doctors will help us understand if there is anything wrong we wont give up trying tho cos lets face it its fun lol :)
Hey everyone!! how are you all doing??
I am back at work today :-( but just for the day I get tomorrow off then back full on on monday next week. I hate it when the holidays are over.

Where is everyone at in cycles, have we anyone in the two week wait??
hi everyone

how are all my girls?

Mcquade - thanks hun, maybe the CM thing isnt at straigtforward as its made out in magazines/websites etc. Sometimes I get the EWCM around CD9 so its confused me no end!

doopers - You are still very young hun - im sure you will be ok. I hope the doctor tells you everything is fine. If there is a problem, hopefully it is nothing major and something that can be fixed easily - for example - your OH starts taking a few supplemennts to boost his sperm count.

as for me - im on CD21. I had my grandma's funeral yesterday which was sad but it has made me feel very connected to spirituality and life and death. I must sound like a fruit-loop saying that but hearing the vicar taking during the ceremony made me feel so grateful for all the good things i have in life. I have so much to be thankful for and I feel like she will be watching over me and my family. she was the loveliest person in the world and she always used to tell me when I was little to always have faith that good things will happen and never stop believing in things. I keep bursting into tears whenever I think of her but in a good way. I hope one day I can be the same kind of grandmother she was.

anyway sorry to go off the baby stuff - i just feel in a way like I know you girls and its nice to talk about other stuff than the ttc things

Hey All!

How is everyone? Waiting! Your baby is now an avocado! WOOHOO! So big, so fast!
Winter, I am so so sorry for your loss. I lost my Grandfather a few years ago and it was really difficult. Definitely makes you feel grateful for all the blessings God has given us that we sometimes tend to forget along the way. I am glad you feel more spiritually connected. I pray alot, and I feel that it brings me alot of peace, especially during times where I begin to have doubt about "will I ever be a Mom? Why is this taking so long?" definitely puts things into perspective! We will all be Moms, when its our time :)

Doopers - How are you?
Prep - ? Whats the good word pregopants?!

AFM - I am CD8 and feeling good! Hoping lucky cycle 6 is it for us!
Winter - sorry to hear about your grandma, it is always so sad to lose a loved one. I lost my grandma last year and I still think of her often. :hugs:
You are welcome to talk about anything - doesnt have to just be baby related.
CD21 huh, not long to go now then :) Fingers are crossed for you.

Jchic - number 6 it is then :) I have a good feeling for you this month. Now we can add bright new year to our title lol.

Yup im an avocado! Whats even more exciting is I think I felt baby move for the first time today, was nothing much more than a few flutters and a bit of a flip flop feeling but it was not like normal feelings. I cant wait to feel it more and more regularly!!! (remind me of this in a few months when I am complaining lol!!)

Has anyone heard from Summer lately?

1macquade - how are you feeling? I really really want things to work out for you. Are you in the TWW at the moment also??
Hey All!

How is everyone? Waiting! Your baby is now an avocado! WOOHOO! So big, so fast!
Winter, I am so so sorry for your loss. I lost my Grandfather a few years ago and it was really difficult. Definitely makes you feel grateful for all the blessings God has given us that we sometimes tend to forget along the way. I am glad you feel more spiritually connected. I pray alot, and I feel that it brings me alot of peace, especially during times where I begin to have doubt about "will I ever be a Mom? Why is this taking so long?" definitely puts things into perspective! We will all be Moms, when its our time :)

Doopers - How are you?
Prep - ? Whats the good word pregopants?!

AFM - I am CD8 and feeling good! Hoping lucky cycle 6 is it for us!

Hey Jchic - Thanks Hun. sorry to hear about your grandfather also. I've always believed in the spiritual world but I think when you lose someone close to you it seems to be a stronger connection. I felt the same when my granfather passed years ago. I really want to see a medium as ive heard great things about them. I know there are some dodgy ones too.

anyway - not long until you can start the whole bd'ing process! Get lots in! I hope its lucky number 6 for you too! You're right - its just a matter of time for us all!
Winter - sorry to hear about your grandma, it is always so sad to lose a loved one. I lost my grandma last year and I still think of her often. :hugs:
You are welcome to talk about anything - doesnt have to just be baby related.
CD21 huh, not long to go now then :) Fingers are crossed for you.

Jchic - number 6 it is then :) I have a good feeling for you this month. Now we can add bright new year to our title lol.

Yup im an avocado! Whats even more exciting is I think I felt baby move for the first time today, was nothing much more than a few flutters and a bit of a flip flop feeling but it was not like normal feelings. I cant wait to feel it more and more regularly!!! (remind me of this in a few months when I am complaining lol!!)

Has anyone heard from Summer lately?

1macquade - how are you feeling? I really really want things to work out for you. Are you in the TWW at the moment also??

Hey waiting - thankyou for your kind words :hugs:
Yes CD22 now. I hope this is the one but Im not sure. I dont really have many symptoms as such - I have had aching boobs for the last few days and I dont normally get that until a few days before AF - but im not getting my hopes up. I THINK i am 8DPO today. Next month i am going to start temping for sure - its the only way I can know for definate when I ovulate I think. My OH is a little clueless. He came into me last night in bed and said "come on then, lets make a baby" and Im like "well we can DTD but im not in my fertile window" lol. Im trying to educate him bit by bit.

wow - that must have felt amazing to feel your baby move! :happydance: Before you know it you will be giving birth! when do you find out the sex?

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