I am feeling very sad about waiting right now. My birthday is in a couple of weeks and usually I look forward to a day that's all about me. But right now I just want to ignore the whole thing. I will be turning 32. I thought we would be trying by now but we're waiting so that I can be due after I graduate from graduate school. (I don't want to wait, my husband does) So roughly another 1.5 years before we start trying for our first. I feel old and sad and in no way wanting to celebrate being a year older. sorry for the pitty party, I just needed to vent. My husband wants kids, but he doesn't really understand what I'm going through on a daily basis with waiting. I try to not even bring it up any more, but he does know I've been in a bad mood lately. I feel like something is always going to get in the way of getting pregnant and that by the time we're "ready" I won't be able to. I don't want to wait anymore.