"British soldiers burn in hell"

I'm canadian, but I think it's horrible. I don't understand someone saying that kind of thing, if you are so against British soldier, what the HELL are you doing in England??? Sorry, but that's just horrible.

sooo true, so many people are too PC to say this :)
Some of these comments are bording on racism and im shocked.

Those 35 muslims who did this should have been punished, they should have been arrested for inciting hate.

This is exactly the same thing as those people who were going to burn the koran, both completely disgusting.

The groups that sprung up on FB last night actually made me feel sick! The things people were saying made me feel very very ashamed to be british

:hugs::hugs: Just remember, those people are as bad as each other. Burning poppies and insulting injured servicemen is as bad as starting facebook pages saying offensive rubbish about muslims.

I'm sure that if those poppy burners were muslims there are people of that religion feeling very ashamed of them in the same way that most people here are ashamed of the facebook hate groups.

It's what I said before, hateful people will find a reason to hate, no matter what colour, race or religion they are. Most people want to see both sides punished if necessary for hate crimes but accept that not everyone of that culture, race or religion is the same. :hugs:
Wow, this thread is shocking. Of the estimated 2.5 million Muslim's in this country, 35 is a tiny, tiny percentage, not sure what exactly but it has to be 0.0something. On the News channels there were Muslim leaders coming out and condemning this people because this is NOT how the majority think.

My children's old school did use only Halal meat, the reason was actually nothing to do with demands by any particular religion but because in our area it was cheaper to buy Halal meat than other. But then it suddenly becomes less news worthy doesnt it? School in looking for best value for money shocker!!! :haha:

Also the thing about 'them ruining Christmas', I have never heard any religion try to stop the celebration of Christmas, it is usually someone in the council that decides, it might offend so we better stop it.

My children's school is a good mix of cultures, they have a Christmas concert, they have a Christmas fair, they make Christmas Card's, they spend a long time building up to and getting excited about Christmas. They do all of the above for Eid, Diwali (remembering these two cos they were fairly recent) and all other religious festival. I love that they are learning about other cultures and embracing them. This is what the vast majority of school do, but of course that wouldnt be news worthy.
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:

Oh and today a Mosque in Portsmouth had a poppy spray painted on it, since when is spraying graffiti on a place of worship okay? When did two wrongs start making a right? :nope::growlmad:
I haven't read all of all the replies I got quiet bored of all the borderline racism so skipped a few pages..

What happened yesterday is disgusting..It's not just about burning a flower..I could go outside into my garden now and burn every flower in it..No one would think anything of it (except that maybe I'd gone a little coo-coo:haha:)...It's what that flower stands for..What it symbolizes..And what it means to British people..Not just the families of fallen soldiers but to every British citizen that walks about freely,living life without question because of these men that have gone out to make that possible for us. The actions of those however many Muslims is not something that I feel should be taken lightly..They should be punished... It should not be accepted..I'm all for "making a point" but there is a time and a place and IMHO that is NOT it.

However..You can't tar the whole religion with the same brush because of the ignorance of those 30 odd men.. That would be like me going drinking a bottle of vodka, getting in my car and doing a hit and run on an old lady (which of course I would never do) and then saying "Every 20 year old needs to banned from driving"
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:

Massive :hugs::hugs: I think that it will mostly be that people feel able to say on the internet what they would not say in real life, people suddenly become 'braver' behind a computer screen. Doesn't make it okay though.

I really think (and hope) that your husband is wrong. :hugs:
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:

Massive :hugs::hugs: I think that it will mostly be that people feel able to say on the internet what they would not say in real life, people suddenly become 'braver' behind a computer screen. Doesn't make it okay though.

I really think (and hope) that your husband is wrong. :hugs:

Oh hun :hugs: I hope he is wrong too, I dont want to live in a world like that :( :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: x
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:


Sometimes i think your OH could be right, not that i agree with it but because hatred is always louder then acceptance and tolerance. Though if that happened i think i would need to leave this country too and it wouldnt be the place i am proud off.

I want River to grow up around different cultures which hopefully she will but i also know that at some point she will meet the racist scum that still exists and i hope she is brave enough to tell them where to shove their hate.

Also this isnt just a forum, this is supposed to be a little community of its own and when people start saying things like "they should all go home" it just shows peoples true colours :nope:
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:


Sometimes i think your OH could be right, not that i agree with it but because hatred is always louder then acceptance and tolerance. Though if that happened i think i would need to leave this country too and it wouldnt be the place i am proud off.

I want River to grow up around different cultures which hopefully she will but i also know that at some point she will meet the racist scum that still exists and i hope she is brave enough to tell them where to shove their hate.

Also this isnt just a forum, this is supposed to be a little community of its own and when people start saying things like "they should all go home" it just shows peoples true colours :nope:

I dont think anyone said they should all go home.. :shrug: Where do people keep getting this from. No one is blaming all Muslims or saying they are all the same we are saying the ones who do things like burning the poppies and spout hatred should be removed from this country.. Please go back and see a previous post of mine that says my BIL is also Muslim... I dont have anything against different religions I have something against those who think its ok to insist on spouting hatred and doing things like what happened yesterday, please also note that in another thread I did say that there are these kinds of people in all religions and walks of life.. Not just Muslims.
I also thought this was a community until someone decided to start swearing and wouldnt apologise. Sorry if it seems I keep going on about it but I think its disgusting how they are allowed to post swear words and still insist that others are ignorant..
This thread makes me sad.

Sad for my innocent daughter who has been born in this country, who will think of this as her 'home country' but who will face prejudice all her life.... She will always be tarred with the same brush because she is 'muslim' and have to 'prove' that she is moderate.

The actions of a small, unrepresentative minority makes us look bad and have to prove our innocence.

We have also spoken of leaving the uk for this very reason, we feel that one day we may have to... Even though we were born and raised in this country and have only a limited vocabulary of Arabic that our parents taught us.
Its disgusting, and I feel were this any other race, be it black, Jewish.... Etc then I feel the undertone level of racism being projected here would not be tolerated.
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:

It's sad to see someone say that, just wanted to throw you a hug x
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:


Sometimes i think your OH could be right, not that i agree with it but because hatred is always louder then acceptance and tolerance. Though if that happened i think i would need to leave this country too and it wouldnt be the place i am proud off.

I want River to grow up around different cultures which hopefully she will but i also know that at some point she will meet the racist scum that still exists and i hope she is brave enough to tell them where to shove their hate.

Also this isnt just a forum, this is supposed to be a little community of its own and when people start saying things like "they should all go home" it just shows peoples true colours :nope:

I dont think anyone said they should all go home.. :shrug: Where do people keep getting this from. No one is blaming all Muslims or saying they are all the same we are saying the ones who do things like burning the poppies and spout hatred should be removed from this country.. Please go back and see a previous post of mine that says my BIL is also Muslim... I dont have anything against different religions I have something against those who think its ok to insist on spouting hatred and doing things like what happened yesterday, please also note that in another thread I did say that there are these kinds of people in all religions and walks of life.. Not just Muslims.
I also thought this was a community until someone decided to start swearing and wouldnt apologise. Sorry if it seems I keep going on about it but I think its disgusting how they are allowed to post swear words and still insist that others are ignorant..

First page harveysmum.... Something along lines of, taking over country... F off.... Will go look for it now
Some of the people in extremist groups such as the ones buring the poppy are british so here is home. I have seen some disgusting comments on FB today and no doubt I will so more. :nope:
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:


Sometimes i think your OH could be right, not that i agree with it but because hatred is always louder then acceptance and tolerance. Though if that happened i think i would need to leave this country too and it wouldnt be the place i am proud off.

I want River to grow up around different cultures which hopefully she will but i also know that at some point she will meet the racist scum that still exists and i hope she is brave enough to tell them where to shove their hate.

Also this isnt just a forum, this is supposed to be a little community of its own and when people start saying things like "they should all go home" it just shows peoples true colours :nope:

I dont think anyone said they should all go home.. :shrug: Where do people keep getting this from. No one is blaming all Muslims or saying they are all the same we are saying the ones who do things like burning the poppies and spout hatred should be removed from this country.. Please go back and see a previous post of mine that says my BIL is also Muslim... I dont have anything against different religions I have something against those who think its ok to insist on spouting hatred and doing things like what happened yesterday, please also note that in another thread I did say that there are these kinds of people in all religions and walks of life.. Not just Muslims.
I also thought this was a community until someone decided to start swearing and wouldnt apologise. Sorry if it seems I keep going on about it but I think its disgusting how they are allowed to post swear words and still insist that others are ignorant..

First page harveysmum.... Something along lines of, taking over country... F off.... Will go look for it now

I'm not being told I put vulgar swear words when I didn't!I have also read back and I am not the only person to have put something along those lines!
I'm writing my response but I'm just saying that if the thread gets closed down before I finish I'm going to start a new thread.

I'm Muslim, and British, and SHOCK horror, also Pakistani (origin). I wanted to come on here to say how horrible I thought the protest was but this thread has upset me. I know it's only an internet forum and I know it's not personal, but my OH INSISTS that a some point in our lifetime, because of the actions of these stupid Islamic extremists we are going to have to leave the country to find another home as the reaction from the population is going to get extreme with each event. I always disagree with him as I know that the essence of British and in my experience of living here in England, English nature is one of courtesy, curiosity and fairness. I would also like to say that as usual I thank those non Asian, non Muslim people on this thread who prove my perspective right and have stuck up for ideals which mean that I feel continue to feel safe here and not plagues by people who make sweeping statements which they expect me to accept with the caveat "oh but not you, you're okay". That's the thing kids at school used to say when they said "pakis are dirty/smelly/thieving/etc." followed by the always (note sarcasm) reassuring "not you, you're okay". I know I'm an adult and it should be different but it always takes me back. :shrug:

I for one would be strongly agaisnt that. I would defend any muslim family, who are being driven from there home due to mindless thugs. I am sure sure others will feel the same :hugs: Decent people wouldn't let it happen hun

No one should be telling muslims to F off. Because a lot of muslims were born here so this is there home
i am not racist or xenophobic in any way shape or form but i this this is absolutely disgusting. completely deplorable. who do they think they are!!! this tiny minority gives the whole religion a bad name. now i am completely anti-religion but i respect others beliefs. i find it very hyprocrital that these people are so clearly anti-british but what happens if they break their arm? im sure they wouldnt object to being treated for free on the NHS. revolting.
Oh please, your first post has been removed, whether or not the f off was there or not, the same sentiment was still there. I don't have the time or energy to go back through my posts where I have quoted you, but it is in this thread somewhere.
I can assure you my first post has not been removed...its on page 2 I think,its still there...check with an admin if you like.

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