****Broody and Babbling till 2014****


can i join?

I have my little boy who is 4 months and DH and i have agreed that we will WTT till he is 18 months (so this would be end of April 2014) we have several reasons for waiting..... want to find out what sort of child LO will be. right now he is a very easy baby (we have been so lucky), we feel we are enjoying it just being us three, but we also know we want to give Isaac a brother or sister.

another reason for waiting is i want to loose weight, i was plus size before i had Isaac and i gained 4 stone in pregnancy (10lbs 7 of that was Isaac!). I had an easy pregnancy but struggled at the end as i was huge and i am sure being a little lighter pre-pregnancy would have made the end of my pregnancy easier.

My labour was horrific and i am kind of traumatised by that too so i need some time to mentally get over that too.

I love LO so much and a huge part of me wonders if another baby could spoil what we have but i have brothers and sisters and so does DH and overall we both feel Isaac should have someone, but we are scared that it will change our family so much that we could regret it (i hope this is a normal(ish) fear or i am just crazy LOL)..... yet i know i want to do pregnancy and labour again one day. (must be mad!)

Dawn x
How is it going Kalonkiki?

Thanks luvmyfam. How is the pain? Cysts are no fun at all *hugs*. I would plan the wedding if I knew it was happening. I am wishful thinking it will be when my ticker says. He hasn't proposed yet but after 4 years together and buying a place together last year I am really hoping it will be some time soon this year lol. Fingers crossed.

Angiepie not long for you now. Exciting times ahead.

Welcome Dawnlouise30 :).
Welcome Dawnlouise :wave:! It is a normal fear, but as soon as you see baby # 2 you realize how silly the fear was and, again, you are in love <3! The love isn't split between your kids, it grows.

Girly, the pain is still pretty bad. Hopefully you get that ring soon so you can start the wedding planning. A girl at work had everything planned before her fiance proposed, so by the time he asked her, she had everything booked about a month later lol!
Welcome Dawnlouise! :wave: :flower:
Your little Issac is so cute. <3
I know how scary it can seem when you think about your family changing, but just remember what you're feeling now with LO #1. You'll be feeling all of those things and more when baby #2 comes along and you see them play and learn together and grow up with the strong bond that most siblings do. It will be a new experience from now, but it's also a better one in a lot of ways. :D

So it looks like you're hoping to get married sometime around July next year, Girly123? DF and I were originally going to get married in September of this year and were WTT until about June of next year. Accidents happen though (happy ones in this case of course!) and now we're hoping to get married in June of next year. I hope that you get that ring soon and that beautiful wedding. :hugs:
And I'm doing alright. I'm working on getting my medical billing and coding certificate right now. Is there anything that you're working on right now to help with broodiness about engagement and WTT?

Aww, luvmyfam. I'm sorry that you're still hurting. ): :hugs:
It would be nice to get married summer next year. Hoping he will propose by summer tho year for that to happen though. I also like the idea of a winter wedding though so if he agreed it could be winter 2014. I know winter 2013 would be too quick. But who knows. I want to look at wedding stuff and it is hard when my best friend is getting married in 8 weeks and another in TTC (already married) and another is 7.5 months pregnant.

I find when I look at stuff tho I am getting annoyed that OH hasn't proposed yet so I try to stay clear of it all as much as possible I guess.

I am finding that one day I want a baby more than anything and the next I really want to get married and then I try to just forget it all and tell myself I would be crap mum and I won't manage with children. My mind is very confused. I know I do want a baby but not being able to makes it soooo hard :-(. Anyway I am off on a rant again lol xx
Hi can I join? I have a 6 month old baby girl and we have now decided to NTNP when she hits 2, lets leave it to God after then :)
Aww, I'm sure that you'll be a great mom, honey. I know how you feel though. I would get so depressed every time that I was ovulating and every time that I was on AF. I was just starting to come to terms with WTT and getting more excited about the wedding than a baby when I got my surprise pumpkin. It's actually kind of sweet, the night that DF finally got me an engagement ring (we were already making wedding plans and were officially engaged, but we didn't have a ring yet until then) was technically the day I became, well, you know. :p
It really hit me hard with the realization of why it was so important that we were WTT, but we're making the most of the situation. We just have to change some plans around a bit, that's all.
If the two of you have been together for four years and have a house together, I'm sure he'll propose soon. You really only need 10 months tops to plan for a wedding. I'm sure he's just out trying to find the perfect ring and the perfect way to propose to you. ;)

And welcome, Sparkle2! Congrats on a 6 month old girl, I hope that you'll be able to give her a sibling as soon as you like in 2014. :wave: :flower:
I'd like to join this group also. My husband and I are waiting until Aug 2014 to start trying so that I will be due after I graduate from veterinary school in May 2015. It's a long wait, but it's what we need to do. Right now it feels like an eternity, but I am keeping busy with school so that helps. He's much better about the waiting than I am even though we both really want to have kids. It's also really nice to have other women who are waiting to talk to. I talk to him, but then he feels bad because there's nothing he can do to make it work now. We just can't afford it because we are both finishing up school. In spite of myself I find myself hoping each month that there was an accident and we're pregnant, but then I don't because there are very real reasons on why we're waiting. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you as we wait for it to be our turn :)
How are all my broody girls doing? I have been sooooo broody the last few djjsays. I just keep thinking about the future and having another baby and I can't wait! Well I can, because I have to lol.

Sorry about the ramblings. So, what are some of the things that you really think about and look forward to?

I think about getting another exciting BFP, that first ultrasound and first glance at my baby's beating heart, having another baby bump to rub, and introducing my boys to their little brother/sister.

I would love to hear what you guys all daydream about!
Hi there,
My name is Nadine, I am nearly 24, OH is nearly 28 and we have 1 year old twins Ella and Finn.
We are waiting to try for #3 end of 2014... Hope I will be patient for that long.
Hi luvmyfam. I am soooo broody as well. I won't shut up about it to OH and I think he is getting pissed off but I really can't help it. Want a baby sooooo much. Arghhh why does he insist on being married first lol.

I dream about seeing that BFP and having a baby bump to show off and be proud of. I love the idea of just seeing my baby looking at me with big eyes and seeing him/her learn every day.

I don't like the idea of little sleep but I really wouldn't care because I would be so happy to have a beautiful baby to care for.

Oooo I so can't wait lol x
Welcome Nadine :wave:!

Let's all hope we can be patient until we can be TTC buddies!
Hello :) my names josie. I've just had my beautiful daughter annabelle. Me and the oh are getting married in may next year and that day I'll come off the pill to try for a baby brother or sister for belle... So broody already :( loved my pregnancy and loved giving birth... Can't wait for round 2...
Hey Ladies,

Hope everyone has a good weekend :)
Welcome Josie :wave:!

You too Lee! What are you up to? I have to work tomorrow night (Saturday).
Wow, we have so many new members now. :D

We are having a good weekend as we found a car! Put a deposit on it and going back to pay and get it this week. It will be so good to have a car again as I can resume my driving lessons (getting my Ps is one of my goals before having a baby) and DF can drive us places and we don't have to go in MIL's car (which stinks of cigarettes) ever again. Yay! And most importantly, I had to skip the gym today as we couldn't borrow anyone's car, but I'll be able to go every day again once we get it. :)
How exciting Angie! That will be awesome for you guys!

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