bsb327 and Iwant2beamum's cycle buddy thread

I'm so sorry that you two aren't getting on, Its great to have family support though! Is it the same type of thing thats been going on?? Sorry, I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
As for the iphone I don't have the whatapp...what's that? I think I do have every free pregnancy app you could download though HAH! I'm gett'n a little nuts with this preggo thing! Yes!!! So I have my first scan tomorrow morning which is great...a little nervous - I don't want to walk in there and have the same thing happen again...but now I can say that I'm prepared both mentally/physically - unlike last time! So all in all its all very exciting.
I was thinking too, remember when your doc said you could be due on the 6th...well I was looking back at when I got my +OPK and according to that - I wouldn't be due until the 6th either!? well I guess I'll find out for certain tomorrow! Time flies!!! Imagine we met cd12/13 or at least that was my first posting!! Anyways girlie...I gotta go clean up this pig-pen of a house I call home right now.....I'll update you when I get back tomorrow...:hug::hug::hug:
the only reason i dont wana talk about it on here cause me and him share a computer and im not home and my babyandbump account signs straight in. i wouldnt want him to come across my messages to u saying stuff bout him :S

whatsapp is amazing, search for it on the app store. Over here in the UK it cost 59p and basically u can speak, send picture messages, audio and even video for free using wifi or internet connection. All u need is the persons number and u both having whatsapp and u can speak for free. Thought it wud be good to chat on and send bump pictures (and eventually baby pictures!) etc easier and cheaper with u being in the US and me being in the UK. download it and then u just have to send me ur number and country code and then we can speak for free. altho u might not wana give me ur number actually haha. well if ya wana do it, let me know. Im just trying to find way to avoid babyandbump and all the horror stories!

in terms of tomorrow u think positive girl. I got a good feeling! (altho i completely understand u preparing urself and i think that is wise and sensible!) im sure its going to be all good! how many hours are there between us. its 21.14 (approx) for me now. i wana know what time ull be having ur scan over here, if that makes any sense. I got everything crossed for u, ur OH and ur little bean. Im sure its fighting fit and growing amazingly and snuggled up tight for a long stay!

I can not believe we are 6 weeks tomorrow. feels like 5 mins since we were 4 weeks! its crazy we started talking on cd 12, weve been talking for 23 days! (nearly every day - feels like ive known u months - its well weird!) I cant wait to be 13 weeks and tell the world and start buying maternity clothes!

are u going to buy a fetal doppler? I was thinking about it! best time to use them is after 9/12 weeks.

:hugs: :hug: :hugs:

good luck for tomorrow (i know you wont need it) but im thinking of u!!!! keep me posted!!!!!!!!!!!

So everything went accordingly this morning. There is both a gestational sac and a beautiful yolk sac. According to the u/s...I'm measuring 5weeks and 2/3days, which would be right going by when I got my +OPK which was around the 14th or 15th of August. They've booked me in for another scan next Wednesday (I should be 6w2d) and hopefully we'll see the hb then!
They say everything looks right on track, except there is this large hematoma outside the gestational sac. The doc said this is very normal during early preg - it could be left over implantation blood or just the fact that the area is highly vascular which is normal for this kind of thing to happen. We'll see next week if that gets smaller. Oh - doc also said that going by my bloodwork and urine testing that I'm very, very dehydrated (which I'm not suprised cause I never drink anything at all.) So she said its really important that I force fluids. So make sure you're taking in enough fluids!!!
Anyway...I hope all is well with you this morning. I've gotta run, I've got class tonight and I still have to do some reading and the laundry before I go! Lemme know what you think of the pic??
first us.jpg
I really don't understand ultrasound pictures! I wish I did!!!It's amazing to see tho!I'm glad it's all good news! Congrats! And u get one next week to! Hearing the hb should really put ur mind at rest. Let's think positive!!! Oh I drink loads! I'm like a fish! Altho I haven't as much since getting pregnant cause I'm sick of going to the toilet! Not much to report on my front really! Just another day bobbing along. Got all my paperwork thru from the hospital. I've decided to opt out of the down syndrome screening. I don't want it. If my baby has downs it has downs! I will love it no matter what! Makes no difference to me. U going to do the screening? Do they offer it where u are? X
Hey how are you today (and these past few days!)? Ahhhhhhh....Finally off with no plans! It's almost a bad thing though when I don't have a set schedule cause I'm kind of all about being on the computer reading up on pregnancy and levels and all that stuff! I hate it.
The reason I took my tickers off was b/c I'm all messed up with the dates, I think after Wednesdays scan I'll be able to know for sure my due date. I guess it's still fun to have some up though. I did notice you took the one of you and your OH down. Are you guys ok?
On a brighter note...I was thinking, have you thought of any fun ways to announce your pregnancy to friends and family? you think you'll do it on fb? I'm still not sure, I mean I'll def tell my parents and sister personally first. Maybe I'll just post my 12 week scan as my profile pic...OR maybe I'll just wait until my belly gets big enough for people to figure out on their own - although I don't think I could keep it in and not say anything for that long. haha.
I hope you're doin ok girlie...I'm always here if you wanna vent/chat...and you can FB anytime!!:hug:
Hey how r u? me and OH are a million times better. Talked yesterday and i feel loads better. I'm feeling really sick today tho! Eurgh. I was sick last night! Have u been sick yet?I told my friends and family already. None of them was that exciting. Except one friend I wrote 'ready in 8months' on my belly! That's about it. I wana see a few peoples faces so I'll tell em then bang it on Facebook. Oh i booked an early private scan for the 23th September! Can't wait. It's 9/11 today Isnt it. How sad! :( x
Yeah, I can't go anywhere near the tv today. I grew up in NYC and remember that morning like it was yesterday.
Wow, so you've really told people huh? I almost told my mother yesterday but didn't. I'm actually glad. Tbh, I really haven't had any really bad bouts of nausea. Occasionally I'll be a bit queasy but thats about it. One thing I do have which I never get is pimples/acne!! Uhhh.. And they're HUGE!!! Not very cute if u ask me. Lately my extreme exhaustion has subsided Which worries me a bit. I need to keep thinking positive! So why were Ur friends not excited for you?
Hey love. I'm so sorry about today. I can't even imagine what u went thru. :hug:

Hey don't panic about the tiredness subsiding. It did for me for a bit then it's come raging back. Symptoms come and go and u never know what u will experience With each pregnancy. Just stay positive for ur bean!

Oh when I said not exciting I meant to say the way I told them wasn't that exciting! They were all mega excited! over the moon cause they know how much it means to me. I've told a fair few people but I can't keep my mouth shut. I've not told everyone. I'll try to keep my mouth shut but it's so hard!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I can't believe how fast time is going actually. It's seems to have speeded up.

When's ur next scan again? That should put your mind at rest? :hug:

It will be so amazing when we are both in 2nd tri and we will only have 6 months to meet our little beauties and we can buy stuff and get bumps!!!! It will happen! Believe! Let's be positive. I'm starting to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. Especially as I have a scan in less than 2 weeks. It helps!!!! Xxx
I'm super duper psyched that you're having a scan in 2 weeks! Make sure to get a pic cause I almost forgot to ask for one. My next one is on Wednesday @ 830a!!! That'll be the one where we hear the HB if all goes well!!! YAY!!! I'm super excited about this pregnancy, I can't wait....I think to myself " wait a minute, you're really gonna be a mom" and then I freak out a little, like me, really, a mom???! hahaha but then I snap back and think no one knows what the hell they're doin with their first.
Well I must have spoken too soon when I wrote that last post cuz I've got one eye open as I type this and its only 6 in the evening! So yeah, the symptoms really do come and go in waves....I almost puked twice today too. Thank god I didn't cause ever since I was little I have this weird thing whenever I vomit, I faint and usually end up hitting my head on the hard bathroom floor!! AGHHHH can you imagine! Strange I know and doctors have no idea as to why it happens! haha.
I think I'm gonna go lie down on the couch and watch a movie...aka nap! ;o):sleep:
Haha I napped today! Think I had like 3/4 hours!!! I am exactly the same as u when I think 'whoa I'm gonna be a mum!!!, me, with an infant, all by myself, someone to look after, forever!' it's insane!

That puking thing is well weird. U shud puke into a bowl on ur bed so when u pass out it's on a soft surface! A washing up bowl or something. That is well worrying!!!!

Oh I can't wait for Wednesday for u! Yay! U best Post a new pic even tho they confuse me! U working alot this week? Or will u get chance to rest? X
The situation with OH has hit an all time low. It all kicked off last night but I haven't Even got the energy to explain why and what happen. Currently home now but only cause of weather warnings I can't drive to my mums. I'm going to stay with her for a week maybe longer and get myself on the housing list over near my family to see if the council will have a place. it is getting increasingly difficult to talk with him and I'm worried about the stress I'm putting on my bean. Maybe this can be resolved but it's come so far I think we need professional help. I'm really worried and I'm walking round in a daze. I don't want my baby to have a broken family even before it's life has begun. Its terrible. Tbh I'm a mess, my life is a mess right now. I'm coping but it's really really tough. I dunno what's gonna happen
U ok love?
It's horrible to read that you're in this situation right now! I don't understand, I thought you guys were doing much better??! So the time that you have spent at your mom's...did that help at all in terms of him realizing ..." I effed up" and " I wanna make it right." I mean obviously not going by your last post.
Have you talked about the future and HIS future child and what he wants to do about it?!! OMG...I don't really know whats going on but it sounds as if he doesn't really get it!
So what are your plans for now? I think either way you need to embrace this blessing of a baby and enjoy every minute of everyday...with or without him! THis is exciting stuff!! You have so much to look forward to.....SEPT 23rd!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!! It needs to get here like NOW!
Can I just tell you its FREEZING here right now, all of a sudden last night the temperature just flipped, went from hot and humid to dry and freezing - in the 40's! We're gonna be traipsing around in the snow with our big bellies! Then once we have our little one's it'll be just in time for fun in the sun!!! YAAY!! They'll be Taurus babies...I don't follow astrology much but just looked this up the other day!
Let me know how you're doing!!! ttys! xx
Well I won't go into too much detail coz im on my iPhone and I'm really tired. Been hunting for jobs for a few hours and doing some online applications. Shattered! Anyway me n OH had a few days off and came bk in talked and all has been resolved. It's lack of effective communication that screws us up. Hopefully we won't have to go thru sumat that bad again for a while! I'm feeling positive now! Fingers crossed. Anyways I'll write and ask u more stuff tomorrow! I'm a bit too tired for a long message. Hope ur all good love! Saw u seen ur beans heartbeat! Amazing!!!!!!! X
Hey Lady!

You must be soooooo excited! I'm excited for you!! Will you post your pic as soon as you get back?? I'll be working a 12 tomorrow but I'll be checking in every so often to see it!
Other than the scan how is everything else? I've been having some serious issues with nausea and I eat like I'm about to go and hibernate for the winter! Jesus! haha!
I can't sleep. I'm so nervous and excited! I'm peeing loads as well! My bloating is major too. I look really pregnant already! God I pray that everything is ok! I just wana hear that heartbeat so badly! It's unreal! Yeah I'll try n post a pic!!! I think I'll have to take a picture of it with my phone! Oh and I'm eatings tons an all. Hard boiled eggs covered in ketchup are a fav at the mo. And I now love mustard. Never even had the stuff before I was pregnant. Me n Oh are ok. Ticking over. I'm less tired than I was. How bout u? Did u see my Facebook message? X
speaking of looking too, my jeans are uncomfortable to button. In fact if I do button them it really hurts! I'm gonna see if maybe there are some cute looking maternity jeans in Old Navy today...someone told me they have some cute stuff at a reasonable price. Any plans yourself for today?
I'm still waiting on that pic!!!!!
U can see the heartbeat on one of em but i gasped and ruined the rest of it! i couldnt help it!!!!!! i was amazed!!!!


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