I think I will be leaving this topic for a short while as my OH as recent money worries that he thought he would settle but big things have come up so ttc for May 2014 is up in the air at the moment. I don't think we will be starting to ttc in May at all now.
So we are undecided when we will start ttc yet again. I wasn't happy about this choice but it seems OH is getting to the end of his last tether. He seems miserable about everything and he says that he feels a bit rushed with me wanting to do everything all at once. And that the current state now with money and debt issues as not turned out as we wanted it to so its set us back again. He told me he were happy about it but today he as said maybe we should put the ttc dates back other 12 months to see if he can get his finances in order first, maybe he were scared to tell me he were unhappy about it because he knows how much I want to have a baby and he saw me excited. I don't know I kind of knew because he is In debt and I could tell by his face. He says that a baby needs a lot of time and commitment and attention. We also need a lot of savings which we not going to get this winter again... so he say we need to be able to provide for a baby. And with me being stressed and him being stressed it may come between us with arguing and worries and this not fair on a child. Which I can see where he is coming from. He also said he were just seeking happiness in a relationship and he feels he's not getting it.. maybe im to pushy I hate to think I am because im a kind and caring girl.. I just wanted to be a good mum and have a chance to ttc is this wrong? But I can help my instinct of being broody... and it doesn't help when things aren't the same with fertility and ttc with my PCOS I suppose I get more broody and upset.. I were devastated when diagnosed all I ever wanted in my future life was children more than anything.. (Children marriage and my own home) Are these things not just normal things for me to want...?? OH doesn't seem to understand much when I get down and I see others around me having things I want.. and its not like there impossible things to want they just the normal things in life. He gets upset and tends to argue with me if I am getting on to him about what others have and how im down because I want them. He say's I shouldn't be looking at what others are doing I should be looking at my own life, our life and where we are at in our relationship, not others relationship, after all we will do things in our relationship when we are both ready, and our relationship happiness should be my focus. He say's he wants a baby with me its just he want's it be right, where he can be involved and help as much as he can, provide for the baby and have plenty of money/savings to, and have a home of our own set up and running, so its clean and tidy, and also me learning to drive and getting on the road would be helpful he says. He also said once we set up we can go full steam ahead with ttc then, and there be no stopping us.... But im still upset by this outcome.. is this normal?
I always look and get broody and wonder when its going to be my turn to ttc and be a mum... but obviously ttc wont be 2014 either another year in a row and to wait..
I want to thank you all for your kind words and support for the short stay I have had in this topic its been most helpful
Sorry to baffle on ladies I just thought I would update you and tell you the reasons why.