****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

Caite - that is so exciting! It must be scary finally making the decision and preparing! Hopefully you find exactly what you are looking for. 😃
I would go for the fun experience of being in Denmark! I enjoyed Copenhagen and Aarhus when I was there. A clinic in Copenhagen sounds like a good compromise.
As silly as it sounds, I never even thought of exploring the actually city! I guess I'll have some time whilst I'm there to do that.

Doing an early shift today. Up before my alarm, so just waiting for that to go off now.
Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, I had horrible vertigo (the room spinning like a tilt-a-whirl) starting the day before new years eve. I was finally feeling better yesterday.

Anyways, I'm so excited it's 2014! I've started taking vitex and folic acid regularly now.
Caite, will anyone be going with you? And are you allowed to buy sperms to take home with you in case first round isn't successful?
^ I just wanted to ask the same questions :) I've never been to Copenhagen, but I've heard it's a great city, so hopefully you have some time to explore en enjoy it as well, After all, they do say you have a better chance of conceiving when you're relaxed and happy? ;)
Caite, will anyone be going with you? And are you allowed to buy sperms to take home with you in case first round isn't successful?

I'll be going on my own. When it's delivered, it is done in strict conditions in either a nitrogen tank or something else (ice of some sort?) so I wouldn't be able to bring it home for the next cycle as it wouldn't keep. So I'll be going there each cycle. I think if I have an initial consultation with the them, they may recommend assisted reproduction which might make things a little more predictable. I think when I finish uni I will book an appointment with them to discuss everything.

I hope youre feeling better now luvmyfam
I'm back to my normal self thanks to an ENT doctor! Thanks!

Hopefully your first round works perfectly Caite!
Thank you, luvmyfam. It'll probably be a bit of a faff with working shifts and everything, but I really want to be a mum and am prepared to put up with the faff - hopefully wherever I get a job, I can work long days, that way I will only have to work 3 days a week, have full time hours, and it will be a little easier to plan it all around shifts

Eline, I only just noticed you posted too - wasn't being rude ignoring you! I've never been to Copenhagen, never been to Denmark, even, so hopefully I will get a chance to explore the place. I love exploring foreign cities - even when I was a teenager, my mum and sister would go off to the beach, and I would go off exploring on my own. The only thing I am a bit nervous about is that I speak absolutely no Danish, so I hope the people at the clinic speak a decent level of English. Either that, or before TTC, I need to be able to speak a basic level of Danish! I suppose that would be another way of putting off assignment writing for uni!
A friend of mine worked in Copenhagen for a year and she never learnt a word Danish, so I don't think you'll have any problems expressing yourself in English ;) To be sure, you might always ask the clinic once you've chosen one, but my guess is that they probably have foreign clients who speak English all the time. :)
I figured they would, Eline, as most places do seem to speak English. But I feel quite rude assuming somewhere will speak English. Although, I believe that it is fairly common (well, not quite common, but you know what I mean) for British women to travel abroad for anonymous donated sperm, so it is a market they are going to cater for. Anyway, the ability to communicate with me in English, is going to be one of the selection criteria used.

I was reading the BBC news website earlier, and they said the Niagara Falls had partially frozen over! I hope it warms up for you guys over in America soon! My nan's convinced we're going to get the really cold weather next! At least the rain seems to have stopped for now and the flooding in the nearby fields has really gone down - I can actually see grass in the fields today, which I haven't seen for I don't know how long!
Caite, does anyone in rl know you are planning to use donor sperm? Just wondering whether someone would go with you? just to be on the safe side? :hugs:
God I have awful cramps today. Waaaaaaah. That's all, just wanted to sook.
Wednesday night I had a dream where I was pregnant and was wondering to do a pregnancy test.It felt soooo real.Also, a few years ago I had a dream where I was pregnant with twins. :haha:
Ok. so I am going to vent here for just a second. So, i will apologize in advance. Usually I would talk to my best friend, but she is potentially divorcing her husband, so I don't want to complain to her about mine. But my DH and I just had an argument about my career path. I went to veterinary school for a very specific reason which he was fully on board with when we decided I would go. There is a specific specialty I want to go into and I want to own my own practice. It's why he encouraged me to go to vet school and why I ultimately went. We made that decision together, So now that I'm a little over a year from graduating I am starting to do some career planning and that came up tonight. My plan for what I want to do never changed. But now he told me that he doesn't see us ever being in a position for me to start my own specialty practice. And, he wants me to work part time as a general practitioner. He only wants me to work part time so I can stay at home and take care of our kids and he wants me to put my career on hold. And I like general practice, but I LOVE my specialty. Now, we have always planned to have kids it's not like us planning a family is a new thing. But if I was going to work part time, and not in the area I went to school to specialize in, then why I am I torturing myself with 4 additional years of professional school, $200,000 in additional debt, and us living 16 hours apart for the last two years of school??? If he just wanted me to get a part time job doing anything we really could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble by me not going back to school. Sorry for the totally random vent. I fully support being a stay at home mom or part time or whatever any woman wants to do. I'm not really upset at that. I am really upset though that we have made huge sacrifices and he told me to keep going when I wanted to quit, and we have both made so many painful sacrifices that we really didn't know we would have to make. And now he's acting like he doesn't want me to work other than to make enough to pay off the ton of student loans we now have. And the fact that he's deciding my career path for me. Seriously, what are we going through all this for??? Grrrrr... men.
Men!! Me personally I would stick to my guns, especially when you have only just over a year left. Looking after the kids at home is great don't get me wrong but I never had a real burning desire for a career. I was an accountant and had obviously spent a lot of years studying but I didn't really want to be an accountant so it wasn't a tough decision for me. Now and again I think what if, how far would I have gone but then I think actually I'm just really happy and lucky to be able to be at home with them. However If I had been doing something I really enjoyed then it would have been a different matter. Hope that helps some what :hugs:
30mummyof1, no, no-one knows about it IRL. My family are quite old fashioned, and they are against anything which isn't natural. And, when my nan found out my best friend was pregnant, she said 'ahh, poor girl, because she's not married, even though she is with her boyfriend/the baby's father. So I don't want my family to know about how I plan to get pregnant. Once I am pregnant, they will probably be a little surprised, but they will be pleased. My mum would love me to have a baby, she has been asking me to have a baby since I was about 19. Nan would love to have a great-grandchild whom she could see regularly.

Melly, hope you're feeling better today.

Su - it's your life and career, it is not up to your OH to chose what you do with it. If he is that eager for one of you to just have a part time job/career which covers the student loans, why doesn't he do it?
Su - ugh men can be so selfish sometimes!! I agree with he other ladies stand your ground. This is obviously your passion and dream and you are so close to achieving it! :hugs:
I definitely agree to finish your degree, you're only a year about and you've already invested so much.

It might be tough to own your own practice in practical terms, but can you work your way towards it by working in your specialty somewhere else while you save up? And your husband doesn't decide for you whether you're part time, especially if that's not something you've ever discussed before. You decide together what works best for your family, and he can have his opinion, but it's your career and your life and your self-satisfaction and happiness. He can't think that you would be happy and satisfied in a part-time general job if you want a full-time specialist job, that just doesn't make sense. Best of luck with it. Just be level-headed and logical in your discussions, refer to your previous discussions/agreements, list out the reasons why you still want what you always wanted and why you think that the two of you as a family can navigate the things he is worried about together.
Thank you all so much for the feed back. I really appreciate the support. We talked again today and worked it out. We really were miss communicating but we are now on the same page, and he is being his wonderful supportive self. I think he's just having a hard time right now because we were able to spend a month together and then I had to leave again. He was saying I can't jump to my dream job right after graduation (and he's right about that, even if I wanted to, I have to work for a year before I can start a residency) but definitely we will have a plan for me to transition to the specialty I want full time. And he said the only reason he was saying I should work full time was because he thought I wanted to when we have a baby. So, we talked it out and everything is happy again :) Thanks everyone!

Is anyone else losing weight before we start ttc this year? I've been struggling with that a lot, but I am down 1.2 lbs this week :) Hoping I can keep it up!

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