****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

Glad all is well again, well done good start with the weight loss.
i am for my wedding, not for ttc. Have lost 3 1/2 lb this week so want to loose another 12 i think. Started exercising too. :)
Is it normal for your sense of smell to enhance when you're fertile?
I am trying to lose about 20 to 30 lbs before TTC. I really need to get serious about losing the weight bc TTC will be here before I know it!

Went to my friends baby shower today, definitely gave me a touch of baby fever!
Glad all is well again, well done good start with the weight loss.
i am for my wedding, not for ttc. Have lost 3 1/2 lb this week so want to loose another 12 i think. Started exercising too. :)

Yay! Good job. I started walking my dogs this week. But since that is a new thing for them and one of them is scared of everything that pretty much involved just going in and out the front door. But yesterday we actually made it down to the street and walked around in front of the house for a bit. :happydance: My goal is to run a 5k with them this year. Just around the neighborhood, not really in a race or anything. It is a lofty goal for all 3 of us.
I am trying to lose about 20 to 30 lbs before TTC. I really need to get serious about losing the weight bc TTC will be here before I know it!

Went to my friends baby shower today, definitely gave me a touch of baby fever!

Baby showers get me every time!
I went to one tonight. It was heavenly to hold a newborn again! He was also born at 36 weeks like my little guy. So little!
The mom said " you can get your baby fix" I said nah it'll just make me worse! Lol. But I feel happy tonight. Clucky yes. Of course! But loved that newborn snuggle. Mmmmmm
Ok. so I am going to vent here for just a second. So, i will apologize in advance. Usually I would talk to my best friend, but she is potentially divorcing her husband, so I don't want to complain to her about mine. But my DH and I just had an argument about my career path. I went to veterinary school for a very specific reason which he was fully on board with when we decided I would go. There is a specific specialty I want to go into and I want to own my own practice. It's why he encouraged me to go to vet school and why I ultimately went. We made that decision together, So now that I'm a little over a year from graduating I am starting to do some career planning and that came up tonight. My plan for what I want to do never changed. But now he told me that he doesn't see us ever being in a position for me to start my own specialty practice. And, he wants me to work part time as a general practitioner. He only wants me to work part time so I can stay at home and take care of our kids and he wants me to put my career on hold. And I like general practice, but I LOVE my specialty. Now, we have always planned to have kids it's not like us planning a family is a new thing. But if I was going to work part time, and not in the area I went to school to specialize in, then why I am I torturing myself with 4 additional years of professional school, $200,000 in additional debt, and us living 16 hours apart for the last two years of school??? If he just wanted me to get a part time job doing anything we really could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble by me not going back to school. Sorry for the totally random vent. I fully support being a stay at home mom or part time or whatever any woman wants to do. I'm not really upset at that. I am really upset though that we have made huge sacrifices and he told me to keep going when I wanted to quit, and we have both made so many painful sacrifices that we really didn't know we would have to make. And now he's acting like he doesn't want me to work other than to make enough to pay off the ton of student loans we now have. And the fact that he's deciding my career path for me. Seriously, what are we going through all this for??? Grrrrr... men.

Wow SU, that would be SO frustrating! I kind of understand where he is coming from, thinking of your future family needs, but to bring it up like that after you both have sacrificed so much! I see you two worked out the miscommunication issues :hugs:.
Su - one of my dogs is scared of everything. I live in the country, well, on the edge of a village, and I would love to just take them for walks for miles - it is absolutely lovely by me, right by a river, loads of fields and country lanes, but the one is terrified of everything, and as a consequence, he barks at everything, though he is slowly - very slowly - getting better.
I knew there was something else I was going to add, too. I went in to Holland and Barrett today to get some more Angus Castus, I had almost run out as I started taking them months ago, then got out of the habit. Anyway, they were mega cheap, £1.99 for 100 capsules, and the girl behind the till said they were selling them off to get rid of the stock as they were becoming licenced - I guess she meant prescription only meds or available from pharmacies - had anyone heard that?
Ahh that's good to know, i will get down there as will need some more
I'm very proud of myself. I have just taken the last pregnacare in the strip I started new year's day. That means that, for 15 days, I have remembered to take every single dose of pregnacare and agnus castus. That is a big achievement for me! Just wanted to share that.
Good for you Caite! I can't really say that for myself. I have been better thought. Just miss a dose here and there.
Hey all! I know I've not been very active but I've been reading.

I've lost about 40 lbs (I haven't updated my ticker in a while) and I feel a lot healthier and happier with myself although I technically have a few more pounds to go. I've begun vitex(about 2 weeks ago), fish oil, and a prenatal with folic acid. My cycle is still out of whack due to recent birth control use but I'm hoping , now that I'm off of the pill, that I can resume some regular cycles before beginning to ttc. DH and I talked about it the other day and we decided that as long as we have the car paid off we will begin in July/August. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. My opks/hpts arrived in the mail yesterday and made it all feel very real. I'm still unsure if I will be able to temp regularly as my LO is not the most consistent sleeper but I hope to begin temping soon.

It's so exciting! I hope everyone is doing well!
ImSoTired- That is awesome that you have lost 40lbs!! How did you do it??? I have started to temp again just to see who my cycles are going and when I am actually ovulating. Its crazy to think that we will be TTCing #2 soon! EEEEK. Did you get the Wondfo OPK's & HPT's?
Hey all! I know I've not been very active but I've been reading.

I've lost about 40 lbs (I haven't updated my ticker in a while) and I feel a lot healthier and happier with myself although I technically have a few more pounds to go. I've begun vitex(about 2 weeks ago), fish oil, and a prenatal with folic acid. My cycle is still out of whack due to recent birth control use but I'm hoping , now that I'm off of the pill, that I can resume some regular cycles before beginning to ttc. DH and I talked about it the other day and we decided that as long as we have the car paid off we will begin in July/August. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. My opks/hpts arrived in the mail yesterday and made it all feel very real. I'm still unsure if I will be able to temp regularly as my LO is not the most consistent sleeper but I hope to begin temping soon.

It's so exciting! I hope everyone is doing well!

AWESOME :thumbup:! I have started working out and eating better ( I was stuck on eating sweets :blush:)). But I would like to lose around 30 pounds in the next 3-4 months. What all did you do Imsotired?

My DH was looking over my shoulder the other day while I was on BnB and he saw my TTC ticker. He just smiled and gave me a hug. I was like " what was that for?" and he said "I'm getting excited":happydance:. There have been instances from time to time where I question myself like "Do I REALLY want to go through another pregnacy?, Do I REALLY want a 3rd baby?". Well that reaction from my DH made me feel more sure about TTC # 3. I've always just had that deep down feeling like we still have someone in our family thats missing, but that just made my day<3.
Hey all! I know I've not been very active but I've been reading.

I've lost about 40 lbs (I haven't updated my ticker in a while) and I feel a lot healthier and happier with myself although I technically have a few more pounds to go. I've begun vitex(about 2 weeks ago), fish oil, and a prenatal with folic acid. My cycle is still out of whack due to recent birth control use but I'm hoping , now that I'm off of the pill, that I can resume some regular cycles before beginning to ttc. DH and I talked about it the other day and we decided that as long as we have the car paid off we will begin in July/August. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. My opks/hpts arrived in the mail yesterday and made it all feel very real. I'm still unsure if I will be able to temp regularly as my LO is not the most consistent sleeper but I hope to begin temping soon.

It's so exciting! I hope everyone is doing well!

AWESOME :thumbup:! I have started working out and eating better ( I was stuck on eating sweets :blush:)). But I would like to lose around 30 pounds in the next 3-4 months. What all did you do Imsotired?

My DH was looking over my shoulder the other day while I was on BnB and he saw my TTC ticker. He just smiled and gave me a hug. I was like " what was that for?" and he said "I'm getting excited":happydance:. There have been instances from time to time where I question myself like "Do I REALLY want to go through another pregnacy?, Do I REALLY want a 3rd baby?". Well that reaction from my DH made me feel more sure about TTC # 3. I've always just had that deep down feeling like we still have someone in our family thats missing, but that just made my day<3.

I have the same doubts somedays! and i'd like 4 or 5 kids! :haha: I think it would be so much easier to settle with 2 but you like you say you don't feel complete yet...:)

On another note going to start the angus castus earlier than I planned, so from next cycle 1. because I got some cheap from Holland & barrett! and 2. still not ovulated this month and its cd26! My cycles were starting to regulate but not this month for whatever reason :growlmad:
I was working out regularly (cardio- elliptical, treadmill) but it's been about a month since I've worked out as I've been busy and stressed out. I could still stand to lose 20 or so lbs but I'm in a much healthier range now. Chasing a one year old is probably helping a little too. I use MFP to track my calories and I'm careful not to eat too much. I still eat junk sometimes, well maybe often:blush:, but not as much of it. It takes a lot of planning and will power but it isn't hard once you get used to it.

Yes I ordered wondfos and they arrived the other day. It's what I did last time we were TTC as well. I use them sparingly and only when I think I'm about to ovulate. So I'll be doing the same again. I can't wait to get my cycles back to normal, it's so frustrating not knowing when you O or when AF will show up. I hope it doesn't take long!

luvmyfam that is so sweet about your DH. I think mine is a little excited also but he seems a little worried as well. He was last time too, so I fully expect that from him. I'm pretty sure that we will be stopping at 2 but I know the feeling of missing something in the family and that's why I'm excited for number 2.

Roll on July! I hope everyone is well!
Has anyone else besides me bought baby related items already? Yesterday at Wal-Mart I bought diapers,socks and a few onesies. :blush:
40lb, that is amazing! Well done.

Tverb - I haven't bought any baby items and don't plan on doing so until I'm pregnant. But, my best friend is pregnant and will be having her first scan soon and she's promised me we can go baby shopping - which means I can look at lots of exciting baby things.

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