Don't remind me about weight. I finally got batteries for my bathroom scales that went flat a month ago and I've put on 5lb! And that's with running 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes! Jesus. I have just been eating too much. Ah well.
Glad everyone is getting checked out!! I'm sure y'all are healthy! Start those prenatal vitamins
Su_grad, thank you. It's been a tough journey already but we're ready for positivity. I think we're meant to just enjoy our family the way it is right now
May I ask why you live 15 hours away from hubby?? Military or school?? You're a brave woman! I hate my DH's 24 hour shifts 30 minutes from home!!
I just scheduled an appointment in January with my ob! Hoping to discuss pre TTC #3 for next fall!!