****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

I am so glad you guys all get to go to the park...it's really raining here...but it's supposed to get really cold. So I hope it doesn't freeze. I stocked up on all my cleaning supplies for the winter...I am a very extreme couponer...and I save about $300.00 a month and I only go on Mondays every week with my mom and little man while Hubby is @ work :)

$300 a month!! That's amazing! Wish I had time to do all of that couponing!
I wish we had coupons here!

Hi Junemomma. How are you feeling?? You'll probably find you will post more in your preggo group the more you go along. Love that you are still popping in here though! :)
I know I love saving coupons...Hubby thinks I am crazy for all the work I put in to them, especially with a 3.5 month old...but I survive :)

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already...that's crazy. Little man is not even sitting up yet and he is almost 4 months old. But the good news is he is sleeping through the night...well from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am...so I can handle that. It sucks that my sleeping schedule is different...I am up every morning at 3:30 am, but I get everything done before baby even wakes up :) So in a way it's nice!!
I had an awfully vivid dream last night. It involved my younger brother and his girlfriend having a baby girl (her name was Breana). DF and I were feeling a bit jealous and disheartened because we'd been trying for a while and hadn't been successful. It ended up being a very odd dream. x.x
Kalonkiki, I have had 3 dreams in the past where someone wes pregnant, and the dreams were vivid and in color and... they all turned out to be true. First one was my cousin (a week before her wedding) and I told my mom about it and she said "they're not even married yet". Well when they came home from their honeymoon, they told everyone they were prego!

The next was my twin sis. She was married at the time but they were not trying yet. I called her and jokingly said "I had a dream last night that you were pregnant"! She just laughed, and later told me that after we got off the phone she checked her calender and realized she was late. She took a test that night and it was BFP!

So crazy!!
Oh wow! Dreams can be so awesome hey?? I had a couple of friends dream that I was pregnant with a boy before they even knew I was. I have another friend who sometimes dreams the winners of football matches or horse races. I wish I had insight like that!

Kittey - you get up at 3:30am?! Wow! F usually sleeps from about 8pm til 3-4am when he has a little feed and usually a nappy change, then will sleep til about 7:30am. It's great for us. He settles so easily too. I bet my next one isnt as easy as this.
I know my next one probably wont be so content like the first one. Gavin hated his car seat and car rides in the beginning but is now starting to like them which is great.

Yeah when I used to work I worked at 4:00 am so I guess my schedule in that aspect has remained the same. Which is okay, because then when hubby and little man get up...I snuggle with Gavin the 2nd time around in the chair and watch some TV. That's our "cuddle time". Then I have hubby's lunch all ready to go.
Well I certainly hope it doesn't come true anytime soon! My brother is only 18 and his girlfriend is only 16 (besides, he's all the way over in California right now for boot camp). o.o
Besides, I would like to be the first one to have a baby, after all I am the oldest. All of my younger siblings are also much too young to have a baby anyway (my next oldest sibling after the 18 year old is only 15). I think everyone is expecting Colin and I to have a baby shortly after we get married, but it might happen sooner than that. I'm thinking that by some fluke I might be pregnant now. I'm trying not to get too hopeful though. I've thought that I was pregnant before and have been very let down (like last month).
Kalonkiki, you think you might be prego now?!? If you are, our WTT group won't have a very good track record lol! FX for you!:flower:

DH wants me to get my Mirena taken out. I am going to post about it in WTT just to see if anyone else with Mirena has any issues, but I have been having a lot of things going on. I'm just not sure if it is the Mirena or not. I have been getting headaches, I've been very moody, and I am having a lot of problems with anxiety. I have NO libido, and I have been dizzy and shaky (jittery) feeling:wacko:. DH told me today that he thinks it's the Mirena because he says everything started when I got it put in. BC pills never seem to work for me or make me sick. So I told him that we would have to use condoms. He said he would much rather use condoms than go on with me this way. I just don't know what to do:shrug:.
I'm sorry, hormonal birth control has never been very good for me either. The depo worked, but my body had a terrible reaction to it and it took me a long time to recover from the shot's effects. The pill also made me sick. Have you ever thought about getting a fertility monitor for natural family planning? I'm saving up for a Baby Comp right now. :)
I'm sorry, hormonal birth control has never been very good for me either. The depo worked, but my body had a terrible reaction to it and it took me a long time to recover from the shot's effects. The pill also made me sick. Have you ever thought about getting a fertility monitor for natural family planning? I'm saving up for a Baby Comp right now. :)

Well I'm starting to learn more about NFP, but what exactly does the fertility monitor do?
I just wish I knew for sure weather the Mirena is actually causing all of this or not.:wacko:

That should be all the info you would need to know about it. The Ovacue Fertility Monitor is also a very good choice if the Baby Comp and Lady Comp are too pricey, but it's a bit more invasive as there is a vaginal reader.
We get the keys to our new house tomorrow! :D eeeeeekkkk :) x

How exciting!! :thumbup:

Thank God it's Friday!!

I have a friend coming this morning to take some photos of F for our Christmas cards. She's just starting up her photography business and was happy to do them for me. She's very good so can't wait to see how they turn out. :)

Have a great weekend everyone!
Poppiebug, I hope your pic's turn out great! Would love to see them!

I'm working all weekend, but I'm off for thanksgiving! Have a great weekend!
Kalonkiki, DH and I were reading about the baby comp monitor and he said if I end up needing to get the Mirena removed, we might look in to getting one!
Great! It's such a cool device and well worth the money if you ask me. I haven't heard a single bad thing about it and it's the most high tech thing on the market right now. I'm considering getting one from ebay because they're still brand new and quite a bit cheaper, but the format is the metric system (why can't America use the metric system like everyone else?). RaXmedical has both the Celsius and Fahrenheit version. So basically with DF and I, the argument is "Should we spend an extra $200 to not have to do conversions or should we spend $200 less and have to do conversions?". I guess that the real question is "How difficult would it be to do the conversions?". If it wouldn't take much effort to do them, then I would definitely choose the cheaper option, however if it would be very confusing and difficult to do them then I would rather spend more money to get the Fahrenheit version.

Ooooh, please do post pics, Poppie! I bet he's going to be so cute. :3
I am so so glad its Friday. Just need to make it to 5pm. Has been such a crappy week and i'm sick of looking at numbers!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

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