****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

Loads of new people. Hi.

Jay, I understand how difficult it must be for you. I'm sort of in the same position - I'm single and am planning on doing this alone. At least, being a woman, I have that option. I hope you find a nice woman and you are both ready to have children soon.

Sasha, that sounds like a good plan. And I think you are the baby of the thread.

Angiepie - you sound very busy. I hope your new job is going well.

I came off nights Sunday morning and really struggled to get back in to a day routine, even though I didn't sleep very long Sunday. I really struggled to get to sleep Monday night and ended up with about 2 hours and have been in uni the rest of the week. Ah well, I'm counting down til the easter holidays - two more days to go! I can't wait. I will completely forget about uni for two whole weeks (I have no exams coming up and no assignments due in for months) and get through the big long list of things I have not had time to do over the last six months.

My mum has some health issues going on at the moment, nothing serious, but she is waiting for the results of some tests. Logically and professionally, I know if there was something serious, they would have contacted her by now, but it is so frustrating that she hasn't yet had the results. The GP receptionist told me today when I found (after them having not phoned my mum back as promised) they still hadn't received them. I asked to speak to the practice manager and was put through to the reception manager. I told her that mum was expecting a phone call and she claimed that they obviously hadn't received the result, when I informed her that a phone call telling mum that would have been polite, she tried to claim that they had been too busy (two surgeries have amalgamated and my gran said there are so many receptionists, presumably from both surgeries, that they are almost falling over each other and fighting over which one answers the phone!) - I informed her that, having worked on a busy ward, I still ensured I returned patient/families' calls. I think she needs to try a 14 hour shift where she barely has time to pee before telling me she was too busy. She says she will phone my mum tomorrow. If she doesn't, or the results are not there, I will be turning up in their reception after uni and not budging until someone gets the results.
I guess being the baby won't be a bad thing, I do a lot of my own "research" but I'm sure those who are actually going through the same things I will be will be able to say things much better than an article or book :p
Caite, I hope you get some answers soon about your Mom. And I hope everything is ok!
Thank you, luvmyfam. I'm sure it will be ok. They have said that they the results will be there tomorrow. At least they had the decency to phone her back today.
Butting in but have been partially stalking the thread for a bit. Glad to hear that they finally called Caite-sorry that you had to pull it out of them =/ I am keeping your mom in my thoughts-vibes for good results!
Thank you. My mum got her results and they were fine, just as we suspected they would be. I think mum would have still be waiting if I hadn't phoned, though. She kind of lets people get away with stuff like that, whereas I can be quite authoritative (but still polite) when I want something. I think it was my last job that made me like that.

We've had a fair bit of snow over here today and it is forecast to continue all tomorrow, too. It looks pretty, and the dogs absolutely love it. But driving home tonight, after collecting my dogs, was a bit of a nightmare. Getting to the village was fine, but once I got into the village, it was a bit more difficult. I have to turn immediately after a bridge to get in to my road - I think I was doing about 5mph to get into my road - I've never taken that junction so slow!

I'm on my holidays now - two whole weeks off. I didn't manage to get in to uni today cos of the snow, so I just have to catch up on today's work, which won't take more than an hour or so I guess (I've done the work for one of the lecturers already), and then two whole weeks with absolutely nothing planned at the moment. So excited.
Glad to hear the good news! Our dogs love snow too, but I need new tires in my car so the last few snowfalls we had I've been terrified to drive in. Spring seems to be in the air over here, everything has melted much to our dismay because our backyard turns into a swamp each spring and our poor dogs have to deal with it. Fingers crossed for these few months to pass quickly!
Caite, I'm glad the results were all good for your mum. We have had a reasonable amount of snow fall in the last couple of days too! I hope you enjoy your holiday :)

In other news for me; we've made some good progress on the house today. OH has stripped the family bathroom of tiles today so all that is left in there now is the bath - we've been steadily burning the bathroom floor in the wood stove over the last week.

I've finally finished putting filler onto the living room walls/ceiling, it is such a big room that is has taken me a week to do. OH has taken down the light fittings and switched them for just regular bulbs which is more practical for painting. We're upto 19 paint swatches on the wall too which is a personal best for us! I'll be so pleased when the room is finished, the other rooms will seem super easy in comparison.

It is only a little progress but I feel like we're two steps (of many) closer :)
Glad to hear everythings ok with your Mom Caite. We are about to get some snow hear today. I REALLY hope this is our last snow.

Welcome MariposaTam :wave:!

Rachie, it sounds like you and your OH are busy! That's pretty hard work, and sometimes it just feels like it takes forever to get done!
Hi there! New girl to this thread. I am WTT with my boyfriend until at least November/December 2014... So I might as well hang out in this thread for a while :) I'm 21, my boyfriend is still at 20... which is why we're waiting till at least late 2014 to sort things out, live together for a while, for me to gain independence (I have a mood disorder and last time it hit bad I became very timid and low) again and so on. SO yeah hi ladies! <3
Anyone wtt for their second and want to pair up? I'm waiting til may x
I'm joining you guys we were originally 2015 dec 2016 or later but now we r getting married next may and ttc dec 2014 onwRds till April 2015
Welcome! And congratulations on your engagement! :flower: Did you start planning the wedding yet?

I'm counting the hours until the weekend begins. *yaws* I'm a terrible employee today :blush:
How is everyone? We had a great Easter, and the boys had so much fun hunting Easter eggs and seeing their cousins. My twin sis announced she is preggo with her baby # 2. Mixed emotions... but I'm very happy for her. When she was pregnant with her first I was kind of the one to tell her... I had a dream she was preggo and she took a test and BFP. This time I didn't even have a feeling until minutes before she told me.
Congrats on your sister's pregnancy luvmyfam

We've have been making a little more progress with the house this week. We've had a bereavement which made my OH say yesterday that he really thinks we need to have children much sooner rather than later, I was quite shocked that he said this and I asked if he meant sooner than next year. He hasn't thought it through that far because of everything that is going on but I feel like I don't have a date again, even if it the new date will be closer I don't like uncertainty lol!
I'm really hoping 2014 will be our year, I may have said but I'll be asking OH when we're on holiday in January when he wants to start a family. I have never asked him outright when he wants to start trying or anything. And by January we'll be financially stable, and we may even have moved by then (I'm hoping so) in to a two bed. So the only thing stopping us will be whether OH is ready or not.

All I will do, is just ask if I can have a rough idea, or even a proper date when he wants to start, or for me to at least come off my pill. I'm gonna save up and make sure that our January holiday is bloody brilliant and we can do lots of fun stuff so he's in a really good mood lol.

Hope everyone had a great Easter :)

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