My cycles are always screwy after coming off of the pill. I completely skipped having AF in December and only had some weird on and off spotting, no real bleed. So this was my longest cycle ever at 77 days long. My record was 74 but I've now beaten that. I'm hoping to get my perfect 28 day cycles back by the time we start ttc. I know I don't have much time and the perfect 28's aren't a sure thing. I'll settle for more predictable, low 30's, lol. I should add that I've also been taking EPO along with my vitex, fish oil, and prenatal. I'll likely stop after any suspected ovulation.
I still don't think I'll be able to successfully chart because I've been waking up at all hours of the night. Maybe that'll change and I'll be able to temp again. I hope so anyway. I liked seeing the temp rise so I knew for sure I ovulated because more than once I had positive opks and then failed to ovulate. Come on body, do what you are supposed to do!